I'm trying to use data validation to restrict the user to only selecting values in a list which I create. Right now, the list is a named range. I'd like to get rid of the range and just use a named list. I create a name using the following as my list.
Insert > Name > Create Name: Fruit
Refers to: banana,apple,orange
When I try to use the name Fruit in my data validation, I get the message "The List Source must be a delimited list, or a reference to single row or column." I thought my name "fruit" was a delimited list.
I need to consolidate these two lists of data into one list.
First set is just a basic list of individuals with their data.
Second set is multiple entries for those same individuals. Each entry shows a subscription to a programme. The final single sheet should have one row per individual which shows all of the programmes they are subscribed to.
See attached, example sheet.
The real list is 3000 IDs, so need some kind of formula to do this.
I am trying to create a drop down list that when selected will display data in the 10 rows below and 4 columns, so a total of 40 cells. I would like the data to be based on the selection in the drop down list.
i have 27 different combinations of the above list with up to 10 different rows. I have a label for each one, but i cannot get the rows below my drop down list to display the proper values base don the selection in the drop down list.
I'm creating a spreadsheet to keep track of my costs of production in an online game. Within the game there are a range of spawned resources that appear for only a short time before being unobtainable these resources have specific types that is shared between multiple spawns of the resource but each resource spawn has a unique name.
My first worksheet lists all the resources and their various qualities and the later worksheets are meant to allow me to choose from a list resources matching the requirements of the item I'm looking to craft. The example i have shown in the second picture requires Tatooinian Fiberplast and Lokian Wild Wheat to craft so in the Chosen Resource column I would like to have a drop down list allowing me to select the named resource type i would like to use - for Tatooinian Fiberplast the only thing on the list should be Omnitwixi and for the Wild Wheat it should show Fizi and Krad
I am aware there are people with more pressing problems than computer games and as such
I'm looking for a way to get a unique list from a column to a data validation drop down list. Any fancy formula or vba script to create a UDF which. Does this?
I have a List of Different Fruits in Cells A1 to A5
Apple Banana Orange Strawberry Cherry
And I use data validation list in 5 different cells from Cells C1 to C5 then in every cell the list will show all the fruits,
But I want that if I select Any Fruit in cell C1 that should not be included in the remaining 4 cells, and the fruits selected in Cells C1 and Cell C2 should not be included in the remaining 3 cells and so on....
I Used the formula
But this works fine if I select Apple in the Cell C1, then the List of C2 Shows all Fruits other than Apple, But if in Cell C1 I select any fruit other than Apple it does not work... (Using Excel2007 & Win XP)
I've attached a spreadsheet showing the effect I'm trying to achieve. A list (which changes weekly) contains employee details and length of service. Based on the length of service I need to build a new list grouping the employees based on the service length.
I do not have any code for this as I am unsure if it is possible. I have a list of range names in a column (A) that refer to different sheets and in an adjacent column (B) I have a list of data. Is it possible to write VBA code that will allow me to copy each value in column B to the corresponding cell in the workbook that relates to the range name in column A.
is there a way to force so that a cell value can be only of what a validation droplist offers, hence users can not enter their own values and have to use the droplist for cell content selection.
I have a list of names in column A, don't know how many different names but for sure some of them repeats in different cells of column A.
A1 = NAME_1 A2 = Alan A3 = Ben A4 = John A5 = Alan A6 = Kevin A7 = Mark A8 = Dominic A9 = John A10= Tom A11=Alan A12=Frank
How can I make aonther list in column B, which contains a list of name in column A without repeating. So that B1 = NAME_2, B2:B4 is exactly like A2:A4, then B5 = Kevin, B6 = Mark, B7 = Dominic, B8 = Tom, B9 = Frank.... and so on. Another question, which is very similar to the previous one. In the same column A, now I add an AutoFilter (Data > Filter > AutoFilter) in A1. A drop down arrow button will appear at the right side within A1. Click the down arrow and another box shows: Sort Ascending, Sort Descending, All, Top 10, Custom, Alan, Ben.... the rest of the data in Column A but each unique data will only shows once in that list. How can I copy the contents of that box?
I am using Data Validation on some fields to create a drop down list from a named range! These fields however allow you to enter values that are not in the list.
Is there a way to make the cell have to be an entry from the data validation list?
I have 2 sheets: "MasterInventory" and "InventoryFeed". "MasterInventory", is my full list of all the item I sell on Amazon.com. "InventoryFeed" is populated when I download an update from amazon and paste the data into it. Each list has about 30 columns and each list uses identical headings in the top row. The third column in each sheet is for the product's SKU.
What I'd like to do is loop through each row in the "inventoryFeed" sheet, assign it's sku (the value in column 3) to a variable, and then copy the entire Row. Then I'd like to switch to the "MasterInventory" sheet, and look in column C for the identical SKU. If it is found, I'd like to overwrite the entire line by pasting in the data that was copied earlier. If the SKU is not discovered, I'd like to paste the information into the next blank row in the "masterInventory" sheet.
After the whole thing is looped through, I'd like to sort the MasterInventory Sheet from A to Z by the product's SKU.
I was asked at work to create a report that takes raw data from a questionnaire and compiles it in an easy-to-read report. (Little do they know that this is how I'm such a wiz at excel ;-) )
It seems pretty simple, but I can't seem to figure it out! On the attached workbook, the first spreadsheet,"SUMMARY", is the jist of what the report should look like - the average score for each question by floor. On the next spreadsheet, "RAW DATA", is a sample of what the raw data looks like - just a list of each room number and the score it received by question. the first 2 digits of the room number signify the floor (ex. 201=2nd floor, 1215=12th floor, etc.).
My major issue was with getting the score for each floor without having to manipulate the raw data - this report will eventually become a shell that can be used with new data every month. Is there a way to make a range equal a number (ie. 200-299=2)?
First sheet is comprised of 12 grouped cells. Each group consist of 7 rows and 6 columns the above mentioned groups are bwoke down with 6 lines of data and 7th row is totals of the 6 boxes.
Each gtoup will have totals, even if they run over to next group The first column is a task number, which will be the main component. A task number can be used multiple times and can run over to next group of cells
Here is an example of above mentioned sheet task# Start time end time Description 999.......15:00.......15:05.........Open Mail 999........16:05.......16:55........sort claims
A new task number will move to the next group of cells 748........15:05.......16:05.........23 inches
2nd sheet will be a time tracking sheet. Here is the info from this sheet 999......15:00.....15:05.....open Mail 748.......15:05.....16:05......23 inches 999........16:05.....16:55......sort claims
The 2 sheets look alike but on first mentioned sheet info is broken down by task number
I'm stumped on what I know is a pretty basic problem. Maybe i'm just trying to over think it.
I have a table of sales data...One field is the date it was sold, one field is the amount it sold for. The date field isn't in order and it contains dates over the past 12 months. I need a way to total the amount of sales in each month and not through a pivot table. I am able to count how many entries there are, but I can't find a easy way to do a count of how much was sold in each month.
Sheet1 contains a large set of data, including a date and a corresponding value.
Sheet2 (Summary) has a column called "Begin Date" and a column called "End Date". How can I use a formula to sum every piece of data that fits within the two dates?
I have a spreadsheet with 12 tabs, 1 for each month in the year. On each tab I have employee names (column A), followed by the premium they pay for their health insurance (column B). I'm attemting to create a list of each employee and how much they paid for helath insurance over the year. Since employees come and leave thorughout the year, the lists aren't the same on each tab. However, I was able to create a master list of all possible employees and placed this list into a new tab.
I'm vaguely farmiliar with the SUMIF function and I believe that this would be the best approach, or some possibly sort of vlookup.
I have a 5 column document with about 3000 entries that I need streamlining. THe first column is a student's name, then grade. The next 2 columns are for Honour Roll Standing (A or B) and/or an Effort Honour Roll Standing (E). Finally there is also a "term" column indicating if they received this award is Term 1, 2 or 3.
An example source file is found here: [URL]...
As you can see, there are many students who have received an award in all 3 terms, however there are also some students that only received standing for 1 or 2 terms.
I need to manipulate the data so that there are no duplicate names and all the data regarding Honour Roll standings and which term it occured in are all laid out in one row per student.
Here is the attached Excel file and the following is the desired output of the macro:
1.) List the data (Names) of the Columns D (Input), F (Analyze), and H (Output) in Sheet1 to Column A (Name of Person) in Sheet2. There should be no repetition of two names. 2.) Count the number of entries of each person in the Column D (Input) in Sheet1 appears per month (basis is the Input Date column E) and record into the corresponding month in Sheet2 under the Input Header. 3.) Add the total of the 12 months in the YTD column under the Input Header. 4.) Repeat steps #2-3 for the Column F (Analyze) and Column H (Output) of Sheet1 with the results recorded in their corresponding headers in Sheet2. 5.) Note: The data in Sheet1 is a running data and continually adds up as the current year goes by. If there is a way the macro could take that into account it would be much better.
I've got a tab with 32K+ lines of data in six columns. I need to be able to summarize it in a table based on two criteria (e.g. Region, Line of Business). I am currently using 16 sumproduct formulas (=sumproduct((type=a5)*(reg=a4)*revenue)) where type is the line of business and reg is the region column, and 8 vlookups per region. Each tab will have about 8 regions and I'll have 4 tabs. As you can tell, this spreadsheet will quickly get out of hand in terms of calculating speed. I can't really use a pivot table because of: 1) formatting constraints 2) the vlookups refer to a separate tab than the main data dump. What alternatives do I have other than array formulas to get the data in a nice little summary form? The formulas/presentation aren't very complicated, but I have yet to come up with a good alternative to the above.
My company would receive RFQs from potential customers inquiring the availability of different products, and we are trying to summarise these requests to find a trend.
Each product has several attributes, such as descriptions, keywords, manufacturer's code, etc. The RFQs are all different, with each request providing some attributes while missing others. The only reliably uniform attribute is the product number.
I am trying to build a database with the maximum amount of details on each requested product, therefore consolidating the different requests. I already put the source data on the same sheet and sorted the product numbers. I also know how many instances there are for each product number. In other words, my data look like this:
Product number (sorted) Repeat count Attribute 1 Attribute 2
111a 2 aaaa
[Code] .........
Note: 1. The product numbers and repeat count are reliable 2. All the attributes are valid, i.e. as long as one can fill a blank I would take it 3. If none of the instances provide a certain attribute, it is acceptable for it to be left blank
And I am trying to turn it into this:
Product number (sorted) Repeat count Attribute 1 Attribute 2
111a 2 aaaa bbbb
123456 1 abcde
100x 3 123456 wxyz
I already spent a whole day trying to do it with MATCH, OFFSET, VLOOKUP etc to no avail. It seems I would need some kind of VBS with loop and array functionalities that are beyond me.