Find And Add Multiple Vlookup Values

Aug 5, 2009

I have run into serious trouble with a file I am working on. I have 12,000 companies (roughly), and each of them appears in an Excel file multiple times (some 1 time, other 18 times) with a few parameters. The big file (about 90,000 entries) is sorted so it looks like below:

I will illustrate for 2 companies:

Company A 0 200
Company A 0 0
Company B 300 400
Company B 0 50

I need for every company to do a countif for each column on condition
that the value is larger than 0.

In this case I would end up with:

Company A 0 200
Company A 0 0

Countif result 0 1

Company B 300 400
Company B 0 50

Countif result 1 2

However, I need to extend this to the whole 90,000 entries and 12,000 companies and this cannot be done manually. I thought about vlookup but that returns the first entry only, and I have multiple.

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VLOOKUP Find Values From Multiple Worksheets

May 22, 2009

I want to find sum of all 4 returned values (Sales!BL5, Sales!BM5, Grants!X5, Deferred Pymts!X5

Column References:

Cell Range B5:B4833 on multiple pages (CUSTOMER NAME)
Cell Range AJ5:AJ4833 on multiple pages (CUSTOMER NAME)


In Cell AD2 of CustomerData! Sheet:

If AC2 is not blank, then
look for match between A2 and Sales!B5:B4833, return the value in Sales!BL5, and
look for match between A2 and Sales!AJ5:AJ4833, return the value in Sales!BM5, and
look for match between A2 and Grants!B5:B4833, return the value Grants!X5, and
look for match between A2 and Deferred Pymts!B5:B4833, return the value Deferred Pymts!X5

Hope this does not confuse, but if John Doe is listed in AC2 I want to find the sum of his total payments if his name is listed as a customer in Sheets Sales, Grants, and Deferred Pymts. The Sales! sheet is divided into AM and PM pricing which explains why Sales! has Column B and Column AJ for Customer Names.

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Using Vlookup Or Similar Function To Find Missing Values Compared To Base Values

Apr 30, 2014

I am trying to find some missing values compared to 6 base values. For instance, I have a sheet with some names translated to another language, I am trying to find the languages some names have not been translated too.

For example, if I have six languages, Arabic, Japanese, Russian, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese- Traditional, and Korean to compare too, I want to find any names that are not translated in certain languages.


John Japanese
John Chinese - Simplified
John Korean
Martin Arabic
Martin Chinese - Simplified
Martin Russian
Ramon Arabic
Ramon Russian
Sam Arabic
Sam Chinese- Traditional

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Use The Same Vlookup To Find Two Different Values

May 15, 2007

can I use the same vlookup to find two different values? I need to find two different values and return the correspondent value or values.

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Vlookup Multiple Values Then Concatenate All Values In One Cell?

Jul 23, 2014

two formulas for one data set. The data is attached in the spreadsheet: "Product IDs". The data is a set of Master Product IDs (parent) and the Linked to them Products (children). I need to create a relationship between unique parents (Master Product IDs) and their children (Linked Products)

I need to create two formulas:

1. From the Data Set table, need to vlookup the unique value in column A (Master Product ID) and return comma delimited (concatenated) corresponding values from column B (Linked Products). So, the result will be as shown in Table 2.

2. From the Data Set table, need to vlookup the unique (de-duplicated) parent/children relationship in column A (Master Product ID) and return comma delimited (concatenated) corresponding values from column B (Linked Products). There are total 3 parent/children relationships in Table 1. So, the result will be as shown in Table 3.

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Find Difference In 2 Values Based On VLOOKUP

Jun 20, 2014

This is probably easier than I'm making it on myself. I would like a formula that would find the value in D2 of the current sheet on a sheet named 6-19 in D:D, then take the value from L:L in that row and subtract it from L2 of the current sheet.

I've attached an example workbook : Cost Calc Upload.xlsx‎

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Column SUM Produces #N/A (Vlookup To Find Values That I Want To SUM)

Dec 24, 2008

I have a column using Vlookup to find values that I want to SUM.

Some of the look up values produce a #N/A and result in a total sum of #N/A.

How do I get the SUM of a column of numbers when all of the cell values are not in fact numbers.

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Vlookup: Find Values From Different Firms In Different Years

Jun 24, 2009

I have a very complicated vlookup problem, at least for me. What I want to do is to find values from different firms in different years, by just changing the name of the firm in the formula. This is probably difficult to understand, but please refer to the excel sheet added.

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VLOOKUP To Find Values In Text String?

Feb 17, 2010

I need to to highlight keywords within a block of text (string). I don't need to necessarily return a value with the VLOOKUP. I just need to compare keyword list in Column B to the Text in Cell A1. If the word from the list appears in the text, I need it to be highlighted for every instance.

Text String (A1)

Welcome to Jake's Car Accessories website. We have all of your car accessory needs including car covers, truck covers, custom car grills and other car accessories.

Keyword List (Column B)
car accessory
car covers
truck covers
car accessories

I think VLOOKUP only works on lists.

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VLOOKUP To Find Multiple Occurrences?

Dec 18, 2013

I'm trying to use a VLOOKUP formula in a blank cell on a separate sheet from my data.

Essentially I'm trying to search the sheet for the word "VIOLATION" and then report back what it says in field 1, which in this case is a date.

=VLOOKUP("VIOLATION",'Master sheet'!1:1048576,1,FALSE)

Right now I just get #N/A.

Eventually I would like to be able to find all occurences of the word VIOLATION and then have the dates all show up in one cell together seperated by commas if that's possible.

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Vlookup With Conditions To Find Multiple Entries

Feb 2, 2009

I have a table (table1) with material numbers which have a price . This value is time dependent i.e., a material 999 could have a price of $10 for 1/1/2008-1/15/2008 and $20 for 1/16/1008 - 1/31/2008.

999 1/1/2008 1/15/2008 $10
999 1/15/2008 1/31/2008 $20
998 2/1/2008 - 2/25/2008 $15

I have another table (table2) in another sheet in the same workbook have a material and date.

999 1/10/2008
999 1/20/2008
998 2/15/2008

My requirement to take the material value and date in table2 and match it with table1 and get the value of column D in table 1 to column C of table2.

I have tried using vlookup but it only works for the first match and doesn't check for other values

below is the function that i tried

=if(and(vlookup(A2,Sheet2!A1:D4,2,false)<=Sheet1!B2,vlookup(Sheet1!A2,Sheet2!A2:D4,3,false)>=Sheet1! C2)),vlookup(Sheet1!A2,Sheet2!A2:D4,4,false),"error")

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UDF Vlookup Multiple Values?

Sep 13, 2012

I am trying to simplify a complex array formula using a UDF. I am trying to return multiple corresponding values horizontally. Can this be translated to VBA?

=INDEX($B$2:$B$8, SMALL(IF($A$11=$A$2:$A$8, ROW($A$2:$A$8)-ROW($A$2)+1), COLUMN(A1)))

A11 is the lookup value
A2:A8 is the range where A11 is located
B2:B8 is the value I want to return

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VLOOKUP With Multiple Values

Nov 26, 2009

I've sorted the second row by price on the second sheet, but how do I get the corresponding category and quantity numbers? A normal Vlookup formula would return '8' twice on (a) and (b), but I need both 8 and 6... So only one value should be returned at both (a) and (b), as long as all different quantities are covered.

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Excel Vlookup For Multiple Values

Oct 20, 2012

I have made a spreadsheet where I want to input data and transport it to a rent card information.

I want to use vlookup to find the apartment number in a different spread sheet and fill in the information on a different spreadsheet (rent, fees, utilities).

I get how to use vlookup to get one value but I need 10 values to return.

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Vlookup To Return Multiple Values

Jul 6, 2007

Is there a way where i can vlookup a column and return all matches if there are multiple values?

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VLookup On Cell Has Multiple Values?

May 14, 2014

vlook up.xlsx

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VLOOKUP To Return Multiple Values?

Jun 27, 2014

I have a list of countries in column A, there are duplicates in this list. In column B are numbers corresponding to the country.

USA 3443

Ireland could be in the list and have up to 20 different values beside it in column B

On a separate sheet i have a drop down list of all the countries. I am looking for a vlookup or something similar to return a list of all the numbers beside IRELAND when Ireland is selected in the drop down list.

I had been trying a vlookup but this looks at the list and stops at the first "IRELAND" it finds and just returns the value beside the first "IRELAND"

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Vlookup Multiple Values In A Range And Sum

Dec 6, 2013

i have a set of data in which i'm trying to lookup a value from a range of file #'s (ex 100-125) that i have concatenated with a file ID (ex 123456789). as of right now i have to vlookup each individual concatenated number, return the result value in its own column (one for 100, one for 101 and so on..) and then sum all 25 columns to get the final number) is there a way to vlookup the range (ID+100:125) and sum the results?

here's the formula i use for each column starting with 100, A2 representing the file ID, C:O being the array


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VLOOKUP And Returning Multiple Values

Dec 15, 2013

Trying to pull data from one workbook to another using Vlookup.

The worksheet has 7 columns (date, day of week, time or arrival, package, departure time, patron count and group name) I would like to pull all the data for a specific date in a seperate workbook.

I know I require a nested formula but cannot seem to get the variables correct:

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Vlookup And Return Multiple Values?

Jul 22, 2014

formula to vlookup and return multiple value in a single as per the attachment.

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Use A VLookup To Return Multiple Values

Apr 7, 2009

I have a workbook with 2 sheets. The sheet called 'data' contains all purchasers names (which do get repeated), the item they bought and 3 item costs, all in range A1:E15. The 'lookup' sheet allows the user to enter a purchasers name in cell B1, then I want all the items that purchaser bought listed with the corresponding item costs. I've attached a sample spreadsheet.

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VLOOKUP / Other Function For Multiple Corresponding Values

Dec 25, 2013

I am using the VLOOKUP function to get the exact corresponding value in one particular column. But I need to have two different value in two different columns. Here is an example.

I have attached the excel sheet as well.

Actually I do send the data to my different colleagues and they do send me back with the responses in two different column of D and E corresponding to the "ID" specified in column "B". Which I do need to MAP individually. But I want Excel to map the value of that "ID" (column B) to the corresponding responses in Column D and E with formula.

VLOOKUP generally gives corresponding value to either column D or E but i want both at a time to save time.


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VLOOKUP To Return Multiple Values

Jun 3, 2008

I'm having trouble getting my payroll data to combine. I've been using VLOOKUP to look up employees by their Personel Number (Column A) and return their name (column B), Cost Center (Column C), the Fund that they are paid from (Column D) and the Amount they are paid (Column E). The problem is that some employees are being paid out of 2 or more funds and VLOOKUP is only returning the fund that appears first, leaving out the other portion of their pay and thus making my grand total quite far off. How can I get Excel to return all the entries for a particular Personel Number? There are more than 16000 employees, so this is no small spreadsheet.

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VLookup Return Multiple Values?

Dec 19, 2011

I've been trying to research vlookup to see how I can use it or something like it to return multiple value for a dynamic chart I'm trying to build. I've found several paged to give examples but I can not seem to figure it out with my sheet b/c the examples differ from mine I have a financial spreadsheet with several categories and I want to make a chart for all my utilities. i need a array formula (i think) that will search for (example) My salary, my wife's salary and other income and extract those values in the next column (Credit (+)) to build a chart... (i will use this same concept to make other charts as well.) The Categories column is F and the values will need to be extracted for the chart are in G. doesnt matter where they are extracted to but for the sake of being speific ill say starting P50.

(first row below headings is row 5)
CATEGORYCREDIT (+)DEBIT (-)Salary - Byron$ 2,571.11 Utility - Electric$ (154.25)Salary - Felicia$ 1,120.20 Utility - Gas $ (79.47)Mortgage$ (852.01)Salary - Byron$ 2,499.53 Other Income$ 150.00

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VLOOKUP Multiple Return Values

Apr 8, 2008

I am up for any way that this would be possible ....

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Vlookup Returning Multiple Values In Different Columns

Apr 18, 2014

I have attached a file with an example of what i am looking for. The data in columns A and B are my original Data. There are multiple instances of e-mail address on the left but I need to bring in each data horizontally. I would like a formula to enter into E2:J6 to pull the information in.


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Vlookup Formula To Return Multiple Values?

Jun 23, 2014

I'm trying to use vlookup to return multiple values for the same unique identifier. I've read a couple of examples within the forums, but I haven't been able to find anything I understand. I have employee ID's and these ID's have specific access associated with their ID's and each access is listed within a different row. Within a new spreadsheet I removed all duplicates of the employee ID so now I no longer have a one to one match between spreadsheets, so I would like to create a vlookup that will list all access associated with each employee ID. I have attached a sample of the data sheet I am working with.

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Vlookup Using Multiple Criteria To Check Values

Jan 15, 2014

Have spent ages on this to no avail. Need the attached sheet to verfiy the values in the "Reconciliation" are correct when referencing the "Prices" sheet. I need column F (Reconciliation sheet) to lookup the "Code" in column B in the "Prices" sheet and then further look up the "Payment Frequency" (column D in the Reconciliation sheet) in the "Prices" sheet to verify that the price is correct.

Due to slight decimal point issues, if the value has a greater than 0.02 difference then display "ERROR" otherwise 0.

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Vlookup To Return Multiple Values For Graphing

Mar 7, 2014

I am attempting to graph data based on work down in specific work centers to track efficiency. I can download all items that were finished for a certain time frame (yesterday, last month, last year, etc.), but the data only shows up as the item, quantity, and the date of closure. I take that info and copy and paste it to the close out tab of the other work book, where it references another sheet to pull in the time required to complete the task, and the work center that did the work. My problem is when an item has multiple work centers on the same item and then taking that info into a pivot table to graph. This can be done manually, but I was hoping I could create a way to only have to copy and paste the data and have it return the work done.

I have included a shortened version of what I am trying to do, eventually there will be 25000+ items on the data tab, but if I can get this to work, then i assume I can extrapolate.

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Multiple Criteria - Vlookup For Numerical Values

Aug 28, 2009

I have the following 'numerical values'


With the first two values as criterias, I need to find the 3rd and 4th value
Example: If I have the criteria as 30 and 1800 , I should get the result as 0.04and 3

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