Transferring And Copying Data From One Cell To Another Using Formula?
Dec 2, 2013
I have a database with different categories assigned to employees. I wan't to do the following. I will use just as an example, I want to some how accomplish: If Cell A in worksheet 1 equals cell C in worksheet 2, then replace Cell L in worksheet 2 from cell b in worksheet 1. Basically we have a database with phone numbers with corresponding purchase codes for each phone number and their names. The problem is, all the purchase codes are incorrect on the spreadsheet. We have an updated spreadsheet with just phone numbers and no names. I need to somehow pull the proper purchase code from one worksheet to the old document replacing the old purchase codes.
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Dec 28, 2013
12/23/13 2:14 PM SICD-B00xxx *
My question is, there are three cells named- Date & Time, Job No and Pending. When I tick(*) in Pending named cell, I need to copied automatically the data of Date & Time and Job No to Sheet 2 in the same cells from Sheet
1. which formula I can use and how?
Sheet 1 : Date & Time (O5), Job No (Q5) and Pending (S5)
Sheet 2 : The same as Sheet 1
When I give * in Sheet 1 S5, the other data should copied to Sheet 2 in O5 and Q5.
I want to use formula in sheet 1 S5 because I have already used a formula in sheet 1 O5, as
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Jul 16, 2014
I get some tables from SQL server but I like to add formula when the data transferred to Excel sheet
"Colum C" has date data from the SQL table
I have the below formula which I like to add into SQL code which can automatically work out the aged period on "Colum D" which is named as "Aged".
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Jun 6, 2009
I have made a cash register in excel with a cell that counts the total of all cash coming in per day whenever you push the button with "payed". I have another sheet where there is a column with all the days of the year. What is the correct syntaxis for transferring the total cash to the cell next to the right date in the other sheet every time i push the "payed" button (am I making any sense...?). And is there a way to reset the total amount back to zero automatically whenever the day changes?
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Jul 31, 2014
I have a Listbox (Listbox2) in column C. The listbox allows users to select multiple items (in this case it is countries). So the user could select 1 or 20 countries based on the previous criteria.
What I would ideally like is for the next column (column D) to automatically list the selected items without having to use a command button in the actualy cell. However, I could put a command button at the end to say "Confirm" which would then transfer the above into the relevant cells.
This is an excel file, and each row would works the same. Basically users are entering products for set up row by row, so the file could be 10 rows or 200.
Just to be clear, it would look a little like this:
Drop Down Listbox
Column C Column D
Canada (Selected) Canada, USA
South Africa
USA (Selected)
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Sep 16, 2008
I need to transfer a excel cell value in to my macro code. I'm trying from past 2 days, but not getting it.
I'm automating the process of sending an Excel book to the selected recipients through outlook. For that i need to put recipient email address in ".To" of macro code. How to accomplish this? The value is in cell "A52" in the excel file.
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Apr 6, 2007
I have two ranges of cells
1. A12:F28 where some cells contain data and some do not
2. C127:D132 that contains no data
What I want to do is: If A12 is not blank I want to show the value of cells C12 and F12 in cells C127 and D127
The next non-blank cell in column A will display the values in cells C and F in cells C128 and D128
The selection of the A column cells will be random, i.e A12, A22, A15.
Is there a formula that can be written for cells C127:D132 that will make this happen? This needs to be a formula because my users (and my boss) do not understand VBA and will not accept any code.
I will use the COUNTA function in cells C127 through C132 to select the row as the number of non blank A column cells increases.
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May 26, 2013
I am trying to copy a formula in B38, down to B36
My formula needs to refer to data in of cells in a horizontal succession, G1, H1,, I1...etc
Copying my formula down from B38 causes the formula to refer to G1, then G2, G3... instead of G1, H1, I1 ...
The exact formula in B38 is: =$B$3*(G3*(1-$D$13))
Where G3 should advance to H3, when I drag to copy the formula from B38 to B39. Instead, G3 advances to G4.
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Oct 27, 2008
I want to copy the following function via vba to a number of cells
=countif(i10:ah10,"does not comply")
i basically want row to do a a comparison from i10 to ah10, row 11 to do a comparison from i11 to ah11 and so on.
i tried this as a first step
Workbooks(WorkBookFileName).Worksheets(TabID).Cells(m, fc + 8 + 1).formula = COUNTIF(I97:AH97,"does not comply")
but i got the error
"compile error: expected: list seperator or)
and i tried this one
Workbooks(WorkBookFileName).Worksheets(TabID).Cells(m, fc + 8 + 1).text = "=COUNTIF(I97:AH97,"does not comply")"
and got the error compile error: expected : end of statement
i read some place to ensure that the reference is copied, one can use the following
wks.Cells(i + 13, 7).FormulaR1C1 = wks.Cells(i, 3).FormulaR1C1
but cant get through the first step, where i actually use vba to make the first entry
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Jan 10, 2014
know while doing paste special whether we can copy the data in reverse manner instead of regular pattern. Here, I would like to explain my query in detail.
As you all aware that we use paste special command for multipurpose requirements such as breaking the links/transpose etc. But, here I need to copy the data from last row figure as first in the same context first one as final.
Ex: if Data is 123456 and if we paste the data by using paste special, data will be same may be in in row /column. Here, I wanted to copy the data as 654311 which means reverse. Hence, kindly guide me whether is there any command/formula for doing the same.
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Jul 1, 2014
I'm annualizing monthly returns. I have the formula for a specific year and would like to drag the formula down to annualize the monthly returns for the following years of data (1982-2013).
The monthly returns start in cell C4, with January 1982 and go down monthly in the C column.
My formula for annual returns is
for 1982 is {=PRODUCT(1+C4:C15)-1}
for 1983 is {=PRODUCT(1+C16:C27)-1}
for 1984 is {=PRODUCT(1+C28:C39)-1}
and so on.
How do I copy or drag the formula to annualize the rest of the years while keeping the pattern above without manually typing each year?
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Aug 23, 2012
In VBA Excel transferring data from Excel to Access.
I want to know how to increment the [ID] for each value of the range. [ID] is the Primary Key.
I have tried "NULL".
I have tried adding "n=n+1" after the "for each" and "thisSQL = "INSERT INTO... VALUES (" & n & ",..."
For Each value In Range("D5:D" & Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row)
accDateSub = Cells(value.Row, 1)
accDescSub = Cells(value.Row, 2)
accSub = Cells(value.Row, 3)
thisSQL = "INSERT INTO [Table1] ([ID], [Date], [Desc], [Data]) VALUES ("[U]What goes here?[/U] ", #" & Format(CDate(accDate), "MM/DD/YY") & "#, '" & accDesc & "', " & accData & ");"
conn.Execute CommandText:=thisSQL
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Jul 29, 2014
I'm trying to print score cards from the scores sheet (two different worksheet pages). Some score cards (each score card is one page) will only have 3 players and some will have up to 5 players so I can't just go down the list and use a formula to transfer data line by line. I will set the score sheet up I just all of hole 1 players to be printed on a card and so on with hole 2-18 also I need First and Last names on the cards and possibly score total by the name.
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Aug 5, 2014
Itransferring data across two work books I have.
Every month I get sent sales figures of products, from now I have been typing in every sales figure which is long and boring. So I was wondering whether there is a way to make excel match the products on each workbook (mine and the one I get sent) seeing as there is a product number on both workbooks and then have excel automatically fill in the field I type manually which are quantity and value. So excel would see on the one workbook that product X has sold 10 units with 1000 value and then would go across to my workbook and fill that in the area I need on mine matching from the product code?
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Mar 15, 2013
So I have a spreadsheet with a list of item codes and a subsequent excel sheet with corresponding item codes. I would like to match up the item codes and enter everything found between column E to L.
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May 13, 2014
I need to alter this piece of code so that it extrapolates the data in the same row as the keyword and not from the column. The keyword i'm using is "N" and is found in the first column.
[Code] .....
I have also attached a copy of the workbook : 120514 KCS CLEANING MAY DATA CALLED.xlsx
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Jul 2, 2014
I have a workbook, which is having many sheets but I am sending here two sheets only.
Please refer test file.
I want here a 'Add' button which transfer Column C,D,E,F's data to 'EOD' sheet's F,G,H & I. next time when I click 'Add' Button EOD'S f,g,h,I data should shift to j,k,l & m and calci sheet's c,d,e,f's data to eod's f,g,h,&I, and so on.
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Feb 16, 2009
I am trying to get a macro to update information from attached sheet GTS807 to the Stock sheet. The code in Module 26 works only for the first line and will be very long if I repeat it for the 20 lines of the input sheet! Basically we need to copy the new stock balance from GTS807 column AA13 to AA32 to the individual corresponding product name on the stock sheet (Column E)!
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Dec 17, 2009
I wanted to : when i write data on one cell (sheet A), i want to see the same i wrote into another cell (sheet B), thts very simple, i know, but when its in blank (Sheet A), in sheet B appears a zero.
I dont want to have zero, i want to remain blank as in sheet A.
i did in sheet B "='sheet A'!A117".
i am a noob in VBA, just beginning, and i am loving....
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Jul 22, 2008
I have somewhat of a complex issue (at least i view it as one).
I have included a sample Excel Doc.
I want to be able to enter data into the spreadsheet titles LIST as i receive it. i receive invoices and checks and i keep a running tally. but i am trying to avoid re-entering the same data into the BREAKDOWN tab. but i need the data to go to the proper place in BREAKDOWN. The problem is that i have no idea how big the list will be and how many invoices i will be receiving. so i think new lines will needed to be inserted in BREAKDOWN when i add to the running total in LIST.
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Mar 25, 2012
I'm looking to transfer data (added within the fields by the user) from a userform within a peice of software, to a different userform, in a different piece of software...
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Sep 7, 2009
I'm entering some sales data on a worksheet named 'Sales'. Some items are sold on a 'sale or return' basis, and others are not.
What I would like to do is to have all items that are sold on a sale or return basis copied automatically into another worksheet named 'Sale or Return', along with some other data related to that sale. The data transferred would have to be: Date, Agent, Item, Units, Date of return. I would like the data to be transfered into consecutive rows in the 'Sale or Return' sheet. After some Googling I'm vaguely aware this may have something to do with VLOOKUP.
The challenge I'm having is that there may be one sale or return entry for every ten rows of data on 'Sales' yet I would like them to appear consecutively in 'Sale or Return'.
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Jul 25, 2013
I have run an INDEX and MATCH formula to give me a resultant cell reference number. I now want to copy a cell to this specific cell reference using another formula.
For example the data I want to copy is in cell A1 and in cell A2 I have the result of the index formula (B1).
I know how to manually do a formula for this but wanting to know if there is a uniform formula that I can use that looks at the formula result of cell A2.
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Apr 13, 2012
I receive an run-time error message 1004 "autofill method of range class failed" in the following setting, in the 2nd line.
In this instance, I want to copy 1 cell from the cell 2 columns before.
Range("M3").FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-2]"
Range("M3").AutoFill Destination:=Range("M3"), Type:=xlFillDefault
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Jan 29, 2014
I am trying to have an entire line of data copied into another tab depending on the status of a claim. For instance, if the claim on Tab A has a column for its status and I enter approved, then the entire line is copied and added to the tab for all approved claims (Tab B). If I enter denied, I want it to go to a different tab (Tab C), and and if I enter pending, yet another tab (Tab D).
Basically i want to be able to look at Tab A and see a complete list of all claims but then be able to click to Tab B and see an list of all approved claims, and so on.
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Jun 1, 2007
I am trying to combine rows of data, each 4 cells long from multiple worksheets into one master sheet. I need to know if there is an easy way to do this and also I would like to setup an Auto Sort if possible to automatically sort the rows by date.
The data that will be transferred is: Date, Amount, Description, and Company Billed. I have my workbook organized by a Vendor per worksheet and would like to have the data I enter inside the vendor worksheet to automatically transfer to the master sheet and sort by date.
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Jul 17, 2013
We have database (attached here). I want to copy the name of candidates base on their Status to their designated tab. example Diana Longoria name will be copy to "Waiting" Tab and if I change the status to "Rejected" it will be copied to "Rejected" tab and remove name from "Waiting" tab.
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Jan 15, 2014
I'm not sure that this is possible without VBA, but here goes.. My sample workbook has 3 sheets. 'Master' Sheet A contains fields that are to be completed manually as our sales people talk to prospective customers. Once that information has been input, I'm trying to find a way to have the contact information (columns B - L) to copy automatically to either (in this example) to sheets B or C depending upon the chosen category in Column A, Sheet A. An example is that the sales adviser inputs the information into sheet A and then gives each row of information a category, say B, which then copies the required fields into Sheet B, at the next available row.
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Oct 25, 2013
I have a workbook with two sheets of sku numbers. One sheet has sku numbers and prices, the other just has sku numbers but some of the sku numbers on the second list have been broken out by sizes. I need to take the prices from the first list and transfer them to the matching sku numbers on the second including the ones with multiple of the same sku but with prices. Also, not all of the skus from the second list are on the first list so I only need to do the ones that occur on both lists. There are over 3000 on the first list and 14000 on the second. What is the fastest way to accomplish this.
I tried to sort so that all the sku's in both sheets are in the same order then copy and paste the price to the matching sku on the second sheet and then drag the price down through the sizes on the ones that have different sizes (not all of them do) but I know there must be a faster way.
For example:
Sheet one:
Sku Price
12345 $100
12346 $500
12444 $150
12347 $200
Sheet two:
Sku Price
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Jun 29, 2014
What I am wanting to do is to transfer Names(Row B7:B160) to a different work sheet IF the Row next to it(C7:C160) is filled out with a time. I will be setting up a command button that once say 10 names have times next to it, this data then will transfer to another work sheet.
I have done below coding, however it will only transfer data in B7 and C7, if I try to add B7:B160 it comes back as Missmatch. Below is what I have done for the Command button.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim AdviserName As String, Time As Integer
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