How To Shorten Conditional String Construction
Feb 10, 2014
I'm developing a spreadsheet that is generating relatively simple source code. As far as excel is concerned, based on columns of data in the first sheet, generate other sheets - conceptually straightforward, but the formulas are getting stupid long. For example, suppose I have 4 columns:
Needs A, Needs B, Needs C, and Needs D.
If there is a "Y" in any of these columns, I need to generate corresponding text that is concatenated together:
=if(a1=="Y") use "Field1[if1]"
=if(b1=="Y") use "Field2[if2]"
=if(c1=="Y") use "Field3[if3]"
=if(d1=="Y") use "Field4[if4]"
The result in some other column could be (samples):
a couple of notes:
- you can have field 2 without field 1, etc.
- if there is a trailing field, then I need a period separating the two.
Needing this separating period between some of the columns is driving me bat crap crazy. My approach to this point is to build work sheets that feed the main page, thus isolating the logic complexity. This seems to be the only way to segment the processing into something one can edit.
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Jul 26, 2008
I have used Excel for a number of years and have gotten on ok on my own working out simple formulas myself but I have been stuck on this one for a while. Is it possible to enter a value into a cell and have a predefined formula that works with the data that I enter?? I would like to enter a value between 1-10 and the cell then takes this number and multiplies it by a value in another cell. Eg.
I have a cell that displays £10 (let's say D6)
In another cell I enter 8
I would then like the cell to do the formula =8*D6 automatically, as this value can be different each time (1-10)
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Mar 7, 2013
I got a list of counties in Texas, but the list is in mixed case and always has a " County" after each one. I got it converting to upper case, and have tried removing the " County" but no luck. Below is the code I have:
For a = 1 To 254
R = "D" & a
i = "a" & a
ActiveSheet.Range(R) = UCase(ActiveSheet.Range(i))
Next a
End Sub
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Mar 27, 2014
I've set up a filing system which saves sheets/ workbooks based on the value of a cell - Range("B1") Everything works great apart from when ThisFile String length exceeds 31 characters which you may know is the max useable character length for a sheet name - I had no idea! 8-0
Is there a way i can check if string length exceeds 31 characters then, if it does, shorten it to 31 characters?
[Code] .....
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Feb 2, 2009
I seem to be unable to crack the bug in my macro... I want to define 2 variables before launching the next macro with the defined variables.
When I run this macro - the debugger points all the time to the following line: ...
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Feb 13, 2007
I need to construct a text only database to keep track of an ever changing catalogue. The contained data will have three levels to it and look something like this:
Company 1
................Product 1
.............................Extra 1
.............................Extra 2
.............................Extra 3
................Product 2
.............................Extra 1
.............................Extra 2
Company 2
................Product 3
.............................Extra 4
................Product 4
.............................Extra 4
.............................Extra 5
...and so on
As you can see, the database will contain several companies, each selling their own products, each with certain extra's available. My main aim is to have an easily updateable list that can be summarised quickly into a company and their available products and extra's. The database hasn't been constructed yet. Have you guys got any tips or ideas on the best way of setting this out to keep it as flexible as possible?
My first thoughts were along these lines:
...and so on
Does this look to be the easiest way? Obviously there would be quite a bit of duplication in column A and B but as far as I can tell this is unavoidable.
I also have grand aspirations of having a front worksheet with a customised form that allows me to select the company from a dropdown list and then having it populate a list of the products and available extra's. Would I need to use VBA and if so how would I go about doing it? Is it possible to include something to export the results out to a new word or excel document? Eventually I would like to be able to hide the database and have data entry/removal made by way of a similar form. I must admit that this is currently out of my scope so chances are I may reply with further questions.
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Jan 10, 2009
I need to create a string of all the Acc Number but I dun not wan any repeat of the same Acc number in the String . The number of Acc number to be put in the string may varies sometimes. It may varies from 3 to 1000 or more . Is there a way to write a general formula to create such string?
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Apr 18, 2007
I am trying to get a formula sorted out, that if a date is entered into column J, this changes the date in column F. But if there is no date in column J then nothing changes to column F.
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Jul 28, 2008
My formula is:
My problem is that excel only lets me use 7 IF functions and I need a total of 12. So I need a different way to perform that same function.
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Jun 26, 2007
it counts data in columns 4 to Endxlright and then creates a graph based on the status. I'm sure there is redundant code in there but can't seem to shorten it myself.
Option Explicit
Dim vEndCol, vTotal, nFail, nOth, vRow, vCol, nExc, nSum, n, x
Dim Mth As Integer
Dim Cell As Range
Dim vMth, vstMth, vstart, nOK, xRow, vStatus, wks, Chart
Private Sub Calcs()
'Clear previous data and formats
Range(Cells(2, 2), Cells(51, 30)).ClearContents
Range(Cells(2, 2), Cells(51, 30)).ClearFormats
'Identify last row of data
vEndCol = ActiveCell.Column
'variables for all data...................
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Mar 30, 2007
I am trying to run the following
ChDir _
"C:Documents and SettingsChrisDesktopRainforestMASTER LABORNew Master Labor"
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:Documents and SettingsChrisDesktopRainforestMASTER LABORNew Master Labor2 Tuesday.xls" _
, UpdateLinks:=0
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:Documents and SettingsChrisDesktopRainforestMASTER LABORNew Master Labor3 Wednesday.xls" _
, UpdateLinks:=0
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:Documents and SettingsChrisDesktopRainforestMASTER LABORNew Master Labor4 Thursday.xls" _
, UpdateLinks:=0
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:Documents and SettingsChrisDesktopRainforestMASTER LABORNew Master Labor5 Friday.xls" _
, UpdateLinks:=0...................
It worked for a short time but now I am having problems running it. I get an excel error that says excel can't continue. Someone said in a previous post that this could be cleaned up and consolidated. how to clean this up. It took me forever to get this right.
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Aug 11, 2007
Instead of typing out my code hundreds of times, I would like to replace it with an abbreviation or variable(?). Here is my example. If I have this in the wrong place please let me know. I want to replace Activecell.Interior.Colorindex with ACIC. I tried to Dim ACIC as range, variant, no avail. In combination I Set ACIC = Activecell.Interior.Colorindex and that didn't work. I have been toiling with VBA for a year and I am still trying to learn the terminology and understand it so please forgive me if I seem really NOOBIE. :-)
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Feb 1, 2013
I have need of VBA code that will check collumn D, starting at cell 7 until cell 206, for when data that is entered starts with 100. When this occurs it will remove all of the data in that same cell except for the last 12 digits.
Here's an example.
When using our barcode scanner to capture a FedEx Tracking number the barcode captures the following:
Embedded in that long string of numbers (which are formatted as Text) is the tracking number. Specifically the last 12 numbers are the tracking number. However, FedEx varies this code at times so the last 12 numbers are the tracking number only with the raw data captured by the scanner starts with 100. Until I find additional conditions this VBA code will have to ignore all of data that is captured in collumn D starting at cell 7 until 206.
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Jan 25, 2010
I'm using the formula '=LEFT(A2,4)+0 to shorten a numbered line of text.Is there a way to adopt that formula to do the same thing to an alphanumeric line of text (i.e. 80A0267AA1 to read 80A0267) or even better substitute a "-" in place of the "A" (i.e. 80A0267AA1 to read 80-0267)? I know this is really picky, but I figure it's worth a shot.
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Jun 3, 2013
I have a macro that works but was wondering if there is an easier way to shorten up the part of the code that is very repetitive with an array or ? Nothing I have tried works except the code below.
Sub ClearAndReset()
Dim WS1 As Worksheet
Set WS1 = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Stocks")
Application.EnableEvents = False
With WS1
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Apr 9, 2007
i have some code (see below). at the part where it says
If ActiveCell. Offset(0, 9).Value <> "" Then
.Fields("Skill_32") = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9).Value
i want to make this smaller - i have to write this line bout 60 times 3 times over (incresing the numbers as i go ((0, 9..10..11 etc etc and (Skill_32..33..34 etc etc) )) to give you an idea of what im trying to accomplish - im opening and writing to a database but if the cell doesnt contain any info dont update.
Function EditCPS(ByVal StaffNumber As Long)
On Error Goto Err_Handler
Dim SkillsBuilderDB As Database
Dim RSSkillsBuilder As Recordset
Dim MySQL As String
Set SkillsBuilderDB = OpenDatabase(Worksheets("Adding Data").Range("IV1")) ' database location
MySQL = "select * from CPS where StaffNumber=" & StaffNumber
Set RSSkillsBuilder = SkillsBuilderDB.OpenRecordset(MySQL)
With RSSkillsBuilder
If ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9).Value <> "" Then
.Fields("Skill_32") = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9).Value
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May 29, 2003
(see spreadsheet below) ....
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Jan 16, 2013
I have a column of cells with compound if statements like this:
I'm trying to conditionally format this column of cells so that if the cell changes from this formula it'll turn orange. I've tried different variations of the following:
=N10<>"=IF(AND(N" & ROW() & ",K" & ROW() & "<>""""),""X"","""")"
=mid(N10,1,len(N10))<>"=IF(AND(N" & ROW() & ",K" & ROW() & "<>""""),""X"","""")"
=left(n10,len(n10))<>"=IF(AND(N" & ROW() & ",K" & ROW() & "<>""""),""X"","""")"
Basically, I'm trying to do a string comparison of the formula contained within a cell (N10) to a string that is assembled on-the-fly. If they don't match, then the cell should fill orange. I think I'm most of the way there, but can't quite get it to work. While this is simple to do with VBA, I'm rebuilding a lot of the functionality of this sheet using the functions available through the Excel UI -- users always forget to enable macros and always save copies as xlsx.
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Sep 6, 2008
I've been working on this project to propagate certain products through multiple categories. I chose to use excel to assign multiple categories to each product. On sheet1 I have setup products (column a) and qualifiers in the following columns (color, model, etc). What I would like to achieve is for the user to select yes or no for each category column and and if yes then have the corresponding category breadcrumb string (from sheet2) inserted into one specific column in sheet3. As the user continues to select multiple "yes" from the category columns for that single product, those additional category breadcrumbs get inserted at the end of the list in sheet3.
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Mar 20, 2013
I am working with a somewhat lengthy worksheet with over 60,000 records. oOne of the columns within the worksheet is the "Account Number" column, which typically consists of 14 numerical characters, but can sometimes have additional or fewer characters. I need to set up a conditional format to pick up any account number that ends in an alphabetical value, (e.g. a through z). The account number is located in column G.
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Jun 3, 2014
I have a dataset in the following manner
A B C D Value
1 0 2 3 D
2 1 3 4 D
6 2 3 4 A
The VALUE field is my problem. I need a formula so that the value field takes the max of the other four columns and returns a string (e.g. 'A' in the column header)
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Oct 5, 2009
I am trying to write a macro to search a column for a specific text string which when found, will copy the whole row the string is in. Once this row has been copied, I then want the macro to activate a new sheet and search for the next available empty row to paste the data. Once this has been done, go back to the original sheet and find the next cell in the original column with the specified text string and repeat until the range has been satisfied. Below is the script I have that sort of works.
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May 8, 2009
I'm racking my brains as to how I can structure a formula to conditionally rank a value in an array against only those values in the array whose corresponding criteria cell includes a specific letter.
So for example I have a list of 12 values, say 126; 239; 0; 171; 162; 157; 130; 199; 122; 153; 0; 15.
Each of those values corresponds to a heading, say: CDE; DFE; FGE; DFE; ERD; DEA; BDF; DFB; CDE; CEF; CAB; FAB. As you will note some of the headings may or may not be the same and may or may not include the same letters in different orders.
How can I write a formula that ranks in ascending order a given value drawn from the above list (which will be in another cell but which in this case is, let's say, the first value: 126) only against those values whose heading includes a specific character, for example the character C (the character in question will vary and be defined in a specific cell).
As an added complication I need the ranking calculation to exclude any zero values. So in the above example what the formula needs to do is rank the value 126 against a sub-set of the whole array comprising only the values 126; 122; 153; 0.
The answer I need is 2 because, discounting the zero value, 126 is the second highest value.
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Sep 19, 2012
I have a udf that returns a string to the cell. The string is made up of multiple string "objects". What I am wondering is if I can set the font color of certain objects so that when the final string is built and returned, the font of those portions is set.
Ex. of simple idea (this is not actually my code, just a way to illustrate. I realize there is no point to this UDF):
Function StringReturn (Str1 As String, Str2 As String, Str3 As String) As String
StringReturn = Str1 & Str2 & Str3
End Function
Now what if I wanted Str1 and Str3 to be blue, and Str2 to be red for example. So that when the UDF calculates it would return: Str1Str2Str3
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Aug 14, 2014
Wondering if it is possible to generate a random 4 digit number based off an alphanumeric string?
Cell A1 has 123XVF1234
Cell A2 has 321AFW4321
In B1 I would like to have a 4-6 digit number that is generated based on the alphanumeric data in Cell A1 (and so on down the list). If that is possible, I would also need to be able to convert back the 4-6 digit number back to its original alphanumeric value
If B1 returns 643562 it would need to be able to be converted back to 123XVF1234
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Apr 7, 2014
In sheet1 I have a simple database consisting of 5 columns of data
Column A : Name ie James Jones
Column B : payroll number ie 123456
Column C : shift times ie 1245-2124
Column D : job title ie floor
Column E : comments ie A/L or 0600-1500
what I would like is some code that will go down Column E and if a 'time string' ie 1300-2130 is found then copy this string and paste into corresponding value in column C. If a text string is found ie A/L or Sick or anything like this then ignore and move onto next cell, loop this until all cells in column E have been checked.
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Aug 27, 2009
I have a situation where a word (in this case "Restaurant") is misspelled in a list of about 78,000 location names. The location names are in one column, and the [misspelled] word "Restaurant" is anywhere between the first word of the string, to the last, with any amount of alphanumeric/symbol characters between. For example:
Alice's Restaurant
Alli's Restaurant & Bar
Alexis Restaurant of Waukesha
Amigo's Mexican Restaurant #2
I want to replace any misspellings of the word with correct, but since the list is so long, and the way the word is misspelled varies so much, going through manually is entirely too time-consuming.
Some of the variations I've seen so far are Resta, Restau, Restaur, Restuara, etc...
Is there a way to search and replace cells that contain the text in any location of the string? Specifically, where ever there is JUST "Restau", replace with "Restaurant", regardless of where it is in the string? This way, trailing text is not deleted or manipulated, i.e. "Alice's Restaur and Bar" will change to "Alice's Restaurant and Bar".
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Apr 11, 2013
I have a spreadsheet which has "Employee: [agent 1 name]" in column A and it may or may not have the word "Break" in the same column before it mentions "Employee: [agent 2 name]". The amount of data between agent 1 and agent 2 varies and am needing code which will insert a row above "Employee: [agent 2 name]" if "Break" is not found, and add the word "Break" in column A on the inserted row. I would need this to loop through the spreadsheet until all 100+ agents have been searched.
I'm also needing this done for the word "Meeting" and would insert a row 2 rows above the next agent.
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Feb 18, 2014
I'm using a userform to create a new sheet. The form already creates the sheet and names it what was typed into the userform. Now I want it to place that variable in a cell along with a string. the following code will place the variable from the form (tbname) into cell b5.
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Sep 4, 2012
I am working with flight numbers and want to split out the letters from the digits. Examples,
In column A I need the first two or three letters only,
In column B I need everything to the right of what appears in column A
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