Adding Array Items

Jan 23, 2009

I have two large spreadsheets that are arrays. Column A contains 40 items in both files. Columns B through X contain unique names. The arrays are filled with dollar amounts. Is there some formula or function in Excel whereby I can easily combine both spreadsheets, essentially adding the dollar amounts for each corresponding cell?

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Adding Items To Array From And Excel Range Based On Values?

Oct 2, 2012

On this is a column of Categories and a Column of sizes. I want to use these in a user form. The user will select their Category from a drop down list and the second drop down list will include only the sizes that appear next to the chosen category So for example in the attachment if the user chose 'AUD' as a category they would get the size choices of, '2x4 insert', '2x4 replica' and 'A4L' in the other drop down menu.

The master list of sizes will have to remain on a worksheet as this is what other operators will amend from time to time.

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Adding Items To A List Box

Jun 1, 2009

I have the following code used to add items of expired IDs in a listBox,, it actually works well for adding the ID type, but it doesn't add the details of the expired ID completely .. It adds only the details of the last expired ID (I think the code overwrites the details)

I hope that my problem is clear for all,

Can you please find me a solution for that?

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Adding Items To Combobox

Jul 29, 2009

In my excel sheet, from B2 to B20 i have datas like,


I want to add this to my combobox1 with out repeation as, 'aaa' should be listed in combobox once. What is the macro for this or we can do it in Combobox properties itself?

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Adding Items To List?

Mar 20, 2012

I built a form with a listbox that is populated from a list of products on a worksheet. I want the user to be able to type in a product and if it doesn't match the products already listed I want it to add it to the worksheet list of available products. I keep thinking that I should form an if statement within a loop but whatever I try doesn't work.

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Dynamically Adding Menu Items

Jan 22, 2010

I have created a menu called "Temp" and a sub menu called "Temp1". When the user click on Temp1, I need to dynamically add some menu items under Temp1. Is this possible in Excel?

I need to do this on the right click menu. for example, along with "Cut", paste" etc menu's I need to add a Menu Item, Temp and under this menu, I need to add a SubMenu, Temp1. When the user click on the Temp1, I need to populate the child items.

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Combobox ADDING Only The Items That Are NOT In The Combo Already

May 2, 2006

I've got a database and want to put the names that are in one culumn of the Worksheet into a combobox.

I use a Loop and the addItem procedure.

The thing is that there are many names that are the same, just diferent records for the same company...

How do i do that every name only appears once in the ComboBox.

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Add Items To An Array

Jul 18, 2008

I need to add items to an array and used code out of the web to create some kind of an array list.

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Set Value For All Items In Array?

Nov 11, 2013

I am setting an array with

Set my_array = Sheets(1).ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange

Column number 2 contains numbers, but I want to 'reset' all the numbers in the second column. How can I do that? I know I can do a loop through all the elements, but I thought it would be smarter if I could set the entire column as zero in the array?

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Ignore Duplicates When Adding Items To ComboBox -VBA

Dec 3, 2011

I need to add items to a combobox without adding duplicates or empty data. I am able to add without empty data but how to ignore the duplicates.

Here is what I have...

Dim GL As Range
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Set ws1 = Worksheets("Main")
For Each GL In ws1.Range("MainGL")
If IsEmpty(GL) Then
'do nothing
ComboBox2.AddItem GL.Value
End If
Next GL

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Adding Column Head As Items To Combobox

May 13, 2006

How do I add the column heads (e.g. A1, B1, C1....) as items to a combobox or listbox if they are not empty?

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Sort The Items In An Array

Aug 15, 2006

I would like to sort the items in an array.

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Excel 2007 :: Adding Items To Combobox At Run Time?

Jan 12, 2012

Adding items to combobox at run time

Setup office 2007 win xp pro ie8

Further to my post relating to swaping jpgs

The code below scans from the column on the row of the worksheet till it finds a blank, this seems to work ok as I previously had a msgbox in that displayed the value of n once the loop finished

So I was hoping that the values in the columns on that row would be added to the combobox but for some reason I get a typing missmatch error.


Dim n As Integer
n = 1
Do While LValue6 "" 'find out how many alternatives there are
LValue6 = FoundISBN.Offset(0, 32 + n).Value
n = n + 1
DataInput.ComboBox1(n) = LValue6 - I was hoping that the value in the cell was added to the combobox

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Adding Duplicate Items Cost Into Another Column Cell

Mar 18, 2012

I have a spreadsheet with data, such as the information below.


What I am trying to accomplish is adding the values in column E that have a matching value in Column D and placing the total value of that calculation in column F in the cell that holds the last value for the matching value in column D

This what I would like the data to look like.


As you can see I have added the values in coulmn E that have a matching (Value) in cloumn D and the result is placed in the cell next to were the matching value in column D is last seen before another value begins.

In my case there are sometimes hundreds of value 1, 10 of value 2 and 15 of value 3. Currently I have to pick the cell I want to place the total in, click the AutoSum button and select the matching values in Column D then hit enter to get my result.

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Adding Items Into ListBox With Comboboxes Even Combobox Is Empty

Mar 21, 2013

I have a list box in the userform. I would like to add items into ListBox which correspondent with 4 combo box values. If all combo boxes is selected, that would be easy task. However, user might not need to select all combo boxes. If any of the combo boxes empty, my code fails that end up listbox is empty. I could write the code with all of the combinations, but that will be my last choice if there is nothing easier than that. Can I adjust the code such as if the combo box="" then skip then look at the other combo box if that is "" than skip again. If all combos are "" add all the items from the source.

My code is below:

AllStaffLB is listbox
StaffSrchCB is combo box
StaffSrchCB2 is combo box


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Adding Items To Multi Column List Boxes

Oct 9, 2003

I am using a ComboBox to get a value from the user. The code below will then check my worksheet and if it finds the value will place it into my ListBox.

Dim x As String
myvalue = ComboBox1.Value
A = 5
x = Sheet1.Cells(A, 4).Value
If x = "" Then Exit Sub
If x = myvalue Then Me.ListBox1.AddItem x
A = A + 1
Loop Until Sheet1.Cells(A, 4).Value = ""

The problem is how to alter this code to place the value from column 5 into the ListBox as well as the Value from column 4

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Adding Unique Items To ComboBox From Another File/Workbook

Aug 31, 2006

I need to add about ~200 items to Combo From Other Excel File (with no duplcates).
How to make it.

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
With cboComp
.addItem "item"
End With
End Sub

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Remove Empty Array Items In VBA

Nov 9, 2009

I have an array MyArr() in excel.

Its length is from 1 to i where i takes dynamic value from varibable.

Now the problem is MyArr(1 to i) has some empty values.

Like say: if i = 5 then
MyArr(1) = "a"
MyArr(2) = ""
MyArr(3) = "b"
MyArr(4) = ""
MyArr(5) = "c"

How can I get rid of those empty elements so that MyArr() becomes only three elements long and then display them in a range of three cells.

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Using Array To Create List Of Selected Items?

Mar 2, 2014

I've created a range B3:B12 in which each cell returns TRUE of FALSE. There corresponding values are listed in C3:C12. I have the same thing again in D3:D12 and E3:E12. Checkboxes link to the TRUE/FALSE cells. Attached is a stripped down file to show this.

I want to create a formula that lists each item in the one cell (no spaces required inbetween) for use with a search. I know a long winded way to do this involving many IFs but any array will be much more tidier, thing is I hardly use arrays and have struggled with this one.

I'm thinking it will be along the lines of =IF(B3:B12="TRUE",C3:C12,"")&IF(D3:D12="TRUE",E3:E12,"") but exactly what it should be is beyond me.

EDIT: The original file attached was corrupt for some reason, the new attachedment is the same except instead of TRUE/FALSE cells I've set them to 'x' for quickness (lost my work...!).

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Can't Populate Array With Selected Items From Listbox

Mar 16, 2014

I am trying to take selected items from a listbox and put the selected items into an array. Basically I am trying to put the selected items into a variable that I can pass to other modules. I am close but something is off. I can't tell if it's the variable declaration or the code.

I get Run Time error 91. Object variable or with block variable not set

Here's what I have so far...

[Code] ......

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Remove Empty Array Items In Excel VBA

Nov 9, 2009

I'm stuck with an array problem in excel. I have an array MyArr() in excel.

Its length is from 1 to i where i takes dynamic value from varibable.

Now the problem is MyArr(1 to i) has some empty values.

Like say: if i = 5 then
MyArr(1) = "a"
MyArr(2) = ""
MyArr(3) = "b"
MyArr(4) = ""
MyArr(5) = "c"

How can I get rid of those empty elements so that MyArr() becomes only three elements long and then display them in a range of three cells.

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Query Design - Select Items Not In Array

Feb 11, 2013

I need to query table contents where some general items are met, and item id's are not contained in an array.

SELECT LOOKUP.*, LOOKUP.Var FROM LOOKUP WHERE ((LOOKUP.Name)="test" Or (LOOKUP.Name)="test2" AND ((LOOKUP.Type)=3) AND ((LOOKUP.Var) ("array", "of", "items")))

I need to know how to add an array to a query since I can't hard-code the list each time, and the array can be a different size each time, so using array variables doesn't make sense here.

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Excel 2010 :: VB Autofilter Using Array To Exclude Items

Jun 6, 2013

I have data that is formatted in an Excel 2010 table. The two columns in question are [Invoice #] and [Description]. In the description column I have descriptions of products as well as freight. The same invoice number would be tied to the product description as well as its associated freight. I need to filter out certain product types and their associated freight items.

The macro I wrote creates an array of invoice numbers that I want to filter out and leave the remaining invoices, but I can't get the filtering part to work. Here is my code:

Dim Invoices() As Variant 'array of invoice numbers
Dim Descriptions() As Variant 'array of Descriptions
Dim InvoiceFilter() As Variant 'array of invoice numbers to filter
Dim i As Integer 'counter
Dim j As Integer
j = 1


What happens now is that it filters out all values in the Invoice column instead of only the values in the InvoiceFilter array.

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Find Array Uniqe Items And Transpose 1 Each Into Cell

May 28, 2007

I have a col of dates that change, 9/15, 10/15, 11/05 and reside in col. I
I then have a corresonding cell in row I136, M136, Q136, U136, Y136 and AC136.
I want to find the starting at the earliest date starting in I36 , M136, Q136...

So I136 would be updated to 9/15, M136 = 10/15, Q136 = 11/05, ...

I am thinking a CSE type formula would be a possibility, but need assistance in this or in a piece of code..

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Passing Array Losing Items: Lost 'control'

Mar 9, 2007

Passing an array from a sub to another sometimes works, sometimes not. But when I call the same sub twice, it definately gets stuck at least at the second time. Seems as if I tend to lose some of my items of the array. And I cannot figure out why it happens, at what pace it happens or how I could stop this from happening.

1.Could it be that a control perishes as soon as it is set to 'ctrl.enabled=false'? 2.Or could it be that a declared array 'ary=array(tb1,cb1,frm1)' can not be handled without having had its items initialized with some lines of code, although the items visibly exist within the user form? 3. Can it be that a Sub 'remembers' the former values passed to it, if set to 'optional'?

However, I have added a cleared/minimized version of my userform as a file to this post, hoping that some of you out there might find the time to have a look at it.... I would really appreciate it. I have added the decisive parts of the macro below here, as well,

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim elem As Variant
Dim wSht As Worksheet
Dim ctrl As Control
'set control arrays
ctrlAllStep2 = Array(cbTimeOnly, cbIntensityOnly, cbAreaOnly) '[...]
ctrlAllStep3 = Array(tbIntensityTotal, tbIntensityBleached) '[...]

MsgBox "Two Controls exist now: 1." & ctrlAllStep2(0). name & ", 2. " & ctrlAllStep2(1).name, vbInformation, "Note: controls exist..."
'disable Controls in Step2 and in Step3....................

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Adding Array To Sumifs?

Aug 12, 2014

I am trying to do a formula that will add two different sums and so far I have this:

={SUM(IF('FAC Open POs'!$F:$F='Cash Waterfall'!$B6,'FAC Open POs'!$V:$X))}+SUMIFS('Cash Report'!$O:$O,'Cash Report'!$S:$S,'Cash Waterfall'!$B6,'Cash Report'!$T:$T,'Cash Waterfall'!G$4))

But I keep getting an error. I know that the formulas apart work, but I keep getting an error with trying to use an Array formula like this.

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Array- Adding New Elseif's

Jun 6, 2008

I started changing it and then realized that I can keep going by adding new elseif's but i think an array would be a better option(i think). But i am really a monkey see monkey do kind of vba user. i can backwards engineer but cant come up with it.

here is code

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("$z:$z")) Is Nothing Then
If Target.Value = "NO CONTACT" Then
Target.Offset(0, 1) = Date + 1
ElseIf Target.Value = "NO CNTC FCL" Then
Target.Offset(0, 1) = Date + 1
ElseIf Target.Value = "NO RES" Then
Target.Offset(0, 1) = Date + 1

you see i keep adding "results" and assigning lift dates. what i would idealy want to do is take my list (that i use in a drop down box in $z) and next to it assign the number of days i want to set the next call date(the offset 1 cell) to be. then have the code just read cells a1:a10(the results) and assign the corresponding b1:b2(the amount of days to wait to call). I can keep adding elseif's but then if i decide to add new results codes or change the days from 1 to 5 i have to go back to the code.

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Adding Formula To Table Array In VLookup Function?

Aug 29, 2013

I am looking to be able to alter my table_array section in VLOOKUP to adjust in date.

exampe: =vlookup(A4,'[Daily report - August 25.x;sx]Facilities'!A4:AY100,84,FALSE)

and I want to be able to change the August 25 -> August 26 repeating so that as I drop the next date in it will update to the correct tab.

I have the dates above so if I could somehow just the date to another cell instead that would work as well. I just do not know how.

Essentially I need to grab data from a separate workbook everyday and compile it to one master list.

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Referring To Array And Adding / Removing One Preset Item

Apr 19, 2014

I'm trying to automatically add and remove one criterion from an autofilter without disturbing the previous existing criteria The autofilter code sounds like this:

ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$L$47").AutoFilter Field:=6, Criteria1:=Array( _
"Clay", "Grass"), Operator:=xlFilterValues

How would I go about referring to this array and adding another item called "Hard" to any pre-existing elements in this array?

I plan on attaching this code to a button and use it as a filter, so when the button is pressed, the item will be added to the list of criteria, and if it is "un-pressed" the item will be removed.

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Adding Hyperlinks To Cells Using Array - Object Required Error

Aug 12, 2013

Im trying to add hyperlinks to cells using an array but im getting "run time error 424 - object required" error. THe code im using is:

Sub hyper3()
' not WORKING - ARRAY to add hyperlink to cells
Dim rngIn As Range


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