Exporting To Autocad
Apr 11, 2007
I have some data in Excel that I want to export to AutoCAD using VBA Code in Excel. But I don't want to have a table inserted in AutoCAD, but polylines and multitext.
Is it possible?
If someone could give me an example, how to draw simple polyline and insert mtext in AutoCAD (from Excel VBA Code) I should be able do do the rest.
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Jun 26, 2009
I am trying to extract (and separate into 3 columns) the numbers only, positive or negative portion of (XYZ) Coordinates copied from AutoCAD and pasted into column A
X = 96179.9699 Y = 61973.9793 Z = 1368.0025
In column B,C and D, I have tried to use Find Mid and other means
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Mar 26, 2012
I'm generating an access database right now and want to import information off of a pdf and have it import all applicable data into a table I've created in Access. This will save me hours and hours of copying data.
Problem: The pdf was generated from AutoCAD, and when I convert to a spreadsheet, numerous cells are merged. I've been trying to come up with a logic statement to build a new concise table, and skip all blank cells. If I need to clarify this let me know. I'll attach a picture so you can see what I'm working with.
how to get the data from the pdf into access, that works too!
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Apr 22, 2008
I want to insert linked AutoCAD files into a worksheet.
When I select "Insert, Object, Create From File, Browse..." & select AutoCAD file I get error message "Cannot insert object"
I can follow same process, but with a Solidworks drawing & it works fine.
I need to install the relevant graphics filter "Dxfimp32.flt", but I can't find it anywhere.
Strangley, if I copy images directly from AutoCAD screen, I'm able to paste them into a worksheet, but as an embedded object. Whilst this suggests I have some AutoCAD graphics ability, I still can't insert a linked file.
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Jun 18, 2008
how to execute a program by clicking a button I created inside an spreadsheet and also how to load a file into the program I open.
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Dec 26, 2006
I used Excel to take inventory of the items in my store.
I have two columns that I would like to export into my point of sale program.
They are, "product code" and "inventory count". When I try to copy them into my pos system it won't work because I would have needed to hit the enter or tab key on the keyboard inbetween the two fields. So if I were going to enter it all by hand I would just type the product code, hit enter or tab and then type the quantity.
Is there anyway to make Excel export an Enter key press or tab key press inbetween the two columns? If I can't figure it out I will have to do it all by hand. (over 2000 items)
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Jun 29, 2009
I was wondering if there is a way to export specific data from the workbook into a text document. I would want it to extract each worksheet name, and the contents of 2 specific cells.
So the text document would look something like this:
Sheet1name ContentsofCellM1 ContentsofCellN1
Sheet2name ContentsofCellM1 ContentsofCellN1
Sheet3name ContentsofCellM1 ContentsofCellN1
Sheet4name ContentsofCellM1 ContentsofCellN1
And so on for each worksheet.
Or if a text document can't be done, just create a new worksheet with the above extraction.
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Mar 6, 2006
to write a macro to export 3 columns of information from excel into a table in access.
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Jun 7, 2006
Is there a macro written or a way to write a macro that will take certain excel sheets and combine them to create one PDF? I have the excel add-in that allows a user to export either the entire workbook or a single sheet to a PDF file.
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Sep 28, 2006
I have a spreadsheet containing, names, numbers, dates and scores of shooters. Is there a way of exporting the data held on the spreadsheet into a text file but in a specified format as follows:
The file is a fixed length text file as follows:-
>999042864NEWMNEWMAN W 060501060501 300 91 259
>999096292DORRDORRALL GM 060501060501 300 97 288
>First 3 bytes 999 - just historic
>Next 6 bytes - CPSA number leading zero filled
>Next 4 bytes - first 4 digits of surname - historic - used to double
>check CPSA No - Manual entries................
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Apr 17, 2007
I have multiple rows within a worksheet and need them to automatically save into a separate txt file. Example:
I have a workbook with rows b-z. Instead of taking each of the rows and copying and pasting it into another separate excel file, then saving in a txt format, is there a way to automate this? So that the following will occur:
Column B 950 line is one file
Column C 950 lines is another
column D lines in another txt file.....etc
I have some code listed below, however, it reads the first column cell by cell. It does not group column by column grouping all data within that column as on txt file
Sub notebook_save()
Set wkbk = Workbooks.Add
RowCount = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "a").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To RowCount.......................
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Sep 27, 2012
I have 2 workbook named jhay and the other one is peng. In a jhay workbook in cell a1 there is a formula of sum(a2:a10).
In a workbook peng in cell a1. I want to copy the value (not a formula) of cell a1 in workbook jhay using command button.
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Dec 24, 2012
I am trying to get some data to export from one worksheet to another, but it doesn't seem to be working.
I have put the code below:
Sub ExportData()
Sheets("Data Export").Select
Range("B3:K5").NumberFormat = "@"
All VBA code posted in the forum must be wrapped in code tags, which you omitted, including single-line code snippets.
How to use code tags
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Or, just highlight all of the code and press the # button to add the code tags
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May 1, 2014
A daily updated data are to be auto-transferred into a table in another workbook.
Each imported number is to be hosted in a specified cell in the table.
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Mar 5, 2008
Is there a way to export Excel (Excel 2003) into a flat file that is comma separated and also includes text identifiers, specifically double quotes (" ") around each field in a row?
The Export Wizard in Access makes that a snap but we (more than just me) haven't been able to make it work out of Excel.
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Nov 13, 2009
I have a a matrix table with Rows (A1:A65) and column (B1:F1) as headers containing events and the dates filling up the matrix.
So suppose A10 has "#1015"
and D1 has "Tax"
then D10 has the due date of Tax payment of #1015
How can i export this table to google calenders to let it remind me of all the coming due dates? All of these events/dates need to be recurring every year.
Want it to be specifically for google calender because i need to be able to forward those reminders to concerned people to take care of it. I only know google lets us import csv files of icalender but i dont have the format or the structure of the csv file...
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Jun 29, 2013
I have a simple spreadsheet with 4 columns A-D and a varying number of text rows in each column. I need to be able to export it into a CSV so that it puts each column on one comma separated line (in a text file).
So it should look like this:
The problem is that when I select save as CSV it looks like this:
I know that I could rewrite the excel file in rows rather than columns but I would prefer the columns.
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Apr 7, 2014
I have been presented with an excel document, with image names in one column (e.g. 832005_001), and hyperlinks in another column [URL]
My goal is to export the hyperlinks in the excel document into a folder as images with the corresponding image names. Is this possible to do without manually opening each link and saving it in a document, and manually renaming each picture in accordance with its image name? (as there are over 4,000).
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May 21, 2014
I have this excel sheet which I want to export to a word document. The following code has been used:
It creates a word document but it only copies and pastes a picture of the excel sheet. I want for the user to edit the word document values that are pasted from the Excel sheet. I know I need to change somewhere in the:
[Code] .....
How can I paste values from excel to word that can be modified inside of word?
How can I change the layout of the word document, for example if I want to add a header and a footer?
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Aug 15, 2008
I am using the code below which reads and exports the data to a text file.
1) the result is written to the text file with each line in quotation marks. As I want to subsequently change this text file to a batch file is there a way of the not having the quoation marks
2) As you will see the code looks for the text file in a specific folder on my PC, is there a way of it creating it's new txt file in the same folder that the spreadsheet is located.
3) is there a way of excel changing the file attribute from .txt to .bat
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Apr 23, 2009
I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me move data in a variable range after filtering out bunk information. The details are in the attached file as well as a sample of the way it should look at the end.
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Jul 19, 2009
I have created a macro which copies the content of one of the sheets of a workbook, on to a new workbook and then saves the new workbook as 'temp.xls' on the desktop.
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Jan 13, 2012
I've been recently doing a sales competition analysis for work. My basic tool of doing this is an excel sheet which contains product names, their price and amount in our stock. I am wondering whether I can export into a separate sheet only those whose number in the "amount" field is bigger than, lets say, 20.
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May 15, 2012
I'm having some trouble with a little VBScript I have put together to export data into a CSV file.
The VBScript goes through each individual Row in excel and basically exports it to a CSV file in the format I need.
Dim JobHeader As JobHeader
Dim JobDetails As JobDetails
Dim FileNameStr As String
Dim RowStart As Integer
Dim MsgResponse As Integer
Option Explicit
Close #1
End Sub
Sub ProcessJobs()
JobDetails.JDShipName = Cells(RowStart, 3).Value 'Col 3
JobDetails.JDStreet = Cells(RowStart, 5).Value 'Col 5
JobDetails.JDBlock = Cells(RowStart, 6).Value 'Col 6
This is working perfectly however there can be multiple lines of different product for the same Order Number and I need to consolidate this into one single line where the JDItemDescription, JDQuantity and JDWeight are updated with the combined data.
I have attached a copy of the Spreadsheet so hopefully you can understand what I am after. [URL]...
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May 15, 2013
The code below is part of a program i'm trying to create. The first part of my program creates and 16 by x array where x is the number of rows from splitting up a string from a text box. Now that I have that part completed. i wanted to add the information back into a new sheet. I tried writing this code but when i get to the point of filling the cells with a value it gives me a range error.
For p = 0 To UBound(Detailarray)
For q = 0 To 15
Sheet2.Range(Cells(p + 1, q + 1)).Value = Detailarray(q, p)
Next q
Next p
End Sub
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Apr 27, 2007
I am gathering data over several sheets and need to export it as a.txt file.
The problem is that in excel the data reads 1,2,3,4 and when I export it or save as or open and paste to the resulting data reads "1", "2", "3", "4,".
How to I get the txt file to not have the ""'s?
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Dec 27, 2007
Figured out how to export to Pipe Delimited through coding but now I am faced with 2 complications.
1) The column order in the EXCEL file is not the Order I want it to Export in. (i.e. COB Date maybe in Column 'I' in the Excel File but when I export it into .txt I need it to be in the First Column)
2) I need to have the header name Changed in the .txt file (i.e. COB Date is the name in the EXCEL file but I need it to show as cob_date in the .txt file)
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Mar 16, 2009
I have spent a long while trying to figure out what i'm sure is a very simple problem. I have searched the archives and found nothing to specifically address my question.
Basically I am trying to export the data entered into an Excel form into the fields of a Word document template, so that i can print it according to a particular design.
I have managed to write the code successfully enough that the data is transferrred across to the right fields in Word, but I can't seem to work out how to transfer the subsequent rows. It is currently only exporting the second row (after the header).
Could anyone possibly look at my code and tell me how i can export the new values every time they are entered in the form and not just the first line?
Private Sub CancelButton_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Save1_Click()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("RA")
'find first empty row in database
iRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 2) _
.End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
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Jul 3, 2009
how to export and import data to and from my spreadsheet.
-I have data range ( both numbers and text ) A1:F30 in sheet1
-I launch a macro and the macro asks me for a file name and location to where save the data ( does it have to be an .xls type file? )
-Conversely, I launch another macro and this time I'm asked to select a file that will transfer its data unto my spreadsheet
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May 12, 2007
I have some values that I have rounded off to two decimal places in Excel.
However, when I try to export the data to an accounting software, Excel copies the un-rounded off data to the software (i.e. I get the values with many decimal places). This has resulted in calculation errors when I try to sum up all the values.
Is there any way to get Excel to only remember the final, rounded-off values, such that it only copies these values to the other software?
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