Array Cannot Allow To Sort Data?

Jun 30, 2014

Excel file. The file has two tabs: 'Input' and 'Master'. The 'Input' tab is for users to input any new records, and the 'Master' tab is to retrieve data from the 'Input' tab. Given that some users may want to insert a row in between (rather than add at the bottom).

I used arrays in the 'Master' tab such as:


Now there came the problem: in the 'Master' tab, the data cannot be sorted when the arrays are used. Otherwise, there is a warning message: You cannot change part of an array.

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Algorithm To Sort An Array Of Data In Vba

Jun 4, 2007

Im looking for an algorithm to sort an array of data, deleting multiple values whithin the array and shifting the values down the array to leave no gaps. the crude set of loops i am currently using is:

For f = 0 To 100
For g = f + 1 To 100
If LineArray(g) = LineArray(f) Then LineArray(g) = ""
Next g
Next f

which does work and serves my purpose but is messy as it leaves blank gaps in the array.

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Sort 2D Array Not Via Worksheet?

Mar 1, 2014

I'm trying to sort 2D array not via worksheet, using VBA array. But I failed. excel file enclosed (Sorting by Return and xlAscending).

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Sort A Array Formula

Sep 27, 2009

On from a solution I am using in the sheet which uses very well an Array Formula.

In the attached book I have a sheet with a bunch of tables called Site Table. In the sheet called Working Sheet I want to get the text Site Names and list them in Column A. Sorted would be nice not required but I can't think of way to avoid blanck rows without a manual sort. I tried many versions of Find without a solution as well.

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Range Array Sort

Oct 20, 2009

I am trying sort a bunch of different ranges. So I am trying to use the same sort code but run an array of ranges through. This code is for only two ranges
CA3:CD200 and CF3:CI200. I want to pass the ranges as variables through the sort code but I cannot get it to work.

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Sort An Array In VBA Memory

Jul 11, 2007

two parts:

The following is the VBA version of what i've been using:

Range("A1:J1000").Sort Key1:=Range("D2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:= _
Range("E2"), Order2:=xlAscending, Key3:=Range("F2"), Order3:=xlDescending _
, Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:= _
xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, DataOption2:=xlSortNormal, _
now arrays are bigger than 1000 rows>> even bigger than 65536.

Such an array is stored in "arrBIG" and dimed as (1 to 10, 1 to 100000). The goal is to sort it by the 4'th, then 5th then 6th values in the first dimension - the one that is 1 to 10 - i call this the column.

arrBIG.Sort Key1:=4, Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:= _
5, Order2:=xlAscending, Key3:=6, Order3:=xlDescending _.................

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Sort The Items In An Array

Aug 15, 2006

I would like to sort the items in an array.

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Sort String Array

Nov 18, 2006

I have a string (PreString) that gets its values from a procedure call (PreResult). The string consists of 4 values for each loop which I then split into the y array.

I then want to transpose the array to the worksheet for sorting.

I don't really get the transpose to work as I want to. I want every 4:th y to be printed on a new row (x). I don't really know how to use the Ubound function to get it right.

Should I make a 2 dimensional array instead ? If so, how is that made ?

Dim x As Integer, z As Integer
Dim var_Status As Integer
Dim var_Week As String
Dim var_HoursPerWeek As Integer
Dim PreString As String

i = var_StartWeekNr
j = var_RangeNumberOfWeeks
z = 0
x = 0
var_Status = 0
var_Week = ""
var_HoursPerWeek = 0
PreString = ""

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VBA Code To Sort Data - Run-time Error When No Data To Sort

Mar 4, 2010

I havet he following code which sorts data. If there is no data to sort I keep on getting a run time error. Could I add something to my code to prevent the run-time error, as sometime there won't be any data to sort. The code runs when I switch to the worksheet in question.

Sub SortMeetings()
Dim iCTR As Integer
Dim yCTR As Integer
Dim zCTR As Integer

zCTR = 11
For iCTR = 12 To 23
For yCTR = 1 To 10
If Len(Range("D" & iCTR).Offset(0, yCTR)) 0 Then
Range("AA" & zCTR).Value = Format(Range("D" & iCTR).Offset(0, yCTR), "HH:MM") & " " & Range("D" & iCTR).Value
zCTR = zCTR + 1
End If
Next yCTR
Next iCTR
Range("AA11:AA" & zCTR).Select
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("AA11"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End Sub

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VBA Sort String Array Function

Oct 1, 2008

I have a string that I need to sort.
Below code works beautifully but doesn't sort numbers, any advice to get this to sort numbers as well?

Function Alphabetize(ByVal sText As String) As String
Dim sWords() As String, sTemp As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long, n As Long

'-- clean up text
For i = 1 To Len(sText)
Select Case Mid$(sText, i, 1)
Case " ", "a" To "z", "A" To "Z"
Case Else: Mid$(sText, i, 1) = " "
End Select
'-- remove leading and trailing spaces....................

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Create Array Of Variables And Sort

Nov 12, 2006

I have a dynamic number of rows each with three colums of values. These varaibles I want to fill an array with but I don't know how.

Now I've just "concated" these three variables into a string and then I intend to split the string into rows by the third comma. (see below)

I think it's easier though to use an array and I really appreciate some assistance. Please tell me also the best way to sort the array. It will be sorted by var_Status which is an integer. (sort order: max positive to max minimum)

PreString = PreString & var_StartWeek & ", " & var_Status & ", " & var_Totalh & ", "

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Sort Array In Macro Code

Jun 7, 2008

I have been trying to take a variant array that has 6 columns, output it to a new worksheet (although I would prefer to just sort the array but can't get that working - how I can do this please feel free), sort the worksheet by 2 different columns, and then move these values back into the original array. I think I have the dumping and sorting down but I can't figure out the putting back into the array part. Here is the code I have thus far. varRecords is the array I am dumping to the new worksheet.

Dim dumpSheet As Worksheet
Set dumpSheet = Sheets.Add
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(1, UBound(varRecords))) = varRecords
Range("A1:F" & numRows).Sort Key1:=Range("C2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:=Range _
("A2"), Order2:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase _
:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, _

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Sort Array Based On Criteria From Drop-down

May 18, 2009

How can I sort an array of data based on the selection from a drop-down menu? And can it be 'secondary' sorted with the result from a second drop-down (ascending or descending is unimportant)?

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Using Array Formula To Sort Alphabetically Over Multiple Columns

Feb 14, 2014

In the attached example file, I have two tabs: options and sets. The options tab is to be populated from a form. The sets tab is to draw data from the options tab to create teaching sets. I have managed to create an array formula that does this for me, but what I would like it to do is sort my resulting list alphabetically. For reasons that I won't go into, I need the data on the sets tab to remain in three columns: First Name, Surname and Form.

This is the array formula I am using at the moment: AliGW - Example.xlsx

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Extract Unique Distinct List From Two Columns With Array Formula And Sort From A To Z

May 30, 2014

I have two lists in different columns, which are defined ranges. I want to extract them to a unique list with an array formula and at the same time sort albafetically, without duplicates, like this:


Final List


[Code] ....

So far, I have this formula which is working in what concerns removing duplicates and exctract a unique list. But it is not ordering alfabeticaly.

{=IFERROR(IFERROR(INDEX(List1, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($D$1:D1, List1), 0)), INDEX(List2, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($D$1:D1, List2), 0))), "")}

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Looking Up Row Array Data In Column Array

Jul 11, 2007

On one sheet (KPI) I have either the values "x" or "" in the range A84:A89 to mark wheter to use the corresponding project in the range B84:B89. On the sheet X-ref I have the same project names in range T4:Y4 and a corresponding target value in T8:Y8

What I want is the sum (or average) of the marked-projects target-values. The result should end up in KPI!G31.
In other words I want


but it doesn't work since the first range is an column-array and the second range is an row-array.

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Sort Data And Auto Copy Sorted Data To New Worksheet While Maintaining WS1

Oct 7, 2013

I have an excel WS1 set up as DB; I want to keep this sheet for data revision. WS2,3, 4, & 5 will be data that is filtered and sorted, using WS1 as source so I want to auto copy the WS1 data. Can I just auto copy WS1 (how do I do that?) then filter and sort in each WS?

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Excel 2010 :: How To Filter / Sort Data Based On Partial Match Of Data In Cell

Apr 16, 2013

I am using Excel 2010. I am a novice user.

I have a lot of data to filter / sort. I want to initially to create a filter for a column of data - which has the format similar to hierarchical paths to files. The data is a mix of text/numbers. e.g.


[Code] .........

Doing an alphabetical sort of this date would return the following order. As you can see while each strings in unique - there are many instances where they are simialr - if you ignore the unique numeric values at the end of the string.


[Code] ......

So what I want to do is to create a filter for the strings - but ignoring the numeric bits at the end i.e.


The strings are obviiously of varying length and the number of hierarchical paths is different, so I can't split string on "/".

Similarly folder paths names can contain "_" so can't split string on this either.

As I don't know how many "/" or "-" instances there will be in the string I don't believe I can use the find function. Also as the amount of number will be different i don't think I can use =right(a1,X) either.

I may be able to search for the pattern above - as this is probabay unique - so maybe it's something like the following pseudo code:

Function GetString(txt As String) As String
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Pattern = "reg_d+(_)+d+//d"
GetString = .execute(txt)(0)
End With
End Function

If I do require VBA code - how do I then use this for creating a column filter? Or will I have to extract the filtered data first from the column (and its associated row data) into another worksheet to use?

Once I have the filter in place I want to create tables using the filtered data - so for example each column value above has a lot of associated data values in each row e.g

26 pathA/path_123/path_456/data_out_reg_0_0/d
32 pathA/path_123/path_456/data_out_reg_17_0/d
8 pathA/path_123/path_456/data_out_reg_4_0/d

So my table would show the name "data_out_reg" and the range of values 8-32

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Automatically Sort Data And Ranking Based On Sorted Data?

May 22, 2012

In the attached spreadsheet I track the performance of my team. I enter the AHT for my team in the work sheet named "AHT Summary".I keep updating this data every month. automatically sort the updated data and rank the agents based on their average AHT. The person with the lowest AHT should be ranked 1. Column is highlighed in green for your reference. Based on this ranking the work sheet named "Ranking" should be updated automatically. Since I am taking a weighted average for all agents, the one who gets the lowest AHT should be ranked 1st . In the ranking work sheet the agent with ranking 1 should be given 100, the second highest ranked person should get 98,third 96,fourth 94 etc.

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Generate List Of Data Based On Sort Data From Another Worksheet

Feb 25, 2014

I have Sheet1 "MASTER" and Sheet2 "Area1" and Sheet3 "Area2" etc...

My MASTER sheet has a list of employee names and the areas they work in. I have employees working in different areas, and I want to pull a list of employee names from the MASTER working in Area1 (sorted on the MASTER sheet) to column A on Sheet2, then pull a list of employee names working in Area2 to column A on Sheet3, etc...

I want it to do this in such a way that if I add an employee to Area1 on the MASTER data, it will populate that employee in the Area1 Sheet.

So basically, I'm looking at one column on the MASTER sheet to see if the area matches. Then looking at another column on the MASTER sheet to get the name. Then taking that name and transposing it to a new sheet corresponding to the area they work in.

I've attached a sample sheet. I want Column A in the Area1 sheet to reflect all names that show up on the Area1 LIST on the MASTER sheet, and nothing else. I'm using VLOOKUP to pull the rest of the data from the MASTER table.

There is a new sample workbook up now. Couldn't update it sooner due to site outage. I've removed irrelevant data to improve readability and focus on what I'm trying to achieve. Again, the main issue is scraping column E from the Master, and populating a list of all employees who match certain values in Column E on the Master in Column A of the other tabs.

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Sort Data Alphabetically In One Particular Cell Without Retyping Data?

Jun 6, 2014

I would like to be able to sort the data in this one cell alphabetically without retyping the data .ie use a sort function but only for a cell.

For Example cell A1 contains Chris Brown Andy

No commas there. Names are seperated only by spaces.

What function should I use in order to get Andy Brown Chris ?

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Sort The Data..?

Sep 6, 2009

In the attached version the "Print Version" tab sorts the values entered into the "Log Entries" tab. When entries are deleted from the "Log Entries" tab they are converted into 'blank' entries and moved to the end in the "Print Version" tab.

However, in earlier versions the "IFERROR" does not appear to work, therefore any blank entries are shown as "#NUM!", which is kind of annoying. If there any way around this? The forumla is shown below. =IFERROR(SMALL('Log Entries'!$A$1:$E$47,ROW('Log Entries'!A1)+COLUMNS('Log Entries'!$A$1:A1)*46-46),"")

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Data Sum And Sort

Nov 11, 2009

to use a Macro in order to batch process a set of data that will have consistent columns, but may have additional rows.

I have attached the file, three tabs.

1st - Sch of Inv(2): The intended goal
The data is sorted first by Georgraphic Location (A), then Strategy (C), then Substrategy (E). Column F should be the same formula that is currently there, but updated for column I once the information is pulled (I""/$F$29*100). The *100 is to only display the % symbol once. If there's a better way to calculate percentages and only show the symbol on the first one, that would also help. Column I is the place to calculate the data from Tab 2. Column K is your check figures, which are within $5 (due to a miskey probably, not important). Cell F29 will be a manually hard-coded number on each sheet (which would be entered before the Macro is initiated).

2nd - Cost Query: The data source sheet
6 columns, 5 have relevant data. Manager shortname is the 'primary key', but won't need to be displayed anywhere. Region-Strategy Code-Substrategy Name correspond to (A), (C) and (E) on Tab 1. The goal is to sum by each of these factors, then display the one sum on Tab 1. The pull will include column F, but it has no actual value. I'd prefer to be able to just keep it on Tab 2.

3rd - Pivot of Cost Query: The step inbetween?
Here is the proof that the data can be easily pivoted to provide all of the values, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to quickly move those values into the predetermined format of Tab 1.

Is there something simple that I'm missing to move the data from the pivot into the predetermined format?

How can I use a macro to take the data on Tab 2, move it into a pivot on Tab 3, then move that data to the format (column I) in Tab 1? Is this process easier without the pivot step in the middle?

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Sort Data According To Value?

Apr 5, 2014

edit the below code? Having problem with the underlined portion. It is always showing the following error message - "Run-time error '1004' -Application-defined or object-defined error".

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro


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Rank & Sort Table: Unique Numbers Sort Ascending, But The Non-unique Numbers Sort Descending

Oct 5, 2007

I have a list in rows where I have a ranking formula =COUNT($G$5:$G$81)-(RANK(G5,$G$5:$G$81)+ COUNTIF($G$5:G5,G5)-1)+1 When I sort the rank, ascending. All of the unique numbers sort ascending, but the non-unique numbers sort descending

ex) 1.751

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Move And Sort With One Column But Insert Extra Columns As Needed For Proper Sort?

Jan 13, 2014

Using DataEntry sheet for data.
Trying to rearrange the data to DataFormatedProperly sheet.
So far all I can accomplish is DataFormatedWrong sheet.

Edit: Not sure what happened but file was NOT understandable before. It should be correct now.

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How To Sort Data In A Pivot

Mar 22, 2014

Im using a pivot with 2 rows entrees and 1 column entree. I would like to sort my data from the biggest value to the smallest. It works for the first group, but when i sort the second the first change aswell and mess with my data.

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How To Sort Data In Database

Jul 8, 2014

I need to sort a database. In the pic you will see what i have and what i need to do.


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Sort With Data Validation

Oct 22, 2008

I've found that sorting a column next to one which has drop down boxes set up in it, does not take the options for the drop down boxes (data validation ) with them when being re-arranged. Is there a way to make this possible, or an alternative format I should be using? see example:

If item 4 is the only one available from supplier 3, (As shown by the drop down box options) how do I sort by say, department, and still have the correct options on hand? Sorting by department, the items move, but the data validation info stays where it is, leaving the supplier 3 option for item 1, which is not correct.

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Bulk Data Sort

Jan 25, 2009

Is there a simple method to bulk data sort?


I run a workbook with worksheets in calendar months (12)

These consist of names in alphabetical order.

If a new name is added to or deleted from all the sheets (I've cracked how to do this) how can I data sort them without doing it sheet by sheet?

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