Possible To Ignore Text Portion Of Given Cell
Jul 26, 2013
I was wondering whether it is possible to have excel ignore the text portion of a given cell. Or alternatively, have excel add in units (or specified text) after you input an initial value so that the cell can be used in a formula.
I have noticed that if I have cell A1 as 1 min and autofill, excel will recognize the number value and still put 2 min in A2, 3 min in A3, etc. However I can not use a function or any formula as the result will be #Value or another error.
I am looking for a way to be able to use the cells in formulas, and I do not want to put the text portion of the cells into another row/column.
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Nov 16, 2006
I have made something similar before and we were able to make it work... I tried the same code, but it is not working now. Basically in cell a1 I have
Auction Type: Auction, Auction End Time: 11/15/2006 10:00:00 AM(MST), Asking Price/Current Bid: $10.00, Number of Bids: 0, Description: , Traffic: 28
and in cell b1 I need it to only display $10.00 in cell c1 I need 0 (for number of bids)
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Jun 2, 2014
write a macro to copy a set of sentences in an Excel Cell.
Excel cell contains set of sentences under 2 categories.
OK Points:
* ----------
* ----------
* ----------
Improvement Points:
* ----------
* ----------
* ----------
I need to copy the sentences under the heading improvement points. Enclosed trial excel sheet for further ref.
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Jan 12, 2010
I have a column of data that contain miscellaneous comments in each of the cells in column 'A'. This is a sample of the text in one of those cells:
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Is there a way to programmaticly search each cell in col 'A' to look for any occurrence of the string 'fox jumps over' and highlite in RED only that string occurrence?
So in the end the above cell would now be:
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
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Mar 22, 2009
I am trying to organize it in a way that I can have all my purchases added based on my text criteria of certain purchase... Ill try to be as clear as possible. I have already organized it in a way that when I paste new months statement in my Excel file it sorts it by date, newest on the top, and I made Conditional Formatting by color on column D which states the Description of purchase. Starbucks appears in description cell but it is followed by number and location making each Starbucks cell in column D different in name. So its hard to use Exact phrase formula to combine the amount for that purchase.
My question is: Is there a formula that find a PORTION of text in a D column and automatically adds the price to the right of it together in one cell. There is a formula that looks for the whole text in the cell but that doesn't work when my name has always some extra numbers at the end of the word Starbucks
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May 28, 2014
I have a cell which contains the following information:
01E4R3; 01W5; 01M4G3; 01W5
I want to sum up just the numbers in that cell. In this example, the answer should be: 30
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Dec 16, 2009
I want to lookup a text value in an array (vlookup). However, instead of searching for the exact value I want to search for only the exact match of the first four characters of the text value. Example
If I have in Cell A1 the text value: 5154
In cell B1 I want to lookup 5154 in the values cells C1 to C6
The result would be 515476
I tried with this:
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Jan 27, 2014
C4 - #01941 (ATF Cleaner)
I have asked this before as to a formula to get rid of the text and only leave the #01941. The formula I received is =LEFT(C4,FIND(" ",C4)-1) and it works fine.
My queston now is there a way to only leave ATF Cleaner? No ( ) around it?
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Jan 1, 2007
I have a text strings that contains the word "CHQ 123456" or some other CHQ number. There might be another word/words after the word CHQ xxxxxx something like:
Payment by CHQ 123456 against your inv 45225
ABCD Company Limited - CHQ 187546
PO 4520061257/CHQ 745865/invoice Number 4125
I need a UDF that extracts the CHQ No. from the text string
CHQ 123456
CHQ 187546
CHQ 745865
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Mar 27, 2008
The following code highlights part of the time (hours or minutes) that will be modified by a spin button. The code works fine (although maybe a more efficient way). Each time you click in the time it will highlight the hours or the minutes, depending on where you click. When you click on the spin button the control loses the focus so becomes un-highlighted. I thought that just setting the focus back to the text box would work but what I am getting now is it highlights on every other click of the spin button.
Private Sub spnTime_Change()
Dim dtTime As Date
Dim y As Integer
If strTimeChange = "" Then
MsgBox "Please click on a time to modify it"
Exit Sub
End If
dtTime = Format(ctlText, "hh:mm")
y = Me.spnTime.Value...............
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Jul 16, 2013
I have a button (shape) whose text value is linked to cell A1. (In other words, if text in cell A1 changes, the text on the button changes). A concatenation formula exists in cell A1 to "join" together a combination of text and cell values. The formula in A1 looks something like this:
="You have "&B10&" records that contain errors."
I'd like to set the font for the "&B10" portion to be a different color than the rest of the text string so that it stands out from the rest of the text. Obviously this can be done when the text is manually entered into a text box, but when using a formula to populate the text in the text box, it's all or nothing. I'm hoping to find a way to embed a separate font color within the formula string in A1 for just the portion I want to change? For example, all text would be regular/black, but the numeric value generated from cell B10 would be yellow.
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Feb 26, 2009
I'm trying to sort a column of email addressees to determine how many have the extension .ac - basically I need to know how many student addresses are present in the column.
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Aug 9, 2012
I have an Excel 2007 workbook with several sheets, and various cells in several of the sheets have column headers with a description in the same cell enclosed in curly brackets, e.g. Header{Description}. I would like to to keep the column headers in their respective cells, but move (cut) the descriptions along with the brackets to the respective cell comments.
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Jun 24, 2007
I have cells A1 through A10 which can contain numbers or text. I want to be able to sum this range while always ignoring the ones with text so as to eliminate the error when summing.
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Sep 27, 2006
I am using Windows XP and Excel 2003. The filename I want to open is called "MMO Activity Report 25-09-06.xls". Part of the filename as "MMO Activity Report" will never change but "dd-mm-yy" will change constantly. I want it to show in active worksheet cell A1 in format YYYY.MM.DD ie. 2006.09.25. I type in Sheet1, cell A1 as "=filedate()" but it shows me "#VALUE!"
Function filedate()
Filename = Mid(Right( ActiveWorkbook.Name, 21), 1, 9)
filedate = Format(DateValue(Mid(Filename, 1, 2) & "-1-" & Mid(Filename, 4, 2) & "-1-" & Mid(Filename, 7, 2)), "yyyy.mm.dd")
End Function
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Jul 5, 2012
I need a formula to copy testing/123/1234.jpg to www/yahoo.com/
End result: A2 = www.yahoo.com/testing/123/1234.jpg
In reality, any data after www.google.com/ needs to copy to the end of www.yahoo.com/
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Oct 27, 2009
I use the following sum array formula in a range of data, but receive a #VALUE!-error, because of some lines with text. Is it possible to ignore text like this by using IF(ISERROR...) or something else, combined with the array-formula below.
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Dec 19, 2006
I am trying to do is add together numbers in the same cell though in different sheets. However some of the sheets will not have numbers in them and it comes up with an error value. How can I ignore this and still have a value be returned if there is no values entered in some cells?
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Mar 2, 2014
I am working on the monthly duty roster that is attached. I have the cells at the bottom configured to total how many early shifts, late shifts and off days each Trooper has. My problem is that I often need to add text to show what type of leave is being taken, or numbers to correspond to the special notes section numbered 1-24, and so on.
Is there any way to use conditional formatting to do this so that the totals at the bottom still sum correctly? Badge numbers are used to identify each Trooper. I have included them at the top for reference. The reason that I referenced them to total by cell instead of individual badge numbers is that I am attempting to format this so that any badge numbers can be entered at the top. This form will be used by other groups of Troopers if I can get it to work.
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Jun 26, 2007
I have in column D starting D9, I have numbers starting at 1, and may finish at 100. But there could be duplicates, 1,2,3,3,4,5,6,6,7,7,8,9,10,10,11,12,13,.........
I would like to only copy the range D9 to H (End of column D), ignoring all the duplicate numbers, to another sheet.
So on the second sheet, it would be 1,2,3,4,5,6...... with the data copied from E,F,G and H.
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Jul 23, 2014
I have a sheet (example attached) I need a formula to recognise only the numeric values either by automatically deleting the words or by entering the numbers in another corresponding sheet, either would do.
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Jun 23, 2008
Is there a way to link a header or a portion of a header to a specific cell?
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Feb 15, 2009
I have setup a formula with an if statment, so if a cell on another sheet = a certian txt then my sheet A will equal a certian txt, But the problem is i also need to count the cells that contain txt on sheet A, but when i setup a CountA Formula on sheet A it counts the cells with Formula's in then is there a way to only count the result and not include the counting of formula's?
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Dec 13, 2011
I have a spreadsheet and need to ignore one of the cells (P29) if cell value is Zero or Blank and display a blank cell which in this case is (Q2
My current formula is
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Jan 30, 2008
I'm in a situation where I need to find a workaround for a circular argument. I've decided that having a macro to run would work rather than have a formula in the cell I want populated.
I need a macro to either completely ignore the contents of A31 or to change A31 based on the contents of B31. Sometimes there's a B32. Sometimes there's a B667. In which case, this would need to work for all cells A31-A667.
If B31 contains CHERRY or PEACH I want A31 to be altered to say TASTY. IF B31 contains SLIME I want A31 to be altered to say NASTY. If B31 does NOT contain, CHERRY, PEACH, or SLIME I need whatever is already in A31 to remain unchanged.
This would need to continue down the rows until there are no more contents in column B.
Best guess:
I like said - I'm awful. All I could come up with is an IF statement that isn't even complete.
that doesn't change the contents of the cell))
But that's something I would have in cell A31 rather than a macro
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Mar 2, 2012
I have a cell that contains a string of characters that were combined from two different cells. What would the formula be for excel to ignore the characters that are from one of the cells? In other words, if cell A1 contains ABCD123 and cell A2 contains XYZ (the length of the string in A2 varies in length), the combined string is ABCD123XYZ. In cell B1 I would like excel to ignore the contents of cell A2. This seems simple but I'm not coming up with the right syntax.
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Jul 28, 2007
I need to write a macro for find a value in all sheets in current workbook. The problem is put like this: I have to write a ID (for DVD archiving) in a column but testing that generated value is unique in entire workbook (I have multiple sheets, organized by movie genre). I can use find method and testing for value <> Nothing but it always said that the value is present (the current cell value); there is any method to omit selected cell value? I think "After:=" parameter can do this but I don't figure out how to handle with it...
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Oct 15, 2009
Well following on from my question earlier, I am still playing with my timesheet/rota I'm developing.
I have a start time and an end time, which is formatted as hh:mm then an hours cell which adds them up for you.
BUT if someone is on a rest day or a holiday day or a sick day etc, I would like them to be able to type that in without the cell that adds the hours up going doo laly!!!!! (######)
So, is there anyway they can type say 'R' and then getting the hours total cell to ignore it because it isn't a time?
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Apr 15, 2014
I have a few thousand files that I'm trying to hyperlink into excel. The files are named with a date at the end of it. I want to be able to hyperlink to that file just by looking up the name without the date portion. So basically I'm asking if I could hyperlink a file with only a part of the name, and yes the names are distinct even without the date. I now am loading all of the file names into a spread sheet via a VBA code, however with almost 10k files that process takes longer than I'd like.
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Jun 24, 2009
I faced a problem to attach this small WB as an XLS
I'm looking for some way to some the red cells without looping.
In this example the array was filled with A1:A10 values.
In the real situation the array gets its values from other source than a Worksheet Range.
As you can see I manged to transport the Array Values to F1:F10 and from here I could calculate the sum of F3:F8 but I do not want to use any helper columns.
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