Selecting Only Alpha Characters From Cell 1 And Merge Another Cell?
Sep 28, 2013
I have an index of 80,000 names from an index. Some names appear in multiple volumes and on multiple pages within a volume. While the name is the same, they are different people. The Roman numeral is the volume and the numeric is the page number.
Example of original data: Joe Shmoe V-225, 310 VIII-22, 86, 110
I have separated the data into separate columns. Now I have:
Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6
Joe Shmoe V-225 310 VIII-22 86 110
At this point, I want to combine the Roman numeral in Col 2 with Col 3 and 4 and combine the Roman numeral in Col 4 with Col 5 and 6.
There are way too many records for me to manually enter the Roman numeral where missing.
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Nov 3, 2009
I've got a worksheet here that i need to update every week. The problem i'm having is that i have a table of values that's drawing values in from another larger table. For example in B9 the cell is referenceing the I2 cell in another sheet. When i pull down the formula in B9 i want the cell below to reference J2 and so on. In other words, I only want the alpha characters to increment. Tried messing around with dollar signs but it doesn't seem to be doing what i want.
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Mar 20, 2009
I have a description for a couple trucks in my inventory, rather than retyping all the mileage, I would like to select the miles out of the description.
14.0 Detroit 515 HP, 10 Spd OD, Engine Brake, Air Ride Suspension, 3.42 Ratio, 234" WB, 70" Double Deck Condo, 22.5LP Tires, Aluminum/Steel Wheels, Tandem Axle, 12,000# FA, 40,000# RA, 259,000 Miles
I have tried the find, left and mid formulas but haven't put something together to work just right. I would like to select the 7 characters to the left of "Miles".
Does anyone have any ideas?
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Apr 24, 2009
Attached spreadsheet - the cell highlighted in yellow.
This is the formula I currently have, but it isn't giving me the results I am looking for:
=IF(TYPESVC="CompanyX", COUNT(Companies!I:I), " ")
Basically, IF the Companies tab, last column has 'CompanyX' written in it - then I want to count the number of responses provided in the Q2N column.
Same formula would be copied over to the other cells to the right as well (for Q5, Q6, Q7, etc.)
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Mar 6, 2007
I have columns and rows that are populated with one of three letters: P, S, & T. At the bottom of the column and at the end of the row, i'd like to assign a numeric score to the entire column/row that is based on converting the characters to a numeric eqivelant. P = 3, S = 2 and T = 1. I'm guess a case statement would be used, but not too sure here. So, I'd need the code behind the worksheet as well as the formula(s) used for the score. I've attached an example.
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Jul 24, 2009
I am trying to capture alpha characters entered into a textbox. If a character is (something) then a variable is (something).
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May 15, 2008
I have a cell with data such as: a0001-0004, a12, C8AF7-8, b17, j35-40 and i want it to output in the same cell(basically write-over the data): a0001, a0002, a0003, a0004, a12, C8AF7,C8AF8, b17, j35, j36, j37, j38, j39, j40.
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Jan 7, 2010
Have a spreadsheet that contains a column of 3 digit numbers as well as 3 digit numbers with 2 trailing alpha characters.
Need to sort by this column, but, with the parameter of sorting first by the numeric only, and then by numeric with alphas. So, the above list would look like this sorted properly:
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Oct 10, 2008
I have a set of text strings that have some number of alpha characters followed by some number of numeric characters. I need to separate the data into two cells.
Example in A1-A5
Desired results in B1 - C5
ABC 123456
AB 12345
A 123456
AA 12345
DEF 123456
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Aug 8, 2009
I have found a very useful UDF for removing non-alpha characters from strings. (See below, Credit for posting to Stanley D Grom - Ozgrid post ´Removing Non-alpha Characters From Text´).
Option Explicit
Private Function RemoveCharacters(InString As String) As String
Dim intLoopCounter As Integer
Dim intStringLength As Integer
Dim intASCIIVal As Integer
intStringLength = Len(InString)
InString = LCase(InString)
For intLoopCounter = 1 To intStringLength
intASCIIVal = Asc(Mid(InString, intLoopCounter, 1))
If intASCIIVal >= 97 And intASCIIVal <= 122 Then
RemoveCharacters = RemoveCharacters + Mid(InString, intLoopCounter, 1)
End If
Next intLoopCounter
End Function
Two requests:
1. Could the UDF be modified such that any part of a string contained within brackets is also removed (e.g. "NLGA High Street (West-Enfield), EN6" becomes "nlgahighstreeten")?
2. Can an argument be added to the format of the UDF, such that numbers (0 to 9) are either included or excluded (e.g. RemoveCharacters(A1,1) where the argument ´1´ would include any numbers (0 to 9), so "NLGA2003 High Street (West-Enfield), EN6" becomes "nlga2003highstreeten6")? ´blank´or ´0´would exclude these numbers, i.e. would return "nlgahighstreeten"
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Jul 20, 2009
I am comparing to columns of data from MS Project using Excel. In one column are the resource names for the project tasks. In addition to the names are the designations for % utilized. So the column's data will look like this:
John Jones[15%],Mary Smith, Fred Arguello[240%].
I want to compare this column with another resource names column which will never have utilization values - only the names.
In order to do that I need to "mask" the non alpha characters out of the first string.
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Apr 28, 2014
I am currently using a color count function to both count by color and count by color and cells containing certain characters, such as # or %. This works great.
However, I need to modify the UDF to count all the cells in a range in columns C:Z that contain alpha, AND IF the Interior.ColorIndex of a cell in column B within the same row of the counting formula equals the Interior.ColorIndex of a cell in column B within the same row of the selected cell in the range.
Basically, Column B is a header row, and I want to count the cells in a range in each column C:Z if they contain a name AND their corresponding header cell's color in column B matches the color of the header cell in the row containing the formula.
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Aug 22, 2013
I have a string of letters in cell column L20 through L3019.
The letters are A, B, C, and R . No other letters.
I wanted to find out if it is possible to remove any duplicates when starting in cell L20 going downward.
For example:
L20 = B
L21 = A
L22 = A
L23 = B
L24 = C
L25 = C
L26 = C
L27 = C
L28 = B
L29 = R
L30 = A
L31 = C
L32 = C
L33 = C
L34 = R
L35 = R
L36 = B
L37 = B
In the range L20 through L37 all the letters have appeared so my goal is to create a formula where the outcome is BACR. Starting with the first letter B in cell L20
Cell range L20 through L37. Looking for the next letter which would be either A,C, or R. Since we already used the letter B. In this case it's the letter A
Cell range L20 through L37. Looking for the next letter which is the C or R. In this case it's the letter C
Finally range L20 through L37. Looking for the letter R which is in cell L29.
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Feb 24, 2014
I have variable length strings, as shown in the sample cells below
I want to select any record where 5th and 6th character from the right hand end of the string which = either "SP" or "TQ". Where this is the case I'm then looking to truncate the string to remove the last 7 chacters.
None of what I have so far found using mid or right string appears to be particularly applicable.
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Mar 22, 2009
I have data in two columns
Column A has values with names like -
John, Paul, Hena, Kumar, Paul, Hena, John in different rows
Colum B has day values - eg , sun, mon, tue, wed , thu, fri and sat
I want to insert a new column C with formula that returns
1. for every John, concatenate of all the day values adjacent to row of John eg "sunmonfri"
Similarly for all the values in Column A, Column C should reflect the concatenate values of Column B.
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Jul 2, 2014
I have a form that loads and depending on the word selected in the drop down the following code loops through cells Q2:AC2 until it finds the word in one of those cells (the word will always be in one of the cells)
For Each c In Range("Q2:AC2").Cells
If c = period Then
The active cell it finds will always change, i know I need something to code the active cell back but I don't know what it should be.
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Jun 18, 2006
How can I change the font color or highlight cell A1, when I select cell A2. Cell A2 is still blank, no value entered yet. I also would like cell A1 to return to original font color or no hightlight when cell A2 is no longer selected (active), whether a value is entered or not in cell A2. Let me clearify, (A1 thru N1) and (A3 thru N3) have diferent dates and the font color is white, as is the cell too. Therefor you can not see the dates in (A1 thru N1) or (A3 thru N3).
However, when any cell (A2 thru N2) or (A4 thru N4) is selected (example A4), the cell above it (cell A3) changes font color or highlights, so the date can be seen in (A3). But when cell (A4) is no longer selected the above cell (A3) hides the date (changes back to white font on white cell). Data or a value is not necessarily entered into (A4) for (A3) to change. (A4) is only selected to show the date in (A3). But if data or value is entered into (A4), the date in (A3) will still be seen until (A4) is no longer selected/active.
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Jun 26, 2014
Normally i have a row and data as below:
and i would like to merge them into one cell like this(with spacing between them):
Item Red Comfortable New Car 1
Can VBA do this move?
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Jun 16, 2014
Using Excel 2007. I have a limit of 80 characters and spaces in a particular cell and I need to force those characters/spaces over 80 to the next cell. Is that possible?
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Mar 19, 2013
My data I need to copy begins as always from cell A5 and keeps going till A16.
I need to copy this data but only from A5 to A15. I always delete the last cell.
The number of rows is not always the same. Sometimes my data runs till A26.
How can I copy this data except the last row?
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Mar 31, 2009
What I want to do is very similar to a Data Validation message, where a message pops up when you select a the cell. I want that message to be the value of another cell in the same worksheet.
I would also be open to a solution where you simply mouse over a cell to see a comment/message.
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Apr 30, 2014
As you can see, in D5, I have the charactor chain SRG-DC01-RA-xxxxxxx, and in D6 I have the charactor chain SRG-DC43-RA-xxxxx.
With the formula that I have entered, I would have thought that E5 would have generated "Lawnton". I don't want the formula to pick up the SRG, the RA, or the number, just the DCXX component.
This is what I have now:
=IF(OR(ISNUMBER(SEARCH({"DC43","DC01"},D5))),"Erskine Park","Lawnton")
which has not changed a thing from:
=IF(OR(ISNUMBER(SEARCH({"DC43"},D5))),"Erskine Park")
Surely I am not far off the mark??
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May 3, 2007
I would like to select a cell in a range a1:h5 numbered 1-31 (days in a month)and return the selected cells value in another cell.
What formula would I put in the cell where I want the value of the selected cell?
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Feb 20, 2009
Have a data like this
350 352 353 362 364 I want to merge it into one cell
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Dec 16, 2012
Trying to merge two formulas in one cell. I have two cells with different formulas in them. I try to merge both formulas in a third cell to show different results. Depends on the case. All solutions found in searches made ​​by me does not fit my case. I can not use pivot table and not concatenated. Just a simple merge both formulas in a third cell if possible.
Case1 :
join to
Case2 :
join to
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Apr 23, 2013
I want to count the merged cell as 1 on the same value regardless how many rows are in merge cells, for example column J5:J798 - i want to count the blank value but some of them were merge i want a result for the merge cell are 1 only not 5 or 6 or more.
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Dec 16, 2012
I have two cells with different formulas in them. I try to merge both formulas in a third cell to show different results. Depends on the case. All solutions found in searches made ​​by me does not fit my case. I can not use pivot table and not concatenated. Just a simple merge both formulas in a third cell if possible.
Attached File : example.xlsx‎
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Apr 12, 2006
creating a macro in excel that will merge data based on matching id's.
The spread sheet looks something like this
A B C D E F ...
1 12 X 12 2 1 4 ...
2 13 X 17 3 4 4 ...
3 17 X 21 1 1 2 ...
4 21 X 22 2 1 3 ...
I would like to move Cells C2,D2,E2... down to where
the number in column A = the number in Column C
So in this cas C2-End of the sheet where there is data will move down one row, and the same with C3.
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Aug 1, 2014
So we have people's names in a table. First name in one column and last name in another column. We have a 3rd column where we can use 8 characters to do a combination of First 5 of Last Name + first 3 of first name. However, if someone's last name is only 3 or 4 characters, we'd then want to take more from the first name to fill out the 8 characters.
Charles Johnson -> Johnscha
John Smith -> Smithjoh
Willian Wu -> Wuwillia
What's the best way to do that without creating some crazy formula with tons of if/thens?
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Aug 3, 2007
how can i select the cell to the right in a macro? i want to runa command in the cell to the right of the one i'm in after a caommand has taken place there
1st command run in col b following by selcting the col c and running another command there
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