Multiple Parameters Using A Range Of Cells To MSQuery
Apr 17, 2003
how to pass multiple parameters using a range of cells to MSQuery? When I try to it tells me that I can select a single cell only. Anyone know of a new and improved sql driver to use with Excel?
I need grouping and then summing in either msquery or back in excel after the data has been extracted from msquery.
I have external data that i have interogated in msquery, and I would like to to sum the amount column if possible. I have two fields, first field = account number 2nd field = amount due
the first field could contain 5 sets of the same account number, but with different amounts in the Amount Due column. I would like to sum the amounts due for each of the account numbers in one column.
If i cannot do this in msquery, how do i then go about doing it back in excel. I know i can use subtotals, but then when the data updates from the external data source.
I have a long list of past jobs, around 4000+. I have multiple fields, but I really wish to concentrate on the:
1) Job Type - Example would be Medical or Imprint
2) Job # - Correlates when it was done - Example would be 91059 would be a job within 2008-2009 fiscal year.
All the jobs are listed in the first spreadsheet. The second spreadsheet will hold generalized data broken down by the Type of Job and the fiscal year it was done.
I wish to first count how many jobs fit a specific job type. This was easily done:
A7 = Medical A1:A4121 = the range of the names.
Count comes up as 346, which is correct.
I then want to add another parameter to break up the 346 by fiscal year. It ranges from 05-06 to 08-09. I came up with this:
Since the job # correlates to the fiscal year it was created, anything starting with 9 is a job done in 08-09. Anything starting with an 8 would be of course 07-08 range. I would have multiple fields with each different fiscal year.
However, when I put the 2nd formula in the function didn't work. It keeps the count at 346, which I know is wrong. I am not sure if I did something wrong here. Been looking at this for an hour and can't figure out what is wrong. The jobs that are medical within 08-09 fiscal year should be 120, but it keeps at 346.
Im currently using the below formula but was wondering if its possible to combine the parameteres that im looking up in coulmn L in sheet one so i dont have to do the formula three times? something along the lines of={"P11111";"P22222";"P33333"}?
I've got some data formatted by column in the worksheet that I'd like to pass into the function and have it return something from an array. This is essentially a replacement for vlookup, but easier considering the volumn of data I've got. Take something like this...
Column N will have integers (0 through 20)
I want to pass contiguous parts of N into the function and have it return the corresponding sum of values from the respective positions in an array I defined locally. Here is the function:
In the attached file I have a sheet containing my data in A1 - D73. Column A contains a list of names, Column B contains a specific month, Column C contains a specific category and Column D contains the raw data.
Is it possible to create a formula similar to VLOOKUP to look not only at Column A, but to look at Column B as well in determining the value returned? I would like other users to first select a name and then select a month to view the data. I've attached a sample of what I've created so far. The original file contains 14 Names, 9 Months and 40 Categories.
I would like to have set of data as Parameter if possible.
Example: In Microsoft Queries I have two data sets. In first one shows let's say Item Number, and second one I should have table with components of all Item numbers listed in first table.
So first table I set one Parameter (?) and i get like 8 results. I would like that second table takes those 8 results (sometimes more or less then 8) as parameter and shows data (components) for them.
If I set sign '?' I can only select one cell as parameter, is there any way I can select multiple cells as parameter and use it like SQL function IN ?
And second table should look for results in first table under 1.COMNR and select it as 2.ITMNR
How do I adapt code so that it creates a sumif formula for Values in Column E. my current code is: HTML Range("E65536").End(xlUp).Offset(2, 0).Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUMIF(E:" & Range("E65536").End(xlUp).Address & ",""<0"",E:" & Range("E65536").End(xlUp).Address & ")"
In short, if a value in Column E is < 0, then sum the amount in Column E, and this should give a total of all the negative numbers in column E, but the range parameters seem completely off in my sequence.
I get about 10 text files at the beginning of each month that I need to import into Excel. The file layout does change slightly from month to month so I have an Excel spreadsheet with the layout as the first worksheet. Each text file is in fixed layout form rather than delimited. The structure of that page is that the name of the first text file is in cell A1. The cumulative field widths are below that and the data formats are next to the field widths (in the adjacent column “B”). T=Text, G=General, D= Date with 3 flavors of Date: YMD, DMY and MDY. For the second text file, it repeats the structure in columns “C” and “D”, the third text file in columns “E” and “F” etc. What I would like is for the macro to open the first text file (based on the name in cell A1) and import it into a new worksheet (same file) using the cumulative field widths in A2 through A8 and the formats from B2 through B8, then import the next text file to a new worksheet (same file) using the cumulative field widths in C2 through C8 and the formats from D2 through D8 and keep going until all the files have been imported. The sheet names should be the same as the file that is imported (the “.txt” part of the file name isn’t important). I’ve attached a copy of the Excel spreadsheet that has the file names, field widths (cumulative) and field formats and a 2 row sample of the text file for the first import.
Is it possible to set parameters on a query but use a wildcard to return all instances? I have a query that I want to be able to set multiple parameters on but give the user the ability to select as many or as few parameters as they want to see. 2 of the parameters are number fields and 2 are text fields with no spaces.
Is it possible to create a new field in MS Query which uses an IF / IIF statement to determine it's value?
I am querying an Excel file/table, and have a field called 'Mo Nm' (month name) which stores the name of the month of a sales record, with the sales value stored in 'Sale Value'.
I'm trying to create 12 new fields in my query output to report the total sales by customer by month in a single record, rather than 1 record per month, and having to then do a Pivot Table on the result.
MSQuery is using a table called Data$ (the XL file has a sheet called 'Data', which stores the XL list being queried).
I have a spreadsheet that queries another spreadsheet, using MSQuery. The query is of a named range on another workbook. What I am trying to do is change the workbook reference, to another similar workbook, with the same range name. MSQuery is not easily letting me do this. I figured there was a way to simply change the file that the created table (in MSQuery) is using. There doesn't seem to be a way to do this.
The named range is "data." This is what the SQL view looks like: ...
I have an ODBC connection to a db2 database in MSQuery. I want to return the length of a string. I've tried Len(string) but it says its not in the library.
I am attempting to use MSQuery to extract records from an Oracle transaction table by passing user defined Date/Time field parameters.
So if the date range for the query is for Fiscal Period 10 of this year, my parameters would be: [StartDate] = #2002/10/1# [EndDate] = #2002/11/1#
Daily transaction activity is in the early morning hours ending at 6:00AM so my Criteria is: Between [StartDate] + .25 and [EndDate] + .25 Note: The +.25 represents 1/4day = 6hrs (6:00AM)
If I use the hardcoded Start/End Dates, my query works fine, but if I try and pass the dates as parameters I get "ORA-00932 inconsistent datatypes" error. And I can't seem to pass the Date/Time combination successfully....
If anyone has encountered a solution for how to pass a Date/Time Paremeter into MSQuery I would love to hear how you did it. I'm starting to pull my few remaining hairs out!
[ This Message was edited by: Tuner on 2002-11-07 12:23 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Tuner on 2002-11-07 12:28 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Tuner on 2002-11-12 12:51 ]
Running XL07. Need to have one workbook pull data from several dozen others.
Have columns to the right that refer to the query table.
As I add in queries to other workbooks, the time to update each individual query goes up a lot; it feels as if the update time is increasing geometrically. I'm giving up after 2 hours, for query updates that used to take
I'm trying to create a simple Excel spreadsheet (not looking for Access or complex relational database stuff) to have the following:
A tab with data about a person : name, date of birth, join date, and a list of sessions they attend (eg. Monday Morning, Monday afternoon etc).
A different tab in the same sheet, or a form to select from that list of people, and allow changes to the information, and the ability to save it back to the data tab. Ability to add new people or delete people would be useful.
I am looking to create this as a basis for managing sessions, creating a register etc....
Any simple spreadsheet which I can use as a starting point, or to use as a reference in getting it established?
I am trying to do a query against my database using MsQuery, but I am having a problem with it...
One of the tables in my database stores information as Binary (Bits) instead of actual text.... When I create the Query in MsQuery, the text is displayed as desired...but when I send it to Excel that column is not displayed..
Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get it to send the column to Excel?
See attached for what I mean. The Bits column shows in MSQuery, but not in Excel.
I'm after a formula that will look at a number of cells(that are not in a range) with the word "C" and if they all = "C" then I want the cell to come back with the result "yes" otherwise "no".
I have two columns. The first column has a list of names and the second a list of numbers:
I want to get the sum of all numbers next to Smith and the same for Jones (and so on). I can autofilter and manually sum each person, but there are MANY different names and this would take a long time to do manually. Is there a formula or vbscript that I can use to automate this so I have end up with:
I would like to select multiple active cells (in different columns) and have them copied and pasted in another sheet. The current macro I am using seem to work fine, except for the fact that it only selects cell A3 to the end of the list in that active column. I would like it to also select B3 - down, C3 - down, and E3 - down.
I "Bolded" where I think the problem lies.
Sub Sort() Sheets("Univerity Rankings").Select Range("a3:z10000").Select
So this is something that I'm not sure is possible in Excel. I would like to use an "if,then" statement to see if a number is in multiple cells. I know this is usually very simple except there's a catch here. In each cell there's a number range using a "-". So in a single cell a range would be 301-305. I am open to having the range done a different way like 301,302...etc. I just decided this would be an easy way to look at it and was hoping to find a way to solve this problem with leaving in the dash. Whatever is practical is fine with me.
Using Example A in the attached file I want to use this statement, =IF(308 is in any of the ranges in A3:A6, TRUE, FALSE).
So, for me, the alternative I want to avoid is Example B where I would have to list every single number and then check the whole range. I would like to avoid this because these examples, as you can imagine, are on a much smaller scale then what I will actually be dealing with.
The following code works fine to determine if a particular character occurs within the selected range of cells:
Code: Sub CheckIfCharacterIncluded() For Each MyCell In Selection If InStr(MyCell.Formula, "#") Then MsgBox ("The " & "#" & " character was found in cell: " & MyCell.Address & " at position " & InStr(MyCell.Formula, "#")) End If Next End Sub
However, I would like to extend this functionality to check for multiple characters, using some sort of array that contains all the characters I want to check for e.g. "#","*","£" and so on, without having to repeat the above code for each character for which I need to check.
Trying to get a problem solved to have a % discount & 'flat' $ discount apply to cell(s) referenced. Product A, B & C are available in 3 different materials. Objective is to allow each material's Max Discount column to apply discount(s) referenced in cell J3 & K3, but only in the order of applying the percentage discount BEFORE the 'flat' $ discount.
Formula in cell C3 works IF the cell "Range to apply discount" I3 = "B3". Works just fine if I allow only one cell to be displayed in I3, but ideally, I'd want this to allow the said discount(s) in cell J3 & K3 to apply to any cells mentioned (for instance, for Product A Material 1, Product B Material 2).
I had tried a drop-down menu using Data Validation, which in my actual project allows me to select ONE cell at a time (out of my list of options), which is okay, but it would be extra useful to have a checkbox option to select which ones to apply the same discount to, instead of creating a massive embedded IF function to have each product in each material find whether it's cell is referenced in 20 different places (if I just copy the already functioning single cell reference tool).
The scale in which I'd like to use this in would be to apply specific discounts for one product, but a different discount for another product or material, and allow the input cell I3 to include a checkbox drop-down option (like the filter/sort), but not remove the data in the table (Range A2:G5 in this example), so I can hide any unnecessary columns and print, showing certain products & materials having a 10% discount, while others having a 20% discount, with an additional $5 off, etc.
I have a drop down list in a column called Report Type (example below).
Report Type - Drop-Down Menu in Column F Business/Operational/Work Plan Budget Report Performance Report Program Quarterly Report Program Mid-Year Report Program Annual/Year-End/Final Report Service Quarterly Report Service Mid-Year Report Service Annual/Year-End/Final Report Financial Quarterly Report Financial Mid-Year Report Financial Annual/Year-End Report Auditied Financial Statements In-Year Reallocation Annual Reconciliation Report SRI Report Other Report
I need to count all the cells that have: Budget Report, Financial Quarterly Report, Financial Mid-Year Report, Financial Annual/Year-End Report, Audited Financial Statements, In-year Reallocation, and Annual Reconciliation Report