Exporting Selection Of Pages From Workbook?

Mar 11, 2014

I am exporting a selection of pages from a workbook. The selection is determined by the following


The value in B47 will either be a 0,1,2

2 - selects minimum range, plus two additional sheets
1 - selects minimum range, plus one additional sheet
0 - selects minimum range only.

the code is:

[Code] .....

after which point a pdf is generated.

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Print Sorted Parts Of Selection On Separate Pages

Mar 28, 2013

I have a macro that copies my selected area on one workseet, for example B2:M120 on Sheet 1, over to A10 on sheet 2, then prints sheet 2 and then clears the data that was just added leaving sheet 2 as a "clean" template for next use.

Is it possible to add code to the print macro that would look at column G of my selected area and print all rows that had say "cat" in column G on one sheet, all rows with "dog" on another set of sheet 2's, and repeats until all rows of my original selection have been printed?

I thought maybe paste the whole selection then filter, hide unwanted rows, print, repeat but I can't figure out how to repeat and alternate what rows are hidden.

I'm open to any way of doing this, we currently do it by repeating the "select area" but as my real life use replaces "cat" and "dog" with a 9 digit number we are having issues with some rows getting skipped while others get doubled up.

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Exporting From A Workbook

Jun 29, 2009

I was wondering if there is a way to export specific data from the workbook into a text document. I would want it to extract each worksheet name, and the contents of 2 specific cells.

So the text document would look something like this:

Sheet1name ContentsofCellM1 ContentsofCellN1
Sheet2name ContentsofCellM1 ContentsofCellN1
Sheet3name ContentsofCellM1 ContentsofCellN1
Sheet4name ContentsofCellM1 ContentsofCellN1

And so on for each worksheet.

Or if a text document can't be done, just create a new worksheet with the above extraction.

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Exporting Details From Another Workbook

Sep 27, 2012

I have 2 workbook named jhay and the other one is peng. In a jhay workbook in cell a1 there is a formula of sum(a2:a10).

In a workbook peng in cell a1. I want to copy the value (not a formula) of cell a1 in workbook jhay using command button.

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Exporting Multiple Sheets To Another Workbook

Feb 12, 2010

I expect this may have been done before, I have a workbook with 6 sheets. Each sheet lists a register, each register has between say 12 & 25 column, 1 column in each sheet denotes a "y" for exporting to another spreadsheet (not the same column in each sheet though)

what I would like is some code that will open a new workbook, and copy each of the sheets (all the fields/columns etc) into the new book, but only the lines that have the "y" next to them.

I have codes that export one sheet , but its not really relevant to what i need to do.

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Exporting Data From Multiple Workbooks To One Workbook

Nov 10, 2009

I do environmental testing for multiple hospitals and surgery centers. I've created a master workbook in excel 2007 that includes about 7 sheets. Each sheet is for account info, testing areas, billing, and reports. In the testing areas sheet, I've used a formula to compute in column F a return date for each row based on when the area in that row was tested AND based on that area's yearly schedule (quarterly, semi-annually or annually). The date tested info is in column E of each row and the yearly schedule is in column H of each row.

Every client has their own workbook created from the master workbook template. I would like to export the return dates data in column F of each workbook into a single workbook that would tell me what testing I have to do for each client in any given month so I don't have to go to each workbook and make a list manually. So, not only the date would have to show, but also all the other info in that row (acct number, location, charge, etc). BTW, the data in this testing areas sheet I want info from is not in a "table"...just in cells.

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Exporting Macros To Another Workbook From The 'sheet' Code Module

May 30, 2007

I've used the following code to export macros from one workbook to another but I was wondering how you export macros from the ' Sheet' code module to the 'Sheet' code module of another workbook.

Sub Import_Macro()

With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("ThisWorkbook").CodeModule

strRet = .Lines(1, .CountOfLines)

End With

Set wkb = Workbooks("Test Workbook.xls")
wkb.VBProject.VBComponents. Import ("G:SCSSCSALLReportsVB MacrosGeneral.bas")
wkb.VBProject.VBComponents.Import ("G:SCSSCSALLReportsVB MacrosMJ Selections.bas")

With wkb.VBProject.VBComponents("ThisWorkbook").CodeModule

.DeleteLines 1, .CountOfLines '//Delete Codes already wrriten
.InsertLines 1, strRet '// Write Code

End With

End Sub

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Select Every 2 Pages In Workbook

Aug 17, 2012

I am trying to run this code to select every 2 pages and update the formula's...problem is it isn't actually selecting every 2nd page, and the pages it is selecting sure isn't updating with those formulas ...

For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count - 1 Step 2
Sheets(i + 1).Select Replace:=False
With Sheets
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-2]/R[9]C[-2]"

[Code] ........

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Workbook With Multiple Pages

Mar 25, 2009

I have a workbook with multiple pages, two of which are labled "Summary" and "Questionnaire" On the Summary sheet, I would like to have a button or permanent dialouge box that asks the user if he wants to print the "Questionnaire" sheet. The button should have 2 options YES and NO. If they say Yes, change the contents of cell A2 on the Questionnaire page to "1". If they selct NO, make contents of A2 on the Questionnaire sheet to "0"

I have a macro that reads the contents of A2 on all sheets and prints if >o

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Should All Pages In A Workbook Print In Color

Mar 20, 2006

I have a color printer that is set to grayscale as a default. When I print my
excel workbook and select it to print in color in the print driver properties
the first page prints in color but the other pages print in black and white
even though the other pages are in color.

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Trying To Sort All Pages In Workbook With One Macro

Nov 30, 2011

Trying to create code that will sort data in mulitple worksheets in a workbook.

Here is the code I have... I am being shown on "object required error"

Dim sh As Worksheet

For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If IsError(Application.Match(sh.Name, _
Array("Drop-down lists"), 0)) Then

[Code] .........

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Find And Replace Across Multiple Pages In Workbook?

Apr 1, 2012

Is there a way to do a "find & replace" across multiple pages in an excel workbook?

I am trying to update 1 particular data-set, and need to do it across all my pages...just spent 30 minutes doing find & replace on each page.

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Writing Formula Which Refers To Different Pages In Workbook?

Dec 29, 2013

I'm working with a multi-page workbook I use for work scheduling purposes.

This is how Sheet1 is set-up:



In the cells in Column D I have used the following formula =IF('Sheet1'!B2="Yes","Holiday",""). What I have realized is that this formula is quite limited. For example not all 12 colleagues work everyday and they work different shifts on different days- each day's data is sorted so that the colleagues are organized primarily by Shift start time and then alphabetically by name- consequently if I used this formula across the entire workbook the Sheet1B2 data may not be consistently referencing the same colleague.

I was wondering if there was a way to amend the formula so that if a colleague is marked as 'Yes' in Sheet1, 'Holiday' could be inserted in Column D in the rows corresponding to where the colleague's name appears?

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Select The Print Area For Several Pages In A Workbook

May 8, 2007

I've set up a short bit of code to select the print area for several pages in a workbook, but have no idea how to get the code to "activate". I tried placing a command button on a page to activate the code, but for some reason it won't see or act upon any sheets outside the sheet the command button is on. Same goes for the "event" proceudres on pages (activate, change.selection, etc).

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Excel 2007 :: Copying Word Pages To Workbook To Calculate Numbers By Using Formulas

Apr 10, 2013

I am working on word documents that has financial numbers on them. I am copying word pages to excel to calculate the numbers by using formulas and etc. I will cut to the chase; is there a way or a macro to insert into an excel template workbook(.xltx) when we open the template there will be a command button to select the word document (which we want to copy its pages) to excel sheets. When a new page begins a new sheet will be created and the page will be pasted on the new sheet.

It is not important if it has to have a command button to select the word document it is ok to run the macro and select the word document and it does not has to populate sheets according to length of word document (I can create lost of free sheets on the template)

The main idea is to gain the time I spend on copying the word document to excel sheets. Some documents can be very long (100 pages). I am using MS Office 2007.

I triend to export data but excel does not allow me to select word documents.

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Macro Won't Execute Code To Put Focus On "print To X Pages Wide By X Pages Tall"

Feb 20, 2009

I'm trying to execute a macro and it won't put the focus (radio button) to select x pages wide by x pages tall in the Page Setup/Page/Scaling Area. I looked at the macro and can't find a setting in the code but yet the focus won't change. What can I do about this? In other words the radio button stays selected as "adjust to "" % of normal size. Here's the code...

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Print Entire Workbook Prints Pages Out Of Order And Makes Several Print Jobs?

Mar 26, 2013

All sheets are basically the same except some minor values, names and addresses. There is one page per sheet and all pages are in portrait format. The print preview shows all the pages in order but when I print it, it makes multiple print jobs of 1 to 2 pages each and prints them all out of order. I don't know why it is splitting up the workbook or why it changes the order. I print and reorder these weekly, which is a major pain. It comes out in the same order each time but it is the wrong order.

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Listbox Selection To A Different Workbook

Sep 24, 2009

I was fortunate to get help on the listbox code but need to direct the selection to a different workbook than the one that contains the listbox. I'm not good enough to see what I'm doing wrong. Played around with different combos of selecting the workbook but can't get it to work.

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Copy Selection By Colour To Another Workbook

Jul 20, 2008

I have this ....

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Workbook With Various (In Cell) Validation Selection Boxes

Nov 22, 2011

I have a workbook with various "in cell" validation selection boxes.

All worked well, but now the width of de dropdownbox is very big, stretching over several cells. The cell width is 70 pixels, but the dropdown box is 500 width.

I tried new validation, but no matter where I place a validation of what list I use in validation the width of the dropdown is always over 500 pixels? How to change that?

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Sub To Detect Any Change In Cell Selection Within Any Open Workbook?

Dec 3, 2008

I know of

Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)

but I would like to expand this idea to detect any change in cell selection across all open workbooks.

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Excel 2003 :: Selection Column To Transfer Info To Another Workbook

Sep 14, 2012

I have a workbook that has multiple functions. One of these function is that when the user select a key word from a drop down validation list, a VB code transfer all information from that row from Column A to column W to the next available row on another tab.

If Not Intersect(Target, Range("X:X")) Is Nothing And Target.Cells.Count = 1 Then
Application.EnableEvents = False

If LCase(Trim(Target.Value)) = "yes" Then

[Code] ....

Is there a possibility to transfer this information into another workbook. Instead of transferring the info to a tab name "Archives" to transfer in another workbook. This workbook will only have one tab called "Archives".

This will minimize the information within my Initial workbook in project.

The path in the new workbook where the information should be transfer should be in:

"C:Documents and Settings"username"My DocumentsMy Data Sources" to an excel workbook that will be named Archives.

I know that the "Archives" workbook need to open then close after the information has been inserted...

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Save Listbox Selection And Repopulate Selections When Opening Workbook?

Apr 15, 2014

I have a workbook that has 2 worksheets (Sheet1 and Sheet2). Each sheet has 2 checkboxes and a listbox that has 6 columns. Everything works great until I save and close the workbook. When I reopen, all the selections for the listboxes are gone, however the checkboxes are checked as expected. Why aren't the listbox selections being saved? How do I get them to save? I found something similar in a previous post but it referred to a userform which I am not using.

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Displaying Input Box Based On User Selection Of Dropdown Selection?

Jun 3, 2013

If a user selects certain options from a drop down list created by cell verification (from list), is it possible to display an input box and have the resulting input populate on another worksheet in the workbook? I have an attendance template I'm working with and if a user selects OT (Over Time) then a input box is displayed prompting for how many hours. The overtime is then tracked on another worksheet.

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Exporting Information

Dec 26, 2006

I used Excel to take inventory of the items in my store.

I have two columns that I would like to export into my point of sale program.

They are, "product code" and "inventory count". When I try to copy them into my pos system it won't work because I would have needed to hit the enter or tab key on the keyboard inbetween the two fields. So if I were going to enter it all by hand I would just type the product code, hit enter or tab and then type the quantity.

Is there anyway to make Excel export an Enter key press or tab key press inbetween the two columns? If I can't figure it out I will have to do it all by hand. (over 2000 items)

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Exporting To Access

Mar 6, 2006

to write a macro to export 3 columns of information from excel into a table in access.

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Exporting Certain Sheets To One PDF

Jun 7, 2006

Is there a macro written or a way to write a macro that will take certain excel sheets and combine them to create one PDF? I have the excel add-in that allows a user to export either the entire workbook or a single sheet to a PDF file.

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Exporting Into A Specified Format

Sep 28, 2006

I have a spreadsheet containing, names, numbers, dates and scores of shooters. Is there a way of exporting the data held on the spreadsheet into a text file but in a specified format as follows:

The file is a fixed length text file as follows:-
>999042864NEWMNEWMAN W 060501060501 300 91 259
>999096292DORRDORRALL GM 060501060501 300 97 288
>First 3 bytes 999 - just historic
>Next 6 bytes - CPSA number leading zero filled
>Next 4 bytes - first 4 digits of surname - historic - used to double
>check CPSA No - Manual entries................

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Exporting To Autocad

Apr 11, 2007

I have some data in Excel that I want to export to AutoCAD using VBA Code in Excel. But I don't want to have a table inserted in AutoCAD, but polylines and multitext.
Is it possible?

If someone could give me an example, how to draw simple polyline and insert mtext in AutoCAD (from Excel VBA Code) I should be able do do the rest.

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Exporting To Text

Apr 17, 2007

I have multiple rows within a worksheet and need them to automatically save into a separate txt file. Example:

I have a workbook with rows b-z. Instead of taking each of the rows and copying and pasting it into another separate excel file, then saving in a txt format, is there a way to automate this? So that the following will occur:

Column B 950 line is one file
Column C 950 lines is another
column D lines in another txt file.....etc

I have some code listed below, however, it reads the first column cell by cell. It does not group column by column grouping all data within that column as on txt file

Sub notebook_save()
Set wkbk = Workbooks.Add
RowCount = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To RowCount.......................

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