Vlookup- Multiple Conditions For Lookup Value

Jan 8, 2009

MetricsCategoryJan 2008VisitsTravel50view_offerTravel10

Above is the data I want to lookup on. I need to be able to do a lookup for travel visits and a seperate lookup for travel view_offers.

Is there someway to do this with a vlookup or maybe match index?

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Lookup With Multiple Conditions

Dec 3, 2005

way to return a value from a data table by specifying 3 conditions to be met.

Eg. My data table is in cells W1:Z100
(Column names = Track, Distance, Class, Time)

I want to be able to return the time value, based on track, distance and class values.

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Lookup Value Basd On Multiple Conditions

Sep 25, 2008

I could use some help with a look up formula with mutliple conditions. In my worksheet I have a column for an order number, date, activity, machine, job status code, unit of measuer and cost. I need to find the quantity reported by a specific actiivty and unit of mesaure for a speciific order number.

Here is an example:

I need to find the quantity reported in the 7th column for order #1 based on Actiivty "2" and U/M "m".

Order No.DateActivityMachineStatusU/MQuantityCost19/1/200811Cm101 $ 3.23 19/1/200821Cm317 $ 10.17 19/2/200812Az5 $ 43.25 29/1/200811Pm23 $ 2.50 29/3/200821Pm57 $ 27.50 29/3/200812Pz2 $135.00

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Vlookup And Multiple Conditions?

Dec 17, 2013

Is VLOOKUP suitable for if one wants to lookup a value from a defined range based on two assumptions?

Enclosed is an example file.

I want to lookup the values in sheet1 in the defined range in sheet2 and write enclosure and density to sheet 1

what method to use?


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Multiple Conditions For VLookup Value?

Jan 8, 2009

MetricsCategoryJan 2008VisitsTravel50view_offerTravel10

Above is the data I want to lookup on. I need to be able to do a lookup for travel visits and a seperate lookup for travel view_offers.

Is there someway to do this with a vlookup or maybe match index?

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Lookup Multiple Conditions To Return One Result

Sep 28, 2009

I am preparing an "automated" order form. I have a list of products (ten) in a pull down list, a list of options (3) in a pull down list and a list of the pricing.

So, If PRODUCT_A with OPTION_A, then PRICE = $X.
If PRODUCT_A with OPTION_B, then PRICE = $Y.
If PRODUCT_B with OPTION_C, then PRICE = $Z.


I want the user to select the product, then the option, and have the correct price "pre-fill" the cell.

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Lookup Unique Based On Multiple Conditions ...

Jan 2, 2009

I am looking for a solution other than using an advanced data filter for unique records only.

I would like to take a large list (columns A:D), and automatically filter for unique records and other conditions and paste the results in different tables (Group A & Group B).

Group A only includes records with value ="A" in the checksheet column.
Group B includes records with value <>"A" in the checksheet column.

Does anyone have any ideas how to do this so that when I paste the large list in columns A:D, the other tables (Group A & Group B) are automatically populated?


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Lookup Value From List Based On Multiple Conditions

Dec 21, 2007

I have a list of holiday data which has the following info. Name, Date from, date to, hours off per day. I need to look up this information and place the number of hours against each day for each person. The problem I am having is that I can't get the hours into the cells for which the date is between the date from and date to. I have attached spreadsheet and how I want the summary page to look. I just need the correct formula inserting.

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Multiple VLOOKUP Conditions And MAXIMUM Value

Aug 16, 2009

I have written a snooker scorebaord spreadsheet which keeps a history of highest scores and highest breaks, but am unable to find a way of showing these key values in a table.

Attached is a cut down version to demonstrate the problem. If you can provide a solution it can be either in formula or code.

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Vlookup With Conditions To Find Multiple Entries

Feb 2, 2009

I have a table (table1) with material numbers which have a price . This value is time dependent i.e., a material 999 could have a price of $10 for 1/1/2008-1/15/2008 and $20 for 1/16/1008 - 1/31/2008.

999 1/1/2008 1/15/2008 $10
999 1/15/2008 1/31/2008 $20
998 2/1/2008 - 2/25/2008 $15

I have another table (table2) in another sheet in the same workbook have a material and date.

999 1/10/2008
999 1/20/2008
998 2/15/2008

My requirement to take the material value and date in table2 and match it with table1 and get the value of column D in table 1 to column C of table2.

I have tried using vlookup but it only works for the first match and doesn't check for other values

below is the function that i tried

=if(and(vlookup(A2,Sheet2!A1:D4,2,false)<=Sheet1!B2,vlookup(Sheet1!A2,Sheet2!A2:D4,3,false)>=Sheet1! C2)),vlookup(Sheet1!A2,Sheet2!A2:D4,4,false),"error")

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Nesting Multiple Vlookup Conditions In An If Funciton

Sep 24, 2009

I am not sure if the VLookup or the If function will be the best way to perform this tast but I think it is they way I would want to go.

I have attached a sample workbook of what I am working with.
Please refer to it.

On sheet 1 I named the table array Ear_Tag.

This is information that is provided to me from the farmers.

Note that there are sometimes more then 1 pig with the same tag number. The only way to tell them apart is by the Test Date.

On Sheet 2
Is where I record the test results.

I dont want to have to look up each pig after each test and fill in the rest of the cells manually. I would like to have a look up of the ear tag and the test date to find the correct pig. Then each of the cells will fill in the correct information.

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VLookup - Single Value Lookup Returning Multiple Records Into Multiple Columns

Feb 7, 2014

Certification and Training tracking.xlsx

I want to create a certification only list on a separate tab of training that has been completed where a certification has been issued (as indicated by a "Y" in the "Certification?" column on the training tracking tab) and then populate from some of the fields vs. all of the fields.

What I have now, only pulls the first occurence, not all occurences. I saw that I could have identified the multiple columns that needed to be populated, but it didn't work either, so I'm fine putting a separate vlookup in each column.

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VLOOKUP Multiple Occurrence For Same Lookup Value?

Feb 14, 2014

accomplish VLOOKUP for multiple instances of a same Lookup value

First let me explain about my file:-


1.B2:B19 I have list of items which required to build a product

2.D2:D19 I have list of shortages against each item

3.C2:C19 I have list of dates when each item shortage will get fulfilled


1.C22:C31 I have picked the largest 10 different dates from Table1 by using LARGE formula.

Against each date which is update C22:C31, respective shortage qty has to get VLOOKUPED.

When there is a same lookup value, it has to keep pick next value (Shortage Qty) for same date.

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Vlookup Multiple Rows With The Same Lookup Value.

Dec 3, 2009

I'm trying to get a result of all rows in a table that has the same lookup value.

For example:


I want to look for David and that the result will be all rows that starts with David:

David 25
David 68
David 902

I tried using vlookup but it always returns the first row.

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VLOOKUP To Return Multiple Cells Of Same Lookup Value

Dec 1, 2009

I am trying to create an automated receipt for a list of artists. I have given the artist an individual reference so I am doing a VLOOKUP to return description/price value etc but I can only get it to return the initial value and I have approx 10-15 works under each reference. Maybe VLOOKUP is the wrong formula to use.. I have attached the file.

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Using VLOOKUP To Retrieve Multiple Data For The Lookup Value

Jan 8, 2010

I have to write some VLOOKUP formulas to pull several items from a report, the problem is there could be multiple items for each lookup value as the example below:

Company Data ABC Monday ABC Friday ABC Thursday DEF Friday GHI Monday
I need to reference every piece of data for every company but using the VLOOKUP formula, I am obviously only able to get the first instance of the lookup value (company ABC)

How to I write the formula to lookup the other data? The practical appliation I am using this for has anywhere from 300 to 400 lookup values.

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Reverse VLookup (Index Match) To Return Multiple Values Based On Single Lookup Criteria

Jul 11, 2012

I have encountered a situation where I need to essentially accomplish a reverse Vlookup (using index match) and return multiple values.

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Fastest Lookup Method: Use A Key To Lookup A Value (VLookup, Index/Match, DGet, And The Rest)

Mar 26, 2008

Excel offers many ways to use a key to lookup a value (VLookup, Index/Match, DGet, and the rest). What's the fastest way to perform a lookup of a small table of, say, 30 rows of key-value pairs? Theoretically, it would be most efficient to use a branch table (also known as a jump table). See the wikipedia article for branch tables: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Branch_table. Does Excel/VBA have a way to create a branch table for such lookups?

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Using VLookup To Lookup Date Within Multiple Date Ranges

Jan 5, 2012

I have a table with three columns. I'm building a calendar on a separate worksheet and am looking up the "value" based on a calendar date. So if a date falls within any of the ranges, I'd like to return the value in column C. For example, if the date is 02/07/12, I'd like for the result to be value 1, or if the date is 04/17/12, then I would like the result to be value 3. I've used a nested vlookup, but all that give me is the value when either the start or end dates match, but I can't get a value when the date falls within the range. If the dates were consecutive, I would simply use vlookup/TRUE, but the dates are not consecutive.

ABC102/06/1202/09/12value 1203/12/1203/15/12value 2304/16/1204/19/12value 3405/21/1205/24/12value 4506/25/1206/28/12value 5606/25/1206/28/12value 6

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Lookup Using Two Conditions

Jun 7, 2006

I have a spreadsheet with data extracted from two systems. I need to compare the amounts to ensure they're the same. I'd like the "BIS" sheet to do a lookup of some sorts (either formula or macro) in the "Actual" sheet on box number (column E) and Category (column J) and return the total actual in (column I) next to the corresponding box number and category in the "BIS" sheet. I've attached an example of the spreadsheet.

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Lookup Latest Value Given Conditions?

May 30, 2014

see attached for the sample data. I'm looking for: Sat Score (from column F), that is from the latest/max Report Date (column A), for a Project (column B), THAT IS NOT BLANK

In other words: For each project, we want to know the score from the latest report. But sometimes the latest report doesn't have a score, so we want the score from the latest week that actually has a score. If none of the weeks have a score, return blank.

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Lookup Based On A Few Conditions

Mar 13, 2008

I am wondering if I can do a formula that would tell me if the name that appears in column J or K appears more than once at the time/date slotted in columns A and B. Basically, I want to make sure that the name(s) in column J and K aren't assigned 2 different places at the same time slot (column B) on the same say (column A).

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Lookup Based On Two Conditions ...

Jul 13, 2009

I know that there are bunches of threads concerning lookups with multiple criteria, but I just can't figure out how to translate one to my situation. I want to return a value based on an item name which is in column A, and an operation which is in row 1.

The array from which I need to look up the value contains part number in column B, operation in column G, and the actual value I need returned in column H.

So I need to return something like this: ...

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Lookup Maximum With Conditions

Nov 21, 2006

i have a list of price list, and it is updated once a while, which means there is a change in version number.

The table is a direct extraction and it has to be like that...

I have tried to vlookup but only return 1 line, same as match and index... or maybe im not using the forumla correct.

Attached is the excel example hope this help. as you can see there is alot of dupe reference but different version and prices

I cannot concatenate the reference and version number as my lookup reference doesnt know what one is the latest version...

but one thing is constant, that is the version number is always needs to be the highest.

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Lookup Based On 2 Conditions

Dec 22, 2006

In the sample that I have attached. I am trying to compare Control ID and Business Date in Sheet[Test] and Sheet[Perform], If they are the same, then populate in Sheet[Perform] Column Test Status with the corresponding row in Sheet[Test]. note that Control ID and Business Dates are not constants.

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If Formula To Combine Two Lookup Conditions?

May 23, 2014

Combine two lookup/IF formulas:


So if formula 1 conditions aren't met then it by default would result in formula 2 conditions being met.

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Lookup With THREE Conditions - One Vertical / Two Horizontal

May 23, 2012

I have a table where I need to return a value according to THREE conditions:

1. Vertical, which is a shop code for instance

2. And 2 horizontal:
- One: segment (heading level 1)
- Two: product (heading level 2)

E.g. for "Shop1", what's the value for segment "PI" and product "Credit", etc.

An example file attached : fz73m5zEmZS6Y14-C.xlsx‎

The key thing for me is to do this WITHOUT changing data structure, because that really would be a huge pain. I mean, if it's no possible to do without changes (e.g. adding an extra column, etc.), I'll have to live with that I guess. But ideally I would really like to avoid changing data structure.

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Conditions LOOKUP Two Files (ISNA)

Dec 21, 2006

Let me first explain what I tried to do, before getting to the mess I created. Maybe I should use another formula?

I wanted to compare the amounts in two files on the basis of the same product number. Thus search for a sheet and a column in another file for the same value of A6 (current file) and show the value of the same row in another column (of the other file). However, if there is no value I wanted it to display zero (0) or a text such as "False".

First I did a basic LOOKUP which should work?. However it still showed #N/A for cells without a reference value (A6 is THA) or target cells without a target value (€100.00). I tried to avoid this by combining the ISNA function. However, although the last value shown is correct, the ones before change and seem to add up, or refer to another cell?

Another issue I did not come to yet is the fact that I would like it to search for the correct sheet based on the first three letters of the reference (A6), preferably not case sensitive. A6 is Tha13, first three letters indicate sheet name Tha. Any suggestions on this? ...

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Simple Formula For Lookup With Two Conditions And Duplicates

Sep 16, 2013

I have two spreadsheets of data, one column contains an employees name, the other is a value.

Employee Amount
Bob 10
Frank 12
Katie 14
Katie 55
Simon 5.2

I would like to do a lookup that states if name is Katie and value is 55 and is in sheet 1, return "Yes", else return "No"

The name and value conditions will read off the other spreadsheet.

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VLOOKUP Based On Two Conditions?

Aug 16, 2013

My challenge is pulling in a data element from a file to an exisiting file based on two criteria.
Example: give me the value in cell e1 if cell b1 matches AND

File 1
1 H12377 03/05/2013 123
2 H12377 03/27/2013 276
3 H32389 05/03/2013 335

File 2
H12377 03/27/2013 _________

how do I get C2 value from file 1 (276) into file2 since column A is not unique but column A plus Column B is unique?

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