if sales target is say 1000 if they dont reach 60% no commission payable if the reach 60% and over to sales target they get 3% if they get over target they get 5% of everything over target
I'm making a spreadsheet to record the results of a horse sale, and I'm trying to make a summary sheet to list various statistics such as the 10 top sellers, 10 worst sellers, etc.
Now, I know I can get the 10 top prices easily by using Large(<Range>, 1...10) in my cells but I can't figure out a way to properly determine the hip # and name. Everything works fine when there's only 1 entry at price n, but when there are multiple I run into problems.
Horse 1 sold for $5500 Horse 2 sold for $8500 Horse 3 sold for $5500 Horse 4 sold for $6000
So, my summary should show Horse 2 $8500 Horse 4 $6000 Horse 1 $5500 Horse 3 $5500
I am looking for a formula to capture the "date" of my first sale to new customers.
A B C D E F G H Date of first sale 1 Co. Name 2/2/2012 6/5/2012 7/6/2012 10/16/2012 1/22/2013 4/17/2013 2 ABC Co. $10 $11 $5 $12 $12 2/2/2012 3 Smith Co. $19 1/22/2013 4 Brown Co. $11 $15 6/5/2012 5 AAA Co. $5 $10 7/6/2012
I have a table with daily sale entries and margins. I want a formula to calculate my sale and margin between certain hours.
The original data table is below.
Data table: ABCDEF1DateHoursQuantityUNIT PRICESALEMARGIN201/07/0810:351-4,00-4,00-4,00301/07/0810:35122,0022,0010,05401/07/0810:5016,006,001,80501/07/0810:5016,006,001,80601/07/0811:0313,803,802,00701/07/0811:0316,806,801,67801/07/0811:0415,005,002,64901/07/0811:0733,339,993,901001/07/0811:0735,0015,008,071101/07/0811:1016,006,003,971201/07/0811:1115,605,602,971301/07/0811:1316,006,003,971401/07/0811:1412,602,601,831501/07/0811:1412,602,601,781601/07/0811:21111,6011,606,401701/07/0811:2226,0012,006,821801/07/0811:2413,503,501,471901/07/0811:28111,6011,603,952001/07/0811:4115,605,602,902101/07/0811:4115,605,602,902201/07/0811:42118,8018,806,722301/07/0811:4417,807,801,612401/07/0811:4523,507,002,942501/07/0811:4712,002,001,532601/07/0812:0113,203,201,84
The results I need: ABCD1DATESALE BETWEENSALEMARGIN201/07/200810:00 TO 11:0030,009,65301/07/200811:00 TO 12:00148,8970,04
In table B i have the sold dates of all the articles with their corresponding quantities.
Table B: Sold On ArticleQuantity15/12/2008Iron115/12/20082G Card115/12/2008Radio216/12/2008Tv116/12/2008Iron217/01/2008Head Phone317/12/2008Iron117/12/20082G Card122/12/2008Radio127/12/2008Fan1
An finally table C is a result chart which shows the days between the purchase and the selling dates of the articles.
Table C: Article Sale After purches date 12/12/2008 Days ?Sale RepeatRadioBinocularFanIronSun GlassTvHead Phone2G CardAfter Every ? Days3163453After Every ? Days1145After Every ? Days5After Every ? DaysAfter Every ? DaysAfter Every ? DaysAfter Every ? DaysAfter Every ? DaysAfter Every ? DaysAfter Every ? DaysAfter Every ? Days
I want to find the number of similar values contained in a column based on a date range I specify.
I have a data set that's formatted like the following (you can see the full data set at [URL] but I've hidden the irrelevant columns and highlight the relevant ones)
[Code] .......
I want to use this data to create two types of graphs. One showing the ratio including all values in the Status column. There are 4 total (Open, Lost, Won, Won-Job Cancelled). I want another which excludes the "open" status from the ratio figure. I've create some images demonstrating what I want to accomplish at [URL] .....
Additionally, I want to be able to specificy date ranges for these charts. Specifically 0-30 days from todays date, 30-90 days and older than 90 days.
I want to accomplish this using Google Sheets (the latest version) and know how to use the graph total. It's just creating the data the way I need it which is proving to be the most challenging.
What I require is the macro code to achieve the following:-
Cells A2, B2 and C2 will be completed manually, however, when a new quotation is required the user must enter a new Control Reference Number in cell E2 and then press the Generate button.
Once pressed the Macro behind the button will generate the following :-
(a) Quote number underneath the last one in column 'A'
(b) Change Ref underneath the last one in column 'B' (this was the ref number input above in E2)
(c) today’s date underneath the last one in column 'C'
(d) a blank Quote Tab i.e. labelled the next number in the sequence i.e. Quote 2, Quote 3 etc which should be created copying the Template Tab
N.B. the total number of Quotes in any one work book should be a maximum of 30 so some form of checking would be required.
I need to calculate a quote over 4 years but the first and last years are not full 12 months.
On Row 20 are monthly costs for each year. The start and end date is in Row 3.
I need to find a formula that can calculate ANNUAL TOTAL for the all these year in Row 22 populated automatically, not just manually times the months in each cell.
I have been using Excel for many years but haven't dived much into using VBA. I believe it holds the answer to my question. I have developed a spreadsheet with 10 tabs that is used for billing customers. I'd like to take it a step further and, on a separate tab, have a quote automatically populated and then be able to be printed. I need for the VBA to scan certain areas in each tab to see if data is present or greater that 1. If there is data present, it would need to list the content of 3 cells (description, quantity, and total cost). I know that I can directly link but it needs to be dynamic and only display/show data that is present (as not all cells will be needed for every client).
Someone might find this interesting. Inherited a file that need to total columns but almost 50% of the file has cells w/ the single quote tick infront of the number.
Ex '2257894 or '2234. How can one remove those single quotes out of a cell? NOTE: Cell values are not the same length.
Way to create order and quote numbers. I'm currently starting an order number with a "O" in front of the order number and a "Q" in front of the quote number but this presents a problem when trying to create the next consecutive number because the number has a letter at the start of it so I can't use the method plus 1. I'd just simply remove the "O" and "Q" from these numbers but I need the numbers to be unique from each other and putting the "O" or "Q" in front was the only thing I could come up with to avoid the numbers ever being identical. I often need to look up these numbers and return the values in that row so the numbers need to be unique from one another.
The information for quotes and orders is saved on separate workbooks but I'd still like the numbers to be unique from one another.
Having a letter at the start of each number or a work around for using the plus 1 method when you do have a letter at the start of the number?
i want to create a quote worksheet with a type of material validated list, a type of stock validated list, a volume of material sum, a cost per lb of material varible and a typ of stock % markup to quote stock material. i have a pdf of what i want it to look like i just need help formulating it. thanks. Auto Merged Post;here is a link to the pdf. i am not sure what to call what i want to do... [url] Auto Merged Post;here is the xls file.
I recorded what happens when I use the "from web" tool from the data tab. I then tried to modify it by allowing me to manually (with the inbox) put in the ticker that I want. When I run it, it does nothing. When I manually put in the ticker symbol for the company, it works.
For instance, I I were to replace
"URL;http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/q?s=" & TICKER & "&ql=1", Destination:=Range("$A$1")) with "URL;http://ca.finance.yahoo.com/q?s=ATVI&ql=1", Destination:=Range("$A$1"))
It would then work, but I would have to manually change it every time.
Here is the code ___________________________________________________________ Sub Macro1() Dim TICKER As String InputBox ("enter ticker symbol") Cells.Clear With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
I have to create a formated file to test our system every other week, I want to create a File Generator using Excel and the replacement values forumla "& A1 &". However the file is in a CSV format containing a lot of quotes and when I attempt to use a line of the file in a formula with "& < Cell> &" excel reports errors, if you accept excels help it strips out the quotes and commas. Anyway around this? having to have a user save the file is CSV format would be to complicated. Sample file attached.
I want to alert a user that he or she has typed in a text string that begins or ends with an apostrophe ' or begins or ends with a quotation mark " so that they can take corrective action in removing these characters. The reasons for this are superflous to this post but what I thought was a logical answer returns a formula error. Here's the scenario:-
A user enters a string of text in cell A1.
Cell B1 checks if the text, if any, in A1 begins or ends with a ' or a " and if it does, returns an "Error" message
The formula I've tried in B1 is =IF(OR(LEFT(A1,1)="'",LEFT(A1,1)=""",RIGHT(A1,1)="'",RIGHT(A1,1)=""")),"Error","Ok") but Excel will have none of it.
I am using Microsoft 2013 and am looking for 4 formulas in order to split 1 cell in to 4 (across same row). Number of characters varies between each instance of """.
I would like the formulas to start in column B-D (data in A)
I am looking at formulas based on specific instances of a quote mark in cell from data in column A
Formula 1 - Return with characters up to and including the 5th instance of """ Formula 2 - Return with characters after 5th """ and up to and including 6th """ Formula 3 - Return with characters after 6th """ and up to and including 7th """ Formula 4 - Return with characters after the 7th instance of """
Example below... Cell A1 xxyy","aabb","ee,ff,""gghh"hh,"llmm,mmnbijp"oossww"
Desired results Cell B1 - Formula 1 xxyy","aabb","ee,ff," Cell C1 - Formula 2 "gghh" Cell D1 - Formula 3 hh," Cell E1 - Formula 4 mmnbijp"oossww"
I am a SAS programmer and often use SAS Proc Export to dump data to Excel. Sometimes the data is an Excel formula, e.g. =hyperlink("#Sheet1!r1c1","click here")
Because the data is text, what get's put in the cell is '=HYPERLINK("#Sheet1!r1c1","click here") (note leading single quote).
I cannot use the replace function to edit them out, so must hand edit each one out -tedious at best.
In a large range of cells, how I can remove the single quote at the beginning of the contents of each cell? (without single quote they would be formulas). It didn't work using CTRL + L and trying to replace the single quote by blank applying this to the whole range. I am currently using Excel 2003.
cell a1 contents: '= IF (I17 = "----------", "----------", E17-C17) cell a2 contents: '= IF (I18 = "----------", "----------", E18-C18) cell a3 contents: '= IF (I19 = "----------", "----------", E19-C19) .... etc., etc., etc.
I am hopeless at remembering birthdays tbh - so rather than rely on family to remind me, I decided to make a spreadsheet that shows: D.O.B, current age (in years, months, days), and number of days remaining until next birthday.
Please see attached - I can't figure out why the current age calculation is a month out. e.g 'Sebastian' was born on 16 Nov 2008, which makes him 3 months and 11 days old - but '=TODAY()-C16' yields "00 Years 4 Month(s) 12 Days"
Also, 'Leah' has just her birthday - but now where it is supposed to give 'days until next birthday' it gives an error with the formula: '=DATEDIF(TODAY(),EDATE(C4,(YEAR(NOW())-YEAR(C4))*12),"d")'
I'm building a freight calculator and am considering some professional consulting options, but before I do that I wanted to see if I could overcome this one problem. If I can, I think I might be able to complete the calculator myself.
Here's my conundrum:
A potential customer enters "80802" for zip code and "Solomon" for store.
The formula (or series of formulas) I'm looking for would then refer to the following hidden sheet and return Arapahoe, CO and a distance of 270 miles from Solomon.
i made a claculator in vb.net, and now i have to make one in vba, what i did was as follows, first ill post the code from last year, then my vba attempt;
I'm trying to come up with an efficient formulae or function to calculate tax
The problem I have is that the tax is progressive. As below
the first 20,000 is taxed at 5% the next 20,000 is taxed at 6% the next 20,000 is taxed at 7% the next 20,000 is taxed at 8% the next 20,000 is taxed at 9% more than 100,000 is taxed at 10%
I'm trying to do a formula like below
Cell B3 is my taxable amount Cell B5 =IF(B$3>20000,20000*0.05,B$3*0.05) Cell B6 =IF(B$3>40000,40000*0.05,(B$3-20000)*0.05)
This gives me a problem in that for 35k say, I end up with a negative number for the second part in cell B6. My other issue is that each calculation will take up 6 rows on my spreadsheet. I was hoping to set up a function that could do this in a cell, but even the simple stage defeats me at the moment.