Fill Right Or Down Cells When The Pattern Is Correlative

Aug 29, 2007

how to fill right or down cells when the pattern is correlative....but how can I fill the cells to the right when the pattern is not correlative ??? I need to have a differnt pattern when I fill in the picture. This is, I need it move 4 columns on each cell.

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Fill Handle Pattern (not Finding My Pattern)

Jan 31, 2007

Pre-requisite: I would consider myself to be very poor with excel, based on what I've read on this forum and found on my web-searches. I have a worksheet that has a list of data on the left going vertically, then a summary of this data going horizontally across the top. It is not arranged in such a way that transposing the data will do what I want. I am pulling the 5th word out of the title of each block of the vertical data and need to show this word on the horizontal section.

When I use this formula to pull the 5th word: =MID(MID(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","^",4),1,256), FIND("^",SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","^",4)),256),2,FIND(" ",MID(MID(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","^",4),1,256),FIND("^",SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","^",4)),256))-2)

I need to increase A2 to A30, then A58 (up by 28 every time) in every instance in that formula. The fill handle increases the values by 1, instead of 28 (even if I do 3 or 4 instances manually) How do I do this? I've run into this problem in other scenarios, and there HAS to be a way to get around it.

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Specific Pattern - Fill Won't Recognize It

Aug 1, 2014

I am comparing two years' data, one on top of the other (Rows 1 and 2). For each cell in each row, I am referencing a cell from a different tab. This needs to be done with about 290 data items, so 580 rows.

When I attempt to copy the two rows down, it doesn't go in the correct order (skips a cell reference number). It looks like this:

Excel Forum Q.xlsx

It would save me a lot of time considering each of the 580 rows has about 30 different column with each cell referencing various things.

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Drag Fill To Follow Pattern And Skip Row

Mar 9, 2014

Attached is a sample worksheet. I have data in column A that I want to drag fill in column C. In column C, once the first 2 results in column A are entered, I would like a blank cell and so on.


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Extract A Fill Pattern From A Cell Comments Field

Jun 21, 2008

I have a file where comments are used for some cells. The user does not insert any text into these comments fields, but uses the comments feature to display pictures.

A picture is used for the fill pattern of the cell (inserted through fill effects) and that picture is what is displayed when someone moves the mouse over the cell.

The "fill pattern picture" becomes part of the excel file and my question is how can I extract this picture and use it somewhere else.

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Copy Rows Formula Horizontally With Pattern Using Fill Handle?

Mar 2, 2014

b2 = a2 * 150
c2 = a2 * 145
d2 = a2 * 140
e2 = a2 * 135


in the first row i want to use the fill handle at 135 and drag rightwards so as to copy/retain the pattern (decrementing by 5, from multiplier 150 until 100)

how would I achieve that?

p.s I also want the formula for columns to work with the fill handle drag downwards.

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Identifying Cells With Specific Format Pattern Within String

Oct 30, 2013

I have a list of 10k cells with Peoples names in various formats (Title,First name,initials,Surname etc and variations).

I am trying to identify the cells that have within the string the following : 'space','UpperCase Char','LowerCase Char','space' (eg Prof " Dc " Jones).

I need to then change the lowercase char to uppercase.

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Can I Fill Non-adjacent Cells With The Fill Feature? (example Listed)

Nov 7, 2008

how to enter data in non-adjacent cells using a fill command.

Here is what I am trying to do:
in the column, I am holding ctrl button to select every 10th cell down the sheet. I need to enter a date in every selected cell that is exactly 7 days apart, i.e., 11/7/08 then 11/14/08 then 11/21/08, etc.... but no other dates or data.

I have tried to figure out a way to do this other than manually, but am confounded.

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Asymmetric Fill (fill Out Column B Referencing Column A, But Only Incrementing By 1 Row In A Every 2 Cells In B)

Feb 1, 2010

Is there some easy way to fill out column B referencing column A, but only incrementing by 1 row in A every 2 cells in B?


Column A:
A1 = 1
A2 = 2
A3 = 3

Column B (I would like to fill this, referencing column A):
B1 = A1
B2 empty
B3 = A2
B4 empty
B5 = A3

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Excel 2010 :: Color Fill A Range Of Cells If Specific Cells Not Blank

Feb 7, 2013

I am using Excel 2010 and basically i am trying to fill a range of cell with a green color if any value was enter in a specific cells. Example: I would like to fill range: A10:c13 with a green color (regardless of the cells content in this range) if a value was entered in cell C10 or C11 or C12 or C13.

I've tried conditional formatting but unfortunately I'll have to apply formatting for every cell and for a range of over hundred cells is not efficient.

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Fill Empty Column Cells With Reference To Adjacent Cells

Aug 11, 2008

I would like a macro that when run, finds empty cells in a column within the used range and fills them with the same formula in the other cells in the same column but relative to the row.

I have a basic understanding of VBA so if someone can set me on the right track i'll have a go myself as i appreciate this would take a while to write out from scratch.

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Highlight Cells On A Form So That A User Knows Which Cells To Fill Out

Aug 13, 2009

1. I want to highlight cells on a form so that a user knows which cells to fill out.

2. When they print the form I do not want the cell shading to print.

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Fill Cells Color In Worbook Based On Other Cells

Jan 27, 2005

how can I automatically fill cells with certain colors based on the value of the cell. (i.e. I want to search an entire workbook and fill cells with values between 80 and 99 green, 60 to 79 yellow and 0 to 59 red.)

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Fill Cells Based On Corresponding Cells Matching 3 Criteria

Jul 1, 2008

I am working on a spreadsheet for a shoe company. I have separate columns for the size, model, color, and item number of a shoe. I get everything except for the item number from a written document; I then have to find the item number for the shoe from another excell document called the Master List.

I was hoping there would be a way to have Excell auto-fill the item number for me. For example, if a shoe is a Red, Athens (the shoe model),size 12, its item number (which can be a pain to find) listed in the row of the Master List is aaabbb. So I want to just enter in the size, color and model number, and have Excell find the item number for me, and fill it in.

I have enclosed an example. Sheet 1 is the sheet I would be working on. Sheet 2 is a portion of the Item master list, which is actually 50k lines.

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VBA Adding In Certain Pattern

Mar 15, 2012

I am trying to enter this formula in cell B2 and i just wanted to know if there was a better and quicker way to do this. I need to do this all the way to BP however my list can extend however the pattern will stay the same.

F & LROW * D1 +
K & LROW * D6 +
P & LROW * D11 +
U & LROW * D16 +
Z & LROW * D21 +
AE & LROW * D26 +


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Pattern Matching

May 19, 2008

I need to have a string comparison done in a macro,

I have a files with names similar to "TEVT_GURUPRASAD_WEEK08" and a array of strings having names "Guruprasad,AnilKumar,....etc." I Need to match the name in the array and the name in the filename.

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Using For-Next To Fill Cells

Oct 14, 2008

i have attempted may be totally in the wrong direction. I have a worksheet where column A should hold the same value for many Rows of information, but instead only prints once in the first row of that section. The # of rows in each section vary; sort of like this - where ... is a blank cell:

A 1
... 2
... 3
... 4
B 1
... 2
... 3

I would like to write a macro that loops through Column A and replaces empty cells with the most recent value. When i run the following code it puts the value in the blank cell, but fails to loop to the next.

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Fill Right For Four Cells

Jan 31, 2007

i typically have a difficult time figuring out how to reference cells correctly depending on the situation. anyways what i have is a formula in a cell and i want to fill in the next four cells to the right.

the help file gives:


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Fill Empty Cells With Cells Above

Sep 25, 2007

I have a situation where I am trying to copy to blank cells. All the data is in Column A. In Column A there are Account numbers that are attached to dates in Column B and Transaction Amounts in Columns C & D.

If there are multiple dates with transactions, then Column A does not repeat, but is blank until the next Account number. I am trying to have the Account number fill in the blank cells until the next Account number. I have a macro that runs and picks up the Account number and then copies the data in Columns B - D. However, the blank cells are messing up the macro.

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Macro To Fix Auto-Pattern?

Apr 7, 2009

The spreadsheet I'm working on is kinda hard to describe, but I'll try.

It's a finance calculator of sorts that I need done, and it shows me the total cost of various products. Each of these products require different components, and numbers of components, and also these components all cost different prices. So what I have is the following spreadsheet setup:

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MID Function For Irregular Pattern

Sep 9, 2013

I'm trying to extract specific character from a set of text strings which have irregular patterns. For example:

CJWHCon.D005 - JN Holding Inc Corporate
CUSViWind.D404 - Windows Ringtown Vinyl

My goal is to get only the 'DXXX' which sometimes might be only 'DXX'. I've tried using the following formula but I seem to be going wrong somewhere as I only get 'D'.

=MID(F10,FIND(".",F10)+1,FIND(" ",F10,FIND(" ",F10)+1)-1-FIND(" ",F10))

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Repeating Pattern In Excel?

Jul 15, 2014

I'm trying to repeat a pattern which outputs 4 equal numbers and then increments that number by 1 for another four row as follows

and so on

how to do this?

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Email Pattern Macro

Feb 14, 2008

Need a macro that will autofill in an email pattern from a customer list i recieve. So far i have been having to manually do it.. but when have documents over 3k entries.. ouch.

This is what i got.. hope the way i type it in makes sense
A ..........................B ..........................C
First name........Last Name ............Email Pattern
John ..................Smith ...............First name initial, last
John ..................Smith ...............First name initial, dot, last
John ..................Smith ...............First name, dot, last
John ..................Smith ...............First name, initial of last

Is there a macro i can make that will automatically fill in the email based on the criterea found in column C before the @ symbol? then take the required info from Column a and b?

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Pattern Matching With Alphanumerics

Oct 2, 2008

I am a beginner to VBA and Macros, and I have a fairly complicated macro that I am pressed to make.

I am working with alphanumeric data that is unorganized. Here is an example of what it looks like: ...

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Distributing Numbers In A Pattern

Dec 21, 2008

I am trying to come up with a formula that will distribute the numbers as shown in this diagram:

To get the value of each number divide 42,000 by the last number in the pattern. For example the fifth column from the left would be 42,000/18. That means that each number would have a value of 2,333.33. By the time you reach the half way mark, nine in that example, you should have around 21,000, and the other 21,000 should be distributed between the last half (block 10 thru 18). The formulas would have to work on all of the patterns. Can anyone think of a way to match the pattern shown? It doesn't have to be exactly the same pattern just as long as the number of blocks remains the same for each half, and they total 21,000 for each half without going over 42,000 all together. There has to be 11 rows from top to bottom.

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Cell Pattern Palette

Jul 28, 2006

Is it possible to change the borders/pattern of a single cell so that it looks like the image in the attached document? This may seem a strange thing to want to do, but there is a good reason! Merged cells will not suit my purpose. The pattern palette allows a cell to be filled with horizontal lines, but I need there to be just two lines (i.e. dividing a single cell into three boxes).

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Random Pattern Is Repeating

Apr 12, 2007

I made a code that automatically checks the date and then compares it to the date of the last save. If it is a new date then the colors of the tabs will randomize. It can also be done manually via a button. The problem is that I have now realized that the colors are always have the same pattern. Every day the first color is an orange color, no matter how many times I randomized yesterday...and so on. Is there a way to make the randomness not have a repeating pattern?

Sub MMVII_4_9_b()
Dim NewDate
If Sheets("Scrappaper"). Range("F2") = Date Then
NewDate = 0
NewDate = 1
End If
'Determines whether it is a new day or not
Sheets("Scrappaper").Range("F2") = Date
'Updates the date
If NewDate = 0 Then
'Does nothing if the date is the same

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Extract Pattern From A Cell

Dec 18, 2007

I'm trying to write 'user-defined' function in Excel, that doing following:

Getting two arguments: cell and 'like' pattern (_ _ , *, e.t.c).

As a result returns data that match this pattern.

For example:

1. Cell = "golf car is really comfort", pattern = "_ _ _ _" will return "golf"
2. Cell = "toyota is number one", pattern = " num*" will return "number one"

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Auto Fill Cells...

Jan 16, 2009

Working with 2 worksheets in the same spreadsheet. In worksheet A cell F6 is a solution (hex2dec) these solutions are staggered consistently in column F (F6, F9, F12, F15 etc) In worksheet B cell A2 displays workshop A cell F6 details (=ATR!F6)
Worksheet B cell A3 Autofil uses (=ATR!F7) I want (=ATR!F9) Worksheet B cell A4 I want (=ATR!F12) How do I condition autofil to follow my chosen sequence ie F6,F9,F12,F15 etc...

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Formula To Fill In Cells

Aug 12, 2009

I am trying to create a nice equation that will look in row 35 for the highest value and then return the value that is 33 rows up and 1 column to the left. See attachment of for more details.

Basically, I need a formula to fill in cells B38:B41 (detail included in Excel doc attached).

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