Finding A Set Word From A Number Of Words In A Cell

Jan 21, 2010

On sheet 2 in cell C5 I need it to find it from sheet 1 referring it from the word "Drinks 1" thats in Q1 and so on along the row

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How To Get Word Count And Extract N Words From A Cell

Mar 24, 2008

I have a column of address data that looks like

1924 ogden place blvd west unrulu
982 n aoto st apt #1234 easrlr

and I'd like to use a couple of formulas in the two columns to the right of this data
1st column:a formula to obtain the number of words in a cell
2nd column:a formula to extract the last n words from a cell (ex. the last 2 words)

so that the columns would have as their results
6 west unrulu
7 #1234 easrlr

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Finding Single Name In Cell In Cell With Multiple Names (words)

May 8, 2014

Looking for a formula (not macro) that can do the following:

I have a spreadsheet and in one column, it has last names of clients. In the next column, it has full names of clients that are the same account, but different system with different descriptions for the name. I need to lookup the column that just has last name and see if that last name exist anywhere in the "Full name" column. If it does, then I need column C to say "Yes" or something along those lines.

The "full name" column isn't always in the same format and sometimes doesn't even contain the "last name." Sometimes the last name will be first and sometimes there's a comma and sometimes there isn't a comma. The spreadsheet attached shows a good short example of what I'm working with...

Name Spreadsheet Ex.xlsx

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Search For Multiple Words In Cell If Certain Word Matches Produce Certain Value?

Jun 9, 2014

So I have a cell with multiple words in A1. I want to check for the word "red" in A1 and if red exists return a value of "red" in B2, IF "red" is not found then search for "blue", if "blue" exists return a value of "blue" in B2, if "blue" is not found is not found then search for "green", if "green" exists then return "green" in B2, if none exist then return value of "none"

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Looking To Find 1 Of 2 Words In A Cell In Column B And Return Word Found In The Same

May 27, 2014

Looking to find 1 of 2 words in a cell in column B and return the word found in the same row in column E. This seemed easy but I am not having any luck.

the cells in column B have several words in them but I am looking for 2 specific words "PLAT" and "ORIG". If the word is not in the cell, it should show a blank cell in column E in the same row, otherwise one of the 2 words should be in that row in column E. A VBA loop would be ideal but a formula that can do it might work as well.

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Tabled Lookup: Able To Lookup If Anywhere In A Cell Contains A Word From A List Of Words, And Then Provides An Output

Apr 27, 2009

I want to be able to lookup if anywhere in a cell contains a word from a list of words, and then provides an output.

Column G:
VAT payment
HMRC payment

I have a table on the side that shows:
Column Y Column Z

ie. If anything in column G matches one of the words in Column Y, then output the Column Z. I have use a Vlookup that works for the first two, as VAT is the first thing, but dont know how to make it work if the key word is in the middle of the cell.

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Sort On Number Of Words (words With Least Characters First)

Jan 22, 2010

I want to sort on number of words, i.e. if a cell contains 1 or 2 words etc, with the cells containing 1 word coming first then cells containing 2 words. Also, if possible, first the cells with fewer characters.

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Split Number And Words From One Cell To Other

Jun 1, 2014

Cell contains numbers & words. So how can we split numbers to 1 cell & words to other cell.

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Inserting Text In A Cell After A Certain Number Of Words

Feb 13, 2008

I am working on an online archive database and I need to insert "<!--More-->" (without the quotes) after 80 words in a number of cells populated with 500+ word stories. I browsed here for a while to no avail.

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Subtract Words From MS WORD

Dec 10, 2009

Working with external documents such as MS word is not my specialty and I have a feeling that what I need has been done before.

1) Takes a word file (open)
2) Split all words and put these in an array

I think a space character can be used as a delimiter, but all characters like ;,:" etc need to be trimmed so only "real words" remain.

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Finding 2 Or 3 Words In Text?

Mar 7, 2012

I need to find from the second word until just before a numeric number.

Thus the text in Column H is as follow:


1234234 My name is John 12 Jul
34243 I am 10 years old 23 Feb
4345345 Peter 23 Jan

So, I need the text in RED extracted only. All words are seperated by spaces. It will always start from the second word and continues until it finds the first number. All words between these must be extracted.

My formula below is to extract the 1st Word, thus all I need is the formula for the above situation and replace the one below with it.

a.Formula = "=Left(h2,find("" "",h2)-1)"

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Finding Duplicate Words?

Mar 14, 2012

I was wondering how I could highlight duplicate words or in a text strings of 5 or more words, 6 or more words etc or a desired value within a document? It would be great if I could highlight the cell with duplicate word in yellow. Essentially I was hoping that this could be done using VB/macro with just a simple button loaded on the toolbar. I hope that my explanation is easy enough to follow. Below is an example:


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How To Count The Number Of Words In A Cell With Line Breaks

Jun 6, 2014

I am making a content database and need to count the number of words in each cell...

I know you can count them with

=IF(LEN(TRIM(A2))=0,0,LEN(TRIM(A2))-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2,” “,””))+1)

but the the cells have line breaks so this formula won't work

I've understood that since there is a space before the new line, the formula will not recognise the space and therefore not recognise a new word.

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If X Number Of Words In Cell, Delete Cell Content, Else Do Nothing

May 26, 2009

This formula counts the number of spaces between words in a cell:

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How To Return One And Two Words Before And After Specific Word

Apr 14, 2012

I am in need of a forumula. I am trying to extract one word before a keyword, one word after a keyword, 2 words before a keyword, and 2 words after a keyword.

For example:

The keyword is blue:

birds are blue today - 1 word before=are; 1 word after=today; 2 words before=birds are; 2 words after=today

blue is my favorite color - 1 word before=(null); 1 word after=is; 2 words before=(null); 2 words after=is my

see blue colors in the sky - 1 word before=see; 1 word after=colors; 2 words before=see; 2 words after=colors in

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Extracting Words From Word String

Oct 13, 2013

Let's say i do have words : cow, dog, giraffe, elephant, parrot.

The rest will try to explain in the excel file.

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Word Splitting For Camel Cased Words Using VBA

Jan 20, 2009

I have a list of words some Title cased, and some camelCased. Each cell contains one word. I need to write a macro which if encounters a cell with camelcased word like "ExcelMacros" or "excelMacros" would add new row and add "excel" and "macro" to their own cells.
Is looping each cell for the character code the way to solve this problem or is there a better way?

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Matching Words In A Folder In Word / Excel / PDF

Sep 18, 2013

I have pulled a task of Content Managent. we are going to look at a bunch of files for a key list of words. Is there a way look at the text in a file and find a word within it?

Reporting the link to the doc.. display ... will all come later.

I know it will be slow and may run for a day or two but I would run it over the week end.

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Find Words Ending In A Certain Word - Macro

Jun 5, 2007

I have a sheet called "Words Ending In"

In ColA From A 3 downwards I have a large list of keyword phrases.

I am looking for a macro where I click on a assigned macro button and a pop up box appears saying
" Find words Ending With"
In the space provided I insert a word.

So, for example I insert the word "rent".

The macro then looks at all the data in ColA (From A 3 downwards) and searches for all keyword phrases ending with the word "rent".

If it could return All Phrases in ColC (From C3 downwards).

If it can't find any, then if a pop up box can appear saying something like "No Data Found"

That's it really.
If it could have a pop up box at the end saying
"Total Phrases Scanned: 1234"
" Total Phrases Found Ending With "In"
"Time Elapsed (sec.): 12.12353

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Search A Range Of Words, That Have 2 Or More Letters Of One Word

May 10, 2009

I have a key-word, and I need to search a 90,000 words in a range where i should find several words that have 2, 3 or 4 letters of the first letter of the key-word, then find several words that have 2, 3 or 4 letters of the second letter of the key-word,

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Count Of Specific Word In Cells With Many Words

Apr 16, 2008

Is there a way of counting how many rows have cells containing a specific word. Some rows will have multiple cells with the word in and some will have none. I only want a count of the number of rows and not the number of times the word appears. How can i acheive this with VBA?

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Finding How Many Words Are Entirely Made Up From Characters In Field?

Jul 16, 2014

i bought a tattslotto scratch card (for those of ya outside of australia, not sure what youd call em, basically lottery ticket/game), this game is essentially a crossword puzzle, you scratch your letters out in a box then you have a list of words, you need to find words that are made up entirely of your letters, the more words you find, the more you win ive kind of screwed up the card and scratched out words i dont have, however i do have atleast 2 words and i think ive got more, potentially could win big but wanna know how much before i go claim it

ive opened up a new workbook, in the A column ive got a list of all my words, then in C1 ive got a field where ive entered all my letters, wondering if theres a way to get excel to work it out for me (like an IF statement on the fields in column A to compare them to C1, or some kind of conditional formatting rule)

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Finding All Unique Combinations Of List Of Words?

Dec 6, 2011

I have 15 different words that I want to order in as many ways as possible, but only 3 at a time.

So let's say the words are:


then I want a list that has all of these possible combinations:

cat dog elf
cat dog clown
cat dog monkey
cat dog rock
cat dog bananas
cat elf clown
cat elf monkey

until all are listed. I understand there is a huge number, I don't mind having a couple of thousand as long as they are all genuinely unique.

I CAN have elf dog cat, elf cat dog, dog elf cat later on ... it's just the order that needs to be unique not the words in the phrase.

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How To Split Texts Into Words (collecting Word And Compounds)

Jan 10, 2008

i have wordlists which i would like to enhance through texts. For that purpose i need a macro which reads a text and splitts it into words and put the words into three columns. Lets assume the column where the words are supposed to be put is columns A,C and E. The column A should contain single words containing no spaces from Text, column C should contain compound words which have one space between them and in column E those compounds which have two spaces. Now i will put my existing wordlist in column G before i start splitting texts. The macro should put only those words from text into column A,C and E which dont already exist in columns A,B,C,D,E,F and G. In Column B i will place the corrected or checked words from column A. In column D i will type the corrections and checked versions of those compunds existing in column C. And the column F will contain the compound words which are corrected and checked from Column E.

Column A--> single words splitted from text through macro (containing no spaces)
Column B--> corrected and checked versions of words from column A through user
Column C--> compound words containing one space splitted from text through macro (for example:"etwas mchten" or "do something")
Column D-->corrected version of C through user
Column E-->compound words containing two space splitted from text through macro (for example:"sich uerberzeugen lassen" or "down in dumps")
Column F-->corrected E
Column G--> existing dictionary wordlist through user

Signes like ".", ":",";", "/" or quotation signe itself should be seen as seperator. And the words or compounds splitted from the text should not contain these signs.

The text will be put in another sheet in the same excel file. Lets call that sheet "text". The macro should search for words through whole sheet ignoring empty cells or columns.

None of the columns should be filtered or ordered. The columns shound not be deleted as well. That way the user wont have to correct the same word each time cus the corrected as well as the original words will be there.

A thread with similar purpose was made sent by AdamDay as well, where rylo has posted a good solution already.

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Replace Like Words In Column To Make Word Cloud?

Jun 21, 2013

how to accomplish more work quickly is proving difficult. I am making a word cloud of survey responses for my boss and he doesn't like to see similar words in the cloud (like Ease and Easy or even Fast and Quick). I have several hundred of these responses that are open ended answers that say one or many of these terms. Any way I can separate all the words and have them in one neat column? If I can get to that point, replacing those words will be simple enough.

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Excel Formula For Finding Max Values If Cells Contain Two Words

Apr 1, 2014






I am trying to find the Maximum Value in Column C based on the criteria that Column B contains "Afghanistan but NOT Mobile.

In a second cell I also want to find the maximum value in Column C based on the criteria that Column B contains "Afghanistan" AND "Mobile"

The code I have come up with is in the table however it is only showing the max value for cells containing "Afghanistan". If I add the wildcard "*" it does not return a value. how I can achieve my objectives?

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Getting First Three Character Of Every Word Or Number In A Cell?

May 9, 2013

Is there a way of getting the first three character of every word or number in a cell ( seperated by spaces) ?

for example in cell E2 I have


and would like it to read


I have a approx a 1000 rows that I would like to do this with.

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Lookup Not Finding Cell Number

Aug 18, 2008

I am having trouble using a cell reference with a VLOOKUP formula. i have 2 worksheets each containing an invoice number column. the first sheet uses the VLOOKUP to find a shipping code from a range of values in the 2nd sheet (the range includes the invoice number, shipping code and 2 other columns). i can get the formula to work by simply typing the lookup_value into the formula like so: =VLOOKUP(7128,'Detailed List'!$B$7:$Q$1500,5,TRUE)

this gives me the correct result but what i need to happen is for the formula to take the lookup_value from the invoice number cell reference in the first sheet for that record and match it to the same value in the 2nd sheet. so instead of the code above it would read: =VLOOKUP('F10','Detailed List'!$B$7:$Q$1500,5,TRUE). the value of cell F10 is '7128'. however, when i try this i get a return of #N/A and no matter what variation i try it still produces the same result.

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Finding Row Number Of A Cell Based On A Particular Value

Jun 1, 2006

I need to find the row number of a cell based on a particular value. I am populating a row within a spreadsheet with a value (the columns have unique identifiers). After that is done, I need to go to a different spreadsheet, grab different values, and place them in a different column in the above referenced spreadsheet. So, what I want to do is find the row number for the unique identifier, then place the value in the column.

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Find A Certain Word In A String Then Return The Number Associated With That Word

Jun 9, 2009

Have problems using find and the Dictionary
What Im trying to do is find a certain word in a string then return the number associated with that word

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