Process To Combine Set Of Numbers That Have Range Of 1 To 48
Jul 20, 2012
I need a process to combine a set of numbers that have a range of 1 to 48. The set can vary. I need all possible combinations. Example:
out of the range 1 to 48, the set of numbers are (6,11,15,21,22,27,33,34,47). The numbers need to be combined into all possible combinations of subsets of 6 numbers. The criteria for combination is does not include sequencing. In other words the numbers only need to combined into 6 number sets that are in any sequence.
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Jan 29, 2009
I think I need a macro to do this. Can I use vlookup function for a range of number? lets say I have number 1001 to 1005. i want to combine the result. any other way other than using this formula
=vlookup(1001,table,2,false)+vlookup(1002,table,2,false)+vlookup(1003,table,2,false)+vlookup(1004,ta ble,2,false)+vlookup(1005,table,2,false)
Is there possibility to define a function that works like say =clookup(numlow,numhigh,table,2,false)?
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Dec 15, 2006
I download some data from a commercial real estate site about properties and their owners and process it in Excel. Out of 1,000 records, maybe 20 or so will have the data end up in the wrong fields. This is an artifact of the data source the commercial site uses.
Anyway, what I need to do is to get the data back in the right fields. So, I sort the data to pull together at the top of the sheet all the records with data where it's not supposed to be. So far, so good.
Now from one data download to another the number of records which end up in the sort will be different. And, here's the problem.
I try to record a macro mimicking my selection of the range of the data that needs to be moved. Fine, no problem. And, on the same dataset it works like a charm. But as soon as I put a different dataset into the spreadsheet with a different number of records that need to be corrected the macro fails.
Apparently, this is because the macro has been defined with a certain range of cells selected in the first data set and this same range is used for subsequent datasets with different numbers of errant records.
Basically, what I'm trying to record in a macro is the Shift/Control End and Shift/control arrow commands. But they don't record as such.
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Aug 30, 2007
I have to create lists of data in the following format:
123121321,12321215,121351213 (numbers with , with no spaces)
These numbers are sent to me in excel in columns and I need to convert the columns into rows using the format above.
The formula I have been given:
=INDIRECT(ADDRESS(((ROW()-1)*10)+2,1,1,TRUE,"SSOs")) & "," & INDIRECT(ADDRESS(((ROW()-1)*10)+3,1,1,TRUE,"SSOs")) & "," & INDIRECT(ADDRESS(((ROW()-1)*10)+4,1,1,TRUE,"SSOs")) & "," & INDIRECT(ADDRESS(((ROW()-1)*10)+5,1,1,TRUE,"SSOs")) & "," & INDIRECT(ADDRESS(((ROW()-1)*10)+6,1,1,TRUE,"SSOs")) & "," & INDIRECT(ADDRESS(((ROW()-1)*10)+7,1,1,TRUE,"SSOs")) & "," & INDIRECT(ADDRESS(((ROW()-1)*10)+8,1,1,TRUE,"SSOs")) & "," & INDIRECT(ADDRESS(((ROW()-1)*10)+9,1,1,TRUE,"SSOs")) & "," & INDIRECT(ADDRESS(((ROW()-1)*10)+10,1,1,TRUE,"SSOs")) & "," &
currently I only get 10 numbers per row
I need at times for up to 500 numbers to be listed on a row. However even when I try to extend the formula it still only gives me 10 numbers per row and breaks up the 500 numbers to 10 per row.
Is there another way to combine up to 500 numbers in one row?
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Dec 13, 2011
I have two set of numbers placed on two separate sheets of an Excel file. I want to mix them in certain proportions (Proportion changes frequently). Can I do that in Excel if Yes how ?
For Example :-
iaHEUDA4AgxHhgbOL k4wgOMJ/QKK/AgODNwnuIleYm7QP8UiN1n/tfcuroUOLHb9sNi917DZ7frC3//7fzx48
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May 27, 2009
How can i merge all the columns from Column D to Column Y in Column Z. The seperator between the Columncontents should be numbers in format "<<1>>" for column D, "<<2>>" for column E,"<<2>>" for column F........
i have a wordlist(arabic from right to left lanuage) containing words and meanings. Column A contains Words, Colulmn B contains Transcription, Column C contains Grammer information and the following Columns up to Column Y contain of Meanings.
!!!The meanings start with Column D which is then followed by E,F,G... Y. If any column cell is empty then it would mean, that the following cells of corresponding columns are also empty. For example if Colulmn D has content but Column E not, then it means that F,G,H...Y are also empty!
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Sep 18, 2013
I would like to combine 2 columns, containing numbers on it, is it possible?
I have found the other option how to do it
=A2&B2 but then this doesn't work
I have
12345 0000
The result I want would be= 000012345
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Apr 16, 2012
I am looking for a macro that will combine qty's of item codes when first 6 out of 9 numbers in the item number match. Please see example of data below. In this case, the macro looking at the first 6 numbers in used and new. I should get a total of 26 - new and 45 -used.
Item Name yard Item Numb Inv New Inv Used
Frami panel 3x6 416-100 588801000 6 27
Frami panel 3x6 416-150 588801000 10
Frami Xlife 3x6 416-100 588801500 20 8
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Dec 11, 2012
I am using Excel 2003 and trying to create a formula that will combine comma delimited numbers from two or three cells in the same row and output them to another cell in the same row as comma delimited numbers, sorted with duplicates removed.
So the data is something like this ...
Cell A1 ... 1,5,8,19
Cell B1 ... 4,26,1,8,8501
Cell C1 ... 1,6,1301,12
I would like to consolidate these into cell D1, sorted and distinct ...
Cell D1 ... 1,4,5,6,8,12,19,26,1301,8501
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Apr 16, 2008
I basically need to grab all the numbers going down in a row and get them into one cell in Text format with a comma between them.
What I need in Text format
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Jan 19, 2013
I have two sets of example borehole data.
First, a range of depths with varying confidence levels.
From depth
to depth
[Code] ..........
Second, point data where I would like to return values from within the range in the first data set. I would like the confidence column of the second data set to feed from the first data set, if the point depth data is within the depth range for a borehole with the same ID. Battled with all sorts of IF, AND and LOOKUP forumlas with no luck.
[Code] .......
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Aug 8, 2013
I have a cell with a drop-down menu where the user can select "Plant A" or "Plant B".
I have a cell below that with a sales number, which comes from a different tab where the sales number is input and has a named range.
For example, the input tab has a named range called "Plant A Sales" and a value of 1234, and a named range called "Plant B Sales" with a value of 5678.
I want to put a formula in a cell that will look at the cell where the drop-down menu is and will populate that cell with the correct data for the selected plant.
So if the user selects "Plant A" from the drop-down menu, the cell will show "1234". If they then select "Plant B" from the drop-down menu, the cell will show "5678".
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Jan 13, 2007
The attached spreadsheet has a "master" workesheet in which I enter customer info, salesperson info, and date. The totals spreadsheet automatically calculates number of sales, contact value.
I need to modify the following formulas to only calculate the data within a date range shown in 2 cells.
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Feb 27, 2014
I'm going to be using a spreadsheet to keep track of where different people are at. So if Person 1 is in Room 3, I will stick a 3 in the box next to their name and then can look at the spreadsheet whenever I need and see what room they are in. When I'm deciding what room to put a person in, though, I need to be able to quickly glance at a list of Room #'s and see what one's are still available. So I have a bank of Room #'s in the spreadsheet....1,2,3, etc.
What I'd like, is some way to set this up so that when I put, for example, "3" in the cell next to "Person 1" the spreadsheet automatically removes "3" from the bank of available Room #'s and when I delete the "3" because the person has left, it adds "3" back to the bank of available Rooms.
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Mar 5, 2012
I have a mass of data which look something like this:
table removed
and I require the ranges of reference numbers to be listed in a column one above the other, which requires inserting new rows. I also need the date & description columns copied down into the newly inserted rows.
So basically for example I would want the top row to now read:
table removed
and then apply the same procedure to the other ranges below this.
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Aug 20, 2014
following issue:
The following table is given:
[Code] ........
Which needs to be turned into:
The last column is the one that dictates when a new range of numbers start. There should be one range of numbers for Rose, One range for Blossom etc.
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Jul 8, 2012
I am having troubles finding a row number, using it to specify a range and then counting the cells containg values in that range.
This is what I have
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
Dim test1 As String
Dim FoundRom As Range
Dim i as String
Dim abc1 As Range
Dim Core1 As String
test1 = TextBox1.Value
[Code] ........
I am thinking that I have my "Dim"'s wrong or something but I cant figure out how to define the range including the found row number and then count the number of cells containing data within that range...
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Feb 11, 2014
how to handle checkboxes in VBA
I have a worksheet ("Sheet1") with an activex checkbox (CheckBox1) in cell B1
what code do I need to tell if the checkbox is ticked or not. (it probably should be some true / false type test but I keep not getting the syntax of the code correct.
what do I need to declare or set or ? to access the state of the checkbox
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Feb 2, 2010
I need to print a worksheet. The sheet has rows of a specific height (45) and data in one cell grows - adding comments/notes with date attached so that last one entered is displayed, the rest get shoved down.
I need to sometimes print out the sheet. However, I want to have all the notes shown so would like to (1) autofit all rows, (2) print the sheet and then (3) put all rows back to row height of 45. All this I would LIKE to have done by "trapping" the print button on the normal Print area
I have attached some code, but the sheet (1) does not print at all, (2) the code is sometimes executed twice (in debug mode followed it) and (3) sometimes does not set the row height properly either at autofit or static height.
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Feb 22, 2007
Dont know if this is possible. I have a spreadsheet where cell A1 contains a value which is not fixed and can change daily, the value can increase and decrease. At present at each month-end I manually record the position of cell A1 at month end in cells C1 through C12 repsenting the 12 months of the year.
A1 @ 31/01/07 = 50 therefore cell C1 = 50
A1 @ 28/02/07 = 45 therefore cell C2 = 45
and so on for 12 months
what I would like to do is automate this process to automatically capture the value at month end into cells "c" and once captured, the figure to remain absolute for that cell/month and to ignore changes in Cell A1 that may subsequently occur.
Could this be done by date formula?
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Jun 30, 2006
I need to know if it's possible to log the process of a series of macros
either to txt file or to a Sheet, (either way won't matter but txt file would be perfect)
For example:
Sub MyMacro1 ()
End Sub
Sub MyMacro2 ()
End Sub
If this process was logged, then the log file would look something like:
Date Time : Sub MyMacro1
Date Time : End Sub
Date Time : Sub MyMacro2
Date Time : End Sub
But it would be a in text just like a log file.
Is this possible with Excel ?
The reason is because my Workbook is huge and I am forever tweaking and adjusting or fixing and I require reference points.
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Jul 17, 2009
I have a list of petroleum accumulations with three types of data: Reservoir depth, Net Pay and Gas-oil ratio. for each accumulation, the number of reservoirs within each can vary. So I may have a accumulation with only one set of those stats, or an accumulation with 20.
I need the program to go down an alphabetized list (8000 entries long) and after every unique accumulation name average the values of the stats(which are in three separate columns) then put it in one row perhaps beginning in Column M or another sheet. So that I have a list of accumulations with the average of those stats, one entry per accumulation name.
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May 9, 2014
I have a UserForm where the user can enter figures for 143 different items which they select via a combobox drop down.
When I tested it, I hit the submit button but it says the procedure is too large!
Here is the code which is repeated 143 times but with a different row number and range each time (in red):
[Code] .......
So the next bit of code would be exactly the same except the range would be C5 and the row would be 18.
The range is always going to increase nice and easily: C5 up to C146.
The row number is a bit hit and miss.
Is there a way of significantly decreasing the size of this or will I have the break the code down into different UserForms?
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Oct 24, 2008
Is there a way I can interupt the save process depending upon certain conditions. For example if a particular cell contains a specific value and the user attepts to save the worksheet I would like to interupt the process asking "Do you really want to save this sheet now?" with the options to continue or abort. I think I can manage the message box or userform but don't know how to initiate it when save is selected
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Aug 30, 2009
I wanted to know If there a way to hide the process of executing macrob (vba)?
I have a long macro that runs on a file and I want to hide the process. I know there is an option to it, I just don't know it.
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Feb 18, 2013
I have a list of rows with Yes and No check boxes. Columns "T" and "U" contain the output of these checkboxes (i.e. "TRUE" or "FALSE"). At the end I have a button which I'd like to run this code. Essentially, I want to code to go through row by row and do the following:
1. Check to see if both boxes are blank or if both boxes are checked - and if so set the background color to yellow
2. Otherwise set the background color to clear
I have written the following code which accomplishes this task for Row 9. Is there an easy way to repeat this process for rows 10-15 without copying all the text and changing the row numbers?
Then, any way, say "If all the rows (i.e. 9-15) have clear background colors (which would mean that they all 'passed' the test of having exactly one and only one box checked in the row), then run another macro which I have written"?
Rem Check to see if neither box is checked or if both boxes are checked and sets background color to yellow, otherwise sets background color to clear.
If (Range("T9").Text = "") And (Range("U9").Text = "") Or (Range("T9").Text = "TRUE") And (Range("U9").Text = "TRUE") Or
(Range("T9").Text = "FALSE") And (Range("U9").Text = "FALSE") Then
Range("B9", ("G9")).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
Else: Range("B9:G9").Interior.ColorIndex = 0
End If
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Feb 7, 2007
what excel can process without having the program crash. Our company is using an old dos program to store payroll information (don't ask -they won't change it). Anyway - I have the ability to use pervasive software to pull the information into excel.
The problem here - is that the information is stored line by line. And in order for me to get useful information out of it, I need to sort those lines by date and a task code.
Here's the formula I am using.
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Jun 21, 2008
I remoted most of my number crunching stuff to a dll.
It work fine except for a few strange things that I observed like from time to time a strange message "Error in loading DLL" even though everything works fine. This message appears only when entering the main formula in the formula, and is no problem at all in usual work.
When I investigated, I noticed in the "windows task manager" that one instance of excel remains open even after I have closed excel. This phantom excel process is maybe related to the other problem I explained above.
Instead of calling a VBA function, it creates a VB6 object from this dll and uses the methods of this object. In this way I have remoted the number crunching functionality.
The main parameter passe in this process is a reference to the original workbook. I need it because the number crunching functions need to read data from the workbook.
I made it sure to terminate the life of the object properly on both sides by ad hoc obj=Nothing statements.
Still I think that the "garbage collection" or the "terminating" is the cause of the problem.
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Dec 1, 2009
I currently have a great VBA option to append records to the appropriate Access table. One problem I'm running into though is getting by the unique record number. Currently a user submits a record to a DataStorage tab which is then appended to the database. However, we would like to keep some of the old records (maybe a weeks worth: approx 100 records) on that tab in case any problems arise in the append transition. But we don't want duplicate records in the table.
Is there a way to modify the below code to kick out the duplicates and only bring in new records to the table? I will assign the table the requirement to only bring in unique new records but the code errors in Excel.
Sub RunAccessQueries_ADO()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim cm As ADODB.Command
dbPath = "C:Documents and SettingsUSERDesktop"
dbName = "MyAppendTest.mdb"
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
Set cm = New ADODB.Command
With cn
.CommandTimeout = 0
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"
.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & dbPath & dbName
End With
With cm
.CommandText = "MyApp"
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
.ActiveConnection = cn
End With
MsgBox ("Append Update is Complete")
End Sub
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Jun 19, 2009
I have the following macro. I need a loop that runs untill there is no more data. The loop should increment at each pass the following 2 Ranges and 1 Rows by 1. What is the VB code that will accomplish this for Excel 2003?
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 2
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 3
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 4
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 5
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 6
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 7
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 8
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 9
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 10
ActiveWindow.LargeScroll ToRight:=-1
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
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