Put The If Statement Function In The Cell
Jun 30, 2009i have the condition below.
1<=x<2 = a
2<=x<3 = b
3<=x<4 = c
4<=x<5 = d
>5 = e
how to put the if statement function in the cell? or any better function to use?
i have the condition below.
1<=x<2 = a
2<=x<3 = b
3<=x<4 = c
4<=x<5 = d
>5 = e
how to put the if statement function in the cell? or any better function to use?
I have a cell range which needs to be added up, but if all cells in the renge
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a very long function I created. But I need to edit it in a matter I have never done before.
Below is my function and i will like to add a new condition to it.
IF the text value in cell C7 is equal to any text value in Workbook2 B10:K10 and the value underneath that cell (I.e if B10 then B11 etc..) is Deleted then I want to have one of the conditions of my function below display "Deleted".
=+IF(AND(E7<=0,J7<>0,Y7<=0,AO7<=30),"Check Inventory",IF(AND(E7<=0,J7<>0,Y7<=0,AO7>=60),"Delete Listing ",""))
I have this select statement:
Dim ResourceMonth As String
Dim mActiveSheet As String
ResourceMonth = Sheets("Finanace").Range("J2")
Select Case ResourceMonth
Case "Jan"
Cells(8, 4).Select
z = ActiveCell.Row
SSRR = ActiveCell.Value
mActiveSheet = "Jan"
Sheets(mActiveSheet).Range("[test1julycheckbook.xls]Jan!MaxHoursJan") = (Sheets("Workdays").Range("F2")) * 8
I need to add a Bloomberg BDP function to my lookup statement. The formula that i'm trying to replicate in VBA is =IF(ISBLANK(h23,"",BDP(H23&" cusip","long_comp_name")). update my macro.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI need to do a SUMIFS with 2 sets of Criteria, but I need the second Criteria to be an OR Statement. The numbers I am adding up is in Column E, with any where from about 20,000 to about 60,000 records (will fluctuate all the time). The first Criteria is easy - match up the name in AG12 with any of the names in Column C. The second criteria is to match up the numbers in Column A with any of the numbers in AD1 through AD40.
I tried this but it didn't work: =SUMIFS(E:E,C:C,AG12,A:A,AD1:AD40). I've alos tried a million other variations of that, imbedded SUM(IF( statements, SUMPRODUCT statements, and DSUM statements and no luck. I can't find anything that allows me to make that second second criteria look at the numbers in Column AD as being AD1 or AD2 or AD3 so on and so forth.
I have multiple sheets within one Excel file. Each sheet is structured the same way. Column B lists Client's last names, which differ from sheet to sheet, though some clients may be repeated in several tabs. I have a column K which displays either the number 1 or 0. This is consistent between sheets.
I have created a formula that will look at the last name in a specific cell in column B of sheet 2 (FY 07) and search sheet 1 (FY 06) column B for the same last name.
=IF(MATCH($B5,'FY 06'!$B$5:$B$24,0),1,0)
If the same last name exists and if column K of sheet 2 and sheet 1 display a "1", I want it to place a 0 in the formula cell.
So, if there is a client that is in both sheets and has a "1" in both columns K of each sheet, I want the formula to let me know.
I am attempting to use the following code to move certain sheets to specific locations in my workbook. The case statement containing the InStr function isn't working eventhough the "Data" tab does exist and the InStr function does return 1.
ThisSheetToMove = Sheets(SCount).Name
Select Case ThisSheetToMove
Case "Schedule"
Sheets("Schedule").Move Before:=Sheets(1)
Case InStr(1, Trim(ThisSheetToMove), "Data") > 0
Sheets(ThisSheetToMove).Move After:=Sheets(SShtLast)
End Select
I have an anomaly with this loop that seems to be a bug, but I need a second opinion on it. The split statement is working and produces a single array. The Set col statement works on the first iteration and post the value onto sheet 2. The problem is that after the first iteration the Set col statement will not set, although the dys(i) value is correct, The Find function apparently does not return the range value.
dys = Split(c.Offset(0, 1), ",")
For i = LBound(dys) To UBound(dys)
Set col = sh2.Rows(1).Find(dys(i), , xlValues, xlPart, MatchCase:=False)
If Not col Is Nothing Then
If i = LBound(dys) Then
Can I write Copy and paste function in an IF statement
PTPO #Part #Line #DescriptionVendor #UOMLTPO Entry #Due DateAllowed DaysWork daysQty OrderQty RecvdUnder/ OverRectp dateDays Po lateMB550427917495072PANEL, SW MOLDED SLVR0BAY008EA204/16/20075/14/200728215014-365/7/200702013135/30/2007-280232023236/1/2007-28025
formulae in the column Q " days PO, Late" =IF(P3
I'm trying to set up an if statement that will recognize that if a cell is FHR it will do something...but if it's PHR it will do something else. I think I found the place where I keep getting an error but I'm not sure how to go about fixing the issue.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWriting a single nested IF statement function to calculate the grades of the students the following rules:
If the student grade isHis/her letter grade is
Greater or equal to 90:A
Greater or equal to 80 and less then 90:B
Greater or equal to 70 and less then 80:C
Greater or equal to 60 and less then 70:D
Any other grade:F
i am using the IF script, and i am also using the COUNT script in the logical part of the IF statement. i need to make sure that both K3 and V3 have a value inside of the cell in order for the statement to work, although when just K3 has a value, the IF - TRUE statement works anyway. any ideas on how to fix this? =IF(COUNT(K3,V3),SUM(K3+V3),"")
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to calculate a weighted average but I need it to only calculate on the months to date. I have a data validation drop down on a title page that is toggled to the current month each time a report is needed to define what months have actuals. I bring in data for all the months but only the current months have actuals. I need to calculate the weighted average on ONLY the ACTUALS. How can I set the ranges for sum product based on the data validation list on the title page?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create the following function but I cannot seem to get it working correctly.
[Code] .....
I am trying to have a cell in sheet "Summary" count the number of cells in column DX of sheet "Analyses" that are greater than 0, provided that the value in column A of "Analyses" corresponds with the value in B8 of sheet "Summary."
(In "Analyses," there are 106 subjects, each taking up 64 rows. So, columns 1-64 correspond to Subject 1, columns 65-128 correspond to subject 2, etc. In column DX, each subject has 64 values that are either 0 or greater than 0. In "Summary," each subject has one row that summarizes the 64 trials. I want a single cell in the "Summary," sheet to reflect the number of times each subject produces a value greater than 0 in column DX of "Analyses.") I tried using this formula, but it did not work correctly:
(Summary!B8 = 1, so I am trying to calculate the number of values in DX that are greater than 0 only for subject 1.) When I press enter, this yields a value of 384. This is impossible, given that subject 1 only has 64 possibilities of yielding a value greater than 0. Subject 1 has 2 values in column DX that are greater than 0. I tried making this an array formula by pressing Shift+Ctrl+Enter, and that just gives me a #VALUE! error.
I am currently using an Intersect statement in a worksheet module to perform two things:
1. Insert a time stamp into row 2 when row 1 has a price inserted
2.To clear that time stamp if the price is deleted at some later date.
My problem is with the time stamp value being deleted by the user.
If I try to clear the price (now that the time cell =empty) I get a Runtime error 91 - Object Variable or With block variable not set.
I would like to convert this code to a select case statement but I'm not sure how to do this in this situation. Would error coding be appropriate in this instance?
Another interesting dilemma to solve. Using this formula:
View 2 Replies View RelatedFunction Haversine has correct value in debugger but in cell it has the same value as Haversine2. Is this a known bug?
Public Function Haversine(lat1 As Double, long1 As Double, lat2 As Double, long2 As Double) As Double
Dim temp As Double
I have created a List in excel of various tasks. (See attached example.) Each row contains one cell with a function which equals the cell above it and to the right. So the function for cell C3 would be D2. The only importance is that the cell mirrored is always the cell one above and to the right. However, now I would like to be able to rearrange this List, but the “one up and to the right” function will now be all over the place.
Is someone aware of a function which will target a relative location instead of an exact cell?
I have been looking around have this much code from this site, modified. What I am trying to do is calculate numbers by a position with cells D through K having numeric values. I have 'hardcoded' the cells (D2, E2, etc in the code below), but in reality I only want the current row (so if the formula is on the 2nd row, I want D2, if it is on the 3rd row, I want D3).
My problem is obviously the formula isn't working because I am not correctly tying back to the spreadsheet (Positioncalc.xls). When I put the formula in the spreadsheet it works, but in my script I get 0 everytime.
My Script:
Function Position(rCell As Range, Optional RightPosition As Boolean)
Dim vResult
Select Case rCell.Text
Case "QB"
vResult = (2*D2) + (2*E2) + (2*F2) + (4*G2) + (2*H2) + (1*I2) + (4*J2) + (3*K2)
Case Else
vResult = "Invalid Position"
End Select
If RightPosition = True Then
Position = vResult
Position = "Position not valid"
End If
End Function
So, when I put =Position(A2,True) I expect to see the formula results of those cells calculated based on the position (QB, HB, etc with their unique formulas).
My next challenge after this is to highlight certain cells based on the Position. So if A2 = QB, I want cell D2 boldface and Red, etc. I have seen some scripts on colors and such here, so I might be able to figure it out.
look at the attached. In the estimate tab look at the box highlighted in yellow. Then look at the cells in pink (row 70). F70 is selecting the lowest maintenance value from the yellow box but I want C70 to display the hours associated to that value. The correct hours will need to appear according to what value is displayed. (this sounds confusing but look at the formula in F70 and you will hopefully see what im trying to achieve).
View 2 Replies View Relatedi'm trying to ask my spreadsheet to fill a cell with either 'YES' or 'NO' depending on the value of one cell. I've succeeded in getting it to enter 'YES' but can't figure out how to tell it to choose between the two options. This is the formula so far
i need to do a if statement to take 10% off the value in cell b2 if a2 =yes or if a2 =no then no discount will be applied.
the yes and no in a2 is a v lookup from another worksheet.
This is the current
Sub IfExample()
If Range("C1").Value = "Yellow"
Range("D1").Value = "COLOR"
End If
End Sub
I get a compile error on the "If" line.
Once I get it working how would I say this correctly?
If Range("C1").Value = "Yellow" or "Red" or "Purple"
The final "hope" is that it will continue down column C and D looking for the condition until first empty row is found at which point the code will stop looking for the condition.
I need an if statement which returns a value if cell B2 contains the value “Liability” The whole value of B is Liability with a 10 digit number (which is changing). I tried:
=IF(B2="Liability*","Liability","") and
=IF(B2=CONCATENATE("Liability"," *"),"Liability","")
But nothing is working. Can’t get my head around to get it up and running and couldn’t find previous threads.
I have 4 cells in a row as noted above. (I have listed the 3 examples of the results I need for clarification if needed) The first 2 cells are not variable and the 3rd cell is a variable number. The fourth cell is where I want a statement of either "accept: or "reject".
If cell #3 is less than cell #1 I want it to "reject", If cell #3 is greater than cell#2 I also want it to "reject" but if the number is eual to or between cell #2 and #3 I want the results to be "accept". So the purple numbers are fixed, the black numbers are variable and the red and green numbers are the results. So if I can get the "accept" and "reject" to work I would also like them to turn "green" and or "red" depending on the results.
I am trying to use the if statement, if a cell = a cell that has a word in it then show content of another cell that has a name in it.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAttached is a small sample which displays what I am trying to achieve - I am trying to create an if statement for cell J2 which says:
IF F2 = 1 then "R", IF F2 = 0 but there is a 1 in either H2, I2, J2 then "W" and IF F2:I2 are all 0's "N"
I Have manually typed the desired output in col J
I Have manually typed the desired output in col J
Attached File : IFFF.xlsx‎
I am trying to do a calculation based on the conditions of two cells but one cell I would need the range of the report. Either way, here is my current statement.
=IF(P2:P15 = "Green Building 15",SUM(COUNTIF(C2:C15,"Over AC")+COUNTIF(C2:C15,"Top Lab AC")),0)
I get a Value# error (though it systematicaly works if you check in the funtion area), and its because of the range I am using, is there anyway to bypass thiss issue or can someone give a better calculation.