Set Up A Direct Link To The Internal Calculator, Using A Button In VBA
Aug 23, 2009
I'm trying to set up a direct link to the internal excel calculator, using a button in VBA. I have the shortcut on my own toolbar, but I have many users that use the workbook, and to get them all to set up is almost impossible, so I am trying to make it simple for them.
I've tried doing it through a hyperlink direct to the calc.exe file, but get a lot of messages popping up (that'll scare a few of them). So thought I would try and find the excel name for it and use VBA, but I cannot find it anywhere.
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Feb 8, 2013
I am attempting to setup a spreadsheet that summarizes data from a set of other workbooks. The woorkbooks the data comes from is different for each year. However, I would like to have just one summary that can be changed based on the year entered.
In B1 the user enters the year. Say 2012
In the bulk of the spread sheet below the cells refrence
='C:...["&B1&" Pt. Visit Stats.xlsx]Summary'!$B$6
As I am sure many of you can guess I am getting a #REF! error. I just do not see why it shouldn't work.
I do not want to use the indirect function, because the refering workbooks would need to be open to draw data. I am guessing that I will probably need to research the Harland Grove Pull VBA work or more likely include a copy of Morfunc and then use the indirect function. But, I though I would ask here first just in case I am missing something relatively simple.
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Feb 9, 2013
I have an Excel file that use an internal link from one worksheet to the next. When I click on the link, I'd like it to go directly to a print preview page so I can print that one page instead just switching to the other worksheet. Is this possible?
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Jun 25, 2014
When I run them from the module they both work, Sub 'Calculator' brings up the Windows calculator and doesn't open a new one each time, Sub 'Calculator1' opens a new one each time.
However, when I call 'Calculator' from my userform it does nothing unless the windows calulator is already running. 'Calculator1' works as normal.
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Jul 29, 2013
i have attached my sample spreadsheet that i need to have a code to link to specific cells value.
whenever i click on the command button on beside Activation 1 it will go to Activation 1 sheet/tab.
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Feb 23, 2008
how to linked the "small change" value in a spin button to take the value of another cell?
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Jul 12, 2009
I would like to have a button or a link on my spreadsheet that when it is clicked will sort my table with a pre-defined sort.
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Jan 17, 2007
on a workbook I use.
The workbook (26-11GL.xls) contains a varying number of sheets.
Sheet 1 - Menu
Sheet 2 - DS1
Sheet 3 -DS2
Sheet 4 -DS3
Sheet 5 - DS4
Sheet 6 - Company1
Sheet 7 - Company2
Sheet 8 - Company3
Sheet 9 ....14 Company 4,5 etc
Sheet 15 - CompanyTotals
What I would like to do is when I open the workbook on the Menu page I would like to have some links / buttons that will automatically create a new worksheet called DS5 which has all the formatting, formulas etc from DS4 (or the last complete DS sheet)
If this is possible I would like to be able to add Company worksheets as both DS sheets and company sheets can have from 3 to 35 sheets in either area.
If possible I would like the new DS sheets to be named with the next valid number.
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Dec 12, 2007
I have 6 text boxes on 5 different tabs all with their own spin button that will push the number up or down, starting from the default value. How do i lock/restrict the text box entry so, the spin button is the only way of changing the value?
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Jul 14, 2009
I want to be able to have a link that uses cell data as the passed function parameter!
I want to do this so I can simply copy the formula down for new rows and not have to create a command button for each row?
Maybe there is an entirely much easier way to do what I want?
FOR EXAMPLE, the 1st column would be a link to an entry form passing the 2nd column which would be an ID field.
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Aug 6, 2006
I've got a problem with the used spinbuttons. The code I used (see below)allows the user to choose a column (with the option button(A,B,C,D,E) in which changes would be made and than changes the value of the given cell according to the name of the spinbutton (which specifies the row). This forces me to use about 80 spinbuttons in a single sheet, and the whole workbook comprises of over 30 sheets pumping the whole file to a size of over 3 MB. To reduce the file size I need a code that would link a master spinbutton (one per sheet) to any active cell (the "just clicked one")
Private Sub sel(ByRef Column As String)
For Each obj In Application.ActiveSheet. OLEObjects
If obj.progID = "Forms.SpinButton.1" Then
obj.LinkedCell = Column & (Val(Mid$(obj.Name, 11)) + 3)
End If
Next obj
End Sub
Private Sub OptionButton1_Click()
sel "b"
End Sub
Private Sub OptionButton2_Click()
sel "c"
End Sub
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Jan 17, 2007
I am trying to create a sheet with 'buttons' on, a bit like a 'linked table of contents', that will take the user to individual sheets (as opposed to clicking on the sheet tabs). I can see how to place Command buttons on a sheet (in this case Sheet1), but I think I need help with the code to make the buttons function as I envisage. Is this in the scope of help via this forum?
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Sep 4, 2006
I have created a cover sheet with various command buttons linking into the available worksheets. I was wondering if it is possible to set the title of the command buttons by linking them to the text in a particular cell in each work sheet??
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Sep 22, 2006
Is it possible to have a user form command button perform link or steps that are recorded with macro recorder? I am trying to reformat cut and paste a xls raw data file. I am trying to keep my file uploads to a min., but can upload an example if necessary.
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Feb 22, 2014
Using excel 2011 for mac and would like to learn how to write and record a macro to link to a button to "go to a layout and cell"
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Mar 5, 2008
a formula to direct me to a certain tab.
I have a cell with a number, say 312260 and a tab with the same number as the name, I need a formula to send me to that tab.
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Nov 25, 2005
Is there a way to connect direct to the newsgroup below via OE6:
It doesn't appear in the newsgroups' list ..
xl 97
Singapore, GMT+8
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Jan 3, 2013
Is it possible to import data directly from an email into a spreadsheet?
I have a spreadsheet used for tracking status of new tasks. The tasks are entered manually with the details taken from an email in most cases.
To speed up the data entry i am hoping I can create an email template or an excel template kind of form whereby the originator would fill in set fields/cells, send to me and i would import to the next available row/s in the spreadsheet.
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Jul 11, 2008
I have a RecordSet that has been built and accessed sequentially with no problems. I now want to access it directly, via it's Primary Key.
I know I can access it as follows :
With MyTable
Do Until .EOF
If ![PrimaryKey] = Work_Key Then
MyData = ![Data_To_Extract]
Exit Do
End If
End With
As a MainFrame Programmer, I would expect to be able to access that record directly, via it's Primary Key, something like :
Read MyTable Key = Work_Key
MyData = ![Data_To_Extract]
Am I thinking too much like a Mainframe Programmer (that *is* my trade, it's difficult to adjust sometimes !)? Is the With - Do/Loop method the way to go, or is there a Direct Read method I should be using?
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Apr 2, 2009
The spread sheet I have written reaches a point, where I want the "ENTER key depress" to jump to a cell to the right instead of the cells in the same column lower in the sheet, is there a way to do this?
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Mar 1, 2007
I update files monthly and save them each month with a new name (eg. Jan, Feb, etc.).
In the file I have a reference from one tab to another tab within the same file. So every time I re-save this file with a new name, it should still reference the cell in the other tab - same file.
BUT on 2 occasions this reference changed to an "external" reference to the previous month's file.
I've been doing this every month for over 2 years and this problem has only happened 2 times. I know others that have experienced this, but nobody knows what caused it.
Does anyone know what would cause this? The biggest problem is that I may not notice this has happened for a long time.
One other thing I might add. I use an older version of Excel (2000). I share these files with other people who may have newer versions (I'm not sure who has what). Can sharing these files with others over a network system have something to do with this? Can opening "read only" when someone else is in the file and then saving as a copy do this?
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May 26, 2008
we have a network of small routers and wifi aps. The Ip range has got a bit out of control so I would like to be able to audit it every once and a while.
how I could go through a set of IPs on a spreadsheet, open a telnet session or whatever, try pinging each ip individually, paste a response or no response in the adjacent column then move to the next ip in the first column (some sort of loop).
Time is not too much of an issue as I could run this overnight if need be.
As a response, the macro could just copy the last line of the ping eg
Minimum = 7ms, Maximum = 9ms, Average = 7ms
if it responds
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss)
if it does not respond
Col1 col 2
Ip Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss) Minimum = 7ms, Maximum = 9ms, Average = 7ms Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss) Minimum = 3ms, Maximum = 21ms, Average = 9ms
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Aug 4, 2009
I need to create a new worksheet and control both the internal and tab names of the worksheet. The following code works to create the new sheet, and set the external (tab) name.
Sub AddAndRenameWorksheet()
Dim ws As Worksheet
With ActiveWorkbook
.Worksheets.Add Before:=Sheets(1)
.Worksheets(1).Name = "Schedules" 'changes the external name
End With
End Sub
I do not know how to set the internal name For example, I would normally go into worksheet Properties and change the (Name) property. Is there a way to do this in VBA?
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Mar 3, 2007
I have the following rows in my excel sheet:
-Cash needed to start the quarter.
-Net cash position.
-Begining of the quarter debt owed.
-Internal repayment.
I am trying to develop a formula for internal repayment which must fulfill following requirements(Net cash position-cash needed to start the quarter),the remaining amount goes to internal repayment but that must be <=Begining of the quarter debt owed.
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May 19, 2014
Is there a way to incorporate these 3 boxes into one? So if I enter a figure into any cell, it will calulate it for the other two? Without overwriting the existing formula. I have attached the problem.
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May 16, 2007
Please take a look at this sample spreadsheet.
I am trying to find out how to write a formula that will sum the values in one column if the value in a corresponding column is within a range. For example, if the item number in the first column is greater than 2 and less than 7, the sum would be 179. I believe this would be some type of SUMIF but I cannot write it.
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Mar 15, 2014
I need to send emails and have the "Direct Replies To" field updated to a different address.
This is my code. I've remarked what I tried, which is NOT working.
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim EmailBody As String
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
[Code] .....
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Jul 20, 2012
How I can directly write info from an external application to an Excel sheet
Actually, I'm using a special dll collection to do it, but I would need to buy the 64 version soon. Problem is I use only one function of the entire collection so I want to look on how to create it my self. Basically, it took data from my charting software and write directly to my Excel Worksheet.Cell
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Jan 28, 2013
I have a template with formulas calculating a default value, but still allowing the user to override the cells with direct input.
I want to use conditional formatting to highlight any cells that have been overwritten, but can't find a way for Excel to differentiate between a cell with a formula or an inputted constant.
I realize there is a VBA "isFormula" function, but I don't want to have to use VBA for this.
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May 23, 2014
I have a workbook that need to call for external data (this is information from January till May) from another workbook to manage it. I get this external data as a Tabla_A that needs to be updated continually because the extenal workbooks is adding information constantly. However, now i have to incorporate a specific range of old information (information of December, 2013) before the external data in the same Table_A. This last information wont ever change and needs to be incorporated to analize de information from December till Now.
The problem is when I insert the December information as new arrows at the beginning of Table_A, later I update the table and this old data is remplaced automatic by the external Data range. For that reason, I'm wondering to know if there is some way to have one Table_A with a static range of arrows (december) and another range of arrows (January onwards) that is updatable.
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