On Error Goto Approach

Oct 10, 2008

I'm using a on error goto approach, heres the code.

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Run-time Error '91' When 'On Error Goto' And Cells.find

Oct 8, 2008

I have written a Excel (2003) that searches a worksheet for a string in any cell. If the string is not found, it uses the 'On Error GoTo' command to jump to a given label. It works fine on the first string not found. When it searches for the next non-existent string, it fails with:

'Run-time error '91':
Object variable or With block variable not set'

Do I have to clear a buffer after each cells.find search?


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ON Error Goto

Mar 16, 2009

I have some coding under the property list command button which filters the date 3 times and copies the filtered data to another sheet. This works with data in the sheet, however if there is no data on the sheet I get an error message.

There is a line that says on error goto reset1 on the first filter and goto reset2 on second filter (and so on) which works on the first filter but not on the second or third filter. I have attached the file.

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Error Handling On Error Goto 0

Jun 29, 2006

error handling ?what actually does the following do...? On Error Goto 0

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VBA On Error Goto Only Runs Once

Dec 23, 2006

why the On Error GoTo statement only executes the first time an error occurs in the following
On Error GoTo CubeNotFound
For x = 2 To TotalRecords

Cells.Find(What:=WSID, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate

'Other actions are located here, but have been removed. These actions take place if the Find is succesful.

Message = MsgBox("WS ID " & WSID & " was not found! Excel will continue with the next WS ID.", vbOKOnly, "WS ID NOT FOUND")

Next x

I have that statement there because if WS ID is not found then VB generates an error that the user won't be able to interpret, and also stops the code. I want VB to continue to the next record if one is not found.

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Err.Clear V On Error Goto 0

Jan 1, 2010

I am selecting cells from a range by using "SpecialCells" and need to determine whether this produces an error (as it does in the event that there are no cells that fit the criteria) so I write
On Error Resume Next
Then I check the error number and if it is not 0 the next line of code is skipped.

Within the same procedure I do this again, but on a different range and need to check the error number again.
If no error is found, the previous error number will be kept so before running the second piece of code, I add the line
Is their any difference between this approach or using the line
On Error Goto 0

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VBA Error Goto Previous Line / Statement Not Resume Next

Aug 10, 2012

I have some code below. I have error handling in place for when it tries to open a specific file. If it isn't there then user has option to continue and ignore this file, or browse and select a new one.

The problem is, when the user wants to ignore the file, the "Resume Next" continues to run the VBA assuming the file was ok i.e. the code after the line to open the file. What I would like is for it to skip the succeeding code and go to look for the next file.

Below is the VBA:

For i = 0 To 2 Step 1

'add in error handling for if the file is missing
On Error GoTo MissingFile
Workbooks.Open Filename:="\hbeu.adroot.hsbcdfsrootgb002hfcfinance01fnce" & qfolder & "Data" & qfile(i), UpdateLinks:=False, ReadOnly:=True

[Code] .........

Missing File:

qMissingPrompt = "There was an error opening data file. Click OK to browse or Cancel to ignore and move to next file"
qAns = MsgBox(qMissingPrompt, vbOKCancel)
'click cancel - ignore error and move onto the next file
If qAns = vbCancel Then

[Code] .......

So, where it says Resume Next, currently it will start running the following (after On Error Goto 0)

Set datawb = ActiveWorkbook

Do Until ActiveCell.Value = ""

What I would like it to do is go back to is to go to the next i

For i = 0 To 2 Step 1

Or even to go to the 'Next' statement at the end so that it moves onto the Next i and tries to open the next file.

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Runtime Error '9' Despite On Error Goto "Line #"

Nov 7, 2007

i've got an error trap built in with "On Error Goto 40", but F8 on the very next line produces Runtime '9' error pop-up. Trying to check if sheet exists based upon value in A1 (number stored as text). If it doesn't exist, line 40 (and subsequent) creates it, looping back to the next value in column A and repeating. 1 time out of 10 it works perfectly,

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Correct Approach? (Multiple MID Functions)

May 29, 2007

* I have a complex Excel workbook with several worksheets.

* The first worksheet is for raw data, which consists of a single string of data, separated by spaces, to be uploaded to a mainframe. There is no consistent pattern of length of data or strings in between pieces of data, which can vary widely. An example of the data would be something like this:


* For testing purposes, I need to come up with a way to parse the data for easier viewing. The current approach is this:

* Take the string and divide it up into individual cells by using the MID function. In the above approach, this would split the data into four (4) different cells.

This is going to be a very complex workbook with data strings that can have 20+ elements in them, and have lots of separate records, etc. While this way should work (if everything is entered perfectly and no data structures ever change, etc.),

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Excel 2010 :: How To Approach A Schedule K-1 For QC

Apr 22, 2014

I finally found a program that can out put the amounts from a schedule k-1 form. Now comes the hard part, adding logical formulas.

Some of the line items either have an amount to or not. What the pdf2xl program does is output where if the line item has an amount to it, it would add the amount right below the line item. If it doesn't have an amount, it would just add the next line item underneath. Question is what is a good approach to get this to automate, so if line items have an amount, then that amount is known to be line item cell above. Here comes the tricky part as well, some line items have alphabets to them, so a particular line item say 11 would have A-F or line 13 would have A-W. What is a good way to have the line item output the line item + alphabet?

Column A & C = Line Item
Column B & D = Alphabet

Link to the IRS form [URL] .........

Excel 2010

Ordinary business income (loss)


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Approach Enables Depreciation To Be Calculated Correctly?

Mar 18, 2013

how to calculate debt repayments using this approach.

As shown on the attached file repay issue.xlsx I have an example where a loan is taken out regularly (in the example every 6 years) but repaid over a shorter period (in this example every 3 years).

Using "IF(MOD(ROW" the formula identifies correctly when the loan has to be renewed, and calculates correctly how much needs to be borrowed.

C14 =IF(MOD((ROW(A14)-ROW($A$8)),B$3)=0,B9*C$5

Because Row 14 is six rows below the start (Row 8) which is the interval set by B3, it enters the loan percentage

(C5) of the asset value (B9) into C14.

Problem comes in the following rows. I need the formula to establish how many rows the "active" row is below the last "renewal", then deduct one fraction of the payback period for each row. By sheer coincidence the formula below works on the second row of the datsabase and deducts one third of the loan value because C8 WAS the previous "renewal", and row 9 is one below it:


I cannot "hard wire" the cell references into the formula because the renewal intervals and number of paybacks range from 25 year mortgages paid every year without being renewed to a one year loan on an item renewed every two years

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Excel 2003 :: Correct Approach For Number Format?

Feb 14, 2012

I have several sources of information for client files. the number format includes a reference number and a month, eg 123/11, 456/02. In some cases, the numbers may be presented including the company initials, eg ABC/00123/11. I want to make sure all numbers on all sources are the same as I am using Vlookup and this reference no to copy information from one source to another. Sometimes when I change the format Excel sees this as a date, eg 11/11 is 11-Nov, and in some cases Excel sees a fraction, eg 123/11 is 123 11ths or 123 divided by 11.

I can easily take out the reference no with a find and replace FIND ABC/ replace with . But this often results in a number with leading zeroes, eg ABC/0123/06 will leave 0123/06.

I am using Excel 2003.

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GoTo Code

Oct 24, 2008

How do I use the GoTo so that I can Specify A line of Code to go to...

for example

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Drop Down Box -Goto

Feb 13, 2010

I have a drop down box linked to cell A2 for example, when the change is made on the drop down box the linked cell returns the value 1,2or 3. I'm not sure if I require a code or an 'IF' command - but what I would like to achieve is that say when 2 is selected I want to goto sheet 3 A1, if 3 is selected then sheet 3 A2 and if 1 then nothing happens. Or can I make the function dependant on what the drop down box displays e.g Correct, Not Correct and Requires Change. (1,2 and 3 respectively).

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If / Then Goto Not Working

Feb 25, 2013

What I am trying to accomplish with the code below is that if sheet statusReport does not have any information on cell N2, then execute the code after NextLine:

If there is information then perform the Else statement and continue through the end of the code. However, I am getting an error of Else without If. If I remove the Else, then my the code below NextLine: does not execute.

I narrowed down the issue to the GoTo placement, but I don't know of any other way I can skip the For Loop after the If/Then statement. I tried doing an On Error, but there is no Error, the cell checks empty.

I am hitting a brick wall.

Sub copyeeInfoToClientSheets()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sheets("byEmployee")
Set rng = .Range("A2", .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
End With
For Each WS In Sheets(Array("allEmployeesAnnualized", "allEmployeesHourly", "allEmployeesSalary"))
rng.Copy Destination:=WS.Range("A6")


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Goto Today In VBA

Jul 10, 2008

I have a wicked wide spreadsheet that has 76 dates. These dates are in weekly increments. (IE 7/4, 7/11, 7/18)

I already have it set up to highlight the current week that I'm in, and there is an arrow above the column. Can I make a button to go to the current week? Like today, I would go to week 7/11.

I saw something with find.max, and give the date in Excels number format. Is this the right way to go?

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Goto Next Row Of Info

Oct 31, 2008

i have this code that gives me 1st row of data , from Row 10 of every sheet in workbook, how can i modify to give me row 11 ,12,13,14,15,16 as well upto row 21 if there is Data in Col C ( max range is C10:C21) ,

For intX = 1 To Sheets.Count
For intY = LBound(arySkipSheets) To UBound(arySkipSheets)
If Sheets(intX).Name = "MachCapRpt" Or Sheets(intX).Name = "MachAdSht" Or Sheets(intX).Name = "Times" Or Sheets(intX).Name = "MachSchd" Then
.Range("A" & intNextRow).Value = Sheets(intX).Name
.Range("B" & intNextRow).Value = Sheets(intX).Range("B10")
.Range("C" & intNextRow).Value = Sheets(intX).Range("C10")
.Range("D" & intNextRow).Value = Sheets(intX).Range("E10")
.Range("E" & intNextRow).Value = Sheets(intX).Range("H10")
.Range("F" & intNextRow).Value = Sheets(intX).Range("M10")
.Range("G" & intNextRow).Value = Sheets(intX).Range("W10")..............

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GoTo Cell Vba

Jul 23, 2009

I want to find the cell location of the largest value in a specific column.

for example: column C has 5 rows of different values : 5, 12, 4, 7,9 and I want to find the cell reference of the largest number which is 12.

I know that I need to use "Large" function in order to find the largest number, but what do I have to do in order to find the cell location of it?

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If And Goto Statement Not Working.

Dec 3, 2008

I have this bit of code and I am curious why when the activecell is J29 it will not goto line 20 it just keeps running to the next line?

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GOTO Contents Of Location

Dec 17, 2009

I have this code that works, except, for addressing with the Goto - I need to go to the CONTENTS (new row,column) of that location which is being changed elsewhere and I can't figure it out

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If Lenght Of Column Is 0 Then GoTo

Mar 7, 2007

I am trying to copy A1 into F8 only if F8 is empty, if not do nothing.
My code copy A1 into F8 regardless F8 is empty or not and overides my entry in F8.

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
If Len(F8) = 0 Then GoTo line1 Else GoTo line2
Range("F8").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Exit Sub
End Sub

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Using The GOTO Script In A Macro

Feb 1, 2008

I have to copy and paste from 15 different worksheets to one worksheet each week. The size of each copy varies from 500 to 1000 rows and is sequential for each worksheet. In other words, if I am copying rows 1 to 500 this week, then next week I will copy from 501 to 1000. I would like to do this in a macro. I can easily figure the ranges each week by incrementing, and they can be listed in a workbook. Is there a way to copy that range into the macro as it is running? It would kind of be like saying the range to copy is '=B5' and B5 cell contains the script A501:M1000.

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Eliminating Goto Statements

Jun 18, 2008

I have recently been advised to eliminate goto statements. While I have not had any trouble with them so far, it is my understanding that a different structure will speed up my macro, which never hurts. Here I have printed a recent macro I wrote with two goto statements in it heart. Could someone show me how they would rewrite this bit of code while still getting the same results? Here the code compares the active cell value against B and if it does not match, it goes to the next value and compares. If it goes through more than 100 searchs and the term is not found, then it has checked the whole list and needs to stop search, thus the progression of C. A few options are offered before closing down the macro, but ultimtaly, C needs to get to 100 to exit the sub. Thus the goto Alpha that repeats the addition to C.

If ActiveCell.Value CStr(B) Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
If ActiveCell.Value = "" Then GoTo Beta
C = C + 1
If C = 100 Then
I = MsgBox("Complete. Do you want to continue with Received data?", vbYesNo)
If I = vbYes Then
Call ReceivedDataUpdate
GoTo Epsilon
End If

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More Tabbed Auto GoTo

Jul 22, 2008

Any way to do the following on a per sheet basis? ie: Sheet1 goto A4; Sheet2 goto G27?:

Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
Application.Goto Sh.Range("A1"), True
End Sub

This works to make them all go to the same cell, any ideas on a way to make them differ per sheet?

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How To Goto First Column Of Selected Row

May 2, 2009

i know the keyboard shortcut for doing this is End + arrow key... but wat if there are value in between for example


hitting the End + arrow key from the very end will move selection to value 5...
there are empty spaces in between..

1. is there a way to convert the blank spaces in excel to 0 as default value.

2. is there any other keyboard shortcut key to reach to Cat without inturrupting 5 in between..

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If Sheet Does'nt Exists Goto ?

Sep 2, 2009

What I want todo is When a sheet is not found to go to another module and keep running the macro.

If Not SheetExiste("10x1") Then GoTo
End If

Function SheetExiste(SheetName As String) As Boolean
' returns TRUE if the sheet exists in the active workbook
SheetExists = False
On Error GoTo NoSuchSheet
If Len(Sheets(SheetName).Name) > 0 Then
SheetExists = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function

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IF A1 = Yes Goto Cell B100

Jan 19, 2010

I want to write a simple macro that does the following.

If cell A1 = YES goto cell A1000
If cell A1 = NO goto cell B1000
If cell A1 = MAYBE goto cell C1000

I will have the 3 options available via a combobox

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Vba Goto Specific Cell

Jul 9, 2006

i have this:

Sheets("Sheet2").Application.Goto Reference:="R1C1"

it is supposed to go to cell A1 in Sheet2.

but it doesn't go to sheet 2?

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Goto Previous Sheet

Apr 3, 2007

I am writing a macro that goes from one sheet to another sheet to copy data but then must return to the 1st sheet to paste it.

Is there a command for returning to a previous sheet.

Note that the sheets may not necessarily be in consecutive order ie. the 2nd sht may not be immediately after the 1st sheet in the sheet tab order.

The spreadsheet will be made up of a number of sheets that can use the same macro to reference a master sheet to copy and return data.

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Click On 1 Cell To Goto Another Worksheet

May 22, 2009

I am trying to click one 1 cell, which will automatically use a lookup of the cell values and find the correct sheet to go to.

All of this using VBA.

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