Fill Cells Color In Worbook Based On Other Cells

Jan 27, 2005

how can I automatically fill cells with certain colors based on the value of the cell. (i.e. I want to search an entire workbook and fill cells with values between 80 and 99 green, 60 to 79 yellow and 0 to 59 red.)

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Copy Cells Based On Fill Color

Sep 9, 2006

i have some problem in display the highlight cell to another worksheet. Below is in module, i would like to display the highlighter cell to another worksheet.

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
' Macro recorded 9/2/2006 by user

ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-12
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 1

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Color Fill Cells Based On Value Being Between 2 Values

Feb 22, 2008

create formula/condition to colour fill different cells based on multiple Criteria.

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Delete Cells Based On Fill Color

Mar 11, 2008

how to sum/count cells based on background color [url]

how to delete cells based on background color?

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Set Cell Fill Color Based On Conditions In Two Cells?

Nov 22, 2012

I want to highlight the cell of Column 'A' of excel only when it does not contain the text like "Verify", "Validate" or "Evaluate" in its content if, the value in corresponding cell of Column 'B' holds the value 'Y'. Secondly, the column 'A' can't contains the words like 'Verify', 'Validate' and 'Evaluate' if the corresponding cell in Column 'B' holds value 'N'. So just need to highlight those discrepancies if its there.

Column A
Column B
Expected Action

Press F3
Its Fine

Verify this..
Its Fine

Need to Highlight Cell of Column A as Value in Column B is Y but the column A does not contain any value like "Verify", Validate" or "Evaluate"

Verify This.
Need to Highlight Cell of Column B as the Value of Column A contains words like "verify", "validate", "evaluate" but corresponding cell value in column B does not hold value "Y".

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Excel 2010 :: Color Fill A Range Of Cells If Specific Cells Not Blank

Feb 7, 2013

I am using Excel 2010 and basically i am trying to fill a range of cell with a green color if any value was enter in a specific cells. Example: I would like to fill range: A10:c13 with a green color (regardless of the cells content in this range) if a value was entered in cell C10 or C11 or C12 or C13.

I've tried conditional formatting but unfortunately I'll have to apply formatting for every cell and for a range of over hundred cells is not efficient.

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Sum Cells By Fill Color

Jun 10, 2008

I am getting with the great user defined function (SumColor) you posted here and that I have modified a bit to suit my need. I have a spreadsheet thanks to which I calculate the total cost of a product (find spreadsheet attached below). There are three types of costs:

1. Amortization: always start with AMOXXXXX which I locate in the end of the spreadsheet

2. Assemblies: always start with a 99XXX or 98XXX

3. Components: any other notation (90, 91, 92, etc.)

Each product can have until 5 levels of subassemblies:

1. Level 0: always located in row 8 with big bold letters
2. Level1: cells in yellow (color index = 36).................

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Fill Color Specific Cells

Jan 23, 2009

i would like to be able to fill color numerous rows of cells that have a number in one of the columns that is either above a certain number or below a certain number.

example 3-Nov 5 H
5-Nov -3 V
6-Nov 4 V
9-Nov 12 V
10-Nov -1 H

in this example i want to fill color any row that in column 2 has a number less than -1 and greater than 4.

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Changing Fill Color In Cells

Jun 23, 2014

I have no knowledge of VB programming and the conditional formatting seems limited. I want to change to the color of cells to yellow if the cell value is greater than 80 but less than 99, and if it is 100 or greater to fill red. Is this possible and if so can it be applied to a range of cells?

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Cells With The Same Contents To Fill With The Same Color

Jan 13, 2009

I want cells containing the same contents to fill with the same color. But I want different colors for each matched set. I know I can match text to a color, but I may have 100 possible items and to create matches for all 100 would be time consuming and there are not enough colors. I just want random colors picked by excel to create some visual separation to similar cells.

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Count Cells By Their Fill Color

Aug 26, 2009

how can i count the number of cells by their background/fill color?

Can I use the function COUNTA??

C3A4B5C6D7E8F9G10 11COUNTA(C3:C10)

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Fill Cells Based On Corresponding Cells Matching 3 Criteria

Jul 1, 2008

I am working on a spreadsheet for a shoe company. I have separate columns for the size, model, color, and item number of a shoe. I get everything except for the item number from a written document; I then have to find the item number for the shoe from another excell document called the Master List.

I was hoping there would be a way to have Excell auto-fill the item number for me. For example, if a shoe is a Red, Athens (the shoe model),size 12, its item number (which can be a pain to find) listed in the row of the Master List is aaabbb. So I want to just enter in the size, color and model number, and have Excell find the item number for me, and fill it in.

I have enclosed an example. Sheet 1 is the sheet I would be working on. Sheet 2 is a portion of the Item master list, which is actually 50k lines.

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Code To Delete Cells Without Fill Color

Jan 25, 2013

I am looking for code that would delete all columns in a worksheet that do not contain a fill color.

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Formula For Counting Cells With Fill Color

Dec 13, 2009

Is there away to count cells with 1 or more different fill colors in a column?

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Count Cells With A Specific Fill Color

Jan 11, 2008

If I have cells in my worksheet filled with yellow color, is it possible to count them based only on this criterion (fill color). They might or might not be in the same column.

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Color Cells Based On Adjacent Cells Being Empty & Add Text

Apr 2, 2008

I’m trying to make my life a bit easier, by adding a few macros and formulas to the spreadsheet (Everything was done completely manually before I got here!!!).
What I would like to do is take two columns, which contain a start and end time for work shifts, and colour them GREEN once I have entered a name in the Worker column (Along side the two with the time), and also to fill a cell with a Yes or a No. I’m aware of auto conditioning, and I’ve tried to have a play to get this to work, but I just can’t work it out.
I have posted a link to an image which shows what I want. I hope I've explained it well enough!

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Match Column Value And Fill Color In The Row For Matched Cells

Jul 26, 2014

I've an excel table containing the list of expenditures of employee. I've to sort the table and use different colors for different employee rows.

How can I do this task using formula? Is this possible?

Please see the attached excel sheet for the sample table and desired output.

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Cell Color Fill Depending On Condition Of 2 Other Cells

Jun 23, 2009

Afternoon everyone i am having abit of trouble working on an excel 2007 spreadsheet. In cell I1 i have a tab called Color. i want the cells below I1 to be filled with one of 3 colors green, yellow, or red depending on whats in cell F "Status" (closed or open - in progress) and cell G ECD for estimated completion date.

Green - i need it to fill green if status is closed. Yellow - need it to fill yellow if ECD is any date greater than today and if status is open. Red - need it to fill red if ECD is todays date or older and status is open.

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Conditional Formatting: Cells To Color A1 Grey (Fill)

Dec 4, 2009

I have information in A1. I want A1 to look at B2:B5 and D2:D5 (Under conditional formatting) and if there is one or more "X" in those cells to color A1 Grey (Fill). I keep trying to put a formula under conditional formatting, but it is only working for the first cell (B2) and not the rest.

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VB To Fill Color Yellow The Same Two Cells On Each Sheet In Workbook

Aug 20, 2013

I have a macro that generates multiple sheets in a work book then formats the data on each sheet the same, I would like to highlight the same two cells in each sheet with a background color of yellow. My format code is below, I can seem to get fill to work with the sh. property

For Each sh In Worksheets
sh.Range("O1").Value = "Total Amount"
sh.Range("P1").FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(RC[-2]:R[99]C[-2])"


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Color Cells Based On Multiple Conditions Of Different Cells

Jan 15, 2008

I’m trying to change color in cell B9 according to different conditions in Cell C9 (than on b10 according to c10 and so long until necessary - probably will be around 2000 lines). Since there are more than 3 conditions and in two cases condition depends on the color of the C Column, I can not use conditional formatting. I’ve searched and found similar forums here, but since I’m ignorant in VBA code, I couldn’t manage to make adjustments. So if you can help me with the code, I would really appreciate it!

Condition and Results required would be:

IF column C = “S” than on Column B = color cell light blue with white border
IF column C = “P” than on Column B = color cell Green with white border
IF column C = “A” than on Column B = color cell Yellow with white border
IF column C = “L” than on Column B = color cell Red with white border
IF column C = “C” than on Column B = color cell Dark Blue with white border
IF column C = “ ” than on Column B = color cell white
IF column C = “V” and has white background than on Column B = color cell white
IF column C = “V” and has a Dark Grey background than on Column B = color cell Dark Grey

I don’t know if the last two are feasible.

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Custom Keyboard Shortcut To COLOR FILL Highlighted Cells?

Jun 20, 2013

I copy/paste a good enough information and i like to separate these automated information into different colored rows using keyboard shortcuts. I can't use Conditional Formatting, because i have to investigate each piece of information before I color it a certain color.

For example: Color Purple, Green, And Red

Press Ctrl+1 = Color Purple
Press Ctrl+2 = Color Green
Press Ctrl+3 = Color Red

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VBA To Highlight Continuous Range Of Cells With Fill Color (green)?

Nov 26, 2012

I am searching for the best way to loop thru col A and highlite cells with a fill color of green. I then wish to copy and paste these cells to another WS.

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Color Column Charts Based On Font Color Data Cells

Oct 27, 2009

I have attached the relevant spreadsheet for which I need to alter the color of the columns based on Site number ( Sheet 1). % Mortality will be represented in the Y-Axis, and the Site numbers would be on the X-Axis. All columns (% Mortality) except one will be of the same color, and the one of a different color will indicate a specific site. As an example, site 86 is colored differently. The way I require the chart to look is shown on Sheet 1.

After reading through some great posts on Ozgrid, I managed to do this using conditional formatting (Sheet 2), but that sort of falls short because I am required to add a data table to the chart, and the parameter that is indicated by the column bars happens to appear twice in the data table.

I was wondering if this can be automated maybe using VBA, but with the possibility of simply matching the color of columns with the font color of respective entry in the data series.

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Color Cells Based On Difference Between Two Cells

Jun 3, 2008

I have a 2 lists of manually entered values where the values in each row are related. They are related in the sense that if the difference between them is equal to or less than, a given amount then the cell containing one value is colored Blue. e.g.

COl A holds Value x while COl B holds value y. I need to check which value is entered in columns A and B and if a given difference or greater exists colour the cell in COl B. For example the relationship relevant to a COL A value of 21.0 is 11.0.

So, I enter the following;

A1 B1

21.0 13.0 <----------------No color Blue

I enter new values

21.0 9.5 <----------------B1 is blue.........................

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Color Cells Based On Color Of Preceeding Cell

Nov 18, 2007

I am looking for a very simple script that will achieve the following:

On the clicking of a button, Select and shade in a cell yellow, delete the yellow shading of the previous cell. The shading & selection should move up a column of cells, 1 at a time, in the following order:

From B10 to B9, then B9 to B8, B8 to B7 etc until the selection and shading is at B2. Once it is at B2 subsequent clicks will simply keep it at B2 (the top). Thus after 8 clicks the shading & selection should travel from B10 to B2, with only 1 cell being shaded yellow and selected at any one time.

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Macro To Color Cells Based On Their Font Color

Jun 18, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that i download from the net daily, which is seperated into columns of information.

I want to be able to look down a column and mark a cell in a seperate column if the cell font text is red.

For example looking down column A ... if the font text of a1 is red then mark the cell background colour of T1 red - if a2 text colour is red then mark the cell T2 red .... etc etc.

If the font colour in a1 or a2 ... etc etc is any other colour then do nothing.

I have 5 columns I wish to look down and mark in 5 seperate columns - I have tried to do this by conditional formating but don't know the fomula for checking font colour.

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Color Cells Based On Other Cells

Dec 10, 2006

I have an if statement and if it's true I would like to have the cell turn black as well as mark it with an "x"

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VBA To Fill In Cells Based On Criteria

Apr 4, 2009

I just stumbled onto this forum while Googling around, and it looks great. I'm pretty new to VBA coding so please bear with me. Effectively what I'm looking to do in this mock-up file, is anywhere the currency is "EUR" in column A, I'd like the relative cell in Column G to change to "INSERT TEXT", else I want it to untouched (i.e. to keep the comment it currently has).

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Fill Cells Based On Condition - VBA

Oct 4, 2011

I need to be able to fill a cell in the same row based on values in two other cells in different columns.

Current Layout. Call these columns A, B, and C

I have 3 different states I work with, OH, IL and PA. There are different tax exemptions based on whether or not the class is RES or COM.

State = PA, Class = RES, Tax Exempt = 1
State = PA, Class = COM, Tax Exempt = Null (not "0")
For all other states, Tax Exempt will always = 1

I need the VBA code that will autofill column B with the proper Tax Exempt status based upon columns A and C.

The code I have now just looks at the first value in columns A and C then fills all of column B with that number.

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