I have a list of people and the dates they completed activities on. I would like to do a vlookup (or index/match) that returns the most recent event. For example, if I was after the most recent date that 'rogers' went 'fishing' it would be 03 Feb 07....
what i'm trying to do with an index match formula. My index match formula goes through a list and returns a date based on an email address. My issue I have is what if there are multiple entries that match that email address? How do I return the most recent date?
e.g. worksheet 1 has all the data
email ID date
worksheet 2 has a list of specific email addresses i'm looking for info on
email date
My formula in column B of worksheet 2 is along the lines of this:
basically saying where you find the email address in A1 listed in column A of worksheet 1, return in B1 the value in the column of that row in worksheet1.
The thing is we could have the same email address listed a number of times, so i'm looking for the latest date to be returned, not the first one it finds.
I am trying to match data from 2 independent sets, formatted slightly differently so not sure which function would work best for me. From the attached file, I am trying to match the date and time stamp (in cell A1) with that from the other data (in this example in cell E1) and return the data (from cell F1) to cell C1. So basically any date and time stamp before 04/03/09 04:00 will return a value of 44 (this value should appear, therefore in cells C1 - C30)
Sheet B contains a column called "Name" and for each name, and for each name there are corresponding numbers. In sheet A, I have a "list of interest" in column A. What i want to do look through the data in sheetB to find a match from the list of interest and return the corresponding letters, located in column A.
I have filled out the first two rows of results that should be returned as an example.
One idea i had was to put a vlookup formula in each column result 1 to result 6 so i can catch all 6 "Serves" columns from column B, but there may be duplicates in the serve columns and vlookup only reports the first match.
I have a worksheet that has numerical data in A1:A22. In E1:E61 I have set values in numerical order and in F1:F61 I have a letter or letters that correspond to E1:61.
I am trying to write a formula in B1 that will look at the value in A1 and then match it up in E1:E61 and then return the corresponding letter in F1:F61.
I have a tab that has Employee Name in one column and the benefit they chose in another column. The employee name is repeated a number of times since they have chosen more than one benefit.
I am trying to create a new tab where the employee name in is the first column (only once) and each benefit is listed in separate columns along the top. I want to put an "x" in the column for the benefit the employee has chosen.
Is there a way to say "look for this employee, see if this benefit is what they chose, and if it is, put an "x", if not, leave blank"?
If I have a column of data with a bunch of values (which can't be sorted & which is constantly changing so cant be broken into another column and then sorted) what formula do I need to output the second occurrence of a value in that column?
Attached example file has data with which I need to do the following;
On the tab "part list" I put in the part number in column F. Column C should then be populated automatically by looking up column F in the tab "Lookup" and showing the value found in column B of that tab.
The difficulty with this is, is that when the part number in column F starts with "DN", the lookup value should end with "FD/A" and when the part number in column F starts with "Z", the lookup value should end with "TY/A".
This last part I can't get it to work. I've tried vlookup with a index/match function inside, but it won't work somehow...
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - M_NECPE.Man Accts.xls___Running: 12.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutR1=RSTU1New CodesOld Codes 2 310100199999V 4101002NEW 51010032270A 61010061100 7101009NEW 81010101104 91010111101P 101010121101S 111010141102 121010151102L 131010181130 141010222203 151010231106I Sheet1 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
The code in column E & G is as follows:
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - M_NECPE.Man Accts.xls___Running: 12.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutG62H62G63H63G64H64G65H65G66H66G67H67G68H68G69H69G70H70G71H71G72H72G73H73G74H74=EFGH621106B| 631100|101006 641101D| 651101K| 661101P|101011 671101S|101012 681102|101014 691105R| 701103|101037 711104|101010 721105| 731106|101031 741106I|101023 Sheet1 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
I have used a lookup table to calculate the value in column H as follows, but cannot get it to work
I have a table full of names and cars sold. The table tracks the person's progress. It is like a diary. It's a simplied version of the DB I am currently working with.
Is it possible to do the following things? I have basically 2 types of questions.
1)When was the last red car sold?
2)When was a car sold irrespective of color?
The answer to each question will be put in separate columns. I have only included January but I will do this for the entire year of 2010 and also I will do this for all of the names in my database. I think there are about 300.
When was the last time ANDY sold a RED car? The answer should be 1/12/2010 The answer will be put in ROW A COLUMN I
When was the last time ANDY sold a car irrespective of color? The answer should be 1/12/2010 The answer will be put in ROW A COLUMN J
When was the last time BILL sold a RED car? The answer should be 1/10/2010. The answer will be put in ROW B COLUMN I
When was the last time BILL sold a car irrespective of color The answer should be 1/11/2010 The answer will be put in ROW B COLUMN J
I have the following arrangement PVCu_Woodgrain_DoorF190210300#REF!
PVCu _woodgrain_Door is a drop down list that selects from a number of named ranges.
The Cell that shows (F1) and is called DOORSTYLE with 6 choices F1, F2 ... F6 (I cannot change these to numeric only values)
300 is the 2 previous cells added together. It is called DRSZ1 and will match a numeric value in the named array.
I know MATCH(DOORSTYLE,INDEX etc. should be a VLOOKUP to find F1 in the named array, but I just cannot get it right.
Where my variables would be based on whether a person is under EnglishSS1 and getting a score of <=10, the resulting rating would be 3. I know this is doable by doing a vlookup with a range lookup value of false. However I have roughly 70 column headers and it will be a bit taxing to combine an If and Vlookup statement to address it.
I have attached a sample sheet for reference : Book1.xlsx‎
What I want to do is the following, I have two sheets, one where the data needs to be filled and the second where the date needs to be looked up. In Sheet1 I need to find a date for each of the NR2 and NR1 combination. But in the second sheet there are multiple NR1 occurences and also single occurences. So if there is only one, I need that date, if there are several I need the average of all the occurences for NR1, not taking into account the N/A ones.
(some examples from the file) NR2 NR DATE 100707987121951 100702347121960 100707750121960 100707721121960 100702422121960
So for example, NR1 121965 has two dates, 03/09/2002 and 27/01/2004, so here it should calculate the average of these two and put that average in the first sheet.
I was thinking of something like IF(MATCH(?) gives one result,put that with vlookup, else AVERAGE of all MATCH that are not N/A)
I have attached an example s/sheet. Basically this is an excerpt of the data that sits in a pivot table. What I want to do is from another sheet query this data. I don't want to use another pivot table as they are quite hungry in terms of memory and the data source we have is quite large. In essence what I want to achieve is in cell G2 the user enters a code. A function (vlookup?) will then scan column A to find that code.
The function then needs to look across and sum the total of Requests and Responses for all the dates. Whilst the dates may change, the number of dates will remain the same. Once it has summed them it needs to return the totals to cells G4 and G5. Additionally it needs to fill in the relevant total (offset?) for the corresponding week as detailed in columns H-AH. It seems quite a simple lookup issue but I am not very versed in nested lookups. I have looked around and it seems INDEX woudl do the job but I am at a loss on how to construct this type of function.
making a forumla that will return the second, third ewtc values using VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH. Attached is a dummy file almost identical to the one I'm working in. In the first sheet there's a dependent drop-down list with the values Sub1, Sub2 and Sub3. This corresponds with data in sheet two listed next to these names. The problem is when I try to populate the table below using VLOOKUP etc it just repeats the first row over and over rather than defaulting to the second and third row results
I have some data which I update every now and again. Then I extract and clean up and currently have it output to 4 columns.
The four columns currently looks like this:
A | B | C | D 1 name name2 stats stats2 2 .... 3 ....
Each column is then populated with a decent amount of names and stats, and the same name occurs multiple times. I'm looking up a specific name in the A column, and can extract the stats in C fine using INDEX/MATCH, but it only returns the data from the first instance the name occurs. I've googled it a bit and believe I could possibly wrap my head around returning multiple instances.
However, there are a couple of other criteria for my extraction of the stats which makes me believe I'm in way over my head. The data is in chronological order, with the newest on the bottom. I'm wanting to extract the stats in inversed order so starting from bottom going upwards, if that makes sense. Further, preferably I'd want to limit the amount of extraction to X amounts. And lastly to make it really complicated, for the newest entries stats are not yet available so only the names (column A and B) are populated, I need it to skip those entries, since, obviously, there are no stats there to extract, and I wouldnt want to end up with a lot of blank cells in my summary.
I attached a file containing two sheets. The first sheet is called Input on this sheet there are several categories of which I displayed the first three on. My ultimate goal is to get the Input per category broken down horizontally over the line-items on the Output sheet. Every category contains several line items to which costs are attached (f.e. in category 10, line item 4000, the costs are 33,000$ and so on).
The problem is that every month the costs are changing per line-item, but also the number of line items per category will change due to the fact that the line-items are only displayed if there are in a specific month costs booked to the line-item. In other words sometimes line-items are added due to costs booked at the line-item, but if in one month there are no costs booked at the line-item it disappears from the overview. A formula containing: '=if(category=10,vlookup(... is to static due to the changing line-items.
From the highlighted cells at B17 to B19, while using some kind of lookup or indexing method, I want to count the number of cells in that specific range that's great than zero. This list is just a sample, the list will be much bigger and order may not be the same--that's why I need to lookup the project name.
I have two data sets across two worksheets. The first worksheet contains sales order numbers (Sheet1:column A) and other data . The second worksheet contains sales order numbers (Sheet2:column A) and the product details.
On sheet1, I had to manually duplicate a sales order number (inserting another row) if the number of units of the order is greater than 1. I then need to fetch the product details from sheet2 for each unit for that specific order number. However in sheet2, there are multiple products for one sales order number.
How do i create a lookup/match to fetch the product details for each sales order number without duplicating the product details if there are multiple products for one sales order number?
I know a simple vlookup function will return the values that it matches first and that is not what i want.
This had been hunting me for weeks and I still could not come over it after weeks of study the conditional formating IF, match, index, Vlookup, etc to find several duplicated value, e.g Column B = Name 1 & Row B = Time and so on, where as Name will have data of Name 1 duplicated in different time, while row B, "Time"would change to a different Name and maybe it would go back to Name one.
My problem was dont know which formula I can use in a different sheet to bring back the data to Name 1 did Task A at Time A, while Name 1 did Task B at Time K, etc. If this is not Name 1, then Name B replace above.
Using Excel 2003 and am trying to do a calculation by customer, by service type. Attached is the workbook and I've tried numerous ways to do this. On the revenue calculation worksheet, I am tryng to calculate the type of service minutes from the data retrieve worksheet, multipled by the service rate on the rate table for the specifc type of minute by customer. I'd like to build it as a vlookup by customer and then by service type, but have run into difficulty.
I have two spreadsheets, one with master file with original data and one that needs to pull in the original data. My issue is all the data to match off of is in the same column, and a number of other files link to the master file, plus it is used externally, so I cannot alter it, and I would rather not create a mock/copy file. Is there a formula that can look for 2 different items within the same column? Would prefer not to use VBA, but if that's the only option I'll take it. I am using Excel 2003.
Here is an example of the setup - I would need the formula to reference off the two different items/categories in the column, so lookup off the 'St. Louis' and following that, lookup off the produce items.
I need a little coaching on big data. I have two reports, one from a production system the other from the invoicing system. I need to reconcile the two reports to ensure our invoicing ties out to production. At this time I am focusing on 1 particular item code, but there are potentially hundreds of item codes.
I have 1 Item Code. I have a around a hundred invoices. (Sample 100) I have a few hundred different customers. (Sample 100) I have several hundred lines of billing data. (Sample 650) I have several thousand lines of production data. (Sample 40,000) In the billing system, per invoice I might have 1 or more billing lines for this item, usually no more than 2. In the production system, per invoice I might have 5 to 50 or more production lines for this item per invoice.
Example Prod System: 30 lines of data has a run amount and a total run amount for each line.
I am looking for tools to reconcile this data. VLookup and Index/Matching is not cutting it. VLOOKUP does not move beyond the first line found. Index/Matching wants to add all the prod together. I can get subtotals easy enough. I have tried Concatenation, but when it takes multiple production data lines to equal 1 billing line, this does not work. I needs some thing that can look at the Qty on a billing invoice and tie it out to various lines of production data to identify which production jobs went on that line of the invoice.
Here is a sample. These are fairly easy to resolve, but others are not so easy due to number of production and billing rows.
Invoice number Billing item Est. Quantity Actual quantity Billable Qty Sales order Position number Sequence Agreement Billing source Description Total Billable Qty