I allocate result of formula FORMULA R1C1 into the active cells,,,AND NOW I wan to allocate it into a variable x or y (I dont want that the result appears in the spreadsheet, just into a variable to work the code!)
The number of transactions is scaled down to provide this example.
Rebate scheme (Cum Sales = Cumulative sales) based on the total turnover of a group of customers.
Cum Sales....Rate....Sales Band...Rebate 20,000........1.0%.......20,000........200 35,000........2.0%.......15,000........300 45,000........2.5%.........3,400.........85 ...................Total......38,400.......585 average rebate 1.5%
I would like to correctly allocate the £585 rebate across the individual customers who have generated the turnover i.e. NOT by using the simple 1.5%.
Clearly the large sales value customers will have earned a higher % rebate than the lower sales value customers - but how to calculate?
I am working on a project and would like to see if there is a solution for it. i have a workbook that has data entry that is summarized at a master level but I need to automatically use a formula to update another sheet after clicking an udpate button. The data from the data entry sheet needs to be allocated to all the lines that has the same master item based on the formula. A test workbook is attached ...
My Vlookup result may relate to a number of occurances of the same source product code. I want to allocate the result so that the last occurance gets the balance. See attached file.
I need to allocate an existing subroutine (its code below) to a new button I'd like to add to my sheet. Two questions arise: to use "form control" or "activeX"?, also should I redfine the first line of the code?
I am trying to create a Excel file for my job. I work in a warehouse where I have many different orders all of which are made up of various different numbers of items and priorities. For example:
Order 1 = 45 items, Priority 1 Order 2 = 78 items, Priority 1 Order 3 = 48 items, Priority 2 Order 4 = 34 items, Priority 3
The total number of items is divided by the number of staff to give each staff member a total for the evening.
I plan to have a list of these orders in the excel file.
What I would then like to do is to have each staff member allocated orders so that the their total is reached. The sheet would automatically allocate orders to each person from the list of orders so that based on priority first then by the largest number of items to the smallest.
I think this should be a fairly simple sheet to create and I have a view of creating an application for it if I can get it working.
I want to allocate the Quantities which is available in DC based on Sales, Store OH and In Multiples of Pallet Rounding (PR).
For Eg. If I have 200 Qtys in DC, Excel should allocate these 200 Qty's in multiples of PR to highest selling stores and also consider the store On Hand.
I'm trying to design a spreadsheet to allocate an amount to different bands.
For example - I have the figure 1750.
Band 1 : 0-500 (1) Band 2 : 501-1000 (0.8) Band 3 : 1001-1500 (0.6) Band 4 : 1501-2000 (0.4)
Each unit in each band has a value (in brackets). So as you can see, the value of a full Band 1 would be 500. But the next band is only worth 400 when full, and Band 3 is only worth 300. I want band 1 to fill up first, then band 2, then band 3, then finally band 4.
I would like to be able to allocate the figure 1750 to all the bands automatically - starting with band 1, then 2, then 3, then 4.
Assign numerical values to the letters G, A, R each having the values of 3, 2 and 1 respectively and then take an average of their values. Please be aware that in some cells there may be no letter.
So in a 5 cell range the values could be:
blank, G, A, R, blank which equates to a result of 2 for an average, (3+2+1)/3 (the two blank cells are discounted).
On Sheet1 I have ListBox1 referencing data from Sheet2 for the ListFillRange property. The Listbox is a control box added on to the worksheet.
I wish to have a VBA Subroutine that defines the ListFillRange dynamically according to the size of the source data range. ie. Sometimes the range is AH3:AL300, othertimes the range could be AH3:AL200 etc. The last row of data needs to be the last selection in the Listbox.
The range looks like: 1 10:00 blah 2 10:05 moreblah etc
Attached is a spreadsheet wherein I'm trying to extrapolate project costs across various months based on working days in a month subject to start and end dates of the project. Need an accurate formula to spread the cost.
I'm trying to enter the = sum formula using vba with one of the ranges in the formula being a variable. Can not seem to get the following to enter the formula correctly.
I have a data set which is structured such that there are variable numbers of products (column A) from 1 - 48 and these repeat multiple times for each "Name" held in column B. I have attached an example of this which uses a data set with 7 entries reapeating 7 times.
I need excel to insert 2 formula for me multiple times which needs to varry according as follows
1. Calculate the average value of data in Column C - G for n cells starting at a specific cell (C2), I have inserted an example of this and highlighted it in yellow. This then needs to repeat down column C several times, the number of times this will repeat depends upon the number of different names held in column B. But I have this calculated already and stored in a cell im my main document.
2. Calculate the variance of each value in the x cells above from the average calculated in point 1 above. I have highlighted this also in yellow.
I would like to do the following in a copied down row where n5 is a cell that contains a number that is added to a row number in order for the range to maintain n5 rows when copied down.
I'm using Excel 2000/2002. I have a workbook with 12 sheets named Jan, Feb, etc. I want to add a new sheet (Report) with formulas in various cells to get data from a cell in a particular sheet.
For instance, in a cell of the new sheet is: =Jan!D64. I want the user to be able to select a month from a drop down list and for the formula to change sheets depending on the month selected. The formula should be: =(sheet name!)D64. I tried playing with INDIRECT, but maybe couldn't get the syntax right. I can't use macros, the Excel is on a server and they are not permitted. The end user is less knowledgeable in Excel than me.
The lookup is for 00.2014, but this is to fixed. Want to use the same code next year to. So I already defined the variable 'jaar' which the user can choose with a validation. (and next year they set it to 2015).
I thought this code would do it but no luck:
[Code] ....
So what would be the correct way? Been shifting with the " " but its only make more and more mess.
In a macro I use that formula to add the cells of column E (or 5) from Row 3 down to the row of the active cell which is in column H (or 8), (the active cell would be H9 in this instance); and the result goes to the active cell as the formula =SUM ($E$3:E9).
But I want the result to go directly to a numeric variable, not to a cell. Something equivalent to this:
I need to create a new variable according to the formula:
Suma( Foreign_Owenrship_Plant * Number of Full Time Employees)/ Suma(All Full Time employees in the sector)!
However previosly I need to filter the firms within a sector within a country according to a three digit ISIC code. Lets say in Albania, in year 2002 in the Transport sector there are 5 groups of 3 digit ISIC codes. Once I have filtered them then I can proceed with calculating the new variable. How can I do this using programming?
if it is possible, to use a string variable in a Formula via VBA.
For example: ActiveCell.Formula = "=SUM(Sheet3!strVariable)"
Of course the code is not working that way. The Variable has the following structer: CellAdress;CellAdress;CellAdress... so it would perfectly fit into the formula-syntax.
Is there any possible way to do that? The reason behind it is, that I have to deal with a flexible range and I want to process this range with a formula. Actually the range is flexible, because of different filters and I only wanna count all numbers in the unhidden rows.
My varibale would then contain all celladresses, for the visible cells.
So in a nutshell: is it possible to somehow use a varible in a formula?
I’m trying to have a transpose formula with a variable in the VBA code. The Data is in column AG, starting in row 6 but the end is always different. The transpose formula should copy the data into Column Z (also with a variable row). So if the Data is AG6:AG7 it should go for example to Z 50 and AA 50 etc.
Dim lngTransposeBottom As Long Dim lngFormulaDataBottom As Long Dim countnonblank As Integer, myRange As Range
Unfortunatly I always get the following error message: “Unable to set the FormulaArray property of the Range class”. how to change the code to get it up and running?