I used a macro to get the following code, but would like to do this with VBA code where I use variables and numbers instead of the
macro's ("I568:J568") notation. Thus I would have something like (lRow, 9) : (lRow, 10) or whatever the correct notation is. Basically I'm trying to copy and paste formulas from one row to the next.
I am trying to sum the range of column B (Being the found match in column A offset 1) to the relevant column set by the variable intcolumn (integer value of the column matching the criteria (in this case column 25)
I'm trying to create a simple checkbook application for a friend. I've gotten pretty much everything I want figured out except for two functions, which are basically the same thing. I'm trying to find the sum of all deposits and of all withdrawals based on two entered dates.
Basically, they enter the dates, and the formula finds the dates, then sums all the deposits/withdrawals between them. I attached the workbook with some sample data in case I wasn't really clear.
I am doing some work in which I need a very flexible tool. I will be doing regression analysis on thousands of funds at a time. I need to define the range for each fund by a count function that counts the number of monthly returns that are posted. The code I have so far is below (I underlined where the references use variables):
I'm trying to use a range(Cells1),(Cells2) all working fine, but now I'm trying to use variables for the Row selection. selection.row as one of the variables, but keep on getting a error.
Code: Sub Clear_Time() Dim Rng As Range Dim pointer As Integer pointer = Worksheets("Summary").Range("Z1").Value Worksheets("SubPanel").Range((Cells(10, pointer)), (Cells(52, pointer))).Find(What:="").Activate
How to decide the two range object variant represent the same range? Plz check the following code, How to decide Rng4 and Rng5 is or not the same range?
Sub IsTheSameRange() With ActiveSheet LastRow = .Cells(65536, "B").End(xlUp).Row Set Rng1 = .Range(.Cells(3, "K"), .Cells(LastRow, "K")) Set Rng2 = .Range(.Cells(3, "AE"), .Cells(LastRow, "AE")) Set Rng3 = .Range(.Cells(3, "BQ"), .Cells(LastRow, "BQ")) Set Rng = Application.Union(Rng1, Rng2, Rng3) Set Rng4 = Rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 23) Set WhlRng = .Range("A3:DR" & LastRow) Set Rng5 = WhlRng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 23) End With End Sub
I'm trying to edit the predefined range in my macro that changes formulas to values. My current macro looks like this:
Dim vCol As Variant vCol = Application.InputBox("Select Column", Type:=2) If vCol = False Or vCol = "" Then Exit Sub Set UserRange = Range(vCol & "9:" & vCol & "35") UserRange.Value = UserRange.Value End Sub
I tried extending the range to include 48:53, but it doesn't work. I tried with this: Set UserRange = Range(vCol & "9:" & vCol & "35" & vCol & "48:" & vCol & "53")
I am trying to select rows using constants I have set-up so that I can then delete those rows. However I don't know how to set-up the row formula to accept the constants. So far I have something like
Dim a As Integer Dim b As Integer row(a:b).select selection.delete
It's just meant to work through a long list of data blocks defined by column 8 changing. At that point I want to calculate the average of the first 20 entries in columns 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 in that particular block.
I can achieve the sort and calculate the block start rows OK, just can't get the average definition right.
I am trying to write some code that keeps throwing me the error message "Autofill method of range class failed". But I cant understand why, I think it may have something to with my range notation:
Code: Sub SummariseSheets() 'collates individual client development data from consultant 'worksheets and compiles in one sheet on summary page
The error is in the "Selection.AutoFill Destination:=("C" & LR & ":C" & LR2), Type:=xlFillDefault" line, however I cant figure out why? The code essentially takes a section of data from multiple worksheets, then pastes it onto the summary page. It then adds the name of the sheet the data has come from into column C next to the relevant rows.
My data has a bunch of near 0 figures followed by values I actually need followed by more irrelevant 0's than once again followed by values I need and again irrelevant 0's. Looks like
0.1 0.12 3.2 3.4 0.1 0.3 4.5 4.2 0.3 0.11
but with many more rows and numbers. I'm graphing the start and end values before/after zero's.
The first block of numbers I figured out using
=MATCH(TRUE,INDEX($C8:$C150>1,0),0)+7 I then index from that given row.
The span of relevant values I'm looking for constantly changes, so once my numbers deviate too much I stop, using another index formula.
Now for finding my beginning and end points for the next block of data I've combined using VBA with excel formulas. I can't quite figure this part out. I've created Variables for ranges and then used them to find max and min Values.
Public Sub RunCurrent() ' ' RunCurrent Macro Dim upEnd As Integer Dim dnStart As Integer Dim dnEnd As Integer
I can't quite get this formula to give me the correct value.
imgur: the simple image sharer
I tried defining as a Range and I can't get it to work right either way. When I hover over my r1 and r2 values the range is correct but it does have "$A$227:$A$447" quotes around the range so I think that is messing me up.
Function MyFunction1(r, n, xrange, yrange) If r <= n Then For i = 1 To 5 MyFunction1 = MyFunction1 + xrange(i) Next Else For i = 1 To 5 MyFunction1 = MyFunction1 + xrange(i) * yrange(i) Next End If End Function
This is just a very basic idea of what I need to do, so it might not make sense why I am doing it, but I am just trying to test that the function works. Anyhow, the thing is that it works with something like this when I input it in a cell in a worksheet: =MyFunction1(RAND(),0.5,{5,6,7,8,9},{10,20,40,50,100})
However, if I try to define the range or set {5,6,7,8,9} with other cells, it does not work. so for example if I try the following:............
I need to write a FOR... Next loop that will loop through a range of rows, select the same cell range on each row, perform a task, then advance to the next row. I can't seem to figure out how to substitute the loop counter for the row index. For example:
I am trying something out the ordinary, instead of hardcoding the Range, I want o find the last used row of the Range and append, then filldown. I think my idea is good, but either syntax is off or not going to be allowed to do this.
I am trying to select a range in VBA, where I know the name of the starting cell, and the size of the range are values returned earlier in the VBA function. I guess the pseudocode I am trying to do is: range(range("StartCell"):range("StartCell").Offset(x,y)).Select. Obviously this code doesn't work, but I don't know the correct way to select this range
I'm trying to copy multiple cells on the same row, with the row number to be copied stored in a variable (x). Right now i've been trying to use the Range method, but this copies all of the values between "A" & (x) and "H" & (x). I only want the values of the cells in "A", "F" and "H".
(copy_sht) is the name of the sheet to be copied from (paste_sht) is the name of the sheet to paste into (copy_row) is the name of the row to be copied from (paste_row) is the name of the row to be copied to (x) and (y) - I'm not sure f these are necessary, I've followed a lot of examples to get here, so i'm a bit confused.
Function copyrow(row As Long, copy_row As Long, paste_sht As String, copy_sht As String) As Boolean 'Is passed the names of the sheets, the rows, and copies the data Dim x As Long Dim y As Long x = copy_row y = row Sheets(copy_sht).Select Sheets(copy_sht).Range("A" & x, "F" & x, "H" & x).Copy Sheets(paste_sht).Select Sheets(paste_sht).row(y).Select ActiveSheet.Paste Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Function
To recap, this code will copy all the cells between A(x) and H(x), but i only want the values of A(x), F(x), and H(x).
I am trying to make the "A4:A" portion of this line of code generic so it can work in multiple different files. I have defined a variable FirstGridRow that will take care of the '4' but I need to find a way to splice it all together. Essentially I am stuck trying to tack on the ":A". The first piece shows where I am coming from and the second is where I am trying to go to.
I have a Macro that already works great but now I need to look for another variable to sort it down even further. I think it can be done by setting up a "Case" but still not sure how to do that. It already looks through the range to find all the rows that return a value of "True". Now I need it sort those results so it only returns what has a specified value in Column "AJ". I am looking to do several choices (Listed Here). So the end result will be all the items that return "TRUE" In Column "AI" and are Items that return one of these values per Case "Starters, Appetizers, Soup, Salad, Entree, Dessert, Special" with then copy over in the exact format that is listed in the code below.
For example All the items that are selected with "TRUE" can be narrowed down to all of those that are "Salad" as well - Then copied over in the exact format that is listed in the code below.
What I am doing is breaking out all the different course of food and putting a Header in-between each (That is already built and working) - So I can select all the food from a master list and then put it in order on the "Catering BEO" Sheet with Headers in between
Code: Sub BEOA4() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim wsSource As Worksheet Dim wsDest As Worksheet Dim FoundX As Range Dim FirstFound As String Dim lastrow As Long
"Run-time error '1004': Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed
DRow increases dependant on other variable data.
Also, am I right to be using R1C1 instead of A1, or can the same be achieved using A1 references? If so, I think I may not be able to see the wood for the trees.
In my VBA project I've declared several public variables as normal (ahead of all procedures) ... Public simolo() As double etc. They are declared in normal modules, and arent declared twice. I set the values in one procedure and then execute a second procedure but, when the variable is encountered in the second procedure, it appears to be empty and I get a "Subscript out of range" error. Clearly, the public variable isn't public since no data is stored in it. What is going on?
I work with data that varies in row numbers but is consisten in column width. I am trying to write code that will create a named range for the data but be flexible to expand or contract based on the amount of data that is pulled in. Below is the
Const lngLastPossRow As Long = 65536 Dim strDataRng As String strDataRng = ActiveSheet.Name & "!R4C1:R" & Range("a" & lngLastPossRow).End(xlUp).Row & "C17" Range(Selection, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=("Data"), RefersToR1C1:= _ strDataRng
While the result creates a named range called "Data" , it does not allow me to reference and data in any formulas ( sumif's, etc). Can someone tell me what I am missing. It appears to be returning the wrong data type (string as opposed to range values).
I have 2 worksheets. The first sheet has data of which some needs to be copied to a second worksheet. The trigger is a value found in column E. If a match is found, then a copy statement needs to be built. The values in F, G & H are the values to be used in the copy statement. The content of cell H may be numbers or letters or both.
What is the correct format of the copy statement?
Dimension all variables Dim RowPointer As Long Dim wbContrib As Workbook Dim wbMaster As Workbook Dim SheetName As String Dim target_sheet As String Dim target_cell As String Dim Target_value As String Dim CellAddr ' ' Initialize variables Set RowPointer = 1 Set wbMaster = “Master.xls” ' '******************************
I need it to cycle through whole numbers for three variables whose range I can define. I need this macro to test the result of all possible combinations of A, B and C, as is shown in the attached file. The initial range boundaries for each variable are as follows:
VariableABC Minimum1408 Maximum510012
So the macro should start with the following combination (1,40,8) then (2,40,8) then (3,40,8) etc until it reaches (5,100,12). I need the results for each combination to be posted at a separate sheet next to the corresponding combination.
I have a drop down list in a column called Report Type (example below).
Report Type - Drop-Down Menu in Column F Business/Operational/Work Plan Budget Report Performance Report Program Quarterly Report Program Mid-Year Report Program Annual/Year-End/Final Report Service Quarterly Report Service Mid-Year Report Service Annual/Year-End/Final Report Financial Quarterly Report Financial Mid-Year Report Financial Annual/Year-End Report Auditied Financial Statements In-Year Reallocation Annual Reconciliation Report SRI Report Other Report
I need to count all the cells that have: Budget Report, Financial Quarterly Report, Financial Mid-Year Report, Financial Annual/Year-End Report, Audited Financial Statements, In-year Reallocation, and Annual Reconciliation Report
Using Excel 2007, I'm trying to figure out (and not succeeding!) on how to declare worksheet and range - in order to:
input a formula to cell xfd1, then copy down to xfd2:xfd100 - and here's what I've been playing about with
Code: Sub filldownxfd() Dim src As Range, out As Range, wks As Worksheet Dim sRangeName As String Workbooks.Item(1).Sheets.Item ("Sheet1") Dim example As Range Set example = Range("xfd2:xfd100")
Can a Function give two or more output variables. e.g.
Sub a() x = 5 result = Y(x) End Sub
Function Y (x As Integer) As Integer Dim B B = ... * x Y = ... * B
this will give back Y as a result. But if I want to get 2 or more output variables (let's say I need to get also B into sub) from one function, how should I do that? I need this because function works with large matrix and I want to extract some values appeared in between.