Lookup - Match - Find - Offset
May 2, 2006
on sheet 1
I have a list of race car numbers (20K, 15W, 2) in A1:A50 (may be more or less than 50)
Next to them in B1:B50 are the point values they earned for a night of racing. 100-97-94 etc.... these are points they have earned for a night of racing that week.
in C1 I have how many column over I need to write to (ex. 4 for Column "D" on sheet 2)
On sheet 2 I have all the total for each week.
A1 B1 C1
Car 4/22 4/29
20K 94 90
15W 97 100
What I need is some code to go down the driver list on sheet1 and write their points in colum D on sheet 2 when it finds the appropriate car number. If the car number does not exist then add the car to the bottom of the list (A50) or whatever, and write the points 4 columns over.
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Aug 7, 2009
In the attached workbook, the following formula appears in column B of the "dropdown" tab. I want to basically do a two criteria lookup, using the values in column A and the value of cell B1, which is a dropdown based on a dynamic range consisting of the company names on the Discounts tab.(starting with cell E1, extending rightward) To make this easier for testing purposes, I'm curretly using cell E1 instead of B1, which is just text.
It seems like this ought to work, but somehow it doesn't:
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Nov 5, 2006
I am having a heck of a time coming up with the proper combination of functions to return data to my worksheet.
Attached, you will find a screen shot of the pages I am dealing with.
Here is what I am trying to do:
On the page named Update Master, I am trying to put formulae into the highlighted cells C2:C11. Each cell will contain a formula to MATCH the team name in UpdateMaster!A:A with a team name in the chart found on worksheet WEEK ONE. Then, I want to return the value found 8 cells down, and 1 cell to the right of that MATCH. Here is a specific example:
In cell Update Master!C2, I need a formula that will MATCH the value in Update Master!A2, , with a value on the WEEK ONE! worksheet. (In this case, 2EZ. After locating the match, I want to return the value found in the bottom right of that players weekly score box. (WEEK ONE!C9...in this example).
I can't make a direct reference to the data...because the value in Update Master!A:A will change after each week. The team names will be sorted in alphabetical order after being sorted by the value found in Update Master!AE:AE...(each player's accumulated score).
I have tried so many combinations of MATCH, LOOKUP, OFFSET, INDEX, ROW...etc., and I keep getting VALUE# or NA# errors at some point in the computation. Maybe one of you can point me in the right direction.
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Sep 2, 2007
i tried using the lookup but it gave a different result. i want to search a value from sheet1 A to sheet2 A and copy the remarks from sheet2 B and paste it to sheet 1 B and if not found leave it blank.
here's the attach file i just trim it down.
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Jun 21, 2012
How can I modify the following formula to find the contents of reference cell, for example if the cell reference (G$3) is equal to 9 I want it to use 8 instead.
I tried using G$3-1 but this doesn't appear to work.
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Dec 10, 2007
Working on an export from an e-commerce application that lists the item purchased, unfortunately not by item #, but rather a lengthy description. I'm trying to construct an item number based on that description which contains several constants.
Each item ordered appears in a single row, comprised of ORDERID, QTY, PRODUCT DESCRIPTION
I have several tables to pick out PRODUCT TYPE, COLOR, SIZE, etc. I need a formula to search to see which of the unique values appears in each in the cell and return the shortcut of that value.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION example "Sweater - Blue - Large - Wool"
Sweater SWTR
T-Shirt TSHT
Blue BL
Green GN
Purple PL
Black BK
I would have separate tables for each part of the description.
The formula I'm seeking would search the PRODUCT DESCRIPTION cell for the range of values for each 'part'. So it would search to see which of Sweater, T-Shirt, or Jeans was in the cell and then return the one that was - SWTR in this example. I would modify this formula for each 'part', in its own cell, and then use an =cell#&"-"&cell#&etc... to combine these returned values.
I know I can write a large if- chain using ISERROR & FIND, though some of these lists will get lengthy.
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May 24, 2008
I have a large database of equipment on one sheet and an input form on another. For inventory control, when a user scans a number into the input form, the main inventory sheet is updated with the current location. I have it working using functions, but I need to do this in VBA. I am looking to do the following;
User enters 2222 on the input form. The code matches 2222 on the inventory sheet, moves the activecell 10 columns and updates a value in that cell. Cell A2343 is "2222" then Cell K2343 is changed to "WAREHOUSE 4". What is the best way to find the match and then select that cell in VBA?
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Nov 1, 2006
- Find a value on a sheet “ORM” in Column G5:G33
-Get the corresponding value of B5:B33 of that cell
-Place that corresponding value in a canned remark: “You have the number 2 in Block, 12, 14, 25 22.
-Place this canned remark in TextBox31
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Oct 20, 2008
I have a set of data
Col A, B, C
A = Date, B = Interval e.g 08:00, 08:30, C = Number
My aim is to lookup to A+B in order to retrieve C
I have tried and offset within a lookup and upto now have been unable to proceed, I have attached the formulae I was using;
=HLOOKUP($I$4,Sheet2!$A$5:$A$6,OFFSET(B5,MATCH(H5,Sheet2!$B$5:$B$6,0)*0,1),FALSE) - returns the date value
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Jun 19, 2006
I am trying to use offset & lookup, to return a cell x rows below the lookup value. I am able to get the correct result when I use the lookup and offset functions separately. When I nest the lookup function within the offset, I get an error.
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Feb 2, 2007
I have a range of numbers in row 8 all of which are unique, then another range in row 20 (there are numbers in between but I'm not worried about those). I'm trying to get a code or formula that will find a user defined number typed into c30 (which can change) in row 8, then scroll down to row 20 (same column) and sum all the values from b20 up to and including this point (along this row). The number inputted into c30 will always exist somewhere in row 8.
I can't work out if this is possible using lookup/offset/cell/sum/other functions, figure it may need VBA.
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Mar 26, 2008
Excel offers many ways to use a key to lookup a value (VLookup, Index/Match, DGet, and the rest). What's the fastest way to perform a lookup of a small table of, say, 30 rows of key-value pairs? Theoretically, it would be most efficient to use a branch table (also known as a jump table). See the wikipedia article for branch tables: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Branch_table. Does Excel/VBA have a way to create a branch table for such lookups?
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Jan 2, 2009
I have a workbook with 2 different types of sheet - 1 containing source data and the others 'collecting' data from the source sheet, depending on what the sheet is for.
For example, the data source contains different pets, their names, ages and their owners.
The other sheets are on a one-per-owner basis.
What I would like to do is use a LOOKUP / MATCH function to lookup the owner name typed in cell A1 of the output sheet and match it with the corresponding owner name(s) on the source sheet. I would then like it to return with each pet and append the results on the sheet accordingly - like below:
John Smith (in cell A1)
Pet - Name - Age
Dog - Rover - 3
Goldfish - Tom - 1
Gerbil - Chewit - 4
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Mar 2, 2009
I'm trying to lookup a string in a column from another sheet and than return the row on which that string was found. I have two files, one in which my OFFSET/MATCH worked and another in which they didn't work properly.
My problem is this: I have multiple instances of a string in a column and i want to get all the info on that string (the rest of the columns). Let me explain in examples.
In column A on Sheet 2 i have
4 2 4
2 3 4
5 3 2
2 2 2
4 1 3
I need to have in Sheet 1:
4 2 4
4 1 3
Where the first 4 (bolded) is the reference value.
In sheet 1 i have a column A2 which is the reference. In column B2 i have
=MATCH(A2;'Sheet 2'!A1:A16051;1) - this worked on a file but returned a bad value on the other (donno why)
In the second file i used =MATCH(A2;'Sheet 2'!A2:A10552;0)+1 which returned the good value.
For the second value (row 4 1 3) i used =IF(OFFSET('Sheet 2'!A1;B2-2;0)=A2;OFFSET(Sheet 2'!A1;B2-2;0);0). This worked well on the first file but didn't work on the second.
I got the commands above from someone that used to update this file so i don't know exactly how they work
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Oct 24, 2008
If there is not match, I get #N/A in the cell. I would prefer to get a value of zero (or ""). I've been experimenting with ISNA and ISERROR.
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Oct 30, 2006
I have a large array of cells that go from A1 to A2500. In VB, I need to take a given date that resides in a cell, say 1/6/2006 in C2, and look for a match of it within this large array. When the match is found, I need it to look in the column to the right (IE, from A5 to B5) and assign the value there to a Cell (C1).
Could someone provide an example of the code I was use in VB for this? I'm having a lot of trouble with it.
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Dec 16, 2006
I have a worksheet of data that I am trying to reference to. I will have the data as a "dump" on one worksheet, and lookup from that sheet. I've attached an example of the data dump. I need to essentially VLOOKUP the value (i.e. 054_6425) and then count over 3 columns, and down two rows. I've tried INDEX MATCH, but can't get that to work. Can you get VLOOKUP to count over and down and return a value? File "example" is attached.
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Jul 7, 2007
i'm trying to return a value thats offset but the position of the value may change each time data is imported. i've attached sheet displaying problem, as i can't explain clearly. i need to lookup the value in column A (yellow), then find and return the total percentage value in column C (blue). its always 2 columns across but the problem is it could be anything from 2 to 5 rows down.
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Jan 30, 2008
I am referencing a value in column A of Sheet 1. I am looking for that value in column B of Sheet 2 and would like to return the value of the cell that is 1 row below and 4 columns to the right (column F). I need to do this multiple times.
Can I use a VLOOKUP/OFFSET combo or Index/Match?
I am writing the formula in column H of sheet 1.
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Feb 5, 2008
The Vlookup portion is already working but I need the value located one row below that one.
here is what I have, which return the value itself, I cant seem to incorporate the offset function ion VBA:
Cells(x + 1, y) = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(TempName, Worksheets("Data").Range("F1:F100"), 1, False)
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Feb 7, 2014
I'm struggling with this.
Sheet2.A1 = Cat
On Sheet1, I want to find Cat in Column C and then Offset down 2 rows and over 57 columns
Put result on Sheet2, B2
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Feb 2, 2009
I have in col J a series of values, these can be negative and positive numbers of any value. In col D I have the time (starting at midnight each day) that the values occured in col J. I am trying to look down col J until a value >= 50 is reached, I then want to look across at the corresponding cell in col D to find out what time this event occured. So, if a value of 50 or more is found in cell J232 for instance, I want to look across at cell D232 and extract the time found in that cell.
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Apr 6, 2009
Can Offset be combined in an Index Match Match formula as per the attached sample?
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Feb 17, 2009
I have one condition which needs to be matched. This code I wrote can find the first instance and then offset data to another worksheet accordingly.
My question is whether than can be done for every other instance that appears on my sourcesheet 'Invoicing'. I have considered putting a loop in, but this will only find the first instance over and over again which is pointless.
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Jun 30, 2006
I'm having trying to set up a new
workbook to pull selected results from an existing one. I am trying to figure
out the formula/function for cells B2:D3 on workbook2:
(Col A is dynamic range 'name', Col B is dynamic range 'product', Col D is
dynamic range 'mtd')
Joe P1 7
P2 1
P3 2
Total 10
Jill P1 3
P2 4
P3 1
Total 8
P1 P2 P3
Joe 7 1 2
Jill 3 4 1
I entered the following as an array formula in cell B2 and it works fine to
return the proper result of 7:
This does not work to return the results for P2 or P3, I am assuming because
I need some sort of an offset for the different rows in workbook1.
I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction here. First I want
to locate the proper name in workbook 1 and then the proper product under
that name and finally pull the mtd col D result for that product and name.
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Jul 10, 2008
I'm trying to create a formula that would return the value of the column next to it. Looking at the below example, in a new cell I would want to be able to return the value 7 based on the fact that it is in category b.
I would think an if/offset/match function would do this but I can't seem to figure it out as it may require nesting.
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Jul 2, 2009
I am using an offset match formula to look at a named range of data and create a validation list of property address's based on certain criteria in cell d1.
My question is it appears the information which is status information seems to have to be sorted, otherwise the list doesnt work properly.
is there another formula to accomplish this with out having to sort the criteria in cell d1 ??
This is the formula i am curently using, it works great if "ListStatus" is sorted and not if unsorted.
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Sep 22, 2006
I found the following formula, with different sheet and cell references, on someone's site: =OFFSET(CurvCalc!$E$12,MATCH(MAX(CurvCalc!$E$12:$E$10000)+1,CurvCalc!$E$12:$E$10000,1)-1,0)
I googled for the last couple of days but can't find this site again. I have found several that come close like Dave's at http://www.ozgrid.com/News/excel-dynamic-ranges-vba.htm
and Microsoft's at
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Apr 17, 2012
I am looking to do lookup list using the offset function. Scenario: I have 5 dealer groups, each with there own dealers. Each dealer has a list of customers. Once I select the customer it will bring up a list of their vehicles. I am stuck on selecting the customers and vehicles once the dealer group and dealer are selected.
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Mar 29, 2008
I have a data range set up in a step chart formation. This means there is a "Name" to the left and a time line of "values" to the right in quarterly increments (3 months at a time). Row 1 has the first month of each quarter and should be used to find the start date. Row 2 has the last month of each quarter and should be used to find the end date.
I need to find the first value from left to right and return the date directly above it in row 1.
I need to find the last value in the step chart and return the date directly above it in row 2
Start Date..A...B...C....D...E...F
End Date....U...V...W...X...Y...Z
Start Date: B
End Date: X
Duration: = B - X
The reason i need this information is to create a Gantt Chart.
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