I have a workbook with two sheets of sku numbers. One sheet has sku numbers and prices, the other just has sku numbers but some of the sku numbers on the second list have been broken out by sizes. I need to take the prices from the first list and transfer them to the matching sku numbers on the second including the ones with multiple of the same sku but with prices. Also, not all of the skus from the second list are on the first list so I only need to do the ones that occur on both lists. There are over 3000 on the first list and 14000 on the second. What is the fastest way to accomplish this.
I tried to sort so that all the sku's in both sheets are in the same order then copy and paste the price to the matching sku on the second sheet and then drag the price down through the sizes on the ones that have different sizes (not all of them do) but I know there must be a faster way.
I'm loving these new formulas that i'm learning here and applying them to whatever sheets i come across to make my life easier at work...
So now i've created another worksheet, this one is to help my colleague who wastes atleast an hour everyday to generate a consolidated report of our bank accounts...
Now i've sorted out half of the report where he can give an overview of the position of cash flow on a daily basis.
Theres however 1 more addition i wanted to make to make this workbook absolutely perfect!
On sheet 2 (which is my consolidated report sheet) I want to add all the transactions that occur on a particular date from all the different bank accounts (Each account having a seperate worksheet)
I'm not sure if advanced filters can achieve this or not or even easier/short macros... Any tips/hints as to how i can achieve this would be awsome..
I've attached a sample workbook which has sheet1 for a bank account and sheet2 for report generation...
I want to add all the rows having "Clearing date" (column A) in Sheet1 to report date in Sheet2 ..And this for all the account sheets i can add...
Currently I have 15 Prepaid schedule sheets that get pulled together as lines in a detail sheet. The way I have the detail sheet set up currently is that I have designated 200 rows for each prepaid schedule sheet, and then I manually changed the sheet reference in the formulas every 200 lines or so, for each prepaid schedule account. One such formula looks like this:
I'm trying to shrink down the over all size of this detail sheet and I would like to be able to write code with the syntax:
IF {HLOOKUP of value in menu sheet, find in column 10 of active sheet and offset by 1 (row 11)} contains a value THEN run all formulas (examples above) and paste into detail page UNTIL value in column A contains "Balances".
After finding the word "Balances" the macro would move on to the next prepaid sheet and do the same thing.
I am attaching a workbook with two sheets 'PO' & 'Quote'
The data in Quote is not in right order. I need a macro to put the data in PO in appropriate fields. I am interested only in Unit, Unit Price, Par Description, part no. if any otherwise blank.
I have 3 forms(3 sheets) with the same layout (fields) for data collection. I want to transfer the data from the 3 forms to a consolidated database worksheet. Every form needs to have its own rows of data. For example, if there are three forms for three divisions laid out as below:
BegBal Additions Subtractions Adjustments End Bal xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
The resulting database worksheet should look as follows:
Division Beg Bal Additions Subtractions Adjustments End Bal
A xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx B xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx C xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Sub MoveRecord() Dim WSF1 As Worksheet ' Form 1 worksheet Dim WSF2 As Worksheet ' Form 2 worksheet Dim WSF3 As Worksheet ' Form 3 worksheet
I am in the process of transferring data from one workbook to another.
I am doing this simply by clicking on the cell where I want the data to be, typing "=", then clicking on the cell in the other workbook I want it to match. While there might be easier ways to do this, it isn't too terrible and my columns are not in the same order in the two workbooks.
The problem I'm running into, is when I click on the cell I want to copy over, the formula defaults to the fixed formula (puts $ around the cell name) and I want to be able to copy down the formula over multiple cells.
I can click on the cells and press F2 once then F4 three times to get the formula over to the desired non-fixed format, however, I have to do this for 12 different workbooks and on roughly 40 columns for each.
Is there a way to expedite the process or turn off this fixed-formula default?
i want to do a macro, that will copy and transfer Selected worksheets to a new Workbook? so guessing, you select the sheets, then click the button and it copies then opens new blank workbook and puts them in?
In the attachment the supplier sheet is the sheet we get from our suppliers and it shows us the products they have in stock along with the prices and other information. This sheet has over 900 products on it. It is updated daily which we download and then paste it over the existing data.
The Deviltronics sheet is the products we have added onto our website. It has a code in column E which tells us if the products on the supplier sheet is in stock or out of stock. (this was done by the help of someone here)
Both sheets have been cut down considerably so that we can add them as an attachment on here.
So now I am going to tell you what I am trying to do!
What we need is a code that will automatically copy the trade price, suggested retail price and the shipping cost from the supplier sheet and insert it into the Deviltronics sheet next to the relevant product (say in columns F, G and H). This done by matching the product code part numbers in both sheets as done with the existing code on the Deviltronics sheet (column E).
I am looking for a code that would copy the data from each worksheet in a given workbook and then paste to just one worksheet within a different workbook. The Sheet names are auto generated when I run this canned report but the naming structure is always the same...the first worksheet is named Repair Details and then the next sheet is named Repair Details_1, the next sheet is named Repair Details_2 and so on for every sheet in workbook. So I would like to copy all of the data(Headers to last cell) and then paste in a worksheet(ex: Master Repair Report.xlsx and the worksheet could be titled Master Repair Details) on a different workbook, then the next sheet would copy from the one under the header to the last record and paste to the same workbook. This process would repeat for every worksheet in the Repair Details Workbook and paste to Master Repair Details worksheet in the Master Repair Report workbook.
I have been tasked with creating a macro which creates a new workbook wherein each sheet contains the information for one site from the active sheet. The active sheet already has the values sorted by the site such that all information needing to be copied from the active sheet into the new workbook is together.
There are 8 different sites on the active sheet: ATL, CEN, DAL, HAR, JAS, JCK, VIS, NOV
The macro needs to find the range for all of the data of each site and copy/paste that data into a new workbook such that ATL would have its own sheet, CEN would have its own sheet, and so on. The data ranges from A:R.
So, for example, the macro would find that the last row with ATL in the "B" column is 6095 and would then copy A2:R6095 and insert that data into the new workbook under Sheet 1.
I had some code that I had adapted to select the range for each of them, but the code loops through the entire sheet (which is 44,307 rows long) for each site making it a quite clunky and very slow step in an even longer macro. Since the data is already sorted, I know there must be a way to have the macro stop searching when it reaches data not equal to the data the row before, however, my experience with VBA is limited, and I have been unable to find a solution. Also, the data does not have to be conserved after being sent to the new workbook, if that would speed up the macro.
I have a workbook (Sheet 1 contains - 6 columns and 1000's of rows). Column B has sensor type. Is there away to copy all data the deals with each sensor and paste it on a new sheet in the same workbook and name these new sheets by sensor type
Example Date Sensor IP Address DNS Error 1/1/2014 Unix fatty clock error 1/1/2014 HP slim power isues
I have workbook named "Distribution and Revenue" which is contained 14 sheets , which names are like "UB Distribution", "UB Revenue", "SB Distribution", "SB Revenue". I want only all Revenue Sheets Data (leaving Last Row) to be copied to another workbook "F:DataFinal Result.xls" in sheet named All Revenue.
I have a mastersheet with all the information and I want to be able to copy it to new sheets.
The four different sheets I want are: Male-Olympic, Male-Sprint, Women-Olympic, Women-Sprint. Is there anyway to go through the sheet, copy the rows, and paste them into their proper sheet.
I am working on a resource management type workbook. In the first sheet,(Project Assignment) managers can enter staff, staff type and hours needed for the next three weeks. In a separate sheet,(Total Hrs per week) I have formulas set to total the hours entered from the first sheet for each resource - using the formula =SUMPRODUCT(--(staffassignments=$B4),--(Week1)) for each week, for each resource. That woks fine.
What I would like to do, if possible, is to present a type of data validation, dialog or popup when the resource's "total hrs per week" total = 40 hours. Different managers use the same resources, so one person may have time entered in multiple times for different projects in the Project Assignment sheet.
Is it possible to use the totaling formula (=SUMPRODUCT(--(staffassignments=$B4),--(Week1))) and an if statement in the data validation or conditional formatting to let managers know that the resource is fully utilized?
* I have a workbook, with different sheets (with sheet name as Home, RawData, Data1, Data2, Data3, ...), these sheets are not fixed * FYI... sheet (home) has a VBA code which on running creates a new sheet and pull data from some other source (So the sheet number is not fixed in the workbook, but the newly added sheet is named in a specific format as Data1, Data2, Data3, ...) * So we can say, that the sheet number and name are not fixed (It keeps on changing) * All these sheets have data in the same format starting from range A2:J2, except sheet(home)
Two things i am trying to do:- - Select sheets from the workbook (to be consolidated) - Consolidate selected sheets in a new sheet
Here is the sample file Select sheet then consolidate.xlsm
I'm having some difficulty getting ISERROR to work in certain cells that pull data from other sheets in my workbook. I have had no trouble getting it to work in cells that do not take data from other sheets.
This formula: =IF(ISERROR(DATEDIF($E$2,D18,"d")),"-",(DATEDIF($E$2,D18,"d"))) is an example of how I successfully got the function to work. All is well with this.
However, on a different sheet using these two formula: ='Mike Anderson'!A68 and ='Mike Anderson'!J536:L536 I could not get the ISERROR formula to work.
Unfortunately, I'm enough of a novice using Excel, that I don't know if I'm doing something wrong with the formula or if it's just not designed to work with values from another sheet. This is how I was trying to make the formula work =IF(ISERROR('Mike Anderson'!J536:L536,"",'Mike Anderson'!J536:L536)). Doing so this way created an error in which the little Excel helper guy that pops up highlighted the quotes inside the formula.
The error message I'm trying to get to not display using the "" is just a #DIV/0 message that fills the cell until some data is entered into the sheet.
There is a folder which contains some CSV files. These CSV files are updated say every 5 mins. By updations, I mean new data is appended to these CSV files, keeping old ones. Desire:
1. I want to have one master workbook which will have all of the CSV files in the folder as different sheets in the master workbook. 2. The master workbook sheet should be updated as soon as the corresponding CSV is updated.
My Approach: Get the list of the CSV files from the directory. Open the CSV files, one after one and copy the newer data, by comparing to a marker that is updated after the new data is read.
I'm trying to print score cards from the scores sheet (two different worksheet pages). Some score cards (each score card is one page) will only have 3 players and some will have up to 5 players so I can't just go down the list and use a formula to transfer data line by line. I will set the score sheet up I just all of hole 1 players to be printed on a card and so on with hole 2-18 also I need First and Last names on the cards and possibly score total by the name.
Every month I get sent sales figures of products, from now I have been typing in every sales figure which is long and boring. So I was wondering whether there is a way to make excel match the products on each workbook (mine and the one I get sent) seeing as there is a product number on both workbooks and then have excel automatically fill in the field I type manually which are quantity and value. So excel would see on the one workbook that product X has sold 10 units with 1000 value and then would go across to my workbook and fill that in the area I need on mine matching from the product code?
So I have a spreadsheet with a list of item codes and a subsequent excel sheet with corresponding item codes. I would like to match up the item codes and enter everything found between column E to L.
I need to alter this piece of code so that it extrapolates the data in the same row as the keyword and not from the column. The keyword i'm using is "N" and is found in the first column.
[Code] .....
I have also attached a copy of the workbook : 120514 KCS CLEANING MAY DATA CALLED.xlsx
I have a workbook, which is having many sheets but I am sending here two sheets only.
Please refer test file.
I want here a 'Add' button which transfer Column C,D,E,F's data to 'EOD' sheet's F,G,H & I. next time when I click 'Add' Button EOD'S f,g,h,I data should shift to j,k,l & m and calci sheet's c,d,e,f's data to eod's f,g,h,&I, and so on.
I am trying to get a macro to update information from attached sheet GTS807 to the Stock sheet. The code in Module 26 works only for the first line and will be very long if I repeat it for the 20 lines of the input sheet! Basically we need to copy the new stock balance from GTS807 column AA13 to AA32 to the individual corresponding product name on the stock sheet (Column E)!
I wanted to : when i write data on one cell (sheet A), i want to see the same i wrote into another cell (sheet B), thts very simple, i know, but when its in blank (Sheet A), in sheet B appears a zero. I dont want to have zero, i want to remain blank as in sheet A.
i did in sheet B "='sheet A'!A117".
i am a noob in VBA, just beginning, and i am loving....
I have somewhat of a complex issue (at least i view it as one).
I have included a sample Excel Doc.
I want to be able to enter data into the spreadsheet titles LIST as i receive it. i receive invoices and checks and i keep a running tally. but i am trying to avoid re-entering the same data into the BREAKDOWN tab. but i need the data to go to the proper place in BREAKDOWN. The problem is that i have no idea how big the list will be and how many invoices i will be receiving. so i think new lines will needed to be inserted in BREAKDOWN when i add to the running total in LIST.
I'm looking to transfer data (added within the fields by the user) from a userform within a peice of software, to a different userform, in a different piece of software...
I'm entering some sales data on a worksheet named 'Sales'. Some items are sold on a 'sale or return' basis, and others are not.
What I would like to do is to have all items that are sold on a sale or return basis copied automatically into another worksheet named 'Sale or Return', along with some other data related to that sale. The data transferred would have to be: Date, Agent, Item, Units, Date of return. I would like the data to be transfered into consecutive rows in the 'Sale or Return' sheet. After some Googling I'm vaguely aware this may have something to do with VLOOKUP.
The challenge I'm having is that there may be one sale or return entry for every ten rows of data on 'Sales' yet I would like them to appear consecutively in 'Sale or Return'.