Fill Conditional Cell Values Based On Unknown Number Of Rows
Dec 15, 2009
I have a set of data in column R, with an unknown number of rows that looks like this
Days Late
and I have written a script to add an adjacent column "S". I want to fill column S with conditional values based on the value of column R, sorted into categories such as "On Time", "Less than One Month Late", etc. Here is what I have so far, it doesn't work:
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Feb 20, 2009
Column B contains geographical Areas. Column C contains a list of business departments.
North Env
North Env
North Ops
North Sales
North Sales
North Sales
South Env
South Maint
South Ops
South Sales
South Sales
South Sales
The values and number of these departments will vary. I want to insert lines to sum the totals at the bottom of each geographic area based on the number of different departments. So, for this example, for the North three lines would be inserted. For the South, 4 lines would be inserted.
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May 28, 2014
I am trying to come up with a macro that selects values from one sheet and inserts them into another sheet. The number of values will change each time based on the user's entry, as well as the number of times that each entry should be pasted.
For example:
Entry: X | Y | Z
Number of Times to be Inserted to New Sheet 3 | 2 | 1
I have spent a while trying to figure it out, however the best I can come up with is using an array, but I can only get one value from the array to paste multiple times:
(*Note: In my testing, I didn't insert into new sheet or set up the array to handle different values, I was just trying to get the basic idea to work)
Dim A(1, 3) As Variant
A(1, 1) = Range("C3").Value
A(1, 2) = Range("D3").Value
A(1, 3) = Range("E3").Value
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Sep 15, 2012
I need to put a value on every line having "file:" in the second column. The value requested is a sum of the numbers in the forth column following this line until the next "file:" line.
I know it is not trivial, but sure it is possible.
[Code] ...........
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Sep 30, 2009
I am working with 2 workbooks the first one "LH Enrollment" is used to enter information for new students being enrolled in the program. After the information is entered the macro is then copying the information to the second workbook "LH Children Records". The part I'm stuck on is that I now need to sort alphabetically by last name which is entered on Sheet 1, Column B of "LH Children Records". The number of columns will stay the same but the number of rows will change each time a new child is added. Eventually all this information gets copied over to several other workbooks, but I'm stuck trying to sort. I have attached both workbooks
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Dec 16, 2009
I am trying to find a way to combine two worksheets with identical columns and an unknown number of rows. Both sheets use columns A through K.
I want to add a new sheet called "Combined orders", then copy data and headers from Sheet1, paste it to Combined orders, copy data only from Sheet2, and paste it on the row after the last row of data from Sheet1.
Sounds easy but I am easily confused by the unknown number of rows in each data set. Can someone please help?
Also, are there a few lines of code that I can copy and paste into new macros that will make the unknown rows problem easier for me in the future? (i.e., instead of just showing me the code, can you also please explain the concept behind it so I can learn for future reference?)
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Jan 24, 2007
In the code below, a formula is placed in column F to compute the total of that column. I first find the number of rows and place the formula in the cell below it. I'm dividing the sum by 2 since there are subtotals in the column.
Sub AddColumn()
Dim NumRows As Long
NumRows = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row 'get the row count
NumRows = NumRows + 1
Worksheets("Report").Cells(NumRows, "F").Value = "=SUM(F9:F308) / 2"
End Sub
The problem with the code is that I don't really know that the last row in the column is F308. I need to replace that part with a variable. It will be something like this (which I know is incorrect):
Worksheets("Report").Cells(NumRows, "F").Value = "=SUM(F9:NumRows) / 2"
How would I use a variable in the SUM function in place of the cell names? Should I even be placing the formula in a cell, or should I compute the sum in the macro and place the value in the cell?
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Jan 28, 2014
I would like to do conditional formatting...
Range (A1:Y192)
Turn the row number (identified in cell AC1) into RED fill.
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Apr 26, 2007
For example
Name Address Phone # zip
Danielle 4561
Danielle 9852
Danielle 22
Danielle 69
Joe 895
Joe 28
John 9821
John 1114
John 698
Say I did a search for Joe. I want to report back all the addresses in which he resided but there's no way to tell how many rows of data each person has. Joe has 2 rows, Danielle has 4 rows and John has three. How do I report back all the relevant rows?
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Jan 25, 2013
I am wondering if I could have a formula be used against a certain row/cell containing a certain "phrase" or "number" for instance
I want E1 to read something like this = (row containing item "FF32105") (the given row from the previous statement) ( the input column ex. B) (the input value ex. *6)
Essential I want to be able to copy and past a sales forecast and have the formulas automatically (listed below the pasted forecast) calculate purchase needs. The issue is that if our forecast one month has a certain item and then the next does not then they will end up on different lines after the copy/paste. We have over 500 items so a manual adjustment would be time consuming..
Is there a possible way for the formulas to "find" the correct line to start calculating data?
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Feb 11, 2010
I am trying to create a macro to fill Sheet1 cells A1 through P1 down, and I would like it to be filled down based on the number in Sheet2 cell R1.
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Jul 3, 2014
I am looking to use a VBA routine so when a Date is added in a cell and a number is in the cell below on running the routine I would like the Date to be filled by serial number to the cells to the right. So if D3 has a date in the cell say 03 July 2014 and E3 has the number 10 then to the right of D3 it fills the Date's 10 Cells to the right 03 July 2014 through to 13 July 2014.
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Dec 21, 2009
I am looking for a way for Excel to fill in cells in a column that has data sporadically in it. I am importing a text file into excel and saving it as an Excel file.
In the example attached, I need the numbers filled in all the way down to the next number. I don't care about the text, just the numbers. I realize I can copy and paste, but these files can be several hundred rows long and it seems there should be a better way.
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Jun 5, 2014
I request you to write a code for me to fill the cell values as "Not Applicable" in Column "AZ", if the "B" Column cell values = "Justified", "Approved LSAR" & "Approved SDAR".
I have attached the work book of what I am trying to accomplish.
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Feb 26, 2008
Suppose in cell A1 I type in the number "100" and in A2 I type in the number "5"
What I want to do: Have the number "100" repeat 5 times in a vertical list (so 100 appears in B1, B2, B3, B4, B5)
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Feb 6, 2009
This is a spreadsheet for a real estate office. The boss gave me a spreadsheet that he created to give a seller an idea how much money he will walk away with at closing. The spreadsheet includes all of the pertinate numbers but there is one item that he would like to have filled in automatically. When selling a house, you use a title service that charges a fee based on the price of the house. So, for example, If the house sells for $0 to $50,000, then let's say the fee is $112. If the house sells for $50,000 to $60,000, then the fee is $118. If the house sells for $60,000 to $70,000, then the fee is $125, and so on up to 1.5 million.
The boss' spreadsheet includes 5 different selling price scenarios, which I guess doesn't matter since you do the first one and the rest follow the same pattern.
So how do I automatically fill in a cell based on how one number falls within a range of other numbers? The fee schedule will be within the same spreadsheet, if that matters.
Ideally, I think they should be separate files, but this will be used in various locations as different realtors take it home or use it on their laptops.
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Jul 23, 2013
I'm trying to discover the best way to accomplish formatting a cell by filling it a certain color based on 2 of 3 criteria of other cells.
Column A has the title of the field. Cells B1:D1 have one of 3 values: Nothing/blank, Complete, or x. If all of the x's are gone within the range of B1:D1, I'd like to automatically format cell A1 to fill in Blue (or any color).
Generic Name______Complete_______________x_____________
If the 'x' in C1 is changed to the value of 'Complete', I'd like A1/Generic Name to be filled in with a color.
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Jan 31, 2014
I am a locksmith and attempting to write a spreadsheet app. for my line of work. The output page will use columns A-G and rows 1-?10000? depending on the size of the system. If a 5 pin system is requested then columns A+B will be blacked out. 6 pin system A is blacked out. 7 pin system nothing blacked out. Also, if any cell matches the master key that was input, that cell is filled with red. I know, confusing.
Basically, I am trying to remove the blacked out columns automatically, and to remove the enitire row is any cell in that row is filled with red. Then to remove blank lines.
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Dec 21, 2007
(refer to attached workbook)
For what I'd like to do, the attached workbook actually represents 2 or more workbooks. The 'Project-PO Report' tab is a sample of what will be several workbooks/reports that will be generated from the data in 'POTASK'.
The 'CMD_BUTTON' tab represents how I plan to use a command button " IMPORT DATA" to import the data into this workbook, then use "RUN PROJECT-PO-REPORT" to call the MACRO to achieve my objective,as stated below. (Originally,this workbook was about 8mb, so to get this under the size for attachment, I just copied the bare minimum of what I believe would be needed to assist me, and so there's no buttons or macros or dynamic name ranges, as there will be...)
Here's what I want to do: ...
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Oct 26, 2009
I've been working on a spreadsheet and these forums have been a great help. I'm now at the very last section and, surprise surprise, it's also the hardest!
I'm creating a stock trade recording sheet. I have a userform ask the user to enter a date, a time, the number of stock purchased, and the price of the stock. These are then entered in a new row.
Now what I want to do is have summary cells which say how many stocks were purchased and the total profit made for each day. Since each time is given its own row, I can't know in advance which rows to sum over. I also don't know on which days a trade was made. So a summary cell should only exist if a trade was made that day.
Could I do something like.... check if the date matches then sum over all the values for that date? So if column A has the dates, can I say "Search which rows in column A have this date" then "for those rows, sum column C"?
Also, how would I create a a row for each traded date's summary cell and enter the date in it? I've attached a spreadsheets which manually demonstrates what I want to do (no macros) and a spreadsheet with what I have so far (basic macros).
Any and all help much appreciated, I just need to get my head around creating and dealing with variable ranges. Is that a really advanced task? I don't think this is a one line solution so please bear with me while I make mistakes!
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Jun 10, 2006
how I can change the color of an autoshape based on a value in a cell?
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May 9, 2009
I have a large spreadsheet which includes many rows whose number format needs to change depending on the value of a specific cell.
So for example:
If cell B20 has value "A", cells Q20:AG20 should display as 1,234
If cell B20 has value "B", cells Q20:AG20 should display as 5.6%
If cell B20 has value "C", cells Q20:AG20 should display as 7.89
As conditional formatting does not seem to include a number format option I've worked out that I need some sort of macro to change these settings for me, either automatically whenever the value of B20 changes or, more likely, when I manually choose to run the macro.
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Sep 21, 2013
I want to do conditional formatting based on two cell values.
i want to do conditional format the column 'R' based on clolumns 'J' and 'R'.
column 'J' is a text column named PRIORITY which can hold the values P1,P2,P3 an P4.
Column 'R' is nothing but difference of two columns 'M' and 'H'(both are time stamps).Column'R' is in below format.
column M and H are in below format:
eg: 9/11/13 9:41 AM
Now i want to format the column'R' like
if column J ="P2" and column 'R' > "00:10:00"(10 mins) =it should become red.
if column J="P3" and column 'R'>"00:30:00"(30 mins) = it should become red.
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Jan 14, 2014
highlighting dates on a premade calendar.
The calendar is made as below:
The data table is given as below:
I need to highlight the cell in the calendar that matches both the task and the date in the data table. For example- in the situation above, D1 would be highlighted.
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May 22, 2014
What I have In Column B, I have the datesIn Column I, I have engineers name What I need I want a macro to generate Serial Nos. (1,2,3....... n) in column A If an only if the date in column B is today's date and the engineer's name matches with the PC's username
The following is my code
[Code] ....
Above code runs without errors but does nothing.
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May 4, 2014
I am looking for a method to conditionally format a variable number of cells below a single cell into which data is entered.
For example ABC = 6, DEF = 12. Therefore, if I enter ABC into D1 then D1:D6 should be conditionally formatted.
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Mar 17, 2014
This is also in sheet1 module ( It cuts the respected row and pastes in sheet2 when date/time is populated in column 14 by double clicking).
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Jul 30, 2014
I have a range of cells where each row relates to an employee.
In Cells (Columns H:L) I want the range of cells on that row to turn blue if the user puts a "H" in one of the cells.
Also it will need to be adapted for "O" , "Y", "X" - each with different colours.
This needs to be repeated on each row for each person.
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Apr 18, 2007
I have an Excel sheet with a column (column O) containing expiring dates. The dates represent the day a certain product expires, and for each date, a name is attached (in column A). So there are 500 dates in the sheet, each with a different corresponding name. How would you have Excel create a list, in a new sheet, of the names that are expiring in less than 90 days from today? That is to say, if the date in a cell in column O is less than 90 days from today, then the information in the aforementioned cell and the information in the cell in column A (in the same row) is COPIED (not moved) to a list in a new sheet?
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Dec 29, 2013
Here i want to color my cell based on their dates for example : 01-Jan-2014 to 10-Jan-2014.
For the respective date i want to color my bars from G10 to P10.
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