IF Statement On Multiple Cells Not In Range

Jan 8, 2014

I'm after a formula that will look at a number of cells(that are not in a range) with the word "C" and if they all = "C" then I want the cell to come back with the result "yes" otherwise "no".

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Inserting Multiple Cells And Shifting Down Column Multiple Rows In IF Statement

Sep 7, 2012

how to shift data in a column down multiple rows while in an IF statement. I am assuming you cannot just simply repeat the insert cell formula.

Here is my code - it's ugly but it was working when I just needed it to move down one cell:

lastrow = Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row
For i = 2 To lastrow
Range("B" & i).Select
If Range("B" & i).Value = Range("B" & i).Offset(-1, 1).Value Then


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Countif Statement: Count The Number Of Cells That Have A Value Greater Than 0 In A Range Of Cells

Jun 23, 2009

How do I count the number of cells that have a value greater than 0 in a range of cells?

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Adding Multiple Columns That Have Price Range Statement?

Feb 28, 2014


$2.95 to $11.00
$4.50 to $19.00
$17.45 to $40.00

Is there a formula that will add column A to the left and right sides of columns B and C to give me an overall answer range in column D?

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IF Statement To Evaluate Multiple Cells

Jun 9, 2014

I have a ss that has item descriptions, quantities and pricing.

Item descriptions are identified by a letter (a, b, c, etc) and in cells C20:c32. These are selected by drop down box. Item quantities are in cells E20:E32.

I want to evaluate cells C20:C32 and determine what letter is chosen. If A is selected in any cell C20:c32 I want to count the quantities for A in cells E20:E32. I can't quite figure out how to do this.

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IF Statement Help With Values In Multiple Cells

Jul 24, 2009

I need to see if it is possible to set up an IF statement that can pull information from cells based on the results already available in those cells.

ABCDEFGHIJKLM1Non FeaturedGoodGoodIdentical IMEIsGoodNeeds RLM NumGoodGoodGoodChk DOA BoxGood32Non FeaturedNo ExchangeGoodGoodGoodNeeds RLM NumGoodGoodGoodChk DOA BoxGood23

What I need is a formula in cell M1 that will check each cell B1 thru K1 for the data "Good". If it does not equal "Good", then I need the checks true/false value(s) to show the reason shown in the other cells.

In other words, for row 1, i need a formula where the outcome would be "Identical IMEIs" because D1 is the first box in the set that does not equal "Good". Then if D1 was corrected to "Good", the outcome would then be "Needs RLM Num".

I tried to do it in sections such as {=IF(B7"Good",B7, then the next check )} but the number of statements exceeds the number of IF statements that can be nested. And I really need the formula to fit in one cell.

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Use If / Then Statement - Deleting Range Of Cells

Jun 11, 2014

I have a sheet with thousands of rows and 45 columns and I need to delete a range of cells (G:Y) if the cell in column V = the cell in column X, and I need to do this by row. I think an if/then statement would work.

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If Statement Covering Multiple Non Adjacent Cells

Aug 1, 2006

I want a message to show up if I have any of 6 selected cells empty? It basically serves as a reminder to fill in all required cells in a sheet that may be located in different cells. How can I write a formula in one cell that will look at all source cells and tel me that some are empty?


******3 PM

Formula Here to verify all filled in.

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Nested Next Loop: Evaluate The If Statement Below Over A Range Of Cells

Aug 22, 2008

I think the problem is the order in which I have the "next" loops. I would like to evaluate the if statement below over a range of cells

Sub Analysis()

Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim TheLast As Integer

TheLast = Sheets("Name").Range("c" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

For i = -7 To -26 Step -1
For x = 24 To 43
For y = 14 To 43
For k = 16 To TheLast.................

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Nested IFs Statement That Looks At A Range Of Cells Between 2 Tabs Within The Same Worksheet

Jun 8, 2006

I'm trying to create a nested IFs statement that looks at a range of cells between 2 tabs within the same worksheet, determines if there is a value of 1 in ANY of those cells, and if there is, to multiply the value of yet another cell by 1 in a cell on the second tab. So, if 1 is a value in any cell of Tab 1 cells C82 to C86, then in Tab 2 cell B21, multiply 1 by the value in 'Tab 1 Cell H5'.

I've tried this =IF(('LM fundamentals'!C82>=1), ('LM fundamentals'!C83>=1), ('LM fundamentals'!C84>=1), ('LM fundamentals'!C85>=1), ('LM fundamentals'!C86>=1), 'Order Information'!$B$21!=(1* 'LMfundamentals'!$H$5!))

I even tried a vlookup, having given the cell range in Tab 1 a name, etc. But I have little skill with logic statements, apparently.

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Design If Statement That Refers To A Range Of Cells On Calculation Sheet

Mar 21, 2014

I'm trying to design an if statement that refers to a range of cells on a calculation sheet to perform one calculation on TRUE; another on FALSE

=IF(A22='Calculation Sheet'!A27:A36,B22*100/16,B22*100/8)

When I view the formula in Function Arguments window, Value_if_true = 1043.75 & Value_if_false = 2087.5 <- these are correct

IF Func Arg.jpg

When I view the cell in the spreadsheet, system displays #VALUE!

When I view Evaluate Formula window, it seems Excel doesn't like the text.

IF Form Eval.jpg

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IF Statement To Leave Cell Blank If Multiple Cells Are All Blank?

Mar 12, 2014

I am looking for an IF statement that would leave a balance cell blank if both the revenue and expense cells are blank, otherwise a formula would be calculated.

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If Statement In Macro: Macro To Change A Range Of Cells Colours Based On A Single Cell?

Mar 16, 2007

1st - Need a macro to change a range of cells colours based on a single cell having a value greater than 0.001. ie. cells A1 - G1 need to change to grey based on cell F1 having a value greater than 0.001 entered in it?

2nd - Also a macro for deleting the text contents of cell C1 based on cell F1 having a value greater than 0.001. Therefor if cell F1 has a number greater than 0.001 it changes the colour of celss A1 - G1 and also deletes the text in cell C1?

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Create Multiple IF Statement And Multiple VLOOKUP Within Same Formula

Aug 11, 2014

I am trying to create a formula which looks in 1 cell to determine 'IF' it states either "BUTT CUT" or "DIE CUT" and then does a VLOOKUP in a table array for each which ever column relates to asnwer to 'IF statement.

This is as far as I have got but even this won't work:


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IF Statement Using Multiple Variables To Give Multiple Outcomes

Feb 6, 2009

I'm looking to work out an IF statement based on a series of dates entered to give 1 of 3 possable outcomes. Where:

A1: todays date (exmaple =NOW())
B1: due date (exmaple 10/02/09)
C1: completion date (example 12/02/09)
D1: status (overdue, outstanding or completed)

D1: =IF(A1>B1,"overdue",IF(A1<B1,"outstanding",IF(C1<=>A1 & B1,"completed")))

I know the last part is totally wrong (symbols arranged in that manner), but to clarify i would like the date entered in C1 to override the other statements in the fomula to make it read "completed". If no date is entered in C1 then the formula will return either "overdue" or "outstanding" depending on the other dates in A1 and B1.

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Calculate Sum Of Multiple Cells Against A Range

Sep 30, 2009

I have two columns. The first column has a list of names and the second a list of numbers:

JONES 12.2

I want to get the sum of all numbers next to Smith and the same for Jones (and so on). I can autofilter and manually sum each person, but there are MANY different names and this would take a long time to do manually. Is there a formula or vbscript that I can use to automate this so I have end up with:

SMITH 11.9
JONES 17.2
XXXXX xx.x

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ActiveCell With Multiple Cells (range)

Dec 16, 2011

I would like to select multiple active cells (in different columns) and have them copied and pasted in another sheet. The current macro I am using seem to work fine, except for the fact that it only selects cell A3 to the end of the list in that active column. I would like it to also select B3 - down, C3 - down, and E3 - down.

I "Bolded" where I think the problem lies.

Sub Sort()
Sheets("Univerity Rankings").Select


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Finding A Number In Multiple Cells With Each Of Its Own Range

Nov 3, 2009

So this is something that I'm not sure is possible in Excel. I would like to use an "if,then" statement to see if a number is in multiple cells. I know this is usually very simple except there's a catch here. In each cell there's a number range using a "-". So in a single cell a range would be 301-305. I am open to having the range done a different way like 301,302...etc. I just decided this would be an easy way to look at it and was hoping to find a way to solve this problem with leaving in the dash. Whatever is practical is fine with me.

Using Example A in the attached file I want to use this statement, =IF(308 is in any of the ranges in A3:A6, TRUE, FALSE).

So, for me, the alternative I want to avoid is Example B where I would have to list every single number and then check the whole range. I would like to avoid this because these examples, as you can imagine, are on a much smaller scale then what I will actually be dealing with.

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Multiple Lookup At A Range Of Cells On Same Line

Apr 24, 2012

I wish to create a Look up that looks at a range of cells on the same line Eg C6:G6

Then looks at a different tab and completes the look up.


No within the cells C6:G6 i want the formula to only use the highest match



So in the first line i want the result to use the number 070031 and in the second example i want it to use 070 for the look up.

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Searching For Multiple Characters Within Range Of Cells?

Dec 10, 2013

The following code works fine to determine if a particular character occurs within the selected range of cells:

Sub CheckIfCharacterIncluded()
For Each MyCell In Selection
If InStr(MyCell.Formula, "#") Then
MsgBox ("The " & "#" & " character was found in cell: " & MyCell.Address & " at position " & InStr(MyCell.Formula, "#"))
End If
End Sub

However, I would like to extend this functionality to check for multiple characters, using some sort of array that contains all the characters I want to check for e.g. "#","*","£" and so on, without having to repeat the above code for each character for which I need to check.

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Have Cell Allow (Range) Or Multiple Cells To Be Referenced

Mar 14, 2014

Trying to get a problem solved to have a % discount & 'flat' $ discount apply to cell(s) referenced. Product A, B & C are available in 3 different materials. Objective is to allow each material's Max Discount column to apply discount(s) referenced in cell J3 & K3, but only in the order of applying the percentage discount BEFORE the 'flat' $ discount.

Formula in cell C3 works IF the cell "Range to apply discount" I3 = "B3". Works just fine if I allow only one cell to be displayed in I3, but ideally, I'd want this to allow the said discount(s) in cell J3 & K3 to apply to any cells mentioned (for instance, for Product A Material 1, Product B Material 2).

I had tried a drop-down menu using Data Validation, which in my actual project allows me to select ONE cell at a time (out of my list of options), which is okay, but it would be extra useful to have a checkbox option to select which ones to apply the same discount to, instead of creating a massive embedded IF function to have each product in each material find whether it's cell is referenced in 20 different places (if I just copy the already functioning single cell reference tool).

The scale in which I'd like to use this in would be to apply specific discounts for one product, but a different discount for another product or material, and allow the input cell I3 to include a checkbox drop-down option (like the filter/sort), but not remove the data in the table (Range A2:G5 in this example), so I can hide any unnecessary columns and print, showing certain products & materials having a 10% discount, while others having a 20% discount, with an additional $5 off, etc.

[URL] ........

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Multiple Parameters Using A Range Of Cells To MSQuery

Apr 17, 2003

how to pass multiple parameters using a range of cells to MSQuery? When I try to it tells me that I can select a single cell only. Anyone know of a new and improved sql driver to use with Excel?

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Countif Formula For Multiple Variables In The Same Range Of Cells

Jun 4, 2014

I have a drop down list in a column called Report Type (example below).

Report Type - Drop-Down Menu in Column F
Business/Operational/Work Plan
Budget Report
Performance Report
Program Quarterly Report
Program Mid-Year Report
Program Annual/Year-End/Final Report
Service Quarterly Report
Service Mid-Year Report
Service Annual/Year-End/Final Report
Financial Quarterly Report
Financial Mid-Year Report
Financial Annual/Year-End Report
Auditied Financial Statements
In-Year Reallocation
Annual Reconciliation Report
SRI Report
Other Report

I need to count all the cells that have: Budget Report, Financial Quarterly Report, Financial Mid-Year Report, Financial Annual/Year-End Report, Audited Financial Statements, In-year Reallocation, and Annual Reconciliation Report

Is this possible with a countif formula?

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Counting Blank Cells In Range And Multiple Criteria

May 29, 2013

I have the following table

Team A
Team A


I need to fill the following table in another sheet counting the amount of Blank cell there are according to Month, Team and if the name row is filled. I have tried Sumifs, sumproduct,countblank typing them in as arrays but don't seem to be getting anywhere

Team A
Team B

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Deleting / Clearing Multiple Cells In Target Range

Jun 2, 2014

I have a target range for a worksheet change. Then when finished I highlight the data and press 'delete' I get an error within the code.

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How To Unfix Multiple Cell References From Formulas In A Range Of Cells At Once

Jan 3, 2014

Is there a way to unfix multiple cell references from formulas in a range of cells at once?

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Change Colorindex Within A Range Of Multiple Cells [ Alternate Method]

Jan 8, 2010

I have tried to go around the long way to achieve this but came up with pages of pointless code .... I know there is a better way I just dont know enough about VB to do it myself ... And I know this is EASY for many :-)

Cell ranges h11 to as11 are a totals row.
If the total is 0, colorindex is set to vbpatternnone, if >= 1, then colorindex is set to vbpatterngray. Easy right ? I just dont kn ow how to do FROM/IF/DO range loops...

The code in worksheet_SelectionChange will contain the following:

1: From range h11 to as11, variable1 = application.interior.colorindex of the cell.

2: Check if the cell is >=1 or <=0 ....

3: If >=1 then set application.interior.colorindex = vbpatterngray. Go to #5.
' (This inserts a pattern over the original color of the cell)

4: If <=0 then set application.interior.colorindex = vbpatternNONE
ALSO set application.interior.colorindex = variable1
' (This clears the cell pattern and returns it to original color)

5. Repeat steps to clear cell pattern and restore color / or insert pattern for all cells from range H11:AS11

6. End sub

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Count Amount Of Cells Within Range That Contain Multiple Strings Of Text

Apr 22, 2013

I'm trying to build a formula that counts the amount of cells within a range that contain multiple strings of text within the same cell. I only know how to build a formula that snags cells that contain 1 but not 2 different ones within the same cell. For example: I want to count cells if they have the word BALL and STICK somewhere in the cell....see three cell examples below

stick ball
green stick

Of the three examples: it would only count cells: gameballnetstick and stickball

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IF Statement Within A COUNTIF Statement: Cell In Sheet "Summary" Count The Number Of Cells In Column DX Of Sheet "Analyses" That Are Greater Than 0

Apr 22, 2009

I am trying to have a cell in sheet "Summary" count the number of cells in column DX of sheet "Analyses" that are greater than 0, provided that the value in column A of "Analyses" corresponds with the value in B8 of sheet "Summary."

(In "Analyses," there are 106 subjects, each taking up 64 rows. So, columns 1-64 correspond to Subject 1, columns 65-128 correspond to subject 2, etc. In column DX, each subject has 64 values that are either 0 or greater than 0. In "Summary," each subject has one row that summarizes the 64 trials. I want a single cell in the "Summary," sheet to reflect the number of times each subject produces a value greater than 0 in column DX of "Analyses.") I tried using this formula, but it did not work correctly:


(Summary!B8 = 1, so I am trying to calculate the number of values in DX that are greater than 0 only for subject 1.) When I press enter, this yields a value of 384. This is impossible, given that subject 1 only has 64 possibilities of yielding a value greater than 0. Subject 1 has 2 values in column DX that are greater than 0. I tried making this an array formula by pressing Shift+Ctrl+Enter, and that just gives me a #VALUE! error.

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Multiple If Statement ..

Dec 13, 2009

I have a spreadsheet that I need some help with coming up with a multiple if statement(or maybe sumifs?) I don't know. Here is what I am wanting to do(In somewhat plain old english)

if c3:c43 = A9 add g4:43 than does the total = h3:43 if so display true else false

I have attached a copy of the spreadsheet.

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