Sort The Items In An Array

Aug 15, 2006

I would like to sort the items in an array.

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Sort Spreadsheet To Collect Like Items

Mar 4, 2014

I have attached my particular spread sheet I an referring to.

I set up a spread sheet to write out all the material I buy to go into a product I make. I work my way through a layout diagram and type all my data in to a spread sheet, one row per item I need to buy.

Now I want to order everything. Is there a way to sort the spread sheet so it brings all my like items from Column A (item) together, so I Can count the quantity required to order?

I have tried to sort, but am worried I might be messing up the rows and column - all the row information must stay together for it to work.

567 BOM REV 0 - 16 12 2013.xlsx‎

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Refresh ListBox Items And Sort

Jun 18, 2014

I can get this to display in my listbox however when I add a new line to the range it won't refresh the list unless I reload the form it is on. I am also looking to see if it is possible to sort a list when it is displayed in this fashion.

[Code] ....

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Sort Items According To Time Parameters

Jul 29, 2008

I need a formula to pick cells that are at LEAST half an hour apart and then displayed in the next columns ?

I have done this manually as an example....

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Sort ListBox Or Combobox List Items

May 9, 2008

The code for sorting a multi-column listbox in Retain Selection After Sorting ListBox was really good, and I've used it a lot in an application I'm building.

What I'm hoping to do is reload a listbox in such a way that the items appear in the same order they were previously in. I'll describe two scenarios:
1. User edits a record
- user sorts listbox
- user selects a record
- user edits record
- listbox reloads, unsorted

2. User adds a record
- user sorts a listbox and sees a record is missing
- user adds the missing record
- listbox reloads, unsorted

ideally the last step for each would be "listbox reloads, sorted" and the user would go on down the list. the tricky part i think is when rows are deleted or added.

i'm starting on a solution, but if there's some existing code that will do this i'd appreciate if someone could point me to it (because, for example, the listbox sorting code i referred to above anticipated things i did not).

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Add Items To An Array

Jul 18, 2008

I need to add items to an array and used code out of the web to create some kind of an array list.

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Set Value For All Items In Array?

Nov 11, 2013

I am setting an array with

Set my_array = Sheets(1).ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange

Column number 2 contains numbers, but I want to 'reset' all the numbers in the second column. How can I do that? I know I can do a loop through all the elements, but I thought it would be smarter if I could set the entire column as zero in the array?

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VBA To Sort And Consolidate Similar Items From Imported Data

Sep 6, 2013

We have a software program that we use to takeoff HVAC equipment on drawings. It will export all of the items to an Excel worksheet. Once it is into Excel I need to sort the data by two or more different columns, then sum three to four columns for each unique item for transfer to the equipment sheet for pricing. I've searched this site and others, but have not found a way to do this with VBA in Excel.



The sheet is a simplistic view of what I'm trying to explain, obviously in high rise there will be many floors and hundreds of items. The actual spreadsheet has approx 12 columns, but only 3 or 4 need to be summed per similar item. Most times I sort by Range & Name. On occassionwe need to sort by Floor, Range & Name. Used to do this with a Database & RR Report Writer, but the new software does it onscreen with digitized drawings.

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Adding Array Items

Jan 23, 2009

I have two large spreadsheets that are arrays. Column A contains 40 items in both files. Columns B through X contain unique names. The arrays are filled with dollar amounts. Is there some formula or function in Excel whereby I can easily combine both spreadsheets, essentially adding the dollar amounts for each corresponding cell?

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Remove Empty Array Items In VBA

Nov 9, 2009

I have an array MyArr() in excel.

Its length is from 1 to i where i takes dynamic value from varibable.

Now the problem is MyArr(1 to i) has some empty values.

Like say: if i = 5 then
MyArr(1) = "a"
MyArr(2) = ""
MyArr(3) = "b"
MyArr(4) = ""
MyArr(5) = "c"

How can I get rid of those empty elements so that MyArr() becomes only three elements long and then display them in a range of three cells.

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Using Array To Create List Of Selected Items?

Mar 2, 2014

I've created a range B3:B12 in which each cell returns TRUE of FALSE. There corresponding values are listed in C3:C12. I have the same thing again in D3:D12 and E3:E12. Checkboxes link to the TRUE/FALSE cells. Attached is a stripped down file to show this.

I want to create a formula that lists each item in the one cell (no spaces required inbetween) for use with a search. I know a long winded way to do this involving many IFs but any array will be much more tidier, thing is I hardly use arrays and have struggled with this one.

I'm thinking it will be along the lines of =IF(B3:B12="TRUE",C3:C12,"")&IF(D3:D12="TRUE",E3:E12,"") but exactly what it should be is beyond me.

EDIT: The original file attached was corrupt for some reason, the new attachedment is the same except instead of TRUE/FALSE cells I've set them to 'x' for quickness (lost my work...!).

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Can't Populate Array With Selected Items From Listbox

Mar 16, 2014

I am trying to take selected items from a listbox and put the selected items into an array. Basically I am trying to put the selected items into a variable that I can pass to other modules. I am close but something is off. I can't tell if it's the variable declaration or the code.

I get Run Time error 91. Object variable or with block variable not set

Here's what I have so far...

[Code] ......

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Remove Empty Array Items In Excel VBA

Nov 9, 2009

I'm stuck with an array problem in excel. I have an array MyArr() in excel.

Its length is from 1 to i where i takes dynamic value from varibable.

Now the problem is MyArr(1 to i) has some empty values.

Like say: if i = 5 then
MyArr(1) = "a"
MyArr(2) = ""
MyArr(3) = "b"
MyArr(4) = ""
MyArr(5) = "c"

How can I get rid of those empty elements so that MyArr() becomes only three elements long and then display them in a range of three cells.

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Query Design - Select Items Not In Array

Feb 11, 2013

I need to query table contents where some general items are met, and item id's are not contained in an array.

SELECT LOOKUP.*, LOOKUP.Var FROM LOOKUP WHERE ((LOOKUP.Name)="test" Or (LOOKUP.Name)="test2" AND ((LOOKUP.Type)=3) AND ((LOOKUP.Var) ("array", "of", "items")))

I need to know how to add an array to a query since I can't hard-code the list each time, and the array can be a different size each time, so using array variables doesn't make sense here.

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Excel 2010 :: VB Autofilter Using Array To Exclude Items

Jun 6, 2013

I have data that is formatted in an Excel 2010 table. The two columns in question are [Invoice #] and [Description]. In the description column I have descriptions of products as well as freight. The same invoice number would be tied to the product description as well as its associated freight. I need to filter out certain product types and their associated freight items.

The macro I wrote creates an array of invoice numbers that I want to filter out and leave the remaining invoices, but I can't get the filtering part to work. Here is my code:

Dim Invoices() As Variant 'array of invoice numbers
Dim Descriptions() As Variant 'array of Descriptions
Dim InvoiceFilter() As Variant 'array of invoice numbers to filter
Dim i As Integer 'counter
Dim j As Integer
j = 1


What happens now is that it filters out all values in the Invoice column instead of only the values in the InvoiceFilter array.

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Find Array Uniqe Items And Transpose 1 Each Into Cell

May 28, 2007

I have a col of dates that change, 9/15, 10/15, 11/05 and reside in col. I
I then have a corresonding cell in row I136, M136, Q136, U136, Y136 and AC136.
I want to find the starting at the earliest date starting in I36 , M136, Q136...

So I136 would be updated to 9/15, M136 = 10/15, Q136 = 11/05, ...

I am thinking a CSE type formula would be a possibility, but need assistance in this or in a piece of code..

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Passing Array Losing Items: Lost 'control'

Mar 9, 2007

Passing an array from a sub to another sometimes works, sometimes not. But when I call the same sub twice, it definately gets stuck at least at the second time. Seems as if I tend to lose some of my items of the array. And I cannot figure out why it happens, at what pace it happens or how I could stop this from happening.

1.Could it be that a control perishes as soon as it is set to 'ctrl.enabled=false'? 2.Or could it be that a declared array 'ary=array(tb1,cb1,frm1)' can not be handled without having had its items initialized with some lines of code, although the items visibly exist within the user form? 3. Can it be that a Sub 'remembers' the former values passed to it, if set to 'optional'?

However, I have added a cleared/minimized version of my userform as a file to this post, hoping that some of you out there might find the time to have a look at it.... I would really appreciate it. I have added the decisive parts of the macro below here, as well,

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim elem As Variant
Dim wSht As Worksheet
Dim ctrl As Control
'set control arrays
ctrlAllStep2 = Array(cbTimeOnly, cbIntensityOnly, cbAreaOnly) '[...]
ctrlAllStep3 = Array(tbIntensityTotal, tbIntensityBleached) '[...]

MsgBox "Two Controls exist now: 1." & ctrlAllStep2(0). name & ", 2. " & ctrlAllStep2(1).name, vbInformation, "Note: controls exist..."
'disable Controls in Step2 and in Step3....................

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Adding Items To Array From And Excel Range Based On Values?

Oct 2, 2012

On this is a column of Categories and a Column of sizes. I want to use these in a user form. The user will select their Category from a drop down list and the second drop down list will include only the sizes that appear next to the chosen category So for example in the attachment if the user chose 'AUD' as a category they would get the size choices of, '2x4 insert', '2x4 replica' and 'A4L' in the other drop down menu.

The master list of sizes will have to remain on a worksheet as this is what other operators will amend from time to time.

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Array Cannot Allow To Sort Data?

Jun 30, 2014

Excel file. The file has two tabs: 'Input' and 'Master'. The 'Input' tab is for users to input any new records, and the 'Master' tab is to retrieve data from the 'Input' tab. Given that some users may want to insert a row in between (rather than add at the bottom).

I used arrays in the 'Master' tab such as:


Now there came the problem: in the 'Master' tab, the data cannot be sorted when the arrays are used. Otherwise, there is a warning message: You cannot change part of an array.

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Sort 2D Array Not Via Worksheet?

Mar 1, 2014

I'm trying to sort 2D array not via worksheet, using VBA array. But I failed. excel file enclosed (Sorting by Return and xlAscending).

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Sort A Array Formula

Sep 27, 2009

On from a solution I am using in the sheet which uses very well an Array Formula.

In the attached book I have a sheet with a bunch of tables called Site Table. In the sheet called Working Sheet I want to get the text Site Names and list them in Column A. Sorted would be nice not required but I can't think of way to avoid blanck rows without a manual sort. I tried many versions of Find without a solution as well.

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Range Array Sort

Oct 20, 2009

I am trying sort a bunch of different ranges. So I am trying to use the same sort code but run an array of ranges through. This code is for only two ranges
CA3:CD200 and CF3:CI200. I want to pass the ranges as variables through the sort code but I cannot get it to work.

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Sort An Array In VBA Memory

Jul 11, 2007

two parts:

The following is the VBA version of what i've been using:

Range("A1:J1000").Sort Key1:=Range("D2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:= _
Range("E2"), Order2:=xlAscending, Key3:=Range("F2"), Order3:=xlDescending _
, Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:= _
xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, DataOption2:=xlSortNormal, _
now arrays are bigger than 1000 rows>> even bigger than 65536.

Such an array is stored in "arrBIG" and dimed as (1 to 10, 1 to 100000). The goal is to sort it by the 4'th, then 5th then 6th values in the first dimension - the one that is 1 to 10 - i call this the column.

arrBIG.Sort Key1:=4, Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:= _
5, Order2:=xlAscending, Key3:=6, Order3:=xlDescending _.................

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Sort String Array

Nov 18, 2006

I have a string (PreString) that gets its values from a procedure call (PreResult). The string consists of 4 values for each loop which I then split into the y array.

I then want to transpose the array to the worksheet for sorting.

I don't really get the transpose to work as I want to. I want every 4:th y to be printed on a new row (x). I don't really know how to use the Ubound function to get it right.

Should I make a 2 dimensional array instead ? If so, how is that made ?

Dim x As Integer, z As Integer
Dim var_Status As Integer
Dim var_Week As String
Dim var_HoursPerWeek As Integer
Dim PreString As String

i = var_StartWeekNr
j = var_RangeNumberOfWeeks
z = 0
x = 0
var_Status = 0
var_Week = ""
var_HoursPerWeek = 0
PreString = ""

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VBA Sort String Array Function

Oct 1, 2008

I have a string that I need to sort.
Below code works beautifully but doesn't sort numbers, any advice to get this to sort numbers as well?

Function Alphabetize(ByVal sText As String) As String
Dim sWords() As String, sTemp As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long, n As Long

'-- clean up text
For i = 1 To Len(sText)
Select Case Mid$(sText, i, 1)
Case " ", "a" To "z", "A" To "Z"
Case Else: Mid$(sText, i, 1) = " "
End Select
'-- remove leading and trailing spaces....................

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Create Array Of Variables And Sort

Nov 12, 2006

I have a dynamic number of rows each with three colums of values. These varaibles I want to fill an array with but I don't know how.

Now I've just "concated" these three variables into a string and then I intend to split the string into rows by the third comma. (see below)

I think it's easier though to use an array and I really appreciate some assistance. Please tell me also the best way to sort the array. It will be sorted by var_Status which is an integer. (sort order: max positive to max minimum)

PreString = PreString & var_StartWeek & ", " & var_Status & ", " & var_Totalh & ", "

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Algorithm To Sort An Array Of Data In Vba

Jun 4, 2007

Im looking for an algorithm to sort an array of data, deleting multiple values whithin the array and shifting the values down the array to leave no gaps. the crude set of loops i am currently using is:

For f = 0 To 100
For g = f + 1 To 100
If LineArray(g) = LineArray(f) Then LineArray(g) = ""
Next g
Next f

which does work and serves my purpose but is messy as it leaves blank gaps in the array.

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Sort Array In Macro Code

Jun 7, 2008

I have been trying to take a variant array that has 6 columns, output it to a new worksheet (although I would prefer to just sort the array but can't get that working - how I can do this please feel free), sort the worksheet by 2 different columns, and then move these values back into the original array. I think I have the dumping and sorting down but I can't figure out the putting back into the array part. Here is the code I have thus far. varRecords is the array I am dumping to the new worksheet.

Dim dumpSheet As Worksheet
Set dumpSheet = Sheets.Add
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, UBound(varRecords))) = varRecords
Range("A1:F" & numRows).Sort Key1:=Range("C2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:=Range _
("A2"), Order2:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase _
:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _

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Sort Array Based On Criteria From Drop-down

May 18, 2009

How can I sort an array of data based on the selection from a drop-down menu? And can it be 'secondary' sorted with the result from a second drop-down (ascending or descending is unimportant)?

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Using Array Formula To Sort Alphabetically Over Multiple Columns

Feb 14, 2014

In the attached example file, I have two tabs: options and sets. The options tab is to be populated from a form. The sets tab is to draw data from the options tab to create teaching sets. I have managed to create an array formula that does this for me, but what I would like it to do is sort my resulting list alphabetically. For reasons that I won't go into, I need the data on the sets tab to remain in three columns: First Name, Surname and Form.

This is the array formula I am using at the moment: AliGW - Example.xlsx

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