Summing Values Using Specific Conditions

Jan 31, 2009

I am looking for help in developing steps in a spreadsheet to calculate a sum based on a few conditions. The basis of my spreadsheet works fine, however I am trying to add the contents of a cell to another by checking other cells.

For example:

Cells A1:A10 contain a numerical sequence (1-10 respectively) to indicate a "Node"

Cells B1:B10 contain a user selected number (1-10) which defines the Node it is fed from. We'll call this "Fed From Node" If Cell B2=1, that means that Node 2 is fed from Node 1.

Cells C1:C10 contain a value which is input by the user. We'll call this "Amps"

Cells D1:D10 would show the total "Amps" of the current cell added to all others that are fed from same.

What I am ultimately trying to figure out is how to add the "Amps" to each "Node" and show the results in column D.

More specifically if the spreadshet looks like the following: ...

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Summing Values From Array W/ Multiple Conditions-cols

Oct 1, 2007

I know there have been many posts about multiple conditions in arrays, but I didn't find one that applied to my situation, so I'm hoping can help me out of jam. I'm using Excel 2000 on XP.

I have a database of sales information. Customer name is listed in column C, and columns F through Q contain the sales for the months of July - June (fiscal calendar year), with the headers for the months in row 4. There can be many rows of sales for the same customer, hence the need to sum them.


customer1 2 3 4
customer1 2 3 4
customer2 2 3 4
customer2 2 3 4

The problem is that this information will need to be updated every month to reflect sales year-to-date, meaning that the conditions for summing the data will change depending on how far into the year we are. So for instance, in August I will need to sum all the records for customer1 in the July column (column F) and the August column (column G), but next month it will have to sum the records for customer1 from July, August, and September (col H).

The result of this information would be displayed on a different worksheet. My thought was to assign a range of 12 cells (Sheet2!A1:A12) and to populate those cells with any of the months that need to be summed thus far. So for example, through September, A1 = "July", A2 = "August", and A3 = "September". Then the formula would use those values to evaulate the conditions. So in plain English the formula would:

sum the values in columns F : Q where the monthly header = the values in the range Sheet2!A1:A12 for all records where CUSTOMER = CustomerName

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Summing Values For Specific Months And Years?

Mar 27, 2014

I will set a base example first:

9 Nov 2012 Apple 5
12 Dec 2012 Apple 3
14 January 2013 Banana 8
17 January 2013 Apple 6
20 January 2014 Apple 3

I would like a sumifs formula that will only add the results for Apple - as follows:

Nov 2012 5
Dec 2012 3
Jan 2013 6 (i.e. does not include Banana - and also does not include Jan 14 Apple)

Although I have experience with sumifs I have not been able to use the correct syntax to identify the month AND year.

Ultimately I want to look through many hundreds of dates, and add anything that fits two criteria - 1) a 'name' criteria, and 2) it falls within a certainly month and year.

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Set Conditions Where Specific Values Will Be Counted Under Certain Circumstances

May 12, 2014

I am trying to use an IF(AND) formula to set conditions where specific values will be counted under certain circumstances.


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Summing With Multiple Conditions

May 19, 2008

I need to sum the items in column G12:G39 with the 1st name in Column B12:B39 which could be 1 of 9 different names, that, and the 2nd name in column D12:D39 cannot not say either #4 or TE. If it says #4 or TE, then it needs to sum the info in colmn G12:G39, based on the 1st name in column B12:B39.

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Summing First 5 Numbers In Range With Conditions?

Jul 27, 2012

I have a spreadsheet which has data in rows. I need to sum the first 5 values from the left of the range which are greater than zero. BUT if there are less than 5 non zero values present I want to sum from the right of the range.

First condition:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The function would return: 1+2+3+4+5 = 15

Second condition:
0 0 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Function would return: 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 30

Third condition:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 9 10
The function would return: 10 + 9 + 8 = 27

I have had success with:
(using ctrl shift enter)
BUT it crashes when faced with the third condition.

I would also like to avoid ctrl-shift-enter functions if I can as I don't have much success copying them around the spreadsheet.

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Summing Data That Meets Two Conditions

Jun 1, 2009

I want to sum certain data, which meets two conditions.

My data set contains three columns and a lot of rows. The columns are the following:

I want to sum the total number of passengers with departure postal code 5100 and arrival postal code 5110. (and I want to do the same for all other postal code combinations in the data set)

With "SUMIF" I can only include one condition.

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Summing Based On Multiple Conditions

Feb 11, 2010

I have been trying to search an array and cannot find the correct combination of functions to get the information I want. I might need a macro to do this but I will try anything. Here is an example:

1 A 1
1 B 2
2 A 3
2 B 4
3 A 5
3 B 6

I want to search for 3 and A and return the value in the 3rd column. I have tried several functions but cant figure out how to make sure I get the correct value in the 2nd column that corresponds to the value in the 1st column.

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Summing If Multiple Conditions Are True

Mar 27, 2007

I could probably fix by making a loop, but I am trying to avoid doing any more looping. The program that I am working on has way too much looping in it already, and is getting kind of bogged down.

Here is what I need. On my worksheet, column D lists the names of farms, column E lists a specific chicken house on that farm (by number), and column F lists how many chicks are being placed into that house. What I need to do is find a way, within VBA, to add up all of the chicks in column F that correspond to a certain farm name (column D) and chicken house (column E).

I can make something like this work in excel, but not in VBA. For example, if I wanted to find out how many chicks were being delivered to Johnson Farms, house 4, I would use this formula:

= SUM(IF(($D$5:$D$25="JOHNSON FARMS") * ($E$5:$E$25=3),$F$5:$F$25 ))

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Summing Ranges Based On Two (or More) Conditions/criteria

Jul 7, 2009

I have a cell that I need to make a calculation if certain other cells =Y, or to show "0" if the other cells =N. I can do the calculation for the Y part but how do I add the N part of it? Here is what I have:


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Summing Specific Data?

Aug 22, 2014

I'm pretty new to Excel and trying to create a spreadsheet for a friend. For the part that I'm working on right now, I have a cell to track donations received for every day of the month for every month of the year. Donations can be split into three categories (Field trips, Speakers, and Misc), so next to the cell for the manually entered $ amount I have another cell that provides a drop down menu to select from these three categories.

What I would like to do is have three cells at the bottom of the page that will total the $ amounts for each category. I've attached the page that I'm referring to.

Attached File : Example.xlsx‎

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Summing Up A Specific Criteria In Multiple Tabs

Nov 18, 2008

I am trying to review a cell range for a specific criteria, and then sum up another cell range if the criteria matches. Here are the formulas I have typed in - there are two columns I am trying to calculate using the same formula, they are next to each other:



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Summing Matrix Values Based On X & Y Axis Values

Feb 24, 2009

The simplified example below is intended to calculate the sums from the data values in the upper data set and place them in the appropriate cells in the lower summary table. Example......

I would like to find a single-cell formula that will handle the multiple instances of either the X or Y headings (ex: there are two 'Yes' Rows) and still reach the appropriate summations. I would like to accomplish this without resorting to Macros or manual cell references if possible. I've acheived some limited success with array formulae so far, but find that the multiple instances of 'Yes' cause only one row to be summed before the formula finishes.

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Finding All Alike Values And Summing Up Corresponding Column Values

Jan 31, 2012

Here's an example of what I need..

I want to

2.5 corn
4 corn
7 green
2 green

I'd like a macro to find all corns, add up the column A for each corn and place the sum beside the last corn in column C

Then do the same with green, etc.

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Summing Values After Finding Max Consecutive Values

May 11, 2009

I have 10 columns (A-J). Column B is the Date & Column C is the Time, I have the data sorted 1st by date then by time. The 5th Column, E, is Size. The 10th column, J, is "Position."

This 10th column, J, is in binary format. A 1 equals a Position & a 0 equals no Position.

1) I need to find the Max Sum of the Size in which the Max consecutive set of 1s has occurred.

2) I need to also do this on a day by day basis, using the Date in Column B, without having to manually go through & modify all the formulas to reference the date.

I have a Sumif formula for the 2nd but it won't copy down to update the formula for each unique date. I have to manually change the date values & I have ~957 unique dates to do; so it would be a rather painstaking process if only done manually. Moreover, it doesn't count the Max Sum of all consecutive 1s in Column J...

The length of the non unique columns (all columns w/o unselecting the duplicate entries) is 19,068.

If you can be of help, I'd be very brain is overloaded w/googling & using trial & error.

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Summing Up Values Of Right Column By Looking Up Values In Left

May 18, 2007

If I have two columns like so with Processor speed in the left and number of processors on the right:


SPEED ranging from 75 to 2000 or so Mhz, as many or as little multiples of each speed. I wish to go through this list using a seperate list of distinct values, and count the total number of CPUs for that SPEED. So, for the extract above I could manually tell you that there are a total of 8 processors running at 730Mhz

It would be nice to have a list of distinct vaues with a total count of CPUs to the right of each SPEED

730 8
731 17
756 9
834 2 etc

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Format With Spaces In Between With Specific Conditions?

Jul 9, 2014

I have a column : Customer Number

Customer Number: we have 2 types of customer numbers (12 or 13 alphanumeric)

eg: 446828442414 (12 alphanumeric) or 8144144141442 (13 alphanumeric)

and need them formatted according to number of digits

If 12 alphanumeric: 00<3space>0<3space>00<3space>00<3space>00<3space>000
i.e. : 44 6 82 84 42 414

or if 13 alphanumeric: 000<3space>000<3space>00<6space>00<3space>0<3space>00
i.e.: 814 414 41 41 4 42

suggestion: IF (No. of characters = 12) use 12 alphanumeric space format


IF (No. of characters = 13) use 13 alphanumeric space format

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Looking Up And Summing Values

Jul 9, 2009

I'm working with a worksheet with 4000+ rows, so I'm looking for a formula to automate a summation. In Worksheet1 (4000+ rows) I have data from 1998 to 2008 for each month and day:

Year Mo Dy Data
1998 1 1 41
1998 1 2 35
1998 1 3 79
2008 12 29 39
2008 12 30 81
2008 12 31 42

In Worksheet2 (365 rows) I have data for just months and days:

Mo Dy Sum
1 1 94
1 2 103
1 3 222
12 29 65
12 30 211
12 31 98

I'd like to take each Jan 1 datum for each year from Worksheet1, sum them, and place the value in the cell that corresponds to Jan 1 on Worksheet2. I've primarily tried using the VLOOKUP function, but can't seem to make it work.

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Count Observations Based On Specific Conditions With VBA

Sep 11, 2012

I would like to write a macro that would count observations from a database extract based on specific conditions and generate a report.

My database extract looks like this :

Client name


[Code] ....

I would like to have an efficient and simple VBA code to count the observations. Something that would store the result of query like those:

# 'client name' = Bob : 2
# 'client name' = Bob AND info1 = aaa : 1
# Info3 = bbb : 2
# 'client name' = Bob and Info1 = aaa OR Info1 = bbb : 2

I am aware of DCOUNT function, but I am not too sure how to translate it in VBA. I also think that using autofilter and counting the visible rows may be subject to bugs.

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Shorten Cell's Content When Specific Conditions Are Met?

Feb 1, 2013

I have need of VBA code that will check collumn D, starting at cell 7 until cell 206, for when data that is entered starts with 100. When this occurs it will remove all of the data in that same cell except for the last 12 digits.

Here's an example.

When using our barcode scanner to capture a FedEx Tracking number the barcode captures the following:


Embedded in that long string of numbers (which are formatted as Text) is the tracking number. Specifically the last 12 numbers are the tracking number. However, FedEx varies this code at times so the last 12 numbers are the tracking number only with the raw data captured by the scanner starts with 100. Until I find additional conditions this VBA code will have to ignore all of data that is captured in collumn D starting at cell 7 until 206.

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Summing HLookup Values

Jul 20, 2006

I have a chart of numbers pertaining to progress of a project by month. The
end of month dates are in a row across the top, the progress % are in
corresponding rows and columns below:

31-mar-06 30-apr-06 31-may-06 30-jun-06
5.5 3.4 1.2 2.6

I'm trying to do a SUM of HLOOKUP values to get a total progress for a given
month. For example, I need to see the total progress for end of May from end
of March: SUM(HLOOKUP(5.5) to HLOOKUP(1.2))=5.5+3.4+1.2 in a cell at the
end of the row. How can I do this? Do I need to use another function?

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Summing Values With Addresses

Apr 30, 2009

I am trying to do is summing a range based on a text value that corresponds to a cell address. I have a adddress cell value in say a1 = A$1$ and in a3 = A$10$. If I do a sum function where I want to use these cell values i.e. I use this formula but it does not seem to work, any insights?


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Summing Selective Values?

Mar 13, 2013

I have a cheque list with Column A for Cheque number, Column B for Date, Column C for Payee Name and Column D for Amount

Cheque number ranges from sequence 1200 to 3600

Is it possible to set up a formula to sum the amount of cheques in column D based on the cheque sequence number of column A . In other words if based on criteria cheque sequence number is

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Values For Text And Summing Them Up

Jun 10, 2008

I am trying to setup a spreadsheet, where I am typing text into a cell, but I want that text to represent a numerical value, so when I do an auto sum, it tells me the totals. For example:

PaycheckBills to PayTotal of BillsJune 6, 2008Car- 1Car- 2WaterCableVisa1360June 20, 2008MortgInsuranceMCElectric2500July 4, 2008Car- 1Car- 2WaterVisaMC1460July 18, 2008MortgInsuranceElectricCable2400

Where Car-1 value is 500, Car- 2 is 500, Water is 60, etc...

Is this possible?

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Summing Ten Largest Values

Sep 26, 2008

is there a simple way to sum the ten largest (or smallest) values? I just can't think of any formula to do the job, and a filter isn't an appropriate permanent solution.

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Vba - Summing Data Values

Jan 15, 2007

How do I edit the VBA so that the 1st data cell is selected, and then the program calculates the sum of the data values, and then stop summing when I reach end of data?

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Summing Hourly Values

Mar 22, 2007

I have a list of values at 'x' min intervals (the intervals sometime changes). I want to sum each hour's values eg. between 0:0:0 hour and 0:59:59, I want to add values 1040+800+860+870. Then I want to proceed and add all values for the next hour i.e. between 1:0:0 and 1:59:59, and so on. I have about 65000 of these calculations to do, so the need for some vba programming.

Hour value

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MATCHING Multiple Values And SUMMING?

Feb 8, 2014

We have a table that records payment dates and amounts ... and it categorizes how the payment was made. See attached file to understand the process.

Column A records the payment date. Two or more payments can be recorded for the same date!!!

Column B records the amount of payment.

Column C records the method of payment (OL or LB or CC or CK).

Here's what we need:

On a given date (cell J4), we need to match any dates in Col A ... and we need to SUM all payments that match that date .... and the SUM needs to be based upon the method of payment (OL or LB ...) and values stored respectively in E4,F4,G4,H4 (or left blank if no date match).

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Summing Certain Values In A Range Which Have Different Units

Mar 4, 2009

I have three columns. Lets assume i have One header row and 3 rows of actual data and the 4th row is for totaling column B values.

Column A is a col of "Ingredients", column B is the amount of the ingredient (from col A) used. The value is either in Oz or Lbs. Can be either. Column C is a yes or no column. If the value is Yes then i want to have the value in col-B included in my overall sum which is in the 4th row. If the value is No then i do not want the value in col-b (in that row) included in the overall sum.

Any ideas on how to do this?



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Summing Values For Past 24 Hours

Jan 7, 2010

Several times per day, I have an excursion of a value over a specified limit. The excursions are measured in seconds. I am interested in a way to sum the number of seconds accumulated in a rolling 24 hour period. Is there an easy way to do this?


Time One 20 seconds
Time Two 35 seconds
Time Three 82 seconds

If time one and time two are within 24 hours of each other, the sum I would want is 55. This is in Excel 2007. a portion of the data is attached.

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