Insert A Vlookup Formula That Will Look In The Other Two Sheets And Will Return A Value
Sep 1, 2009
On sheet1, I want to insert a Vlookup formula that will look in the other two sheets and will return a value (say the variable Y) if two lookup values are met and return a blank if they are not met.
Example. Sheet1. CellA1 = apple CellB1 = 2. I want to search Sheet2 and Sheet3 row by row and if Sheet2 has A and B cells which correspond(a row with "apple" in column A and "2" in column B, return the value Y. If not, return blank. Sheet2 and Sheet3 will never have duplicate values (and if they did, returning a Y would be fine).
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Mar 14, 2013
how to write vba code using vlookup formula insert pic from picture folder
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Feb 7, 2007
The main sheet on my workbook has 3 fields- 'Type' , 'Data1', 'Result'
For a given row, a certain formula will be applied on 'Data1' to calculate 'Result'. The formula will vary based on the value of 'Type'.
So example if Type = A, Result= Data1*10
Type = B, Result= Data1*20.
The actual formulas are a lot more complicated.
I know this can be done using a nested if statement, but I would like to know if this can be done using Vlookup (where the formula is returned and it is applied on 'Data1')?
I don't mind any other solution as well as long as I don't need to write a long nested if statement!
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May 1, 2007
I am using vlookup to return a number from sheet 3. I then need to use the number that vlookup returns in a formula on the worksheet, but since the cell containing the number it returns is actually a formula itself (=Sheet3!A5), the formula returns #value!. How do I get just a number/value that I can use in the next formula?
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Oct 30, 2012
The formula below (in cell under Product 1) is accurate and works. It simply pulls data from sheet A159CLE. My problem is this formula has to be copied down 400 rows and over 50 columns. At every row change, the formula needs to change to reflect pulling from a different sheet. The sheet names are in Column A1 listed as Display Pog #. I have been using the find and replace to change out the new sheet names, but with 400 rows this gets very tedious.
Stores: 183
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Jun 23, 2014
I'm trying to use vlookup to return multiple values for the same unique identifier. I've read a couple of examples within the forums, but I haven't been able to find anything I understand. I have employee ID's and these ID's have specific access associated with their ID's and each access is listed within a different row. Within a new spreadsheet I removed all duplicates of the employee ID so now I no longer have a one to one match between spreadsheets, so I would like to create a vlookup that will list all access associated with each employee ID. I have attached a sample of the data sheet I am working with.
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Jul 7, 2014
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
I would like to find the value from Sheet2 Column1 in sheet1 Column1 and return value from Sheet1 Column2 and Column3 into Sheet2 Column2 and Column3
And if it doesn't find anything just return Not Found
The problem that a Vlookup is not working for me is because I want it to be the exact text from sheet2 column1 but in sheet1 column 1 it should not be exact as it might have some extra text as seen in the illustration above
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Mar 4, 2009
i am using this formula to look in a sheet for a cell then return that value from a different sheets column
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Mar 26, 2014
I'm trying to create a rec report, ideally on one page, for multiple criteria. The situation is we get a report on our trade positions (investment stuff) from an outside service we use. We also have a report internally from what we've booked. We're looking to tie out are basic things like price, original par, revised par, trade date, counter-party banks, etc. I've consolidated data from both sources on one page (DATA) where all data points are lined up (say EXTERNAL is from rows 1-500, and INTERNAL is 510-1010). Now I need to create a front page showing the result of each tie-out. The lookup value will be a combination of the fund name + trade ticket number which would almost guarantee a unique ID (fund name XYZ, ticket number 12345 = XYZ12345)
Current tabs on spreadsheet: DATA, EXTERNAL, INTERNAL. I need to add a REC page
Question: What formula can I use to check on each and return TRUE/FALSE? The goal is to have about 8 columns on the REC, each for one of the tie-outs (let's use price as an example.). I know the basic VLOOKUP to return one value, but it appears in this case I will need VLOOKUP to check two matching values based on unique ID XZY12345, compare the price, and return TRUE if they match, FALSE if they don't
Here's something I saw from one of our spreadsheets that I think does the same to confirm counter-party, though I have no idea how to read this lengthy formula.
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Jul 13, 2009
I'm currently trying to vlookup the same data from 2 different sheets. Here is the code i've tried.
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Jun 9, 2009
I’m trying to develop a workbook which holds monthly data on loan information. It tracks the interest and balance on the loan. I want the first page to have a table displaying the interest payments for every individual tab. When I was brainstorming the idea, I was considering a sort of Vlookup function to find the tab the account is on and then a further function, possibly another vlookup which connects the month to that month’s interest payment. Can anyone help me figure this out?
The attached spreadsheet is obviously simplified, there are well over 30 tabs. But I would like it to, ideally, search the account number column, search the workbook for that account number, and then when on that page use the month at the top of the first page and retrieve the interest payment and put it back in the cell. It’d also be great if the formula can be transferred between workbooks. I’m not sure if that makes sense; basically if I were to copy that worksheet into the next months book, I would like that the formula read those tabs instead of becoming obsolete due to references from the first workbook.
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May 7, 2009
I can use the MATCH function when i am in excel but i am having trouble getting it to work when i am trying to insert the formula using VBA.
Here is the code i have but it wont even compile........
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Jan 3, 2014
I currently have an Excel Document (Property Front Sheet Template) which has the following 4 sheets:
Front Sheet - This pulls data from the Pivot Table and Logo Sheet (this is like an Estate Agents cover sheet for a Property with a Picture and basic info pulled from the Pivot table)
Pivot Table - Info is currently pulled from Report Tab (Macro below is used to then populate the correct Logo based on business name and corresponding Logo on the Logo Sheet.)
Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)
Dim PicName As String
Dim Pic As Picture
PicName = WorksheetFunction.Index(Worksheets("Report").Columns("S"), WorksheetFunction.Match(Range("B2").Value, Worksheets("Report").Columns("C"), False))
With Worksheets("Front Sheet")
For Each Pic In .Pictures
Report - Currently I paste in a Report
Logo - This sheet has Logos of various businesses which is then used to populate onto the Front Sheet.
What I want to do is have a Report that runs (i.e File name: Property Schedule) that replaces the Report tab and will then insert the Pivot table, Front sheet etc from the Property Front Sheet Template.
Maybe I'm over complicating this with my explanation but want to give you as much info as I can, so in the end I will run a Report which will then produce a Front Sheet and Pivot Table.
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Feb 9, 2014
I am trying to retrieve data from another file using the VLOOKUP function however this is only to happen depending on if any of the 3 items of data appear in column 8(H)
I have the following and know this is not correct
Sub BlockAllocationsVlookupAll()
Dim x As Long For x = 1 To 65536
If InStr(1, Sheet1.Range("$H$" & x), "OLY") > 0 Then Sheet1.Range("$I$" & x) = Sheet1.Range("$I$" & x) & "sometext" End If Next
End Sub
I know the above doesn't do exactly what needs to be edited to include the Vlookup below
=VLOOKUP(A21,'[001 - Allocations - Blocks.xls]CurrentDayAll'!$1:$65536,9,FALSE)
The other issue is that the cell the VLOOKUP points to first will also change due to the varying length of the report
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Feb 18, 2010
Sheet 1 has a column with verbiage in it. Sheet 2 has a column of possibel verbiage with a second column of numeric values for the verbiage On sheet 3, I want the numeric value for the verbiage in cell b19 on Sheet1
Long way, create a new column on sheet1, run a VLookup to insert the numeric value into the new column, then do an "equals" on sheet 3 that point to the Vlookup results. How can I get the value onto sheet3 without creating the extra column?
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Jan 26, 2010
Is there any way to insert a carriage return after each instance of a character? I have a section of data that requires a carriage return after each instance of -v eg:
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May 9, 2014
Can the below code be modified to insert 2 sheets with the A2 value and specific text ("known" and "unknown")?
So if A2 is Paul Jones when the VBA is run a sheet Paul Jones Known, another sheet Paul Jones Unknown
[Code] .....
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Sep 24, 2013
I have a code which checks if the a worksheet exists, and if not it will add it, but I need to do this for two different sheets and I am stock.
Sub check()
Dim sh$
On Error Resume Next
sh = Sheets("Quarterly").Name
On Error GoTo 0
If sh "" Then
Worksheets.Add.Name = "Quarterly"
End If
End Sub
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Mar 29, 2014
In the sample i have list of codes,also i have picture according this codes: Can i somehow conected pictures and codes? My pictures are in jpg form,can i insert them into cell,where picture should has form as cell has.
When the code from the Data sheet in cell A2 sheet 1,than show the picture conected with this code in Data sheet.
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May 5, 2009
I have two sheets. One called "Roster" and one called "final". On the final sheet i have cols for each question on the final exam. I also have a total col which sums up the pts for each question.
On the "roster" sheet. This is kinda like a summary sheet. On this sheet i use a vlookup (shown below) in the cells which are supposed to reference the cells on the "final" sheet for the total pts.
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Apr 2, 2008
I need to figure out a way to automatically insert rows and copy data on multiple selected sheets. for example, if i insert a row anywhere on sheet 3, i need that same row inserted in the same location with the cells populated with the same data on sheets 4, 6 and 9.
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Feb 17, 2010
I need a coding for count of "Reconciled" items and insert that number of template sheets.
Attached is the sheet for your better understanding.
With the help of attached example I need a coding which will count the number of items the word "reconciled" appears in control sheet (L:L) and should insert that number of template sheets. In this example the count is 16 so it should insert 16 new template sheets.
Pls note the count would not always be the same and count would not always be in cell L123.
After inserting the template it should be renamed as the combined value from the cells.
for example from control sheet the template should be renamed as from E8,D8 & F8
First should be affiliate then subdivision and then currency. It should include "-" between the names.
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Apr 2, 2008
way to automatically insert rows and copy data on multiple selected sheets. for example, if i insert a row anywhere on sheet 3, i need that same row inserted in the same location with the cells populated with the same data on sheets 4, 6 and 9.
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Apr 19, 2008
One of the sheets in my workbook has 5 rows (Rows 1 - 5) that I need to copy and insert at the top of all but 3 of the other worksheets. I can specify the names of the 3 worksheets that I want to avoid changing. The other worksheets will be named differently each time I use the macro.
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Jul 11, 2007
I have a workbook with 61 sheets in it.
What I need to do is insert two rows at the top of each sheet. Now I know I can manually do it, or write a macro to, that bit's easy.
However, when I insert the rows, a lot of my formulas try to pick out the wrong range.
So for example, lets say we're looking at sheet 1. When I insert 2 rows at the top this style of formula still works...
=B14/B12 (it automatically becomes =B16/B14)
=SUM(B10:B11), =B12+B14, =B12*0.25, these also update automatically.
Even a reference to ='Sheet 2'!B48*2 still updates automatically. But formula's of this kind do not...
(regardless of inserting 2 rows, this formula does not change to =SUM(Sheet4:Sheet10!B7) )
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Apr 14, 2009
I have two sheets
One is the master and the othere sheet which has the raw data.
On each sheet you have a unique code for the product which is the same on both sheets.
From the raw data sheet i want to the weight for that product to be inserted onto the master sheet.
(the problem is that both sheets are not in order so you cannot just copy and paste the column)
the unique code on the master sheet is G9 and the unique code on sheet 2 is A27 the weight on sheet 2 is r27 and want the corresponding weight for the product to appear on the master sheet in column BI9.
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Dec 15, 2006
I found a macro code in this forum (Macro: Insert Sheet & Name As Cell Text first empty cell it should stop, but I do not know how to do that. (for example: If cells text is: A1: DOG, B1: CAT, C1: MOUSE then macro should create worksheets named DOG, CAT and MOUSE). I would save code to macro.xls file, in that file it would be also worksheet named LIST with cells names A1: DOG, B1: CAT, C1: MOUSE... in first row. But I would like to run macro on other files, so this new worksheets would be created in that new file and not in macro.xls where where macro and LIST are saved.
Sub AddSheets()
Dim strName As String
strName = Sheets(1).Range("A1")
Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = strName
End Sub
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Oct 29, 2008
Rather than explain, it's best to look at my simple example attached. Why am I getting #N/A in cell E6 when I want it to return "one"?
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Nov 26, 2008
In C1 I have =OR(B10="MOODY",B10="AIB")
B10 (see below) is a Vlookup and it is preventing C1 to return the name of
the agency: AIB or MOODY - Instead I get TRUE or FALSE, No use to me.
Hours Agency
70.00 AIB
80.00 MOODY
70.00 AIB (B10)
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Feb 2, 2010
I'm trying to use the VLOOKUP function to return value from a row below.
I have a large list of numbers (sheet Data) for the entire year with 8 different items per week, and I need to create a list for each week with group of 8 unique items as shown on "Week 21" sheet (I did it manually by copy and paste, highlights are just for the example, don't need to be at the original file). After the first 8th rows, it should start over until it gets to the last value on sheet "Week 21".
Basically, Column B on sheet "Week 21" should be statics, and once I change value on column A it should return values as in the example automatically.
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