Sumif Based On Year Value From Column With Dates In Mm/dd/yyyy Format
Dec 27, 2013
I want to sum values in a column only if the year of the date in the adjacent column is <= to the year in cell F61. the column to evaluate is in the format d/mm/yyyy, and F61 is just yyyy. What I want to accomplish but it doesn't work:
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Jun 14, 2014
I have a TextBox and a ComboBox. the TextBox shows the current date
VB : TextBox1.Value = Format(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy")
The ComboBox has a list index of years say from 1991 to 2030. Is it possible Change only the "yyyy" in the TextBox based on the changed value in ComboBox.
Say the textbox1 shows today 14/06/2014. now if we select 2016 in ComboBox1 the TextBox1 date should changed to 14/06/2016.
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Feb 25, 2009
I have a 20,000 line Excel sheet...
And all the dates are entered like this:
2009 02 08
I want to add a dash, so they look like this
so I added a command button, and this code, but its not searching the sheet and adding the dash's...
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Jun 8, 2014
I need to add 65 years to a column of birth dates and the result must be in yyyy/mm/dd format. What is the formula?
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Feb 18, 2013
I have a form on which I select a date (using a calendar form) and on the form it works perfectly. The date is in the correct dd/mm/yyyy format for example (03/04/2013 - 3rd April 2013), I then insert this date into a worksheet and it comes out in the correct format, but it is actually turning the dates around so where it should be putting 3rd of April (03/04/2013), it's inserting 4th March (04/03/2013) instead. It looks very much like the form sees the date in dd/mm/yyyy format and the worksheet when taking the data from the form thinks it in US format (mm/dd/yyyy).
[Code] .....
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May 1, 2014
I have the macro below which opens csv files stored in a user selected folder and processes them changing the date format in column D from DD/MM/YYYY to text stored as YYYY-MM-DD.
For most of the dates the code works without issue, but for some (those with a month <12 possibly) it transposes the MM and DD incorrectly.
I understand that when opening the CSV's in excel it automatically converts the dates to DD/MM/YYYY, so I'm actually opening in wordpad which displays as YYYY-MM-DD, with only a portion being incorrect.
I've attached a couple of sample files (pre and post conversion).
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Mar 23, 2013
I'm trying to format a singe cell based on if a row of dates is aged more than 3 days.
Column C is for Load Date. Rows C2:C100 may or maynot have a date in them. Cell C101 is a count (=counta(C2:C100) of how many cells above contain data.
I'm wanting to format C101 to turn red if ANY of the dates in C2:C100 are older than 3 days from the current day.
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Apr 14, 2014
Attached spreadsheet has the resource names and their date of joinings (Column - F2), now I would like group the date of joinings into Month & Year format. I tried text formula and then converted it back to date format but its giving incorrect results. For ex - Column F2 has 9th Sep -2013, whereas my formula in H2 is showing Sep-2014. Any way to group these dates into months in a simpler way?
Once I have this grouping done, I would like to do a pivot and sort them.
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Jun 29, 2006
I have this one cell which has a value that looks like...
4/5/2006 11:30:00 PM
I want it to look like this...
April 2006
When I change it's format, it changes it apearance but it's value remains like before. I need a macro that can do the change, so that if I copy paste that value, it copy pastes as April 2006
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Nov 16, 2009
I have a data chart that lists dates in various types of formats, for example:
Jan '10
Jan/Feb '10
I'm trying to figure out a formula that will just pull the month and year no matter what format the dates are in. Based on the above I'm looking for the following results:
1/1/10: Jan 10
1/1/09: Jan 09
Jan: Jan 09
Jan '10: Jan 10
Jan/Feb '10: Jan 10
Jan/Feb: Jan 09
This data is for the entire year so the same applies for all months.
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Aug 9, 2013
I have worksheet of data that I need to sort by year then month. Currently when I try to sort the data by data excel sorts by the month then year. how to reverse this so the dates are sorted by year then month?
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Aug 7, 2007
How can I lookup the value depend on Which year in the period?. I have prepared clean data attached. I use date calculation to find how many days in the period and then divide by 365 day to count the year. But it doesn't work.
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Jul 3, 2006
I have txtboxes in which I write date in format dd/mm/yyyy but if I want to put date in cell correctly from this textbox in need to declare event on exit -change format to mm/dd/yyyy and then it puts date in desired format which is dd/mm/yyyy and my regional settings are English(uk)
Is there a way to put any date format in textbox and in cell there will always be format dd/mm/yyyy or at least if date is entered in format dd/mm/yyyy that also in cell the same format is putted
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May 13, 2014
Rep Names
[Code] ......
Above Sheet name = Monthly Modified Targets
Below sheet name = Sales Stats Comparison
Date Format: MM/DD/YYYY
What I am attempting to do is to sum up the rows of the reps names based on the dates within the range.
So in this example above
Name1 = 0
Name2 = 55
Name3 = 25
Name4 = 0
when you change the date range it would change the totals.
The results of the example will be placed in
"Sales Stats Comparison" Range K11:K67
I have tried a few different options using index / sumifs / Match (date)
I just can't seem to pull more than one result and it does not sum up all the values in the row based on the date range.
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Aug 3, 2014
I would like to automate a sheet to report statistics of projects based on a single cell that is the year that a user manually inserts. I've got a separate worksheet with all dates manually set up for next 10 years and would like it to be read by formulae in a reporting worksheet based on the year that user enters.
So if I specify year 2014/15 (financial year), I would like the cell C1 under "Reporting" sheet to display 1/07/14 predetermined in "Dates" B3, if I specify 2015/16, the cell C1 will read 1/07/15 from "Dates" B6 and so on.
I could do it with "IF" function but there will be too many nested IF functions in a lot of cells (hundreds if not thousands). This may make my file size very large.
Attached is a simplified example of what I mean.
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May 30, 2007
I want to create a monthly timesheet which contains 9 columns for
(Date, Day, Project no., Activity, Time In, Time Out, Total Hours, OT Hours, Remarks)
I have used IF Function to calculate Total Hours & OT hours automatically. Time IN & Time OUT, Project No., will be entered manually on daily basis.
Weekday function is used in the Day column to return the corresponding day of the date in the Date column.
Name of the Month and Year will be manually entered in the designated cells I3 and I4 respectively.
Now the solution I am looking for is, the dates should be automatically entered in the Date column (in cells A8 to A38) based on the Month & Year entered in cells I3 & I4. Dates of the corresponding month of the year should only be filled in. (If a month is not having 29, 30 or 31st day, the corresponding cells should be left blank. i.e. nothing should be displayed in the corresponding cells). I am looking for some sort of formula to enter in the cells of Date column (A8 to A38) achieve this. I have searched the forum and could not find anything which could at least give me an idea about the kind of function or formula to be used.
Attached here is the time sheet I am trying to create.
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Mar 3, 2009
I have a list of sales made during a certain period. They are either in £ or $ and are in a list. Essentially like this (but with lots more info):
sale1 £300
sale2 $450
sale3 £150
What I would like to do is to have two cells at the top which sum only the £ values and a cell whcih sums only the $ values. Is this possible?
My idea to was do a sumif formula based on the cell format of the sales value, but I can't see a way of doing this. The only other way I can see is to have a simple addition formula selecting only the certain cells i want, but this would be labour intensive to maintain, as the formula would need to be updated eachtime a new line is added.
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Jul 31, 2013
I am trying to auto generate a calendar based on two drop down menus - Month and Year.
Once the month and year is selected I want to import all work orders onto the calendar based first on the "Labor Name" found in the list of work tab, then assign each work order for that labor name to the respective date on the calendar for the month.
August PM Schedule Demo.xlsx
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Oct 21, 2009
Sheet1 AB120091002Valid220090702Valid320100702Not Valid Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4
In this A column Shows Year month Date format I need VBA Coding.
If A column is Grater than Today date Means B Column States Not Valid. Else Valid.
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Dec 17, 2009
In attached sheet, I am trying to find total cost by month only for year 2009. Currently formula I have in Cell c24, is {=SUM(IF(MONTH(B2:B9)=1,D2:D9,0))} But this calculates for all years, not just 2009. How do I modify above formula, so for each month, it shows total cost but only for 2009?
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Oct 22, 2007
I have a file that I want to change the format for my date field. Currently the cells are in general format. How can I put them into a date format. Example the first one is 20070328, how can I make this 03/08/2007?
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Feb 25, 2009
I have a list with several thousand dates listed like:
That is, yyyymmdd.
I would like to list it as yymm only. Is there a way to convert it in Excel? I have for a long time been copying and pasting in to Word then doing a search and replace of the first and last two digits, which results in the yymm format I am looking for. A better way would be nice.
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Aug 18, 2013
Is there a way to lock the date format as MM/DD/YYYY. I'm using the excel file as data file but one of the softwares fails to run this excel-based data file due to date format since the date format has to be in numeric format.
1/12/2013 changes to 12-Jan while processing? How to lock this format?
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Jun 30, 2014
I need to take 3 columns (G, H, I) and format the dates that are in standard format to mm-dd-yyyy.
The code I have looked at seems way to complicated and I couldn't get it to work
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Jun 20, 2014
I Need VBA Code to change date format "mm.dd.yyyy hh:mm:ss" replace as mm-dd-yyyy. IN E:E column
Like "19.06.2014 19:12:13" change as 19-Jun-14
Find the attachment : Dt_chng.xlsb‎
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Aug 27, 2012
the date I want to copy paste is in [dd/mm/yyyy] format in a single cell.
I want to isolate the [dd], [mm] and [yyyy] and write them down in 3 different cells. How can I do this?
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May 26, 2014
I having problem to determine the format value of dates that needs to be inserted in a Userform.
I have the following format in my userform for my Textbox:
[Code] ......
When I select the calendar in my userform that is set as follows:
[Code] .......
And select the first day of the month, it will always add the format as 05/01/2014 but if I select today’s date as example it will add it in the right format: 2014/05/26
I have included a sample to demonstrate the function of the calendar as I have declared it public as d in a module, therefore making the population of my userforms textbox easier to add information on dates.
If you add 2014/05/01 - 2014/05/26 and 2014/05/06 you will see where the system is having problem with the month and dates I guess the system confuses the two?
I need the format as follows: yyyy/mm/dd
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Mar 17, 2007
I have a spreadsheet with due dates in column X. I want to create conditional formatting so that cells turn red when the due date is less than or equal to 30 days away, but turn gray when the due date has passed.
I've accomplished the first step by using the following: =AND($X6
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Feb 21, 2008
I have the following variables in these columns
Column 1: Ship (1064, 1065, 1066 as the field contents)
Column 12: Date (21-Feb-08 as format)
Column 13: Weld Length (1000 as format)
Column 15: Defect Length (1000 as format)
What I need doing is the following is in a single cell per month add up what the total weld length is as well as the defect length as I have Jan 08, Feb 08 etc on another sheet where these values will be returned.
There is a seperate sheet for each Ship so would like a formula that I could ammend 1064 to 1065 etc
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Mar 20, 2014
creating a user form that will make my job of recording data far easier. However, when the date is entered, it changes it form UK to US.
I've checked the cells and they are formatted for UK dd/mm/yyyy.
The script is as follows:
Private Sub UserForm1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub DataInput.UserForm_Initialize()
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