Run A Macro On My Machine (Windows 2000 And Office 2003)

Jun 29, 2006

I'm trying to run a macro on my machine (Windows 2000 and Office 2003) and I keep getting an error on one method. Now I tried to run the same macro on a different machine (Windows XP and Office 2003) and it didn't error out.

Public strControlTitle As String
Public strControlTime As String
Public strControlUnit As String
Public intControlItem As Integer
Public intLastNameOnly As Integer
Public intDataType As Integer

Sub Main()
Dim strControlItem, strPageName, strValue, sigma, z95, z99 As String
Dim r, c, count, cmax, rmax, rt, ct, low, high, a, b As Integer
Dim lesscol As Integer
With ControlChartForm
.ComboBox1.AddItem ("Average Turn Around Time All Patients")....................

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Macro Works In 97 & 2000 But Not 2003

Mar 15, 2007

I convert text file into Excel. Then what I want is to look in column C for cell value “UNT:” (it is chopped word account: ) and copy value what is in the same row next column D into column K.

Then in column K copy down the value until next not empty cell.

My problem is that it works on Excel 97 and 200 but 2003 doesn’t work.

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Macro In 2003 Is Not Working In 2000

Apr 25, 2008

I have constructed a macro, (with lots of help from the fine people on this site), and have distributed it to several people in the company. The macro was written in Excel 2003, and runs perfectly on all the machines running Excel 2003, but persons using Excel 2000 are getting a runtime error, variable not defined.

Is there a trick to getting a macro to run in both versions of Excel?

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Macro Run Faster In 2000 Than 2003

Feb 18, 2008

I have a macro which is able to run very fast in Excel 2000. Almost 5s. When i run it in Excel 2003, it takes almost 4 to 5 mins to complete. Is there any patch in 2003 i need to run the macro smoothly?

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Loading Excel Range With Vba-array Blows Up In Office > 2000

Jul 18, 2008

I am using the following

xlrng.cells(5,1).resize(5,5) = myarray

If my array contains a text column with any text cell element > 900 bytes
office 2003 and greater blow up

in office 2000 it automatically truncates it without blowing up

if i write my own load loop, and load each cell individually
it works great no-poroblemo, its just extremely slow!

Is there any magic way to get this working correctly without truncation
and without blowing up?

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Run-time Error 1004 :: When On Office 2003

Mar 13, 2006

I have a Access database as a frontend sending data via transferspreadsheet to Excel. All works well in the A2k and Excel 2k in which it was built. I need to distribute to other users and some have Office 2003 which has caused some problems with Object Libraries but I have made a modified XL2003 version to load on those systems. However, I get a Run-time error 1004, "Application defined or Object defined Error" and the debugger stops on the following line of code that should be underlined ....

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Take My Sheet (using Office 2003) And Paste It In Outlook

Aug 3, 2007

a macro that will take my excel sheet (using office 2003) and then pasted it in outlook.

Also I need cell A1 and cell B1 pasted in the subject line.

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Completion Dates - Weekend - Holidays In Office 2003

Nov 6, 2006

In my helpdesk spreadsheet, Column C has the date a request is received and Column D has the day it is signed off as complete.

This is used to compare how many days it takes before each request is completed.

Column B is usually blank, but, if the day a request is due to be completed is in the future, such as waterblasting set for 5 working days ahead, then the expected completion date is in Column B. As we don't want a report to show it took five days to complete, when 5 days was waiting for the booked job, we only want five days when we are working on it for five days.

So a typical request is received on Monday 1st January (C), completed on 3rd January (D), taking 3 working days to complete.

A less typical is a request received on Monday 1st January (C), booked to be done on the 4th January, (B). If the job is completed on the 4th, then that will be entered into (D). And we want it show as taking 1 day or less to complete.

I'm quite new to excel formulas , but would like to know the format for

IF B = Empty, then display the days (minus holidays and minus weekends) between C & D.

IF B = non-blank, then display the days (minus holidays and minus weekends) between B & D.

I've tried to play with the Workday function but it and the format of the IF function seem just beyond my grasp, depsite it simplicity, so hopefully a bit more insight as i get to grips with formulas would help me out...

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#NAME (2000 OK 2003 NO)

Nov 23, 2006

Excel 2000 spreadsheet everything is fine.

When I open the same file in excel 2003 #NAME? Error appears.

I check Accept Labels in Formulas and it helped in some places but not everywhere.

I still have lots of NAME errors in a relatively simple spreadsheet.

I Excel 2000 everything works fine.

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UDF Compatibility Between 2003 & 2000

Aug 17, 2006

I have an activity recording tool created in Excel 2003 which works perfectly (ish)
However when some of my colleagues use it on machines running Excel 2000 it falls over at the following definition

Dim dlgFile As FileDialog

this is part of the following sub routine

Sub doCopy()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Call Archive
Dim dlgFile As FileDialog
Dim rv As Long
Dim sCreated As String
Dim sClosed As String
Dim wsThis As Worksheet
Dim wbkAOM As Workbook
Dim sThisCol As String
Dim aAOMCol As String
Dim strDate As String
Dim wsCore As Worksheet
Dim wsDiverted As Worksheet
Dim iRow As Integer
Set wsThis = Application. ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
Set dlgFile = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
dlgFile.Title = "Select AOM Sheet"
dlgFile.InitialFileName = "*.xls"
rv = dlgFile.Show.......................

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Find Method Version 2000 Vs 2003

Mar 20, 2007

I have a Find Method routine in a procedure that works fine in xl2000, but fails in xl2003 with error code 9, subscript out of range.

Is there a different format for the Find Method in xl2003?

'code in xl2000

Dim CourseI As Range 'Students taking BusinessI
Dim CourseII As Range 'Students taking BusinessII
Dim BothCoursesTrue As Range
Dim Student As Range

'code ...

For Each Student In CourseI
Set BothCoursesTrue = CourseII.Find(Student, LookIn:=xlValue, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not BothCoursesTrue Is Nothing Then Student.Offset(, 3) = 3
Next Student

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Filter Locked Worksheet Conflict - 2000 Vrs. 2003

Feb 1, 2007

I recently launched a model that uses filtering on protected worksheets. The model was developed in Excel 2000, and everything works perfectly for the users who are also on 2000, but my Excel 2003 users get an error on opening the workbook.

The error asks for the password to unlock the sheet and is difficult to clear. Users have to hit Cancel 8 times to clear the error, at which point, the model appears to function perfectly. (There are 12 worksheets in the model, 2 with filters, all locked and password protected.)

The follwoing code is in the 'ThisWorkbook' module:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
With Worksheets("Initiatives")
.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, contents:=True, userInterfaceOnly:=True
.EnableAutoFilter = True
.Protect contents:=True, userInterfaceOnly:=True
End With

Because the error occurs when first opening the model but not at other times, I'm thinking that there's something in the Workbook_Open procedure that is causing the error.

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2000/2003 Formula Compatibility: The Formulas Fields Do Not Populate Data Just #N/A

Apr 24, 2007

When I open an excel 2000 spreadsheet in 2003, the formulas fields do not populate data just #N/A. I can see data just fine in Excel 2003 viewer.

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Excel 2003 :: Slow Startup On Windows XP SP3

May 4, 2009

I'm currently running MS Excel 2003 on Windows XP SP 3. When I launch Excel from the start menu, it starts right up. When double-clicking an Excel file, it takes approximately 45 seconds to a minute to launch and open the file. This happens no matter what the file size.

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Raw Data Transfer Between Sheets, 2003, Windows XP Pro

May 31, 2007

Where I work there is a file that we have to submit to management every Friday. This is a raw data file to be imported into another system. With 7 different employees accessing the same passworded file on a network drive, we have had some errors in the external program due to input typos.

I have created a worksheet for employees to input weekly data, ie workorder number, hours worked, etc. all in a neat and defined order. I have also added nested if formulas to validate data length and duplication within a group.

Now I need to transfer just the raw data from the employee entry sheet to a seperate sheet, reformated in the raw data format. This requires copying common data for all workorders worked. I can provide more data examples from work.

I would prefer that the data copy and reformat be done with formulas as the parent company frowns on excl macro's, especially unsigned.

I have 15 rows available to the employee each day to input. One of the problems I have ran across is the raw data format cannot have blank rows or rows with missing data.

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Macro Cannot Run On Office 2007

Apr 10, 2007

I got a copy of Office 2007 and I am having some trouble running an Excel macro. It gives a 405 Error message. This macro runs fine on my Office 2003. Is there any extra setting that I need to do in the Excel 2007?

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Macro To Paste First Item In Office Clipboard?

Feb 3, 2014

I created a macro that will do a subtotal and copy the value then undo the subtotal and delete all the values(i dont need the actual raw data, just need the subtotal). i noticed when i do a copy, i have to paste from the office clipboard. is there a macro i can use to paste from the first item on the list?

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A Macro To Paste The Most Recent Entry From The Office Clipboard

Feb 19, 2009

I'm doing a data/filter/advanced filter/show all/unique records to get rid of any duplicate rows. I tried creating a macro and but the macro recorder doesn't know that I want to do NOT a regular paste, but a paste from the most recent entry from the Office Clipboard. Is there a formula and/or macro that will allow me to do this?

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VBA Excel Macro Generates (Automation Error) Randomly Using Office 365

Apr 10, 2014

I have a VBA macro for automatically create a word report using data in Access and Excel. The macro is hosted within a Excel document but are using both Word-, Excel and Access objects/dataTtemplates for the creation.

The errors appears what it seems randomly. The macro iterates the same code a few times even in Office 365 but then it crashes. The most common error messages are:

Error 1:

Run-time error '-2147417851 (80010105)':

Automation error : The server threw an exception.

Error 2:

Run-time error '462':

The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable

Error 3:

This action cannot be completed because the application () is busy. Choose Switch To to activate and correct the problem.

(no options are working, this hang the application)

If I debug usually the error originates from the code where I ether close the workbook template I'm using:

excelWorkbook.Close False

... or when I paste a chart from Excel to the Word report:


Even more strange are that sometimes if I continue to run the macro its all working again. This ONLY happens when the client office installation is O365. Office 2013 works just fine. I thought O365 and Office 2013 was fairly equal?

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Macro Bombs Excel 2000

Jun 1, 2009

I've developed a workbook with macros in Excel 2007 (Compatibility

Mode), Windows Vista Operating System. The purpose of the Macos

is to allow auto complete on a validated data entry field.

The macros run fine on this platform. I then copied the workbook

to my desktop, Excel 2000, Windows 2000 Professional Operating

System. One of the macros is killing Excel on this platform.

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Excel 2000 :: Macro Calling Unrelated Function?

Jun 9, 2014

the macro works fine until it executes the paste values. At that point, the macro jumps to the "CountThem" function which is located in another workbook. The data that I am copy/pasting is in no way connected to any cells that are using that function. Although, other values in the workbook are passed down from data that uses that function.

I am still in the dark ages using Excel 2000.

This is the code for my macro.

Sub Current_to_Raw()
' Current_to_Raw Macro
' Macro recorded 2/12/2014 by


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PDF Macro Works With Windows But Not On Mac

May 18, 2014

I've sent the file to 2 different windows computers and it works fine, but doesn't work with the two macs that I've sent it to.

This is the code:

[Code] .....

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Run Macro With Windows Task Scheduler?

Apr 29, 2014

Ive been looking at a bunch of examples, but everything that I have tried just gives me errors. what code to use to make a vbs script to run in windows task scheduler that will...

Open "J:GroupsBSHEETSSDANew EOD.xlsm"
Run the macro named "EODPrint"

Save the workbook

and close the workbook

Leaving excel open if other instances exist.

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VBA MVP's: Restart Windows Service With A Macro

Feb 10, 2010

Is it possible to restart a Windows Service with execution from a VBA Macro?

When you go into Windows Computer Management you can see a list of services. You can click a hyperlink to start, pause or restart.

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Autorun Macro On Windows Startup

Mar 12, 2007

how can i set a macro to start on whenever the computer is started first on any day.

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Build Windows 8 App Based On Excel Macro?

Feb 24, 2013

I write a excel file (with macros included) to tackle the datas regarding stock market.

The excel file encompasses some information about financial reports, and some functions (macro) like sorting and filtering.

I'm wondering if I can build it as an windows 8 App and put it on the App market.

Or, in other words, can I make a windows 8 App by the functions in Excel ?

Can I do that ?

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Macro Slows System By Opening Many Windows

Jan 29, 2007

I've been using the following bit of code to run a macro at the specified time:

Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
Application .OnTime TimeValue("12:00:00"), "GetData"
End Sub

The GetData sub executes a shell script and then pulls data from the result. The problem is that the macro runs 140+ times, and so I get 140 windows popping up and the system practically stops. I can't figure out why this is happening, as there are no loops or any sort of repetition in the code. Any help is greatly appreciated as this problem occurs with more than just the one spreadsheet.

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Excel Macro - Open Windows Explorer Window Using VBA?

Jun 6, 2002

What's the code for opening a Windows Explorer window from within an Excel Macro?

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How To Create And Add Password To Default Windows Zip File Using VBA Macro

Mar 17, 2013

how to create and add password to a default windows zip file using vba excel macro.

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Macro To Synchronize Windows Folders

Apr 19, 2013

Working with Windows 7 and Office 2010

I've created a Excel workbook with VBA code to synchronize an Access database between a laptop and a server. One of the fields in the database is a shortcut to a jpg for each record. (The Access stuff is not too important here)

Now I'd like to add the ability synchronize the photos between the laptop and the server; so people who use the server can view the photos added by the laptop and vice versa.

Something like:

For each [JPG] in [LaptopFolder]
If not [JPG] exists in [ServerFolder] then
filecopy [LaptopFolder][JPG], [ServerFolder][JPG]
end if
next [JPG]

That code wouldn't work.

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