What I am trying to accomplish is adding the values in column E that have a matching value in Column D and placing the total value of that calculation in column F in the cell that holds the last value for the matching value in column D
As you can see I have added the values in coulmn E that have a matching (Value) in cloumn D and the result is placed in the cell next to were the matching value in column D is last seen before another value begins.
In my case there are sometimes hundreds of value 1, 10 of value 2 and 15 of value 3. Currently I have to pick the cell I want to place the total in, click the AutoSum button and select the matching values in Column D then hit enter to get my result.
I have two columns with aproximately 80,000 rows each lets say column A and D.
Column A has numbers and it is the most recent data extracted from a program. Column D has also numeric records most of which are also in column A.
I need a macro that will take each number in column D and compare it to column A when the macro finds that the number in D exists in column A it shoudl move the number on the same row on column B (right next to it)
If the number does not exist on on columna a It should start a list on column C.
I am using a ComboBox to get a value from the user. The code below will then check my worksheet and if it finds the value will place it into my ListBox.
Dim x As String myvalue = ComboBox1.Value A = 5 Do x = Sheet1.Cells(A, 4).Value If x = "" Then Exit Sub If x = myvalue Then Me.ListBox1.AddItem x A = A + 1 Loop Until Sheet1.Cells(A, 4).Value = ""
The problem is how to alter this code to place the value from column 5 into the ListBox as well as the Value from column 4
I have 5 coloums in which the last three have numeric values. The first two coloums have name and country code. Now, The first two coloums have duplicate values but the rest of the corresponding columns have different numeriv values. What I want now is to add the numeric values of the coloumns of the duplicate data and want to display in the first row. For ex there are A = name , B= Country , C D and E contains different numeric values. A and B have dupilcate data but different C, D and E values. Now I want to add up the numeric values of the dupilcate data and get it displayed in a new coloum in the first row of the duplicate data set.
I have a userform that I'm using to add data to a worksheet, with the following
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim OutSH As Worksheet Set OutSH = Sheets("Sheet1")
OutSH.Cells(nextrow2, 1).Value = Surname.Value OutSH.cells(nextrow2,2).value = ID.value OutSH.cells(nextrow2,3).value = Date.value ...... I need to ensure that duplicate entries are not made for the same person on the same date. The ID is unique to each person.
IF statement that can check for a duplicate and then come up with a dialouge box with some custom text, and then exiting the sub?
I know how to use array formulae to create a unique list, i.e.{=INDEX($G$1:$G$760,SMALL(IF(ROW($G$1:$G$760)=MATCH($G$1:$G$760,$G$1:$G$760,0),ROW($G$1:$G$760)),ROW()))}
however this is giving all the unique items from column G and I only want the unique items that have a non-zero value in column H as well. This would be the sumif of all instances that would have to be zero. I've tried to crack it and I've tried to search for solutions but so far no joy.
Where H1 contains the word Assigned. I need to also find and add to count for matches in I1,J1 and K1 which contain New, Pending and Work in Progress respectively.
if there is a way to find duplicate items in a list and return a value, if a duplicate exists.
Basically I have 19 buildings each with a separate bill of quantities. I'm looking to compare and compile a comprehensive list. So that duplicate items in different buildings can be compared side by side.
I have attached a sample of what I am trying to do.
I am a tax auditor, and I am working with excel and I have two lists. One is a complete list of items, both taxable and non-taxable, the other is a list of just non-taxable. I highlighted the non-taxable sales and copied and pasted them under the main list, and I want to delete all the non-taxable items. Basically, the only duplicates in my list are non-taxable, and I need to delete ALL of them.
I have a long list of work items that is referenced by a unique 7 digit number. I need to create a formula to identify the specific work items that is being duplicated in the list and generate that number. Example is as follows
Work Item#
1234567 1234568 1234567 1234569 1234568
Based on the above list, I need to create a formula that generates all work items that is being duplicated.In the example above, the formula should generate the following work items:
I have 2 huge lists. One is " the Master list" which I have to extract items that are not already listed on the second list . I don't want to remove duplicate entries,I want to remove the duplicates completely. in both lists, so that I only have items that are not in the second list...
I have a long list of work items based on a 7 digit number. The work item is referenced by a code named DS or WU.Example as below and the work item# has duplication throughout the list.(work item # repeated)
I need to create a formula that counts how many duplications of work items, by the number of DS or WU. Based on the above example, the formula should arrive at the results below
I have the following code used to add items of expired IDs in a listBox,, it actually works well for adding the ID type, but it doesn't add the details of the expired ID completely .. It adds only the details of the last expired ID (I think the code overwrites the details)
In my excel sheet, from B2 to B20 i have datas like,
aaa bbb ccc aaa ccc ddd rrr ttt bbb rrr ttt
I want to add this to my combobox1 with out repeation as, 'aaa' should be listed in combobox once. What is the macro for this or we can do it in Combobox properties itself?
I built a form with a listbox that is populated from a list of products on a worksheet. I want the user to be able to type in a product and if it doesn't match the products already listed I want it to add it to the worksheet list of available products. I keep thinking that I should form an if statement within a loop but whatever I try doesn't work.
I have two large spreadsheets that are arrays. Column A contains 40 items in both files. Columns B through X contain unique names. The arrays are filled with dollar amounts. Is there some formula or function in Excel whereby I can easily combine both spreadsheets, essentially adding the dollar amounts for each corresponding cell?
I have a report with ~44,000 line items. From this report, I need assistance generating a report that lists all unique line items. I am having problems trying to identify which line items are duplicates as I need to compare 4 different cells in each line to other lines to determine if it is a duplicate item (compare data from columns A, B, E, F)
For example, raw data may be as follows: Column A………Column B…….Column E…………….....Column F 10/13/2008…….11111111…….71879W561000……….888.88 10/13/2008…….22222222…….239103302000………..222.22 10/13/2008…….11111111…….71879W561000……….888.88 10/13/2008…….33333333…….353496508000………..333.33 10/13/2008…….44444444…….239103302000………..444.44 10/13/2008…….11111111…….71879W561000……….888.88 10/13/2008 ……11111111…….353496508000………..888.88............................
Note from above, there are two occurrences of a duplicate item. As a result, the output table would only list this item once.
I have attached a sample of the spreadsheet with dummy data on one tab and the desired output on another tab. Note that all the data is broken up into blocks of data that is separated by data that is only in the first column of the row.
I have created a menu called "Temp" and a sub menu called "Temp1". When the user click on Temp1, I need to dynamically add some menu items under Temp1. Is this possible in Excel?
I need to do this on the right click menu. for example, along with "Cut", paste" etc menu's I need to add a Menu Item, Temp and under this menu, I need to add a SubMenu, Temp1. When the user click on the Temp1, I need to populate the child items.
I have been assigned a task of finding the lowest cost of four possible solutions however I have quite an extensive list of items to work with. To make this easier, I need to be able to find the lowest cost in my row (which is not sorted by lowest to highest value) and return the column heading associated with that lowest cost.
I need to add items to a combobox without adding duplicates or empty data. I am able to add without empty data but how to ignore the duplicates.
Here is what I have...
Code: Dim GL As Range Dim ws1 As Worksheet Set ws1 = Worksheets("Main") For Each GL In ws1.Range("MainGL") If IsEmpty(GL) Then 'do nothing Else ComboBox2.AddItem GL.Value End If Next GL
I am trying to automate the creation of 3 pivot tables. At first I was having a problem with deselecting all items in the drop-down except one, then I found the code to fix it.
This fixed the problem, but there are still two other pivot tables that need to be created after this first one. I scrolled down through the code and deleted the other code blocks for the selection of the PivotItems and replaced it with the code above, but then when I ran it I got the "Compile Error: Duplicate Declaration in current scope".
I read more through the forum and realize that it's because VBA is dimensioning it twice, and I read that you're supposed to Dimension at the beginning of your program, but how do I implement this into my coding?
I can't dimension literally at the start of the code, there is some formatting that needs to take place first. (Basically I paste in a bunch of data into Sheet1 of my workbook, center it, space it out, then insert a pivot table into the pre-existing Sheet2 based on that data, filtered on the blank entries in Column N. Then I need to create ANOTHER pivot table based on that same data in Sheet1, but filtered on the blank entries in Column O. Then I center the words in the Pivot tables' headers in Sheet2, and finally I need to create one last pivot table on pre-existing Sheet3 based on the data on Sheet1, filtered for 2 specific entry types in Column N.)
The code below scans from the column on the row of the worksheet till it finds a blank, this seems to work ok as I previously had a msgbox in that displayed the value of n once the loop finished
So I was hoping that the values in the columns on that row would be added to the combobox but for some reason I get a typing missmatch error.
Dim n As Integer n = 1 Do While LValue6 "" 'find out how many alternatives there are LValue6 = FoundISBN.Offset(0, 32 + n).Value n = n + 1 DataInput.ComboBox1(n) = LValue6 - I was hoping that the value in the cell was added to the combobox Loop
I have a list box in the userform. I would like to add items into ListBox which correspondent with 4 combo box values. If all combo boxes is selected, that would be easy task. However, user might not need to select all combo boxes. If any of the combo boxes empty, my code fails that end up listbox is empty. I could write the code with all of the combinations, but that will be my last choice if there is nothing easier than that. Can I adjust the code such as if the combo box="" then skip then look at the other combo box if that is "" than skip again. If all combos are "" add all the items from the source.
My code is below:
AllStaffLB is listbox StaffSrchCB is combo box StaffSrchCB2 is combo box
I have say Cell B3 this is always a date on a sheet named Party Times on another sheet I have a column of dates with entries, say it is column D this sheet is named Party Schedule.
I need to check Cell B3 (4/30/2014) with all of the Column D on sheet Party Schedule to be sure I do not schedule another party on the same date...
Also doing this it needs to be somewhate of a do --- while if there ARE NOT any dates overlapping then go ahead and copy and paste the macro to the sheet if there are msgbox "PARTY ALREADY SCHEDULED PLEASE RESCHEDULE).
I have a worksheet, example data below, it has 150+ columns and varying amounts of rows 1 -> 2500+ per column. The row data is as follows:
Row 1: Has title of worksheet Row 2: Date of the column Row 3: Total of completed for the day Row 4 - n: Serial number
I need to intsert a new column to the right of each column and then populate it with the date at the top of the column from the left, I need the new date value to go down until it reaches the end of the data in the left column. So effectivly each serial number will have date in the column to its right.
There are no blanks in the rows, or blank columns.
On this is a column of Categories and a Column of sizes. I want to use these in a user form. The user will select their Category from a drop down list and the second drop down list will include only the sizes that appear next to the chosen category So for example in the attachment if the user chose 'AUD' as a category they would get the size choices of, '2x4 insert', '2x4 replica' and 'A4L' in the other drop down menu.
The master list of sizes will have to remain on a worksheet as this is what other operators will amend from time to time.