Sort An Array In VBA Memory
Jul 11, 2007
two parts:
The following is the VBA version of what i've been using:
Range("A1:J1000").Sort Key1:=Range("D2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:= _
Range("E2"), Order2:=xlAscending, Key3:=Range("F2"), Order3:=xlDescending _
, Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:= _
xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, DataOption2:=xlSortNormal, _
now arrays are bigger than 1000 rows>> even bigger than 65536.
Such an array is stored in "arrBIG" and dimed as (1 to 10, 1 to 100000). The goal is to sort it by the 4'th, then 5th then 6th values in the first dimension - the one that is 1 to 10 - i call this the column.
arrBIG.Sort Key1:=4, Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:= _
5, Order2:=xlAscending, Key3:=6, Order3:=xlDescending _.................
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Jun 30, 2014
Excel file. The file has two tabs: 'Input' and 'Master'. The 'Input' tab is for users to input any new records, and the 'Master' tab is to retrieve data from the 'Input' tab. Given that some users may want to insert a row in between (rather than add at the bottom).
I used arrays in the 'Master' tab such as:
Now there came the problem: in the 'Master' tab, the data cannot be sorted when the arrays are used. Otherwise, there is a warning message: You cannot change part of an array.
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Mar 1, 2014
I'm trying to sort 2D array not via worksheet, using VBA array. But I failed. excel file enclosed (Sorting by Return and xlAscending).
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Sep 27, 2009
On from a solution I am using in the sheet which uses very well an Array Formula.
In the attached book I have a sheet with a bunch of tables called Site Table. In the sheet called Working Sheet I want to get the text Site Names and list them in Column A. Sorted would be nice not required but I can't think of way to avoid blanck rows without a manual sort. I tried many versions of Find without a solution as well.
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Oct 20, 2009
I am trying sort a bunch of different ranges. So I am trying to use the same sort code but run an array of ranges through. This code is for only two ranges
CA3:CD200 and CF3:CI200. I want to pass the ranges as variables through the sort code but I cannot get it to work.
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Aug 15, 2006
I would like to sort the items in an array.
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Nov 18, 2006
I have a string (PreString) that gets its values from a procedure call (PreResult). The string consists of 4 values for each loop which I then split into the y array.
I then want to transpose the array to the worksheet for sorting.
I don't really get the transpose to work as I want to. I want every 4:th y to be printed on a new row (x). I don't really know how to use the Ubound function to get it right.
Should I make a 2 dimensional array instead ? If so, how is that made ?
Dim x As Integer, z As Integer
Dim var_Status As Integer
Dim var_Week As String
Dim var_HoursPerWeek As Integer
Dim PreString As String
i = var_StartWeekNr
j = var_RangeNumberOfWeeks
z = 0
x = 0
var_Status = 0
var_Week = ""
var_HoursPerWeek = 0
PreString = ""
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Oct 1, 2008
I have a string that I need to sort.
Below code works beautifully but doesn't sort numbers, any advice to get this to sort numbers as well?
Function Alphabetize(ByVal sText As String) As String
Dim sWords() As String, sTemp As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long, n As Long
'-- clean up text
For i = 1 To Len(sText)
Select Case Mid$(sText, i, 1)
Case " ", "a" To "z", "A" To "Z"
Case Else: Mid$(sText, i, 1) = " "
End Select
'-- remove leading and trailing spaces....................
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Nov 12, 2006
I have a dynamic number of rows each with three colums of values. These varaibles I want to fill an array with but I don't know how.
Now I've just "concated" these three variables into a string and then I intend to split the string into rows by the third comma. (see below)
I think it's easier though to use an array and I really appreciate some assistance. Please tell me also the best way to sort the array. It will be sorted by var_Status which is an integer. (sort order: max positive to max minimum)
PreString = PreString & var_StartWeek & ", " & var_Status & ", " & var_Totalh & ", "
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Jun 4, 2007
Im looking for an algorithm to sort an array of data, deleting multiple values whithin the array and shifting the values down the array to leave no gaps. the crude set of loops i am currently using is:
For f = 0 To 100
For g = f + 1 To 100
If LineArray(g) = LineArray(f) Then LineArray(g) = ""
Next g
Next f
which does work and serves my purpose but is messy as it leaves blank gaps in the array.
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Jun 7, 2008
I have been trying to take a variant array that has 6 columns, output it to a new worksheet (although I would prefer to just sort the array but can't get that working - how I can do this please feel free), sort the worksheet by 2 different columns, and then move these values back into the original array. I think I have the dumping and sorting down but I can't figure out the putting back into the array part. Here is the code I have thus far. varRecords is the array I am dumping to the new worksheet.
Dim dumpSheet As Worksheet
Set dumpSheet = Sheets.Add
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, UBound(varRecords))) = varRecords
Range("A1:F" & numRows).Sort Key1:=Range("C2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:=Range _
("A2"), Order2:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase _
:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _
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May 18, 2009
How can I sort an array of data based on the selection from a drop-down menu? And can it be 'secondary' sorted with the result from a second drop-down (ascending or descending is unimportant)?
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Feb 14, 2014
In the attached example file, I have two tabs: options and sets. The options tab is to be populated from a form. The sets tab is to draw data from the options tab to create teaching sets. I have managed to create an array formula that does this for me, but what I would like it to do is sort my resulting list alphabetically. For reasons that I won't go into, I need the data on the sets tab to remain in three columns: First Name, Surname and Form.
This is the array formula I am using at the moment: AliGW - Example.xlsx
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May 30, 2014
I have two lists in different columns, which are defined ranges. I want to extract them to a unique list with an array formula and at the same time sort albafetically, without duplicates, like this:
Final List
[Code] ....
So far, I have this formula which is working in what concerns removing duplicates and exctract a unique list. But it is not ordering alfabeticaly.
{=IFERROR(IFERROR(INDEX(List1, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($D$1:D1, List1), 0)), INDEX(List2, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($D$1:D1, List2), 0))), "")}
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Dec 15, 2006
I have name 28 columns. The range in EACH columns is 6:14000, i.e. the first name is date and the range is from Row B6 to Row B14000.
I am using SumProduct instead of VlookUp to look up values. An example of one of my sumproduct formulas:
where the first columns has dates, the next column is bookname and the last column is the profit and loss for each book, i.e. the values that need to be addad.
Now, suddenly I do not get any numbers but just #VALUE! but if I change the range to a lot less, e.g. between Row B6 and B50, it works.
My questions is if this has to do with memory in Excel. Are there limits to how many formulas and how many names you can have before Excel crashes. I am aware that the 28 columns names are very large.
Are there any way of how to get around this, VBA-codes or other formulas that uses less power, not naming columns or what?
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Oct 29, 2009
I have an excel sheet that has an onclose macro, and on certain computers i get an error message stating out of memory. can anyone explain why this is and how i could avoid it, by possibly clearing the memory first or something?
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Aug 22, 2008
i have a spreadsheet on Excel 2000, which is 256 column's wide and 4000 long the only formulas are countif which start at row 1000-4000 and are copied to column 256. Just for the one sheet it is 14mb is this normal
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Mar 31, 2009
I am currently using Excel 2003 to pull from 2 external spreadsheets to compile data. The first sheet (seniority list.xls) being referenced contains all of our employees (approximately 350 rows, but that can vary from 340 to 450) as well as some information (employee ID, full time or part time, etc.). The second sheet being referenced (pay.xls) contains a breakdown of all employees and their pay for a particular bi-weekly period.
What I'm looking to do is:
(1) Find out all of my current employees. I do this by referencing seniority list.xls.
(2) For each employee, find out how many hours they worked each week. I need to do this by referencing pay.xls. Unfortunately, that file works quite differently than seniority list.xls. Unlike the latter, which contains one employee number per row, pay.xls could contain as many or as few rows per employee as their schedule dictates. Each row contains things such as overtime, regular time, double time, alternate regular time, alternate OT, vacation, sick pay, etc. In total, pay.xls could contain as many as approximately 8000 rows. To determine how many hours they work, I'm using this CSE (array) formula:
(Note that the employee ID is in column A of the current sheet.)
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Dec 23, 2013
I have a large amount of data on NBA teams and players that is extracted from external web pages. In order to have the data shown on separate sheets to do comparisons I have to use many array formulas and from what I have read that takes up a large amount of memory. I'm now at the point where I'm receiving a message that says "Excel cannot complete this task with available resources" when I open the workbook.
Is there any plausible way that I can resolve this situation? I have thought about converting the lookup formulas from arrays (index/match) to vlookups and hlookups.
I'm not as advanced with using Excel as most of you, and I realize I may be at a point to where I will need to use different software to analyze my data, but I would prefer to stick with Excel as it would be difficult to start from scratch and learn how to use a different program.
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Nov 3, 2008
Using Excel 2007, Windows XP, 4gig ram,
I got this "Insufficient Memory .... close some application" message, once in a while.
I know that i got enough memory to run my Excel.
This is a random problem. Memory as been checked with mem86 and it work fine
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Oct 4, 2006
Regarding the Memory Leak problem with ADO, does anyone know of a workaround?
The workaround mentioned on Microsoft's website (;en-us;Q319998) pertains to using ADO to retrieve a recordset from an Excel worksheet, not from an Access Database.
1) Does anyone know if those workarounds would also address retrieving a recordset from an Access Database?
2) If so, is the "SELECT INTO" workaround effective?
Is this Memory Leak issue relatively minor or only affecting Excel 2000? I'm guessing it must be one of those 2 things since the concensus is ADO is superior to MSQuery..
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Dec 6, 2006
I'm using a Dell P4, 1.6Ghz, 512Mhz of memory (Win2K & Excel 2003), and it's bogging on spreadsheets that aren't that big and complicated (compared to thing's I did years ago, in the days of 386's and Win98)...
It hits the 100% CPU usage and stays there for minutes (especially when saving) on files that are only around 2M in size, yet it's not using much of the memory...
Spreadsheets large or small seem to have little effect on how much memory is being used... is Win2K allocating a fixed % of total memory for Excel to use?... can this be changed, so Excel gets to use more of the available memory?
I've been cleaning up and redesigning my spreadsheets to make them more efficient, but there seems to be a disconnect between my hardware specs and Excel's performance with files that aren't that big ~:-/
Disabling my antivirus software (Nortons) prior to saving, seems to speed it up a little, but this is not something I should be having to do...
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Apr 8, 2007
One of my apps I run is very large and memory intensive, and there are several subsequent procedures which tend to either bog down or errors out before the program finishes running.
Is there a way to clear the memory out?
And adding more physical memory is not an option, I have 4gigs already and Excel can only utilize 1gig anyway.
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Jan 27, 2010
I have tried Tools/Options/Security Password to modify, but it can still be saved as a copy to the network which becomes very confusing to many. If I use Tools/Potect Sheet, I need to re-enter the password for all sheets twice. I am trying have it so that everyone is read only, select people can edit (with same password). Password protect all sheets and the workbook with the same password everytime when the workbook is closed
Basically 2 questions
1) Is there a way of remembering a password so that when the workbook is closed it and all sheets are automatically protected with the same password every time
2) Is it possible to have it not copied unless it is opened by an editor
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Jan 17, 2014
I have been having an internal debate of how my worksheets shoud be configured.
My workbook could potentially contain 300+ worksheets, 10 control buttons and around 20 macros.
Each worksheet contains data in a range ~ A1:AC40 with many blank cells.
Do you think a workbook with this many worksheets would be unmanageable given the Comp Spec of the user PC below?
Most of the cells are simply short text data.
System info
Processor: 2.3Ghz Dual Processor
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Feb 3, 2010
I have created an excel tool w/ A LOT of macros in it, and the tool "speaks" to the SQL server (downloads data from it and uploads it back). My big problem now is that every time I run any of the VBA code the amount of RAM that is getting allocated to Excel (2007) is increasing - I am checking it in the Task Manager. So if I work for a long time without closing down Excel - my entire RAM is getting consumed and the system slows down, and sometimes crushes.
I was wondering if there is a way in VBA to clean up memory that is used by Excel.
Do you have any hints? I am using extensively 3 things - screenupdating off; displaymessages off, and calculations off. But this speeds up Excel but doesn't reduce the memory usage.
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Jun 10, 2014
I have a macro which filters data on one sheet and copies that data onto 34 new sheets . This works perfectly until the 25th pass when Excel advises that there is insufficient memory to continue. I assumed that this was connected to the clipboard and its ability to remember 24 chunks of data so I turned it off but still Excel gave up at the 25th pass. Is there a way that I can clear the clipboard during the macro's execution or is there something else going on?
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Jun 18, 2014
I have come across one of those annoying 'out-of-memory' errors. See my code below:
'Dimensions (first rows and cols)
Const frow3 As Integer = 17
Const frow4 As Integer = 19
Const fcol3 As Integer = 10
Const fcol4 As Integer = 11
Sub Extract()
Dim ws As Worksheet, target As Worksheet, meta As Worksheet
[Code] .......
The code executes fine until it gets to End Sub. Some object eats up memory but I don't understand which one.
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Jun 19, 2007
How come I keep having the same value for "lastrow". eg: 35
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
It doesn't matter how many rows of data I've changed, it still show lastrow = 35.
I tried to add an extra line above but still doesn't work:
lastrow = 0
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
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Sep 9, 2008
I'm trying to import data into my sheet with formulae like this in row1(Columns A:I): ='F:Dir[File.xls]Sheet'!A2.
The files I'm importing the data from all have 50.000 rows and 9 columns, so I copy the formulae downward 50.000 times. This generates an error ('Not enough memory'), not surprisingly. I've also tried to do it in steps by way of VBA; first two thousand, copy and paste values, next two thousand etc. But that doesn't work either.
Does anyone know of a solution to this memory problem or a way to work around it (without opening the files with the data in them).
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