Load A Text Box Where The User Can Push Enter And Go To Another Line
May 29, 2009
how can I load a text box where the user can push enter and go to another line? That would be like a comment box. If I put the traditional text box, I can only write in the first line and enter doesn't work. Is there a way to program it, where it would work?
I have a workbook that I'm using to tracking staffing patterns within a mental health agency. When the workbook opens the user is asked to pick a date range and an office location. I've placed code into the userform that pre-fills the "start date" with today's date and the "end date" 7 days from today's date. I would like the user to be able to enter a unique date range should they wish but I have yet to figure out the coding to accomplish my goal.
I need to do a macro that will open a search window, the user would select a folder and it will search for a .csv file within it. Then after locating the file, it would automatically load it into a specific sheet in the workbook.
how I would go about addressing this issue. I am given a directory with individual files in it. Each file has critical information I have to extract from it. So, I want the user to provided this directory to the macro and I want the macro to cycle through each file in this directory (excluding super and sub direcories), open it, retrieve info, and close it
I am creating a macro that will take some information from 3 cells that the user will input, place it into 3 different cells, clear the original 3 cells and then I would like the macro to, when next activated input the new information from the 3 cells below the information that was already in the table.
For Example, Date (D3), Description (E3, F3, G3 Merged cell) and Reference (H3)
I would then like those 3 cells to be put into A9:E9 then clear the original cells. That is not the part that I have the problem well, the following however, is.
After I enter new information into the input cells, and press the macro button, I would like the information to be placed into A10:E10 and from then on, the information goes down by 1 row after each macro.
I know Excel is not the best tool for formatting sentences, but is there a way to insert a Line-Break based on a condition? (Either using Formula or VBA).
The situation is:A fixed-width cell, is a concatenation of 5 strings. Each of these 5 strings is a small sentence of 3-6 words; individually much smaller than the cell-width.2 of these 5 are fixed (one at start, one at the end). The other 3 are results of their respective "IF" formulas.Hence, the final sentence wraps over 2-3 lines.I need the 3rd & 5th sentence (the whole sentence, all 3-6 words of it) to start in a new line, only if they are going to be wrapped into two lines.
So If the wrapping results in: String1 String2 Stri ng3 String4 Stri ng5
Then change it to: String1 String2 String3 String4 String5
One has around 129 lines for the first years 2006 in sheet1. The other links to the first 129 rows. Then I've linked the top 129 in sheet2 130 down for 2007 and so on for 5 years.
How would I add a line in Sheet1 then would insert 5 lines in sheet2 keeping the same order.
Sheet1 Name Rev Year John £120 2006 Row 5 Jack £150 2006 Row 6
Sheet2 (linked) Name Rev Year John £120 2006 Row 5 Jack £150 2006 Row 6 John £130 2007 Row 134 Jack £160 2007 Row 135 John £140 2008 Row 263 Jack £160 2008 Row 264 John £150 2009 Row 392 Jack £170 2009 Row 393 John £155 2010 Row 521 Jack £180 2010 Row 522
Is it possible to change the behaviour of the return button within a textbox? What I would like is, once the return button is pressed, it starts a new line in the textbox rather than it moving to the next textbox within the form.
I have an userform, with a label and several commandbuttons(for instance, command button A, B, C, ...) . Now if I click the command button A I would like to load in the label A text previously written in sheet1 range A1, if I click the command button B I would like to load in the label another text previously written in sheet1 range b1 (the old text shouuld obviously disappear)
i have some code that allows my users to enter their user ID on double clicking. The worksheet code below shows how on double clicking into Colum 3 (If Target.Column = 3 Then) then the user ID will appear. Q: How do i get the code to work in Columns 3, 5 and 7 but not those inbetween?! I tried using "or" but it allowed the ID to be entered into all columns! i.e. 3,4,5,6 and 7 which is not what I require. In short I need the ID to appear on double clik into every other column.
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim user As String 'This refers to the function ReturnUserName, which takes the name from the NT environment
If Target.Column = 3 Then Target = ReturnUserName Cancel = True End If
I'm trying to force a user to enter a numeric value, (one numeric value between 0 and 8, inclusive) into a range of cells, prior to exiting the spreadsheet.
The range would be D7:D252, and a single value would have to be entered into each range prior to exiting the spreadsheet.
I am trying to create an input box where the user can only enter a whole number between 1 and 99. i can create the input box but am having trouble specifiying it can only be a whole number between 1 and 99.
I've created a calendar user form, much like many of the examples I seen posted here. I've tried all that I could find but none would allow the user to use the Enter Key to make the selection like the mouse click.
I would like the use of the Enter Key to produce the same results as a Mouse Click.
What I am after is a user form that pops up when I enter ‘Y’ in cells in Column ‘L’ which displays the contents of the cells in that row e.g. if I enter Y in cell L2 a user form would pop up displaying the contents of cells A2 to M2
The A2 to M2 column headers are:-
First Name Surname Code Address line 1 Address line 2 Address line 3 Address line 4 Address line 5 Post code Telephone Comments
The user form can be Read only i.e. I do not need to edit the cells (although that would be good) as it will be used as a source document to input into another application, however, a ‘Print’ button to print the form would be beneficial. The only other button required would be a ‘Close Form’ option.
I have user form which allow user to entry their inputs in required boxes (Like TxtFirstName, TxtLastName etc.)
My form is working but which I want is that users should first fill up txtFirstName Text Box. Otherwise we will not able to do edit his/ her name in the last Name Text Box (TxtLastName).
I have 4 textboxes that the user enters data. I then have a button on the user form.
i would like to write code so that when the user hits the button... Textbox1 data goes into active cell Textbox2 data into the cell below Active cell Textbox3 below it and textbox4 below it then close the user form.
Is it possible to lock a cell so that the user must enter the number manually as opposed to using a formula.
There is a cell on one of our spreadsheets that the user should be hand entering the numbers from the general ledger this is done to ensure that the general ledger balance is the same as the spreadsheets totals. However most of the user insert a formula that just copies the number from above into this cell that should be hand entered.
i want to do is throw a break in my vba code if the user selects yes through a msgbox vbYesNo prompt and proceed in debug mode. is it possible to code in a break point in this fashion? my desired pseudo
if user selects yes: set break point (to send to debug mode at that point... i dont mean to end the code with a END statement.) if user selects no: proceed program normally
Say a user inputs information into the user form, when they click enter, it enters all the data on the next available line in a workbook.
Is is possible for the user to click a cell on a previously entered row, and have the userform populate with the existing information?
example. say the user has to fill out 3 separate areas. 1, 2, 3. However the user only has data for 1 and 2. They go ahead and enter the infromation for 1 and 2 and click submit to transfer to sheet. Now later he gets information for area 3, can the row the information that he previously entered, lets say column 1, row 1, and it reopens the userform with the information for 1 and 2 prefilled from what he entered previously?
I have a spreadsheet where on a weekly basis data is copied in to various tabs. I then have a "formula" tab where I have a single line of formulas which look up the various data tabs and extract the results I want to show.
Currently each week, before I import the new data into the various tabs, I copy the last row in the "formula" tab and paste to the line below it. This contains all the working formulas. I then paste values only on the line that I copied, thus "locking in" the values it calculated with that weeks data. This means that each row then contains the results with that week's data, and this will grow week by week.
What I am looking for is a formula that automates this process. So let's say that row 30 is the final row of data on my formula tab, it contains the formulas I want to use. I would need a macros that does the following:
1. Looks up last row (row 30) 2. Copies last row (row 30) 3. Pastes to next empty row (row 31) 4. Pastes values only to second last row (row 30)
I'm not too great with writing macros, I've found plenty that can find the last row, but I can't get them to work to highlight that row.
I'm trying to do is set up a form load event to initlize some controls. Here is my
Private Sub Form_Load() 'Initialize the form lblProcessing.Visible = False txtFileName.Text = "Enter a file name" End Sub
At the moment, this event is not triggering. I have the code in the code behind my form - should it be in a module? PS: This site is great - it's answered a lot of my other questions so far without me having to make any posts.
I've been going round in circles with this for hours and have got no-where. I 'm trying to get Excel to paste in a set pattern of data based on an input cell.
In row 1 I have months starting in cell B1. B1 = April 12, C1 = May 12, D1 = June 12, and so on
The user would enter the data in column A, starting in row 2
If the date in A2 = May 12 then Excel would enter 10 in cell C2, 20 in cell D2 and 30 in cell E2. If the date in A2 is changed to June 12, then the previous data would be cleared and Excel would enter 10 in E2, 20 in F2 and 30 in G2.
Date would be entered in A3, A4, A5 etc and I would want it to post the same fixed data depending on the date the user enters in teh relevant row.
I've tried IF statements and also some code but can't even get near it working.
I'm using Excel 2010, and I need to restrict the value the user can enter into a cell (E9).
In cell E3 is the screen width (pixels). eg 6024 In cell E5 is the preferred width of a window. eg 450
The user, in cell E9, enters an x coordinate for which they prefer the top left corner of the window whose width is specified in E5.
If the value that the user enters in E9, added to the width entered in E5, exceeds the value of E3, (if E9+E5 > E3) then the value should be disregarded (window will be off right of screen) and the user re-enter.
I'm not familiar with the use of data validation, so I'm uncertain as to how to use it in this circumstance.
Basically, in the "Thisworkbook" code , i have some code in the Workbook_BeforeClose section. Currently , it autosaves the workbook in a folder i have specified.
However, i need to add some code.I want to check that a certain cell has a value in it before the user closes the workbook, and if the cell is empty, show a messagebox asking him to enter a value.
I know how to get a messagebox to pop up, the only thing is once the user clicks the OK button, i need the rest of the code execution to pause, allowing him to make the change then if he clicks the "X" (top right of the screen) to close the file or application, the filesave dialog appears and he can then save the document.
how to go about this because at the moment when user clicks ok, the messagebox just disappears and filesave dialog appears and he doesn't have a chance to edit the cell.
I have produced a basic search/lookup facility on an Excel workbook that simply allows the user to enter a post code and some details will be returned using a vlookup. The document is going to be rolled out to a number of operational users so I want to basically 'lock down' everything I can in the document (basically everything except the data entry cell) and make it fool proof- I have locked all cells apart from the data entry cell and have made the file read only.
The only issue I am encountering is when the cursor is in the one 'unlocked' cell (i.e. the one the users will enter the post code into); it appears that you can break the document. For example, when the cursor is in the 'unlocked' cell, I am able to go to Tools > Options and change various settings including cosmetic colour changes but also cell calculation which breaks the lookup functionality. This is probably enabled as the cell is unlocked, but if I lock the cell, when I protect the document, it disables data entry!
if there is another way of providing this one cell for users to input data into for the vlookup to work whilst locking down the rest of the document to ensure that no-one can break it?