I have used a process of elimination by disabling all VBA code and macros throughout this workbook systematically until I traced my problems to this code.
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Dim red1TargetCell As Range
Dim red1dblValue As Double
Set red1TargetCell = Sheets("1-A").Range("AC3")
red1dblValue = Val(red1TargetCell.Value)
Select Case red1dblValue
Case 1
Call Red1copypricelog
End Select
End Sub
This code is delivering an error message when the workbook is first opened that reads as follows:
Run-time error "13"
Type mismatch
I can answer "end" to the debug box that appears and the code runs as if there are no problems. I have this code applied to 7 different worksheets within the workbook with slightly altered variable names, so I have to click "end" seven times and then the workbook functions as if all is OK. One other note worthy point is when I have this workbook open, it locks up if I try to open any other excel files at the same time. I want to make sure all my code and macros within this workbook only work within this same workbook. I'm assuming that is why other workbooks are locking up. I may be way off here since my VBA programming is very limited.
I have a vba code that I wrote out to search for a file and update data on a spreadsheet with the new file... however I've come to a point where I'm not sure of what code to use. If I search for a file that is not there I get a runtime error and of course it ask me to end or debug. What I would like for it to do instead is search for the file and if it is not there... display a message box stating that the file searched for is not found and automatically closes the workbook after OK is pressed.
I want the users to store time only in some of the textboxes in a form so I have used control tip text for those textboxes. But i want to write vba code for displaying the error message if the users don't enter time in hh:mm:ss in those textboxes.
For some reason my form won't open when the workbook is opened. I get an error message "run time error '424' object required" (which happens when I have Form1.show in the BOTH workbook_open event and the userform_initialize event (oops)). When I removed form1.show from the userform_initialize I don't get an error but I also get no form. I recall having this issue before but I can't recall how to fix it.
Can I call the userform_initialize event from the workbook open event to get around this successfully and properly?
Hello, I am trying to update a person's finances for this past year. She sent me a workbook that has two sheets with macros. The first sheet is linked to the 2nd. When a name and number is typed into the first sheet it automatically shows up on the 2nd.
My problem is, no matter what number I change on the first sheet under amount, the Total cell on the 2nd sheet gives me the #Value error. I have not changed anything, have not deleted any formulas but no matter what I do, that value error always shows up. I know very little about excel but I thought I knew enough to be able to update this book for her. Is there a special way I should be inputting the numbers on the first sheet so that the value error will show the running total instead of an error?
I am looking for a more efficient way to write a macro (a sample from the macro is below). This is just the first part of the macro. I need to repeat these same steps (seen for row 5 below) for rows 5 to 50. My script worked until I hit row 35 and then I got the "compile error.." message. There must be a way to use "loop" to write this more efficiently, no?
Is it possible to place a prompt message regarding the time limit or return time when entered time is place on the worksheet? Like "Please be back at 8:30 AM" when the user click the Start time button at 8:00 AM.
I do hit the SCE (Shift-CTRL-Enter) keys. The formula does work in one workbook, but not the other. The only difference between the two workbooks is this formula has a larger range.
New Formula- doesn't work (ERROR- #DIV/0!) {=AVERAGE(IF(Sheet1!A3:A1094="MONDAY",Sheet1!E3:E1094))}
Old Formula- works {=AVERAGE(IF(B6:B451="MONDAY",E6:E451))}
I get spreadsheets sent to me with hours and minutes in decimal format. Frequently a quarter of an hour or three quarters of an hour are posted as 0.15 or 0.45 instead of 0.25 and 0.75. Other odd fractions can also appear.
I want an error message if the value when divisible by 0.25 is not a whole number.
I wanted to make a pop up alert message appear whenever the formula in a cell gives a particular output.
Before posting this i tried looking for similar posts before, but the ones found do not solve my problem. There it asks me to write the following code in VBA,
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim MyRange As String
MyRange = "A1"
If Me.Range(MyRange).Value = "Have Meeting" Then MsgBox "Have Meeting" End If End Sub
But my doing so, I can not use any formula in the cell A1 or any other cell i give reference as MyRange. I will always have to physically type "Have Meeting" or any other word assigned in the above.
I am writing some code to do a comparison between two cells X2 or AB2 with an X which checks to: 1. make sure one of the two are filled, or 2. both are not filled. Below is an extract of the spreadsheet I am working on. I need to check to make sure one of the boxes is checked. If both are empty or both filled with an ("X"), I want a message box to tell me to correct the error and stop the macro from continuing. If only one is marked with an ("X"), I want the macro to continue but don't know how.
I am receiving an #Value! error message from my sumproduct formula: =SUMPRODUCT((Data!$A$2:$A$47=G$2)*(Data!$B$2:$B$47=G$4)*(Data!$A$1:$N$1=$B21)*(Data!$A$2:$N$47))
As follows: Data!$A$2:$A$47 is a date G$2 is a date within the context
Data!$B$2:$B$47 is a unit number G$4 is a unit number within the context
Data!$A$1:$N$1 are descriptive titles $B21 is a decriptive string within the same context (copy paste)
Data!$A$2:$N$47 are to be summed is all criteria are met.
I've got the below code which I use to log users who opens my spreadsheet. It's a Event so runs when the spreadsheet is open with macro enabled. The spreadsheet is on a shared drive which has the prefix "K". Most users it works find but one user gets a error Message "Path or Drive" error. I got around it by adding "on error" but how do you overcome issues with drive prefixs and the drive address e.g "K" vs "\CRD2000"
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "usage.log" For Append As #1 Print #1, Application.UserName, Now Close #1 End Sub
I have developed a program in which the user will only see the userforms (and to an certain extent not even be aware of excel doing most of the work).
i am looking for code that will intercept an error message should something go wrong in my vb code. Currently when an error occurs, it pops back to VB and gives the error message. I want it to rather give a popoup message asking the user to contact me.
i'm coping a file over itself and i get an information message "File cannot be copied onto itself" - An attempt to copy a file could not be completed because the file already exists or same source and destination.
i would like to surpress this, i have tried the following, but to no avail:
I have created a report with 22 sheets as different pages to be included or hidden depending upon the type of report needed. I had found several sources saying to use the Custom Views function. So for example I will unhide all the sheets and add as a Custom View "All Sheets" and then whittle it down to the 5 I might need for B type inspections and add that view as B Inspection. But when I try and toggle between them I'm getting an error message that says "Some view settings could not be applied" - and thew saved view I was looking for is not the same sheetwise.
I'm trying to create a situation where the user would get an error message when they tried to enter numbers in two specific columns in the same row. That is, in row C they can only enter a number ( 1 or 2) into C5, C6 or C7. If they enter a number into two of these cells, I want an error to appear. They would have to stop and correct the error.
I've tried two scenarios with no luck:
1. I've data validation where I did SUM(C5:C7) and hid the answer in C8. I then tried to get a data validation to display an error code when C8 exceed 2. This didn't work.
I may be misunderstanding the point of error.type() command. I'm wanting an error message to appear once a cell goes below 0. So far, I've only managed to have the error message appear all the time, or never.
I need to write a formula but excel shows an error message "Formula Too Long." There are two long strings of the formula that I repeat several times. Is there any way to put these strings in other cells and reference them within the formula? Each of the strings looks very similar to this:
How do you generate an error message that states "You are not authorized to delete this worksheet" any time a user attempts to delete the specified worksheet? This message also has to block the user for deleting the worksheet.
I need a program for my user form such that it displays an error message. I have created an user form with employee name ,task and remarks.
I need a program in such a way if an user clicks the "submit" button without entering all the fields in the user form, an "error message" should be displayed.
The submit button has to work only if all the fields are filled by the user.