To Design A Spreadsheet To Allocate An Amount To Different Bands

Feb 9, 2009

I'm trying to design a spreadsheet to allocate an amount to different bands.

For example - I have the figure 1750.

Band 1 : 0-500 (1)
Band 2 : 501-1000 (0.8)
Band 3 : 1001-1500 (0.6)
Band 4 : 1501-2000 (0.4)

Each unit in each band has a value (in brackets). So as you can see, the value of a full Band 1 would be 500. But the next band is only worth 400 when full, and Band 3 is only worth 300. I want band 1 to fill up first, then band 2, then band 3, then finally band 4.

I would like to be able to allocate the figure 1750 to all the bands automatically - starting with band 1, then 2, then 3, then 4.

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To Design A Production Spreadsheet

Dec 17, 2009

I am going to attempt to design a production spreadsheet which does the following:

1.Orders are put on one page of the spreadsheet (Order Tab) The order is put on listing, Customer, Sizes, Qty etc

2.The user is then able to select an order and if possible I would like a pop up calendar to appear in which the user can then select a production date.

3.One the production date has been selected I want it to open up a new tab if one doesn’t already exist and then cut the information from the order tab and then paste it into the production day.

I have provided a spreadsheet of what I want to achieve but I am unsure if this is possible.

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Best Practice Spreadsheet Design

Aug 10, 2007

I have been tasked with performing a work measurement study to improve productivity in our organisation. I managed to adapt a paper based report to an excel file; with the view of creating a model. I also intend adding the cost of employing people in specific positions to determine the cost per hour for each specific activity.

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Enter Spreadsheet In Design Mode

Jun 11, 2009

I've created a spreadsheet that has a number of command buttons acting as hyperlinks navigating to other worksheets within the workbook and other files. The buttons only function when in design mode and no matter what I try the document will not open in design mode. For ease of use I wanted to avoid training people on how to go into design mode, anyone aware of a work around?

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Design Spreadsheet In 2007 For Use On Earlier Versions

Jul 17, 2009

Compatibility mode, in 2007, is frustrating me like crazy. I thought it was supposed to 'limit' functionality to what was in 2003. But what it seems to be doing is letting me use features that only work in 2007and then tell me when I save that 'hey, these won't work after you save'. Ugh! I can't even pick a highlight color without getting a warning and wondering what it will look like to 2003 users!

Is there a 'theme' or anything that will truly limit the features I use to those available to 2003 users?

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Excel Spreadsheet Design For Calculating Occurrence In Each Of The 211876 Combination

Jan 29, 2009

I have a dataset storing 6 numbers in a row (where each number range from 1 to 50 and no duplication of number within each row). Totaling there is 1000 rows ....

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Increasing Value In Spreadsheet By Set Amount Monthly?

Jul 31, 2014

I need a series of cells to increase by varying amounts after each month, however this needs to happen automatically so if I send the spreadsheet to someone else, it will update for them automatically. I'm hoping that I can set up a function that will ONLY increase the cells after 4 weeks after they select a date from ANOTHER drop down menu (i.e they select the starting date from cell A1 - then input their starting numbers into other cells which then increase on that same date, 4 weeks later).

The cells that need to increase already have a formula in them as well; as this number is their predicted 1RM based off formulas in other cells.

I will attach a screen shot when able.

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Creating Spreadsheet With Large Amount Of Data?

Nov 11, 2013

I am creating a spread sheet with a large amount of data.

In column a I have a list of managers, in B I have a list of employees and C, I have a list of activities that have been recorded throughout the day.

What I want to do is create a list (on a new sheet) so in column A that would bring back all the managers. Then in column B, bring back the employee that is tied to the manager from column A and finally in column C, bring back the activity that is tied to the employee.

I know how I can do this by doing list validation with INDIRECT, but with the large amount of data that I have this would take forever in a day.

Is there an easier and quicker way to do this?

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Find Amount In Variable Call Locations That Change On Each Spreadsheet

Feb 15, 2012

I am acquiring multiple spreadsheets that do not always match row number, due to additional information on some sheets. By this I mean that the information may be in row 31 on on sheet and row 39 on another, the column location is the same each time. I have been trying Vlookups, indexing and matching plus combination formulas - with no luck. How to get the information I need with a moving cell reference?

I can provide a small copy of a workbook, if needed.

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Excel 2010 :: Lines Count - How To Expand Amount Of Columns In One Spreadsheet

Dec 27, 2011

I'm using Excel 2010. One spreadsheet I'm using has 1048576 lines and is a XLSX file. The other file has 65536 lines and is also a XLSX file. When I try to do a VLOOKUP, I'm given an error stating "invalid reference. This file version cannot contain formulas that reference cells beyond 256 columns or 65536 lines.

If both are XLSX files how do I expand the amount of columns in the one spreadsheet with 65536 lines? I thought all XLSX files had a million lines.

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Nested IF Price Bands: Evaluate Pennies Into <.2, >.2<.4, >.4<.6, And >.6<.99

Feb 23, 2007

=IF(MOD(F48,1)<0.5,INT(F48)+0.49,INT(F48)+0.99) Used this formula to convert pennies to either .49 OR .99 Now they want .19, .39, .69, .89 output I need a method to evaluate pennies into <.2, >.2<.4, >.4<.6, and >.6<.99 and output the int+pennies I don't know if this can be done with formulas OR will req VBA,
which I haven't used (yet). This is needed to simplify signage tags
on the items.

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IF Functions To Reduce A Large Number Of Bands To A Smaller Set

Nov 27, 2008

I'm using nested IF functions to reduce a large number of bands to a smaller set using the following formula:


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Allocate Look Up Value To Many Occurrences

Dec 28, 2007

My Vlookup result may relate to a number of occurances of the same source product code. I want to allocate the result so that the last occurance gets the balance. See attached file.

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Formula- To Calculate The Amount Due Based On Cumulative Sales Once A Breakpoint Amount Is Reached

Jan 28, 2009

I need a formula to calculate the amount due based on cumulative sales once a breakpoint amount is reached.


cum sales are > 500 pay at 3%
cum sales are >1,000 pay at 2%

month/ sales/ cumul sales/ amount due
jan/ 100.00/ 100.00/ 0
feb/ 600.00/ 700.00/ 6.00
mar/ 600.00/ 1,300.00/ 18.00

and so on...until the end of year.

I tried using an if formula by could not get it to work.

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Reference Cell & Add Amount If Positive & Subtract Amount If Negative

Jun 5, 2008

Im trying to set up an active running inventory sheet where: (A)the progressive daily sheet cells reference back to the corresponding master sheet cells fluctuating the master values, (B) the same progressive daily sheet cells reference back to a cummulative totals-cell based on whether I added or subtracted inventory. I want to make a copy of the blank "sheet 2" with all of the formulas and move it to the end of the workbook each day and enter new values which will reference back to the master sheet so that I can click on a date sheet and see an individual day's values or click on the master sheet to see the fluctuating inventory on-hand and the cummulative +/- totals of all days combined. I've got a couple hundred individual cells to reference. I've tried and tried but I can't make it work. Heres what I need to do:

I need to reference individual cells from "sheet 2,3,etc" back to a corresponding cell in a master sheet. But I need the values in each cell in "sheet 2,3,ETC" to increase or decrease the corresponding cell values in the master sheet. For example: If the value in the master sheet B5 is 200. Then in sheet 2, I enter +50 in B5, I need the master sheet cell B5 to increase by 50 to 250. I also need a way to decrease the cell value in the master sheet B5 if I enter a negative value -50 in sheet 2 B5. I also want to know if I can reference the same cell values entered in "sheet 2,3,etc cell B5" back to totals columns C5 for adding inventory or D5 for subtracting inventory in the master sheet where the master totals columns would reflect cummulative totals added or subtracted. For example: if the value in sheet 2 B5 is +50, then the value in Master sheet C5 would add 50 to a progressive total. But if the value in sheet 2 B5 is -50 then the value in master sheet D5 would add -50 to a progressive total.

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How To Allocate Subroutine To New Button

Feb 26, 2014

I need to allocate an existing subroutine (its code below) to a new button I'd like to add to my sheet. Two questions arise: to use "form control" or "activeX"?, also should I redfine the first line of the code?

[Code] .........

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Allocate A Formula Into A Variable

Jul 25, 2007

I allocate result of formula FORMULA R1C1 into the active cells,,,AND NOW I wan to allocate it into a variable x or y (I dont want that the result appears in the spreadsheet, just into a variable to work the code!)

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Allocate Rebates Formula

Mar 11, 2009

The number of transactions is scaled down to provide this example.

Rebate scheme (Cum Sales = Cumulative sales) based on the total turnover of a group of customers.

Cum Sales....Rate....Sales Band...Rebate
...................Total......38,400.......585 average rebate 1.5%

I would like to correctly allocate the £585 rebate across the individual customers who have generated the turnover i.e. NOT by using the simple 1.5%.

Clearly the large sales value customers will have earned a higher % rebate than the lower sales value customers - but how to calculate?

Customer....Sales value...Rebate

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Allocate Days Into Periods In Which They Fall

Jul 5, 2009

How can days be allocated into the periods in which they fall if they run across a number of months.

The attached sample might explain it better.

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Allocate Values From A List Based On Total

Feb 5, 2014

I am trying to create a Excel file for my job. I work in a warehouse where I have many different orders all of which are made up of various different numbers of items and priorities. For example:

Order 1 = 45 items, Priority 1
Order 2 = 78 items, Priority 1
Order 3 = 48 items, Priority 2
Order 4 = 34 items, Priority 3

The total number of items is divided by the number of staff to give each staff member a total for the evening.

I plan to have a list of these orders in the excel file.

What I would then like to do is to have each staff member allocated orders so that the their total is reached. The sheet would automatically allocate orders to each person from the list of orders so that based on priority first then by the largest number of items to the smallest.

I think this should be a fairly simple sheet to create and I have a view of creating an application for it if I can get it working.

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Excel 2003 :: No Button (To Allocate A Macro To)

Nov 1, 2011

Excel 2003

I have a macro and want to allocate it to a "button" . The macro is all ok.

So I make visible the FORMS floating toolbar / icon set.

There are 16 icons on this floating toolbar / icon set.

But the icon for button is missing, in that it is just 100% blank.

The other 15 icons are all ok, such as "Group Box".

Normally I would click this "button" icon, then draw my button, then allocate my macro to it.

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Macro To Allocate Quantities Based On Sales

Jun 26, 2013

I want to allocate the Quantities which is available in DC based on Sales, Store OH and In Multiples of Pallet Rounding (PR).

For Eg. If I have 200 Qtys in DC, Excel should allocate these 200 Qty's in multiples of PR to highest selling stores and also consider the store On Hand.

Below is the Format

Article #
Store #


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Allocate Numbers To Letters And Find Average

May 7, 2009

formula to do the following:

Assign numerical values to the letters G, A, R each having the values of 3, 2 and 1 respectively and then take an average of their values. Please be aware that in some cells there may be no letter.

So in a 5 cell range the values could be:

blank, G, A, R, blank which equates to a result of 2 for an average, (3+2+1)/3 (the two blank cells are discounted).

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Dynamically Allocate ListBox ListFillRange Property

Feb 12, 2010

On Sheet1 I have ListBox1 referencing data from Sheet2 for the ListFillRange property. The Listbox is a control box added on to the worksheet.

I wish to have a VBA Subroutine that defines the ListFillRange dynamically according to the size of the source data range. ie. Sometimes the range is AH3:AL300, othertimes the range could be AH3:AL200 etc. The last row of data needs to be the last selection in the Listbox.

The range looks like:
1 10:00 blah
2 10:05 moreblah

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Macro For Base Amount And Net Amount Calculation

Nov 20, 2012

For the below macro.

CodeTotalBaseNetA1 = 20%
A110083.3316.67A2 = 10%
A2350318.1831.82A3 = 7%
A3220205.6114.39A0 = 20%

A1 is the code, take the total(B) and calculate the base(C) on the percentage given in the G, net = B-C. for A2 and A3 it is the same process.

For A0 the total (B) is equal to Base(C) and calculate the net on the given percentage in G.

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Excel Function Required To Allocate Project Cost Between Two Date Range

Dec 9, 2013

Attached is a spreadsheet wherein I'm trying to extrapolate project costs across various months based on working days in a month subject to start and end dates of the project. Need an accurate formula to spread the cost.

Days & Cost Allocation Example.xlsx‎

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Shrinking A Design???

Mar 26, 2009

I have created a design in excel and now need to shrink it to fit on 1 page. Is there any way to do this?

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Worksheet Design

Jul 28, 2006

I've been reading some threads lately about worksheet design and wanted you advice on something.

I have a worksheet that is about 7.5mb. The details of the worksheet are:

A. 19 total worksheets within workbook, three are visible
B. 1 master worksheet (raw data) that is updated monthly
C. There are 13 worksheets (for each outer office) that pull data from the master.
D. A couple of "Summary" sheets that summarize totals, profits, losses for each area

Situation is this....All code runs fine, but when it's time to save the worksheet it is kind of slow doing so b/c of size.

Would you suggest making a seperate WORKBOOK for the outer offices? I gave this a try yesterday and it worked fine, but I also added code to save once the data was extracted and that part took about 5-6 seconds (I know that's not horrible, but I'm comparing it to previous times).

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Stuck In Design Mode?

Apr 29, 2008

For some strange reason the workbook I have been using on a daily basis has suddenly decided to go into design mode and stay there. No matter how many times I click the design mode button in and out it always stays in and I can't use my just selects them?

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UserForm Custom Design

Aug 4, 2006

how to customize the userform with the background like Ivan's userform:

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