Combine Lookup And If With Point From Range
Jan 19, 2013
I have two sets of example borehole data.
First, a range of depths with varying confidence levels.
From depth
to depth
[Code] ..........
Second, point data where I would like to return values from within the range in the first data set. I would like the confidence column of the second data set to feed from the first data set, if the point depth data is within the depth range for a borehole with the same ID. Battled with all sorts of IF, AND and LOOKUP forumlas with no luck.
[Code] .......
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Jun 30, 2009
I would like combine (overlay) a bubble chart with a connected point scatter chart. I understand that, without VBA, this is not possible. However, I understand that, by using VBA, the markers of a scatter chart can be configured as circles with their size proportional to values in a specified column. This pseudo-bubble chart can then easily be combined with a connected point scatter chart.
My question is: does anyone have any VBA code to share that shows how to configure a scatter chart as the type of pseudo-bubble chart described above.
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May 23, 2014
Combine two lookup/IF formulas:
So if formula 1 conditions aren't met then it by default would result in formula 2 conditions being met.
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Dec 15, 2013
I have a question to joint 3 functions : pivot>lookup>concatenate, to make it easier please have a look below table'
work hour
From above basic table I need to make it compact to below format:
Work Hour
Seed (04,05)
Seed (01,02,03)
what formula would suit the format above.
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Oct 30, 2008
Column A | Column B
Joe | Client A
Joe | Client B
Paul | Client X
Sue | Client A
Sue | Client X
Column C | Column D
Joe | Client A, Client B
Paul | Client X
Sue | Client A, Client X
I believe it would be very similar to the code that I was provided inCombine Multiple Related Rows Into One. I tried to adapt it to my current need, but was unsuccessful due to my very limited knowledge of vba.
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Dec 16, 2006
I've got an indexmatch that works great
=IF(ISERROR(INDEX(accountstaff,MATCH(B$20,INDEX(accountstaff,,1),0),MATCH($ A55,INDEX(accountstaff,1,),0))),0,INDEX(accountstaff,MATCH(B$20,INDEX(accou ntstaff,,1),0),MATCH($A55,INDEX(accountstaff,1,),0)))
But I need to incorporate IF statement based on varying levels of revenue and think VBA will be less cumbersome, but don't know how to combine else if and index match.
I am trying to accomplish this:
IF B$20 (which is a dollar amount is = X, then index, match....
IF B$20 is > Y but < Z, then index, match...
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Oct 4, 2012
At a high level, I have several thousand rows of data. For the sake of simplicity, assume there are two columns: 1) Name; and 2)A comment (optional, could be blank). See below for example..
Sheet 1
Row 1: Mike │ "Great to work with"
Row 2: Mike │ "Bad manager"
Row 3: Tom │ "Great guy"
Row 4: Mike │ (blank)
Row 5: John │ "Cool"
Row 6: Mike │ "Best boss"
On a separate sheet, I want to be able to somehow use a lookup function to combine all the comments for each name in a nicely formatted package (notice how I skipped the blank space so it wouldn't take up a line.
Sheet 2
="Comments for "&[ref to cell containing "Mike" in another sheet]
- Great to work with
- Bad manager
- Best boss
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Dec 10, 2008
I have a pivot table as shown below which is pretty straight forward however I am trying to create a macro that will automatically change the point name to match the point name in column E then copy that resulting dispaly to another sheet then pick the next point name in line and do the same thing and repeat for 50 rows, so my end result will be 50 pivot tables ready for printing. I can do this manually but I am trying to make it automatic...BTW the point names in column E change everyday but the pivot table supports the name changes.
Option Explicit
Sub PointName()
Dim Ws As Worksheet
Dim Rng As Range, Cel As Range
Set Ws = ActiveSheet
Set Rng = Range(Cells(2, 7), Cells(Rows.Count, 7).End(xlUp))
For Each Cel In Rng
Ws.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Point Name").CurrentPage = Cel & " "
With ActiveSheet
.Name = Trim(Cel)
End With
End Sub
I turned it off for a while and when I turned it back on I am getting an error
Unable to set the _Default property of the PivotItem class
Debugger is highlighting
Ws.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Point Name").CurrentPage = Cel & " "
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Aug 21, 2012
Going off this excellent thread : [URL] ....
I'm looking to replace the words in
VB : myWords = Array("dog", "cat", "hamster")
with a named range.
Here is what I did. I added the lines:
Dim myArray As Variant
myArray = Range("colorbold")
And replaced mywords with
myWords = Array("colorbold")
Something is clearly wrong.
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Oct 7, 2008
I need to be able to send my selected range of cells (to include: the spreadsheet background, colored cells and all values contained) to Power Point for a daily product. I found this great VBA online and would like to use it but the problem is I keep getting funny results. It doesn't matter what cells I select I keep getting a extra margin on the left side and top of the pasted product in power point. I then have to crop the results... I have looked at the macro (from my noodie eyes) and cannot seem to find a way to adjust this added on margin.
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Dec 31, 2008
I'm trying to write a bit of code that will allow me to clear some sheets. One of the sheets has formula for x number of rows, and these need to be left intact. Under these forumla there is an area where data is pasted, and this needs to be cleared becfore starting the process.
Colum A is blank, apart from cell A1 (the column heading) and another cell (variable row) with the value 'Paste here'. I've used this variable cell in other macros on the sheet as a marker, so need this to stay. I was going to use this code below, but I don't know how to tell it to select from the current active cell to the bottom of the spreadsheet.
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Aug 19, 2008
Range Macro - looking to create a simple macro to highlight a colum range from any location in column A that the cursor has landed on to the fixed location "A3". Example: If I am on A34, then the macro would highlight A34:A3. I can then edit the format in that range. Idealy, I could search on Column A first for a given text, then run the above macro to highlight every cell between that given text and "A3".
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Dec 15, 2006
I need help in simulating the functionality of the OFFSET function with some of standard Excel functions which are shown at this webpage (I will be using this converter to generate the webpage from the sheet):
Spreadsheet Converter Supported Functions
I ask this because I need to create an interactive online calculator which absolutely needs to have the ability to allow the user to select the RANGE of the data to be analyzed. I included an example sheet with the offset function in the pink cell…Do you think any other standard excel function can be used to simulate its functionality?
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Mar 8, 2012
Lets pretend that I have a boat load of automatically generated values from a different program.
There's a specific equillibrium point to a certain measurement, but this measurement involves a lot of fluctuation. To get a near accurate result, I must find the maximum value in an entire graph on the Y Axis value(Column B). Ofcourse, this is easily done using the =MAX value
Exactly 450 seconds (X Axis value(Column A)) positively and negatively from this point, something like this happens.
A.) I must find the highest points 450 seconds negatively ( X ) to the max of the entire graph.
B.) I must find the lowest point closest to the two points we uncovered, both on the positive ( X -->) side.
C.) The fluctuation of every spike can last to about ±30 measured points in the graph. (±20 seconds) Thus, the maximum point surrounding the +/- 450 seconds (±693 x values) needs to be accurately predicted as being around 450 seconds, not 10 seconds more or less.
D.) The measurement is known to something glitch out and suddenly get a spike somewhere along the road, which will then quickly fall back down, which is a false maximum level. How can I prevent excel from taking this as the maximal point?
Remember, this needs to be fully automated into a macro later on, ergo, I cannot manually add the formulas to all the (650 different) sheets.
I have 25 days before the project gets cancelled if this doesn't make it.
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Feb 24, 2007
i'm using this source to add labels to data points in charts:
Sub AttachLabelsToPoints()
'Dimension variables.
Dim Counter As Integer, ChartName As String, xVals As String
' Disable screen updating while the subroutine is run.
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
'Store the formula for the first series in "xVals".
xVals = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Formula
the code is from ms and works. (for some reason they also declare variable 'chartname' although it's never used, anyway). the full thing here: [url]
i actually have my source data filterable. so depending on the filters chosen, the chart updates itself. so it removes data points in the chart as more filters are used.
the problem is that the labels ignore the filters. the code above just goes down the column to grab the labels grabbing values in order, even if they have been filtered out.
a cumbersome workaround would be to copy the filtered data to another range and use that for the labels. this is neither optimal because i have lots of data or elegant.
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Jun 6, 2014
I have multiple tables like the one in the picture and have to duplicate this code for different known ranges.
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Jan 29, 2009
I think I need a macro to do this. Can I use vlookup function for a range of number? lets say I have number 1001 to 1005. i want to combine the result. any other way other than using this formula
=vlookup(1001,table,2,false)+vlookup(1002,table,2,false)+vlookup(1003,table,2,false)+vlookup(1004,ta ble,2,false)+vlookup(1005,table,2,false)
Is there possibility to define a function that works like say =clookup(numlow,numhigh,table,2,false)?
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Jul 20, 2012
I need a process to combine a set of numbers that have a range of 1 to 48. The set can vary. I need all possible combinations. Example:
out of the range 1 to 48, the set of numbers are (6,11,15,21,22,27,33,34,47). The numbers need to be combined into all possible combinations of subsets of 6 numbers. The criteria for combination is does not include sequencing. In other words the numbers only need to combined into 6 number sets that are in any sequence.
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Aug 8, 2013
I have a cell with a drop-down menu where the user can select "Plant A" or "Plant B".
I have a cell below that with a sales number, which comes from a different tab where the sales number is input and has a named range.
For example, the input tab has a named range called "Plant A Sales" and a value of 1234, and a named range called "Plant B Sales" with a value of 5678.
I want to put a formula in a cell that will look at the cell where the drop-down menu is and will populate that cell with the correct data for the selected plant.
So if the user selects "Plant A" from the drop-down menu, the cell will show "1234". If they then select "Plant B" from the drop-down menu, the cell will show "5678".
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Jan 13, 2007
The attached spreadsheet has a "master" workesheet in which I enter customer info, salesperson info, and date. The totals spreadsheet automatically calculates number of sales, contact value.
I need to modify the following formulas to only calculate the data within a date range shown in 2 cells.
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Jul 8, 2012
I am having troubles finding a row number, using it to specify a range and then counting the cells containg values in that range.
This is what I have
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
Dim test1 As String
Dim FoundRom As Range
Dim i as String
Dim abc1 As Range
Dim Core1 As String
test1 = TextBox1.Value
[Code] ........
I am thinking that I have my "Dim"'s wrong or something but I cant figure out how to define the range including the found row number and then count the number of cells containing data within that range...
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Aug 1, 2014
I am in need of a way to pull keywords listed in B2:B10 from text in A2:A10 and then those pulled keywords combined in cell C11.See attached document. So I have colors for keywords in column B and some random text in the column A including the keywords in parenthesis. Is there a way for a formula to find all keywords in A2:A10 and then list them in cell C11 with commas in between.So the result would be one cell C11 showing BLUE,GREEN,BLACK,ORANGE, etc.I have been trying to mess around with index and match and while I could get one to pull up I don't know how to combine it.
Keyword Range.xlsx‎
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Mar 23, 2014
I have one sheet "FF" which shows categories of companies (1-48) and each of these categories include several SIC numbers.
What I now want is to find the right category (1-48) for each SIC code in my second sheet.
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Mar 6, 2007
is it posible to use lookup to complete a name range?
if "joe" is a barbarian, sorcerer, druid, each class has features dependant on its class level, not the character level. so, if "joe" were a 9th level barbarian, 7th level sorcerer, 7th level druid, his character level would be 23.
each class is assigned its own name for its total levels. char_lvl_barbarian, char_lvl_sorcerer, char_lvl_druid.
is there a way to use lookup to match char_lvl_ to a given class type or do i need to type each individual class type level name range? i'm hoping for one formula that can allow me ease of use instead of a multitude of conditions.
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Dec 6, 2013
I need to determine the shipping price of, say, a fruit based on its weight. I'd like to do this by looking at a matrix that lists fruit type (column E), weight range (column F/G), and resulting shipping price.
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Mar 21, 2014
for example i have this data I want to average range of some values in force column for which i only know range of values in TIME column..
For Example I want to average the values for which the values in time column are 0 to 1.5 ((0.2+.5+1+2)/4)
I deduct a formula but it is giving error AVERAGE(LOOKUP(0,A:A,B:B):LOOKUP(1.5,A:A,B:B))
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Sep 30, 2008
I have two sheets in Excel as below format. I would like to lookup (fill) “issue to” column of sheet2 in respect to sheet1. Please is there any funcations?
chqno Fr chqno toIssue to
Chq noIssue to
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Jul 2, 2009
I am creating a list with Data>Validation>Allow>list and it requests the source for the list- all OK, but the list produced needs to depend on other factors, I have several named range's containing different lists.
I need to insert in the "list Source" box a cell reference, which contains a the name of the range ie "list46" and for the source to recognise this as a list to produce
Is it possible to lookup a named range to produce a list?
Sorry about the explanation very difficult to put in to words!
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Mar 18, 2007
looking for a way to look in a column for a value, and then spit out the highest value in corresponding cells in a column further over
so i want to look at all the classes associated with the same case, and have excel spit out the highest CscR no associated with those cells that do match..
yes i could do it manually, but my actual file has like 4000 samples in the first column.
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Sep 4, 2012
Is there a way that I can do a vlookup in 1 file and specify more than 1 data range to lookup the data in?
In this case I have one file to put the vlookup in and a second file with more than 1 tab and I want to have it search each of those tabs and return the result. The format of these sepatate tabs are to each other and for that matter, identicle to the main file.
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