Pasting From Single Cell Into Merged Cell

Sep 15, 2012

I have a large data which is placed in single cell and I want to copy it into a template which is merged cells any I'm stucked. My data is very large and I can't unmerged the destination data(they are merged vertically). So I wonder is there a way to copy a single cell in a merge cell.

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Paste Single Cell From External Source To Merged Cell In Excel?

Dec 2, 2013

I Want users to be able to copy a reference number from a an external program into excel, this works well for single cells but the cell I want them to be able to paste the information into is a merged cell and keep getting the "Data on the clipboard is not the same size and shape blah blah error". What I can do to get this information to paste? Is there some VBA that can kinda trick the cell to believe its single or when pasting it unmerges and then remerges again?

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Pasting Into A Single Cell

Apr 10, 2013

I'm working with the sort of data that spills over into multiple cells if you try to paste it without first putting the cursor in the function window. Is there any way to change this default behaviour (or, alternately, automatically redirect the cursor to the function window every time I hit "enter" and go to the next cell)? I'm working with literally thousands of entries, so the time spent double-clicking and/or manually redirecting the cursor to the function window adds up after a while.

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Pasting Single Cells Into Merged Cells

Nov 13, 2008

I have a spradsheet that I've formatted using merged cells. The spreadsheet has several columns. Into these columns I must enter raw data extracted from our SAP data base. The extraction worksheet has no merged cells. So bottom line, I have a column of say, 30 non-merged cells and I want to paste that column into my formatted spreadsheet that has 30 merged cells of thre cells a piece (90 cells total).

So far I have been unable to do this. If I've attached it correctly, the sample attached


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Copy Merged Cell, Paste As Merged Cell

Dec 17, 2009

I have a macro to copy a merged cell from one sheet and paste it to another as a merged cell. Basically, I want to copy it AS IT IS and paste it AS IT IS. My code is below.

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Pasting Values With Merged Cells

Dec 10, 2013

I did the following, and get an error message, that itself seems erroneous.

In the source sheet, i selected A9:G9, copied.
In the destination sheet, I selected A9:G9, and then "paste formatting"
In the source range, I selected the same cells, A9:G9, and copy
In the destination sheet, I selected A9:G9, and "paste values"

But, at "paste values" two error alerts come up (and the operation fails):

"The operation requires the merged cells to be the identical size"
"The information cannot be pasted because the copy area and the paste area are not the same size and shape"

Within the range, cells C9:D9 are merged. On the destination sheet, before i try to paste values, the cells that I am pasting into appear to be identically merged, if you just arrow by them, the cell highlighted is merged, and "Merge and Center" is highlighted in the ribbon.

So, I do not understand why i cannot paste in this case, since it would all appear to match up properly.

Upon further investigation, it appears that i cannot "paste values" with any cells along with the merged cell, in the same operation. If I only paste the merged cell alone, with "paste values" it works. But, if i add even one cell on either side, it fails in the same way, even though the selected paste region exactly matches the selected source region, in terms of what cell is merged.

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Excel 2010 :: Inserting Image To Cell / Merged Cells As Background Fixed To Cell Size?

Jan 18, 2014

Excel 2010. I need to place picture into one cell or one big merged cell, as a background fill. picture must resize to size of cell. must be fixed in, not in front. i still need write into that cell, so it needs to be really background.

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Macro Is Copying And Pasting Into Cell A2 On New Sheet Instead Of Cell A1

Jun 20, 2014

I have a macro that copies all my sheets onto a new sheet called combine. It is pasting onto the combine sheet starting on cell A2 instead of cell A1. Following is my macro.

Sub Combine()
Dim J As Integer
Sheets(1).Name = "Combined"
On Error Resume Next
For J = 2 To Sheets.Count
Selection.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Combined").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)(2)
End Sub

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Lock Format In Cell - Even If Copy And Pasting To That Cell

Aug 17, 2006

Is it possible to lock in the formatting that would require 12 digits even if someone was copying and pasting to the cell?

We are looking to make our users add information into cells in the format 0-00000-00000-0. They are often copy and pasting, thus overwritting the custom format we have in those cells.

I've looked at validation, but custom only works for a formula.

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Copy From One Cell To Merged Cell In VBA?

Mar 23, 2011

how to copy data from one cell on a different sheet into a merged cell on another. I tried naming the cells "ManagerNotes" and using that in my code but it wouldn't work. The range of the cells are B31:F44.

[FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]ws3.Range(" ao4").Resize(, 1).Copy[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]ws2.Cells(31, 2).PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)[/SIZE][/FONT]


[FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]ws3.Range(" ao4").Resize(, 1).Copy[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3]ws2.Cells("ManagerNotes").PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)[/SIZE][/FONT]


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Lookup Multiple Values In A Single Cell (separated By Commas) And Then Return The Values To A Single Cell (also Comma Separated)

Jan 7, 2009

If I have, in one cell (call it D1):


and in a lookup table on another sheet:
1 ED T
2 EH F
3 DR G
4 HU H
5 SE E
6 YU E

I need to be able to lookup the values in D1 on the table and return the values in column B to a single cell (say E1), also comma separated...



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Pasting Grid From Single Row Of Data

Jun 20, 2014

I want to create a function called PasteGrid(SourceRange As Range, GridHeight As Integer, GridWidth As Integer)

What this will do is take a long single row or column of data and paste it into a grid with a defined GridHeight and GridWidth, I have came up with the below so far:


Function PasteGrid(SourceRange As Range, GridHeight As Integer, GridWidth As Integer)
Dim rRange As Range
Dim rCell As Range
Dim DestinationRange As Range
Dim GridWidthCount As Integer
Dim GridHeightCount As Integer


Something appears wrong and when following the code when it hits this line:


Cells(Destination.Row + GridHeightCount, Destination.Column + GridWidthCount).Value = rCell.Value

The function just stops and I'm not too sure why?

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Merged Cell Value As Name?

Mar 21, 2014

Im trying to use a merge cell value on the Active sheet as the sheets Name, my code is throwing an error when it gets to the naming the sheet.

Sub CreateSheets()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim numtimes, x As Integer, ActNm As String


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Copying Part Of A Cell And Pasting It To The Cell Next To It

Sep 7, 2007

I have just generated a report of current customer numbers for our company. Unfortunately it reports it as "162 (162)". No idea why the program does it like that because it now makes using VLOOKUP very difficult.

What I want to do is copy the "162" part of the cell and paste it into the adjacent cell to make it easier to manipulate the worksheet. All of the customer numbers are in column D if that makes a difference.

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Pasting Multiple Columns Into A Single Column?

Jun 21, 2013

My starting point is a big data set that needed to be validated by several users. I split the data set into smaller sets that were sent out. All users have filled in the same column called "Input"

What I would like to be able to do is to paste their input into a single column on my original data set and keep the name of the input next to it. Is it possible to paste without overlapping prexisting data ? Something of the likes of F5 ("Select blank cells/text") ?

I've attached a simple file with dummy data to explain myself.

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Reference Merged Cell Value

May 10, 2009

The issue that I am having is with merged cell data. What I am trying to do is check the value of the merged cell against a selection from an array and place the value into a cell.

What apparently occurs is that if the row that I am on is an even number (being as my rows start on an odd number); the reference returns empty. I have tested to confirm that this only affects even numbered rows. My spread sheet has a 2 row merged cell in column 2, and the cell I am referencing from is on the second row of that merged cell. Here is some

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How To Filter Merged Cell

Dec 19, 2013

I am working on an FMEA and have a slight issue.

I have a number of merged cells in Column B.

I have merged 30 rows of column B to one Failure mode let's say 'Gaps'.

In column C there are 30 individual items relating to gaps.

When I want to filter column B to look at Gaps, it only returns the first row of the merged cells. So instead of getting the entire merged cells as a result of my filter, I get 1 row.

I hope this is clear. My question is, is there a method of filtering so that the whole merged cell is returned?

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Copy The Merged Cell

Jun 18, 2007

how to copy the merged cell from closed excel sheet and pasted over into new excel?

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VBA - Searching Multiple Worksheets And Pasting Results In Single?

Jan 17, 2014

I have multiple worksheets with part numbers and prices for different computer parts. On each worksheet I have multiple sets of part numbers and prices but I only need one the information from specific part from each worksheet. Luckily, the part number I need is also the name of whatever worksheet contains it. I want to take the part numbers and prices from the parts I need and put them in one master sheet called "PartsNumbersCombined". Currently I haven't even attempted to format the data in PartsNumbersCombined, I am just trying to actually pick up and move the correct data. Here is my code:

Sub harvest()
ShtCount = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count
For i = 2 To ShtCount


The part numbers are in column A and the prices are one row down in column C. I feel like I am close but I can not get anything pasted on my master sheet.

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Import Picture To Fit In Merged Cell?

Apr 1, 2014

I have a button macro to import pictures to size fit inside a merged cell. I've noticed that the pictures lay over the border and i can't find a way to have it fit inside the border in my code.


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Watermarks Considered As Merged Cell?

Mar 14, 2014

How to add a watermark to the sheet on each tab. Now when the script is called it stops and give the following errors:

Run-time error '1004': cannot change part of a merged cell.

I searched for merged cells in the document and as far as the script is concerned there are none, other than maybe this new watermark.

So, does VBA or scripting think that a watermark is a merged cell?

Any workaround if it does think of it as being merged?

Here is the current script we are using:

[Code] .....

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Unmerge Merged Cell And Put Value In All Cells

Nov 6, 2008

Is there any quick and easy way to unmerge merged cells and put the merged cell value in all the merged cells. For example, if I have A6:A15 merged together and its value is "FirstMerge" then I would like to unmerge all A6:A15 and then put "FirstMerge" in all the cell A6,A7,A8 etc. etc. upt oA15. I have lot of these merged cells in a sheet and I get this every month and makes any data processing very difficult. A macro or VBA code or any other solution will be fine.

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Merged Cell - Lost Functionality

Oct 5, 2011

I feel like I have lost some functionality due to merged cells. For a worksheet change event I have the following:

ElseIf Target.Value = "" Then ... blah blah blah

For a normal cell, every time a cell is deleted (in the appropriate target zone) then it runs the code I have in the subsequent lines

Except it doesn't work for merged cells, unless I manually go into the cell, backspace all of its contents and then press enter

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Automatically Resize Row With Merged Cell?

Dec 21, 2011

Is there a way to automate the resizing of a row to accomodate the text that is pulled into a cell as the result of a formula?

I have a merged cell which receives the result of a DGET formula. The result can be as few as 6 lines of text or as many as 24 lines.

I suspect I need to count the number of lines in the result and resize based on that count multiplied by 15 points.

I don't know how to write the VBA but it would be kind of Resize Row.Countlines x 15 pts. and be executed by the event of calculating the formula from its default setting.

Practically speaking, the default setting is sized per the result of the desired code: there is a blank formatted merged cell that can be manually overwritten that is sized by the typical number of bullet points.

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ClearContents Of Merged Cell Causes VB Error

Apr 24, 2002

I can select the merged cell, right click and ClearContents with no problem. But VB aborts with message "Cannot change part of a merged cell".

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Split Un-merged Cell Into Two Cells?

Nov 8, 2013

I have many columns in my current spreadsheet but I have two columns that I want to split in to two project names.

Currently I have one column with: Project A/Project B And the second column with the total cost of Project A AND Project B combined

The thing is that I can easily just create a new line but that would mean all the data in the other Cells remain the same and the only two that will be different are the above two columns. I will be maintaining alot of rows so I was hoping I do not have to create two rows for every new item then to merge both rows in reach column every time I have to put in a new Item.

I am hoping to have for example the below

Name Comments Project Cost
Item 1 This item relates Project A $150
to upgrade of Project B $120
SAS system

Currently I have it as

Name Comments Project Cost
Item 1 This item relates Project A/B $270
to upgrade of
SAS system

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AutoFit Row Height On A Merged Cell

May 27, 2009

I'm using Office 2007 professional and I'm trying to format a cell (merged cell) so that when you enter text and it goes beyond the size of the designed cell that it will automatically continue and shift the additional text downward, like a paragraph. Also it shift everything below down with it. Is this possible? I have already tried wrap text field and AutoFit row height. This keeps it within the cell but it is not visible or printable once you tab out. I would like to have it continue like in a paragraph. Like a word doc may do. It’s visible and it shifts everything below downward as it grows, which also allows it to be printable.

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Wrapping Text Next To Merged Cell

Feb 24, 2010

Rows a1:a10 are merged and the problem is that all cells next to these are now not wrapping. I remember reading that when a call is merged this is what happens to the cells adjacent, but is there any code that can help to wrap these adjacent cells?

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Wrap Text For A Merged Cell

Nov 9, 2006

Currently working on an excel worksheet. I merged 5 rows to a single cell. Want to be able to auto fit all the textl. Enabled auto wrap but when the contect surpass the 5 rows, only portion of the text are appearing. Any way to force the cell to autofit whatever text is within?

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Merged Ranges - Return Date In Corresponding Cell In Row

Dec 10, 2013

In the attached file I have three merged ranges, A3:C3, D3:F3 and G3:I3.

I would now like to create a formula in each cell in row 1 that will return the date in the corresponding cell in row 3. E.g. A1:C1 will each have the date in merged range A3:C3, etc. The merged ranges in row 3 may not all be three columns wide so any way to extract the dates to row 1.

Attached File : Formulae and Merged Cells.xlsx

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