Excel 2010 :: VB Autofilter Using Array To Exclude Items
Jun 6, 2013
I have data that is formatted in an Excel 2010 table. The two columns in question are [Invoice #] and [Description]. In the description column I have descriptions of products as well as freight. The same invoice number would be tied to the product description as well as its associated freight. I need to filter out certain product types and their associated freight items.
The macro I wrote creates an array of invoice numbers that I want to filter out and leave the remaining invoices, but I can't get the filtering part to work. Here is my code:
Dim Invoices() As Variant 'array of invoice numbers
Dim Descriptions() As Variant 'array of Descriptions
Dim InvoiceFilter() As Variant 'array of invoice numbers to filter
Dim i As Integer 'counter
Dim j As Integer
j = 1
What happens now is that it filters out all values in the Invoice column instead of only the values in the InvoiceFilter array.
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Apr 28, 2014
I'm having a hard time making this maro work in Excel 2010.
I need it to filter out the items "AR", "BATCH", and the line of "Total:*" where the * is a total amount of any given number dependant on the day.
Below is the coding I have that Excel is not liking.
Sub FilterAccurateRawData()
' FilterAccurateRawData Macro
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AA$45415").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Array("<>AR", "<>BATCH", "<>Total:*")
End Sub
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Aug 6, 2014
Any way to exclude colored cells from addition in a column. I will attach a simple example document.
I am building a spreadsheet to keep track of my monthly spending, and debt balance. I keep track of the total amount of bills I pay each month. As I pay them, their respective line is highlighted green in the spreadsheet. I would like to create a macro/formula which would sum the remaining cells in the column which are not highlighted to display the remaining monies which need to be paid out. I'm not sure if this matters but I am using office 2010.
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Apr 9, 2014
I'm using excel 2010 on a pc. I need to create a calender. So far I have been using the tutorial for the pop up calender. The result I'm looking for is to set up a specific time frame and have the calender provide the "due" date. I would like the due date to exclude weekends and holidays. Would I be able to do this with the pop up calender?
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Apr 6, 2013
If I apply an autofilter in my worksheet the autofilter dropdownmenu stands in row 2 and not in row 1. How is this possible?
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Mar 21, 2013
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:=Array("CHF", "DKK", "EUR", "GBP", "NOK", "SEK", "USD")
I am trying to use VBA to filter a list for not equal to. See line above. I want to filter a table I have for unknown Currencies basically.
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Sep 4, 2013
I really like the slicers in Excel when working with data scenarios, but I don't like having to scroll up and down through the list of options.
Is there a way to add a "Search" box at the top like the traditional drop-down auto-filter? Or, does any loophole to making one?
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Nov 9, 2009
I'm stuck with an array problem in excel. I have an array MyArr() in excel.
Its length is from 1 to i where i takes dynamic value from varibable.
Now the problem is MyArr(1 to i) has some empty values.
Like say: if i = 5 then
MyArr(1) = "a"
MyArr(2) = ""
MyArr(3) = "b"
MyArr(4) = ""
MyArr(5) = "c"
How can I get rid of those empty elements so that MyArr() becomes only three elements long and then display them in a range of three cells.
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Jul 21, 2014
How can I get the dropdown list to not include blank cells in the list reguardless if the sort filter is used or not.
Sheet 1 (STATS) is the dropdownlist Cell B12
Sheet 2 (Orders) is the data, I cant convert to tables because the cells are active and storted Column B2: is the data named.
so I have to use a formula to do this.
Using Excel 2010
See attached sample
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Feb 3, 2012
I have the following line in a macro:
Range("b22:L" & Range("J" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).AutoFilter
This selects rows based on whether they contain data and creates an autofilter of the range.
The data Im using this on will have blank cells as the bottom rows but they will contain formulas that blank the cells based on ISNA() conditions,
How do I get the above code to only select cells with visible data and ignore those that are blank but contain formulas.
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Feb 11, 2014
I have a worksheet with a few "Multi-Select" type listboxes in it. I cannot seem to select the items within those listboxes... the mouse icon doesn't even change, it just shows that little plus-sign that is the default when you're just in your worksheet. (they're also ActiveX listboxes)
I can select them if I go into my Developer tab and select and deselect the "Design Mode" button. then everything works fine (mostly). Or if I resize the subwindow for the workbook. Then it (again, mostly) works fine.
It's like I have to trick Excel into allowing me to click on the checkboxes in my ListBox.
Some people I've given the file to use Excel 2007 and the file works for them. (I have Excel 2010)
I've looked up info on bound/unbound forms, but I can't tell if it applies, or how to use that. They were not created with a VBA macro, they were made using the buttons in the developer tab.
One final thing : Below the listboxes, I have some shapes that, when pressed, will take the selected items from their respective checkboxes and put them into some cells.
Here is the file: Setup form_Blank.xlsm
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Feb 3, 2012
The setup of my worksheet looks like this:
A great chance to use the HTML Maker for the first time!
What I would like to do here is show how many of each value there is in the range.
So for 7B-MA5, it would say 6. For 7B-MA4, it would be 2 / 1 / 3, since there are 3 unique values and their counts respectively. Finally for 7B-MA3 it would say 3 / 3
A formula option would be great but I'll also take a macro option since it is a macro that generates these lists in the first place, so I could just add the new code to the end of it.
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Oct 2, 2012
On this is a column of Categories and a Column of sizes. I want to use these in a user form. The user will select their Category from a drop down list and the second drop down list will include only the sizes that appear next to the chosen category So for example in the attachment if the user chose 'AUD' as a category they would get the size choices of, '2x4 insert', '2x4 replica' and 'A4L' in the other drop down menu.
The master list of sizes will have to remain on a worksheet as this is what other operators will amend from time to time.
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Jan 21, 2014
Excel 2010. There is a limit to the usability of the
method. It seems like the limitation is in the Countif function going over 1000 (or some other size limit)
I have a list of ~1500 rows, of that there are approximately 55 unique items. Doing the unique array works correctly up until item ~40, upon which it fails by returning the 1st item only (for the rest).
Trying to debug, and pulling out the Match section, it functions up until 976 (that is
returns 976) anything after returns just 1 (1st item).
It seems to be a limitation on the text string size that COUNTIF can handle.
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Dec 22, 2011
In the coming months the company i work for will be transferring from Excel 2003 to Excel 2010 (i know, a little late......) and now i am testing some things at home.
We deliver lots of Excel reports to our clients where we are using Pivot tables. In excel 2003 we where able to hide items from the dropdowns using properties - hide items but when i now open an excel 2003 file in excel 2010 and want to filter the pivot table to (let's say) another month i see all my hidden items.
Is there an option in excel 2010 to hide items like i could do in 2003? (either regular option or VBA)
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Jul 10, 2013
I'm trying to set up a diet/training spreadsheet so that when a client enters foods and exercises they don't want/can't do, those foods and exercises are made unavailable in dropdown menus (on my programming sheet) so that I can't inadvertently put them into their plans. I have a webform they fill out, which automatically puts the data into a spreadsheet and I know how to pull data from there into the clients' workbooks...
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Dec 12, 2013
The sheet shown, Complaints, lists on each row information on a single complaint. This information extends from Col A to Col Y (though not that way here, the data actually begins in row 3). I want to highlight a Customer cell, say H227 for Customer A, then activate a macro that (1) recognizes the active customer (here A), searches the list, identifies each row where A is the customer and then writes each row into sheet "Event" beginning in row 4. I should then see the same A to Y cells of information, beginning in row 4, filled in sheet Event for the six customer A complaints. Note, the actual data in sheet Complaints involves 300 rows of data, and over 100 customers can be on the list, some up to 15 times. I know that I could do this by filtering the data, copying and pasting, but a simple macro would be quicker for the group of individuals involved. Note, I then use this information to populate a chart.
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Sep 13, 2012
The context of this problem is that I am pulling sales data from different outlets to analyse monthly sales. The data from the various outlets are in various formats and the products, even though they are the same throughout all the stores, are named differently. For example, Mushroom Soup can be named as "Soup Mushroom", "Mushroom Soup" or "Cream of Mushroom". This makes analysis really tough.
I first created a table with a list (K6:P6) that had the varying names of the products. This is shown as the first table with 3 rows.
Then I tried to match this list to a range of products sold by an outlet e.g. Electric. (shown in the next bigger table $D$10:$D$254, ) Next, I used Index to call up and display the sales of that product next to table with list A ($G$10:$G$254)
This works for some entries but not for all. I get mostly #NA answers even though I do ctrl-shift-enter. Also, the bigger table is in a separate file and I am using excel 2010.
=INDEX('[GON-JUN 2012.xls]gon-jun'!$G$10:$G$254,MATCH(K6:P6,'[GON-JUN 2012.xls]gon-jun'!$D$10:$D$254,0))
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Jul 30, 2014
For example the formula below is in cell AU6. I want to exclude A6 from the array. Row AU7 would need to exclude A7 when I drag it down.
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Jun 20, 2014
I have a workbook that is doing something I don't understand. In several places I am using arrays to transfer/modify information, then placing the array back onto the worksheet, and this works perfectly. The following code... doesn't.
(I've cut out unnecessary code like variable declarations - all my integer items are declared as Long)
Dim varA As Variant, varB(10000, 1) As Variant
Set wkDest = Sheets("a")
erB = 0
For lpTerm = 1 To 4
and several other ways. What happens is just null output, a full column of nothing. However, when I expand my worksheet range to two columns, all the data from varB appears - it is shifted down one column and row. So my data starts at .cells(2,2) instead of .cells(1,1). The data is all perfect, I've verified it left and right.... I just can't figure out why it's getting shifted like this.
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Aug 23, 2008
I have 16 columns in a single row that I am trying to apply to an array formula. That works, but I need to exclude all cells with the number "0" from the array range. I think I can do this myself in VBA but I don't want to run a macro every time something changes. Is it possible to do this in excel?
It is possible that A1:A4 is a non-zero range and A12:16 may be a non-zero range. (Zeros will always be grouped in 4s)
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May 23, 2012
Im using excel 2010 As it's 60 times quicker I was trying to speed up my code and replace all loops by putting the value into an array, and then transfer the array to the worksheet
It seems to be straightforward for math calculations like in this example:
But no luck with the one below. I was trying to test it on a simple loop which replaces two types of string into the 3rd one:
Dim lastrow, lastrow2, i As Long
With Worksheets("KPI5")
lastrow2 = .Range("N" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
.Range("T7:T" & lastrow2).Value = .Range("F7:F" & lastrow2).Value
For i = 8 To lastrow2
If .Range("T" & i).Value = "Modification" Then
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Jan 15, 2014
For Each clsName In Array("Africa", "Europe", "Asia")
If I have the above array values in the named range _lstRgns in Sheet 1 of my workbook, how would I write the code to pick this up?
The named range is expandable, as it is an offset formula in the name manager.
clsName is the name of my defined array in my code
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May 26, 2006
I have a two massive spread sheets in which I am comparing items from one with the other and changing in one if the other doesn't match the first. I already have reduced the processing time from 6 hours to about 2 minutes by rewriting the macro to use autofilter to make the changes. The problem I have now is that I need to keep some metrics on the changes i.e. when I apply an autofilter, I need to be able to assign a variable to the number of items actually shown after autofiltering so I can add it to a variable that is keeping track of total number of changes. I know that outside of VBA, in regular excel use, the status bar displays # of total# found during autofilter, so is there a way to tap into the program and pull that number during execution of a macro?
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Mar 19, 2014
I have an array PeopleList(6,320) that contains
PersonID, FirstName, LastName, Email, Phone, Notes
What I'm trying to do. I have two separate requirements:
(1) To add the whole array to a listbox on form initialization - see Sub UserForm_Initialize()
(2) To clear the listbox and re-add only certain items based on what's typed in a textbox - see Sub txtSearchTerm_Change()
I have two errors:
Error 1 in UserForm_Initialize()
The listbox contents need transposing! It is displaying as
1 2 3 4 5
Tom Ben Heidi Julie Mark
Smith Jones Evans Simpson Petersen
x@yo.com a@bo.com c@do.com e@fo.com g@ho.com
02071001022 02071001026 02071001027 02071001028 02071001029
When it should be displaying as
1 Tom Smith x@yo.com 02071001022 Friend
2 Ben Jones a@bo.com 02071001026
Is there a way to transpose the array?
Error 2 in txtSearchTerm_Change()
I cannot find anywhere - even on MSDN - all the information I need how to correctly add a single record to a multiple-column listbox! What I'm trying is:
For i = 0 To UBound(SearchList) If InStr(1, SearchList(i), SearchTerm) 0 Then
With lstPeople
For j = 0 To UBound(PeopleList, 1)
.List(c, j).Value = PeopleList(j, i)
[Code] ......
How do I add a record to the listbox????
Full code for reference:
Option Explicit
Private PeopleList As Variant
Private SearchList As Variant
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
[Code] .......
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Jul 21, 2011
I have a set of four pivot tables on a sheet that I need to programmatically change a Report Filter (Page Field) so I can create sets of reports in an automated fashion. This will be the first step in that process. The change will involve choosing > 1 Role each time the code loops through based on Named Ranges I've defined that are associated with that Role.
My code thus far:
Sub TestCode()
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pf As PivotField
Dim pi As PivotItem
emm_dc_gsr is one of many Named Ranges that will contain a variable number of elements. Just using the one right now to see if I can get the code to work, I'll eventually make another Named Range/Array of all them so I can loop through each Report ("ReportPick").
I want the Report Filter to consult that Named Range for its values and apply those values to PivotField "Role" that is used as a Report Filter.
When running this code above, I get a "Role" Field that says "All" but no values (the table is completely blank), with no evidence as to why it'd be blank (all filters in every Report, Column and Row are working normally and are filled in). When I choose a value manually after the code is run, the pivot table values populate. Do I need to somehow index the Named Range in that loop? I'm just confused about this step right here:
For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
If pi.Value = RolePick Then
pi.Visible = True
Else: pi.Value = False
When I've run other versions of the code, I've gotten an array version of it to "work" using LBound and UBound, but it never chooses the right two values even though those are verified as stored in the array via a pass-through. It chooses the first few values in the Report Filter.
Here's the corresponding code for that:
For i = LBound(myArray) To UBound(myArray)
pf.PivotItems(i).Name = myArray(i, 1).Value
pf.PivotItems(i).Visible = True
I do not care if I use an array or a Named Range. I just want something that is simple and works. Passing the values directly from the named range seems easiest to my brain, but I'm open to anything and I'm clearly missing something (probably silly).
I also have no idea why " .AutoSort xlManual, .SourceName, .EnableMultiplePageItems" is necessary though every piece of sample code I've seen seems to have some variation of it.
(Using Excel 2010, Windows 7.)
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Jun 10, 2007
I have a Excel sheet and I have put Autofilter for a particular category I choose I need to count number of items in another column(autofilter) , for eg... there are two columns Category , Items When i choose a particular Category I need to count number of Items in the autofilter for that particular category?
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Dec 12, 2008
I have a list of numbers and i want to calculate avg and stdev but i do not want "zeros" or "blanks" to enter into the calculations. I have a formula for avg but i need one for stdev.
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Oct 1, 2008
When I run the following code, it just returns records that matches "Commonwealth" and not a single record with "State". What am I doing wrong?
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May 23, 2013
Filter below:
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("$A$3:$AO$64999").AutoFilter Field:=1,
Criteria1:=Array("0" _, "1", "2", "3", ""), Operator:=xlFilterValues
Now I would like to change to exclude these values, tried some tricks, like:
Criteria1:=Array("0" _, "1", "2", "3", ""), Operator:=xlFilterValues
but not working.
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