Find Total Of Unique Type From 2 Different Columns?
Nov 18, 2013
what im looking for is, i have two different rows i.e. col A and col C is the "type".
col B and col D contains "quantity".
i want in column E, listed all unique types in col A and col C and their respective total in front of the next column i.e. in col F.
col A.....col B.....col C.....Col D
150...... 6.........120..... 4
150...... 6........ 120..... 4
2.5....... 6
25 ........ 6........ 25 ....... 2
25 ........ 6 ........25 ....... 2
25....... 12....... 25....... 2
25 ........ 6 ........25....... 2
185 ....... 6 .......150...... 2
185 ....... 6....... 150 ...... 2
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Nov 11, 2008
Column A = numerical IDs, multiple entries, may have duplicates that should only be counted once in comparison
Column B = numerical IDs, multiple entries, may have duplicates that should only be counted once in comparison
Need: 1 cell that compares all of the A range to all of the B range and returns a a percentage of repeats. So, if there are 50 entries in A, and only 40 are unique, and B includes 10 repeats (unique, not multiple), then the returned value would be 25%.
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Aug 2, 2014
I have been playing around with some data and can't seem to get it the way I want it. I have played around with Pivot tables and grouping but I can't seem to figure out how to accomplish what I need in Excel. To better explain I have attached some test data of what I am trying to accomplish.
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Mar 2, 2007
I would like to compare some keyword lists if possible.
I have a large list of Unique keywords in Col A (From A3),
This Column is called Keyword List A - Large"
I then have a keyword list in Column C (From Cell C3),,
This Column is called "Keyword List B - Small.
I then have a column called "Unique Keywords Found",, This is Col E,, with hopefully returned results being entered from cell E3 downwards.
What I would like to be able to do if possible is run a Macro that would compare all the unique words in ColA and C and return only the difference, (The Unique words not found in ColC as Col A is the "Master List")
If possible could a pop up box appear saying
List A No Rows:xyz
List B No Rows: xyz
No of Uniques Found : xyz
Time Elapsed (sec): xyz
I'm running windows XP and Excel 2007.
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Feb 19, 2014
I need a formula to count the total items per unique id. For example
Column A Column B
11111 Basketball
11111 Basketball
11111 Basketball
33333 Baseball
33333 Baseball
22222 Hockey
Output to Column C,
ID 11111=3 Basketball
ID 33333 2 Baseball
ID 22222 1 Hockey
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Feb 9, 2012
The pivot table has only two columns, the first is the identification number and the second is the count of the identification number. I am trying to get a count of the number of identification numbers, not how many times it was entered in the spreadsheet (some numbers are entered more than once on different days). It currently looks like:
Column A Column B
00000001 1
00000002 1
00000003 2
00000004 1
00000005 3
Grand Total 8
I'm trying to arrive at 5 for the answer, so that each number is only counted once even if used more than once.
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Jun 24, 2013
I would like a formula to count the number of unique digits from a range of cells.
For example...
Range A1:F1...
11 23 36 47 48 49 = 8
Range A2:F2...
1 11 12 21 30 31 = 4 etc
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Mar 18, 2008
I am working to develop a spreadsheet that takes user input (from a barcode scanner, that issues a hard return, limiting my information to a single column) in the following order. User ID, this is an Alphanumeric unique ID (AA1AAA) or user id. Followed by a pick ticket ID the value of the pick ticket ID will always be above 100000 (ie 123123) followed lastly by the number of lines on the pick ticket id (this number never exceeds 15)
So an example data set would be:
AA1AAA - User ID
123123 - pick Ticket ID
7 - Number of lines on the ticket
123124 - pick Ticket ID
10 - Number of lines on the ticket
123125 - pick Ticket ID
6 - Number of lines on the ticket
AA1BBB - User ID..........................
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Jun 10, 2008
Basically from Sheet OEE V20:V500 I have a list of problems being selected from a drop down list validation (which users can add to the list for new problems). Along side these "problems" in Sheet OEE U20:U500 I have a number which represents the number of minutes the problem caused them. Some cells in both these columns will however be empty if there was no problem occour. But wherever there is a problem selected, there will be a number alongside it, there will never be one without the other.
What I want to do is look down Sheet OEE V20:V500 and get two lots of information -
The unique problem names (no duplicates of the same problem) in Sheet Reports A1:A100 for example (I may change the range of this).
The number of occurances of each of the problems it lists in Sheets Reports B1:B100.
Count up the total number of minutes of each problem. So for every occurance of "Paper problem" there will be a unique number in Column U in the same row as the problem and place this in Sheet Reports C1:C100.
I would ideally like to have this as VB code as I am going to tie it into a command button which formats and prints my report page.
I have found various bits of code dotted about the forums for counting unique cell entries but they always seem to produce a list with lots of blank rows (I would like a list one after another without blank rows all over the place) and I'm really struggling to figure out how to make it count up the numbers in the adjacent cell of each entry it sees.
Just in case the list of problems for the cell validation in Sheet OEE V20:V500 is found in Sheet OEE AQ16 downwards.
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Feb 23, 2013
I tried to find value on the other workbook. Gives me error "Type mismatch"
Below is the code in my VBA project
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim ResVal As Variant
Dim FindId As Range
If Range("Cnst") 1 Or Target.Row = 1 Then Exit Sub
[Code] .......
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Jan 16, 2007
This is likely Y.A. pathetically useless/misleading/incorrect error message. Anyone know what the real problem might be? XL03 on XP.
Run-time error '13':
Type Mismatch
dim c as Range
Set c = .Find(what:="LIQ", _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
After:=ActiveCell, _
ActiveCell is a single cell on an unhidden sheet - cell A279.
I can Control-F at this point in Excel, and it finds "LIQ" just fine.
Now here comes the queer part. At least at THIS moment, if activecell is on rows 1 through 26, NO PROBLEM. If it's on rows 28+, death message shown above. J27 is the point where death begins. I've cleared i27:k27 and there's nothing notable there. L279 is the end of UsedRange.
Since this clearly is a bug, I'll really reach far now: there is a "drawing symbol" (a big "right brace") that begins at J34, if that's a clue. (I'm mystified as to what worksheet cells are connected to big drawing symbols like this.)
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Nov 28, 2008
i would like to be able to find the first positive value and the last positive value in an array that goes from negative to positive and then back to negative
i would then like to asociate these values with the value they came from i.e find x of f(x) but the equation is to complicated to rearange for x
in my example
i would like to be able to find for h1 the first positive value "2" and the last positive value "2" and then match thrm up with there values of v "5,8"
the same for h2 but with values h"2,1" v"4,7"
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Apr 15, 2006
I'm using a find statement to locate a text string in a column but I get a 'type mismatch' error when I run it. I'm guessing that it's because of what I'm trying to find is a text and it is looking for a number. Anyway to point to the row number of where I find the macthing text in the column?
'Dimension variables used in Macro.
Dim Logon As String
Dim Level As String
Dim RangeFind As Range
Set RangeFind = Nothing
On Error Goto Error ...
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Nov 14, 2006
I'm attempting to do a backwards search, but I keep getting a mismatch error on the Find function and don't know why....
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Feb 14, 2014
I am building a timeclock, and am using a user form to allow people to sign in/out.
I have a punch in form that logs the inputed username and password (after being checked against my employee list), along with a count of their username on this sheet (as a count of how many times they have punched in) and a timestamp (column 4). These values are all pasted to the first blank row in my worksheet "PunchInTimes".
Then, I have a punch out button that logs these same values the same way, only on "PunchOutTimes". Then, the idea is to link the index number of the PunchOutTimes record and PunchInTimes record for any given user, so that when they punch out, a complete record is pasted (to the first blank row) in a separate worksheet called "Timesheets".
I have been able to paste the username and count to the "Timesheets" sheet, however as soon as I try to index/match the count and inputed username (on the punch out form), I get an error 13 type mismatch.
I'm trying to paste the corresponding punch in time to this punch out time, so ive used an index/match with two columns (username and count) found in "PunchInTimes", and try to return the corresponding 4th column value (punch in time). After pasting the "punch out only" values to the PunchOutTimes, i used a "With/End With" statement, and set wsc equal to my 'timesheets' worksheet at the beginning of my code. So the line where I get my error is below in bold:
[Code] ......
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Jan 19, 2009
I have a column of names, and I want to be able to count all the instances of each name, as each instance represents a sale of a product.
Countif(Sales!B:B,"Dave") works, counting all the instances of Dave.
But if I have all the names in column A, and try to have column B give the results (from another WS), as in: =COUNTIF(Sales!B:B,'Best Customers'!A1), I get a "0" as the result. Yet XL help says countif can be used as =COUNTIF(A2:A5,A4). where A4 holds the value to search for.
While we are exploring this, is there a good way to look in a column, get every different instance of the names, and output them into another column?
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Oct 1, 2008
I need a formula that will scan column A (Code)total the like items (also) add column B (Qty) if there is a number greater than 1. Then add the price ($) together and divide by the sum of A&B.
In other words find the average price for the total of each item..
Code Qty $
PH06003000 1 1504.8
PH06003000 1 1582.24
PH06003000 1 1606
PH06003000 1 1504.8
PH06003000 2 3009.6
PH06003000 1 1504.8
PH06003000 1 1504.8
PH06003000 1 1504.8
PH06024000 1 2499.2
PH06024000 1 2499.2
PH06024000 1 1896.07
PH06024000 2 3909.66
PH06024000 1 2240.7
PH06024000 1 2259.4
PH06024000 15 30030
PH06024070 1 2039.4
PH06024070 1 1958.66
PH06025670 1 2521.2
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Oct 18, 2009
is it possible to calculate the total duration of logged in from the data below?
TimeDateTimeExtCoDial Number08:02:00 AM11/10/200908:02AM203LOG IN08:03:00 AM11/10/200908:03AM2033448249908:05:00 AM11/10/200908:05AM207LOG IN08:05:00 AM11/10/200908:05AM132102445477708:08:00 AM11/10/200908:08AM207102445477708:11:00 AM11/10/200908:11AM1322908:11:00 AM11/10/200908:11AM1323008:12:00 AM11/10/200908:12AM2073008:12:00 AM11/10/200908:12AM2032908:13:00 AM11/10/200908:13AM132202631121108:14:00 AM11/10/200908:14AM203LOG OUT
Column 'A' has the time and extn# on column 'D' and indication of logged in or logged out on column 'F'
there can be several log in and log out by an extn.
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Oct 14, 2004
I have a stacked column graph showing data for 5 categories for 4 years (4 columns, 5 categories each).
I would like to display a Total above each column. I was able to do this on a single chart by just adding a text box and manually adding the total amounts. However, I would like this to be updated dynamically, as the data will be changed frequently.
Is it possible to:
(a) Have the total display as a data lable, or
(b) Have a text box containing a cell reference
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Jul 24, 2007
I need code that will check each column from D:P in the " Total" row for a value of Zero. If it finds a zero then delete entire column. This will be the final procedure of a macro that does other formatting things so the number of rows will differ causing the "Total" row to be dynamic. I have the following code that will find the word total, but I don't know how to set the range to offset 1 col each time checking for zero and deleting if true. The word "Total" is merged between columns A:B. see example sheet.
Sub asdf()
Dim c As Variant
Dim Rng As Range
'search the sheet for "Total"
Set c = Cells.Find("Total", lookat:=xlWhole)
'if it is found
If Not c Is Nothing Then
Set Rng = Range(c, c.Offset(0, 3))
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May 27, 2014
There are groups of similar ID numbers in Column J. For a group of similar ID numbers in consecutive rows there is only one row that has a number greater than 0 in its Column L cell and the rest of the cells of Column L for that set of similar IDs is filled with 0s.
First for that unique ID group I need to find out which row is it that has a value greater than zero in its Column L cell.
Then I need to use that value to fill the rest of the 0s in Column L corresponding to that set of Unique IDs.
The process continues with identifying similar IDs in Column J and this time doing the same thing for their Column M. I have attached a sample file that shows the data and how the results need to look like.
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Dec 17, 2013
Formula that can calculate % of total for individual items. For example,
Item NoCategorySales% of total
I need to find out each item % of total per their own category. For example item 1234 should equal 150/(Total Bed) to get % of total per category and item 1547 should equal 52/(Total of mattress)
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Mar 13, 2009
I have a large spreadsheet with various data. On the first column I have a list of user ids, this is a unique id to each user. In each row there are data there are varies other data. I want to find a unique id and then add up the figures from week1, week2, week3 and week4.
So lets say I want to find user number 1 and the total for weeks 1, 2, 3 and 4, how would I do that using an excel formula? I have given an example below but I have simplified to spreadsheet.
IDWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
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Feb 28, 2012
Say I have a listing of cells
1,8,57,77,100, 104
I have a number I would like to find that is made up of a number of these cells. Lets say that number is 205, and as such the only possible values that could make that total are 1,100, and 104.
Is there a formula I can run that will allow me to find this number without manually figuring it out.
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Feb 19, 2008
I have two workbooks, (Invoice.xls) and (Inventory.xls) both using sheet1. When I fill out an invoice, with lets say 10 items on sheet1 column B, I need a macro to find those items in workbook "Inventory" sheet1 column A. When the item is found, I need the qty I entered on the invoice workbook "Invoice" sheet1 column C (same row as the item number) to be subtracted from the current total for that item in workbook "Inventory" sheet1 column C. I would like to run the code from the workbook "Invoice" before I do a "Save As".
I have found other Vb code on this site that seems very close to what I need, but I just don't know enough to make the changes necessary.
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Jul 10, 2007
I am attempting to create a chart from data generated outside of Excel 2003 SP2, that has been Copied and Pasted into Excel. There is no metadata associated with this data. I have created a list with the data once it has been pasted into Excel 2003 SP2.
The Workbook has five (5) worksheets, all with the default names (Sheet1, Sheet2, etc.). I paste the data into Sheet1 and reference this from the other worksheets. Sheet2 shows the charts for all the data. Sheet3, Sheet4, and Sheet5 are each for different regions, North, South and West respectively. I would like to enter the formula into Cell: Sheet5!M5 so it auto populates with the appropriate and correct information. Sheet1 information is as follows;
Column B has a header of "CreateDate" and is in the format of; 4-Jun-07
Column O has a header of "Business Unit" and has three (3) possible answers, North, South or West. **I have attached a screen shot of the two colums used named, "Columns.Used.png". I have hidden the columns in between as they contain confidential information.**
I would like a formula that gives a total of one if both criteria are met. The criteria is as follows;
IF Column B on Sheet1 equals Cell L5 on Sheet5 AND Column O on Sheet1 equals West THEN the total should appear. **I have created and attached a sample spreadsheet ""that contains only basic data on Sheet1 and Sheet5 as those are the only sheets relevant.**
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Dec 15, 2011
I have a worksheet with a large amount of data, but a lot of cells are zero (because the content of the cells is calculated). I would want to be able to build a macro which can hide all the columns whose total is zero, and also all the rows whose total is zero. The amount of columns and rows will be variable, because i expect to keep adding information continuously. The row with the totals to evaluate is 4, and the column with the totals to evaluate is H. (I cannot make a filter for this one, because there's already one some rows upwards).
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Feb 6, 2014
I have a list in D2:H2 with values {A,A,B,C,D} how can I get the 3rd unique value in this list?
the formula should output C. I have been trying this for a while.
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Nov 18, 2008
I have a list of numbers and want to see if the sum of any of them exactly makes up a specific larger number. Any quick way to do in excel? Eg do any of the below together make the exact total of the number at the bottom.
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Jun 10, 2013
I want to find the total number of times the number 1 appears in cells B2 to B33.
In each cell I have codes such as 4919409382a, 5021193035v and so on.
I have tried =COUNTIF(B2:B33,"1") but just get 0 returned.
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