Total Count Of Unique Digits In A Range
Jun 24, 2013I would like a formula to count the number of unique digits from a range of cells.
For example...
Range A1:F1...
11 23 36 47 48 49 = 8
Range A2:F2...
1 11 12 21 30 31 = 4 etc
I would like a formula to count the number of unique digits from a range of cells.
For example...
Range A1:F1...
11 23 36 47 48 49 = 8
Range A2:F2...
1 11 12 21 30 31 = 4 etc
I need a formula to count the total items per unique id. For example
Column A Column B
11111 Basketball
11111 Basketball
11111 Basketball
33333 Baseball
33333 Baseball
22222 Hockey
Output to Column C,
ID 11111=3 Basketball
ID 33333 2 Baseball
ID 22222 1 Hockey
The pivot table has only two columns, the first is the identification number and the second is the count of the identification number. I am trying to get a count of the number of identification numbers, not how many times it was entered in the spreadsheet (some numbers are entered more than once on different days). It currently looks like:
Column A Column B
00000001 1
00000002 1
00000003 2
00000004 1
00000005 3
Grand Total 8
I'm trying to arrive at 5 for the answer, so that each number is only counted once even if used more than once.
figuring out a formula to count the number of occurrences within a date range (the month of October) however, the date column is formatted to mm/d/yy 00:11:22 PM/AM.
I tried using =COUNTIFS(B4:B96,G3:G9611/1/2008) but got an error.
This is what I'm working with (there are other occurrences for Nov and Dec in the spreadsheet - this image only shows Oct)
Site Statistics
October-December 2008
count unique entries in the Range A1:A10
i have data which repeats but i ant to count only unique entries?
how to count unique records, and I can only find formulas, and not code. This code works fine, and I get the right "actual" count, but I need to change it to a unique values count.
Sub CountEmployees()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For t = lastrow To 2 Step -1
If Cells(t, 8).Value <> "" And Cells(t, 8).Offset(2, 4).Value <> "" Then
Cells(t, 12).Select
Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
List = Selection.Cells.Count ' Need to make this unique count
Cells(t, 9).Value = List
End If
Next t
End Sub
I need to be able to count all the blanks in columns other than A but only until the last used cell in column A. I am using a formula right now that counts the blanks in column A until the last used cell but I don't know how to apply the range of column A to other columns like B and C. Here is an example of what I hope to accomplish:
Formula used in A1 that I need applied to other columns but with the range of column A
="Total Blanks: "&COUNTIF(INDEX(A2:A8,MATCH(TRUE,A2:A8<>"",0)):INDEX(A2:A8,MATCH(2,1/(A2:A8<>""))),"")
Here is an example of what B1 and C1, with the formula, would look like if it counted blanks but with the range of column A
Total Blanks: 3
Total Blanks: 6
Total Blanks: 2
I have a UPC list. Some are more than 12 digits, and some with less than 12 digits. I need to make sure there are 12 digits in each UPC. I know how to count using LEN, strip leading zeros of those UPCs that are >12 digits using RIGHT.
What I need now is any number with less than 12 digits, such as 000123, add a 4 to the beginning (4000123) and fill in '0's in between the 4 and the short UPC number to make 12 digits, 400000000123. They vary from 1 to 13 digits.
I would like to check if there's a way to count the number of unique value with a given condition
Eg. condition where parcel count <> 0, also want to find out the unique value of district and postal sector
Attached is the files, and my desired result is highlighted in RED.
Is it possible to count the unique entries in a range based on the results of a filter that has been applied? I basically have a column with 2000+ cells that contain some matching values and I only want to count the unique entries. This will need to be a dynamic count as well as the filter criteria can and will change all the time.
View 14 Replies View RelatedAs the subjects states I need to count the unique entries in a filtered range.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have two ranges of data and want to count the unique number of times the values in column A occur if they have two values in column B. For Example:
ColA ColB
I want to count the number of times value in ColA has the value 1014 AND 3063. My intention is to create a table that cross references the two
I searched and found answers where multi criteria were in multi columns but I can't seem to find a solution to this means of find the unique count in ColA.
Need to display time in total minutes but with a space after every 3 digits.
For instance, I can display 0.833333 as total minutes by using the custom number format [m] which displays 1200. But I need it to display as 1 200. I know with a standard number, I could use # ##0 but I don't know how to get both of these custom attributes to work simultaneously.
I've been struggling for hours on what should be a simple formula. I have 6 columns containing various dates. On each row I want to count of the 6 columns how many dates were unique and after 3/15/09. I've been using the following formula however it still counts a cell even if it's prior to 3/15/09. =SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(A1:F1,A1:F1)>3/15/2009,1,0)). I've attached a sample file for reference.
View 2 Replies View RelatedUsing the DCOUNT function is generally a straight forward proposition but I'm not getting the expected results and would like for someone to take a look and help me understand why.
Goal: create a count of unique entries within a defined variable date range
I have a data table with duplicate values and need to count unique entries, the result of which will be used in a calculation. Due to a requirement to track the counts in a rolling 30-day period, the flexibility of daily selecting the date ranges is a necessity, which is why I chose to use DCOUNT and feed dates into the criteria cells.
I've been attempting to use the DCOUNT function but I'm not getting the correct result.
Oddly, after duplicating the table and formula on the "Count Repeated Items Once" page, even those results are incorrect.
It seems, too, that COUNTIF does not like (accept) dynamic named ranges. Hard coding the range into the formula yields a result of TRUE, but using a dynamic named range gives FALSE. Anyone else experience this and is there a work around (that is, if I have not erred in its use)?
I would like a function that checks an input number to see if it contains unique digits. If the digits are unique the output is 1 else the output is -1. Thus, supposing we call the function UNIQ(), we find UNIQ(15423) = 1 but UNIQ(154532) = -1. The input is always a positive integer.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI need to count the number of unique text values in the first column given a condition in the 2nd column. For example, the formula that I'm looking for should give a result of "3" because it is an SME, and there are 3 unique companies that are classified as SMEs.
Company Name
Company Type
Company A
Company B
(I cant seem to make the tables visible but Company A and Company D right below the header should be in one cell) This should still yield a value of "3" despite having Company A and D in the same cell.
How I can create a simple formula to count unique values/text within a range of cells that contain duplicates, blanks and errors?
For e.g., in Column A (row 1 - 10):
In this worksheet , in Columns B4:F2615, there are rows of digits that range from 1-36, I have a need to find the 10 digits that were drawn togather the most. I have no idea how to do this in Excel or can it be done? ....
View 9 Replies View RelatedIf I have multiple entries with different but repeatable text values in one column - how do I count all unique ones ? Is there a function or does it have to be a pivot table of sth ?
View 14 Replies View RelatedNeed a formula in M2 that will count the number of digits that match in each row. The digits in H:L compared to the master list in A:A119766. The count will be from 0-5 for each row. The digits must be in same column....
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have been using the wrong formula to count total entries in columns and only just found this error. The MAX formula in cell B4 is: =MAX($B$12:$B$36). If the all the rows are full within range F12:F36, then the MAX formula is fine to count the total within range B12:B36 (25) so I thought. But sometimes there are omissions between F12:F36. If there are 2 blank cells anywhere within F12:F36 for example, then B4 needs to show 23 respectively. In the sample WkBk B4 needs to show 8
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe values in columns b:d range from 000-999. I need a formula that will count the number of digits in B:D that match the 3 values in H1 without counting a digit twice. The existing formula counts a digit twice, like the value in H4.
DIGIT HITSABCDEFGH10,1,2209/09/132192191222309/09/134824821441409/08/131191191112509/08/139799792550609/07/137177171551709/07/138668662000
Excel 2007Worksheet FormulasCellFormulaE2=B2&C2&D2F2=SUM(B2:D2)G2=MOD(F2,10)H2=SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(FIND(","&$B2:$D2&",",","&H$1&",")))E3=B3&C3&D3F3=SUM(B3:D3)G3=MOD(F3,10)H3=SUMPRODUCT(--ISNUMBER(FIND(","&$B3:$D3&",",","&H$1&",")))E4=B4&
[Code] ......
Column A = numerical IDs, multiple entries, may have duplicates that should only be counted once in comparison
Column B = numerical IDs, multiple entries, may have duplicates that should only be counted once in comparison
Need: 1 cell that compares all of the A range to all of the B range and returns a a percentage of repeats. So, if there are 50 entries in A, and only 40 are unique, and B includes 10 repeats (unique, not multiple), then the returned value would be 25%.
what im looking for is, i have two different rows i.e. col A and col C is the "type".
col B and col D contains "quantity".
i want in column E, listed all unique types in col A and col C and their respective total in front of the next column i.e. in col F.
col A.....col B.....col C.....Col D
150...... 6.........120..... 4
150...... 6........ 120..... 4
2.5....... 6
25 ........ 6........ 25 ....... 2
25 ........ 6 ........25 ....... 2
25....... 12....... 25....... 2
25 ........ 6 ........25....... 2
185 ....... 6 .......150...... 2
185 ....... 6....... 150 ...... 2
I am working to develop a spreadsheet that takes user input (from a barcode scanner, that issues a hard return, limiting my information to a single column) in the following order. User ID, this is an Alphanumeric unique ID (AA1AAA) or user id. Followed by a pick ticket ID the value of the pick ticket ID will always be above 100000 (ie 123123) followed lastly by the number of lines on the pick ticket id (this number never exceeds 15)
So an example data set would be:
AA1AAA - User ID
123123 - pick Ticket ID
7 - Number of lines on the ticket
123124 - pick Ticket ID
10 - Number of lines on the ticket
123125 - pick Ticket ID
6 - Number of lines on the ticket
AA1BBB - User ID..........................
I have been playing around with some data and can't seem to get it the way I want it. I have played around with Pivot tables and grouping but I can't seem to figure out how to accomplish what I need in Excel. To better explain I have attached some test data of what I am trying to accomplish.
View 14 Replies View Relatedi need to format my numbers in the following format
the first three digits will be separated and then subsequently 2 digits
Basically from Sheet OEE V20:V500 I have a list of problems being selected from a drop down list validation (which users can add to the list for new problems). Along side these "problems" in Sheet OEE U20:U500 I have a number which represents the number of minutes the problem caused them. Some cells in both these columns will however be empty if there was no problem occour. But wherever there is a problem selected, there will be a number alongside it, there will never be one without the other.
What I want to do is look down Sheet OEE V20:V500 and get two lots of information -
The unique problem names (no duplicates of the same problem) in Sheet Reports A1:A100 for example (I may change the range of this).
The number of occurances of each of the problems it lists in Sheets Reports B1:B100.
Count up the total number of minutes of each problem. So for every occurance of "Paper problem" there will be a unique number in Column U in the same row as the problem and place this in Sheet Reports C1:C100.
I would ideally like to have this as VB code as I am going to tie it into a command button which formats and prints my report page.
I have found various bits of code dotted about the forums for counting unique cell entries but they always seem to produce a list with lots of blank rows (I would like a list one after another without blank rows all over the place) and I'm really struggling to figure out how to make it count up the numbers in the adjacent cell of each entry it sees.
Just in case the list of problems for the cell validation in Sheet OEE V20:V500 is found in Sheet OEE AQ16 downwards.
I am looking for a formula to sum up all the digit(s) within a range of cells, e.g.
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