Adding A Column Of Formulas

May 9, 2009

How do I add a column of cells with formulas without getting #DIV/O! for the total?

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Adding Two Formulas Together?

Mar 24, 2014

how do i add this =LOOKUP((E12+G12),{0,1500,6000,15000,55000;3.4,2.9,2.4,1.9,1.4})%*(E12+G12)+0.2 Into this fomula =IF(AND(E3>0,J3="Yes"),((E3+G3)*3.4%+0.2),0)

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Adding Numbers With Formulas

Apr 23, 2009

I'm tring do a simple formula: =CA3+BP3+BE3+AT3+AI3+X3+M3, but because the cells I am adding have formulas in them already it is returning a error. Can I add them using 'sumproduct' formula, or is there another way?

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Adding Columns And Formulas And All That

Nov 6, 2008

I would now like to as remove the first column and add another column a and b. A would say "Service From Date" and column B would say "Service To Date" In addition I would like to add a column between "5202 Meals Provided" and "5221 S.A. Facility Lodging" a column that reads "7025 Number of Days Care" and that tallies like the rest of them.

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Adding Columns And Formulas

Dec 9, 2008

I need to editing a VBA script and can't assist right now. Here is the VBA script as it exists today:

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Formulas To Be Copied After Adding Row?

Dec 20, 2011

I need formulas to be automatic added when i insert row

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Adding Formulas To Sheet With Vba

Apr 13, 2007

Is there a way I can add formulas dynamically to a sheet using VBA? I need to do cost calculations in the excel sheet for each company defined as an input from the user, so the number of formulas needed will change? Is there a way to write in the formulas to the sheet?

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Freeze Formulas When Adding Columns Through VBA?

Jun 4, 2014

in my workbook: in sheet1 i have many cells with formulas which calculates values from sheet2. I also have a macro which is used often that will arrange and prepare data in sheet2, including adding some columns.

The problem is that after these columns are added, the formulas in sheet1 will be changed, even if I used f4 ($) in the formulas.

how can I freeze these formulas? I think a solution is to include the formulas in sheet1 in the macro I'm running for sheet2. But I would like to avoid this.

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Adding Formulas To New Posted Data

Oct 28, 2009

I have a workbook which is used to merge new customers data into letters and then monitor the progress of the job through to closure. I have a worksheet (New Jobs) where new jobs are entered which acts as the db for the word document and have assigned a macro that appends all new jobs to the monitoring worksheet (WO Open). I have 10 cells in WO Open worksheet to the right of the new data that I need to populate with formulas.

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Adding Many Dynamic Formulas Into Name Manager?

Sep 20, 2013

I have made a table with many dynamic formulas that I want to import into the Name Manager. It has the names in Column A and the "Refers to" formulas in Column B. Unfortunately, when highlighting the cells and using the "Create from Selection" feature of Excel 2010 it puts the Column B cell address in the "Refers to" field, not the actual formula. Is there another way to get these formulas into the "Refers to" field without typing them all out or coping and pasting them individually?

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Adding Time Racking Formulas

Sep 12, 2006

I want me to track our inbox. All jobs that go into the inbox get logged on a sheet and at the end of the day get transferred to an Excel spreadsheet. They now want to track how long s job sits in the inbox before it's logged out and worked on. Currrently we put a time and date for both logged in and logged out. I've attached below a sample spreadsheet and a brief description as to some restrictions.

Our hours of work is 7AM to 6PM. So we only want to add add up the time the job was in the inbox based on those hours.... ie if a job came in right at 6PM at night and was logged out at 7:05AM in the morning, the total time that job was in the inbox was 5 mins. Same thing applies for the weekends.

I'm suppose to be in charge of creating that part of the spreadsheet.

************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - work time.xls___Running: xl2000 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutB3=
ABCDEFGH1********2*Job*#Time*inDate*inTime*outDate*outTime*spent*in*inbox*3*111:15*AM09/11/062:30*PM09/11/063*hours*&*15*minutes*4*24:25*PM09/11/069:45*AM09/12/064*hours*&*30*minutes*-*overnight*5*34:45*PM09/08/069:35*AM09/11/063*hours*&*50*minutes*-*over*weekend*6********7*hours*of*operation*are*7am*to*6pm***8********9*Explaination*or*#3*from*above….******10*Job*came*in*@*4:45*PM*on*Friday*but*was*not*removed*from*th*inbox*until*9:35*AM*on*Monday*morning.*11*Since*our*hours*of*operation*are*from*7AM*to*6PM,*the*time*that*the*job*was*sitting*in*the*inbox*was*3*hrs*&*50*mins.*12*This*is*figured*out*by*4:45PM*to*6PM*is*1*hr*&*15*mins*and*7AM*to*9:35AM*is*2*hrs*&*35*mins.**1hr,*15*mins*plus*2hrs,*35 *mins*equals*3hrs*&*50*mins*13********Sheet1*
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box

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Manually Adding Formulas To Pivot Table

May 22, 2014

I've created a pivot table as shown in the attached image - I've had to hide most of the data but I'm not sure how confidential it is so thought I should play it safe.


In between the Job Board Applications column and the Registrations column I want to have a Cost Per Application column.

In this fake example, the company that I've called 'Excel Forum' (imaginative I know) pay $1000 per month for their email marketing, so the cost per application from email would be 1000/1150 = $0.87.

Is there a way to insert a column in a pivot table that you can manually add formulas to?

I've tried replicating the pivot table underneath using cell=B6 etc. and the GETPIVOTDATA function then hiding the whole pivot table apart from the filters, but because there are a different number of subcategories every month the cell references don't work when the filter is changed.

I also tried to add a calculated field but this didn't seem to be what I wanted.

As a last resort I can add the cost per application manually to the raw data and include it as a column when making the pivot table, but this would be an ENORMOUS job to do every month so I'm in need of a better solution!

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Adding Text To Formulas - Formula Too Long

Jan 29, 2010

Is there a work around to pull data from cells in excel to another tab with standard language? For example the template language will stay the same except in example A's case the last sentence "0.0" hrs will vary based what's sitting in B34.

It's stating the formula is too long. Is there too much text?

Sometimes the link would be in the middle of the text as shown in example B below with dates 00/00/00.

For any leave of absence that is granted for more than 10 days, time off is governed under the Disability Bank Policy. Under the Disability Bank Policy there is a 10 day elimination period which must be satisfied prior to gaining access to your disability bank. During this 10-day elimination period, you are required to use your sick time for the first 6 days (48.00 hours) and vacation time for the remaining 4 days (32.00 hours). After this elimination period, we use all the time accrued in your disability bank. Currently, you have a disability bank balance of "00" hours.

After this disability bank is exhausted, you will use all remaining and future paid time off balances from your vacation/CME/holiday banks. Because your leave begins in 00/00/00 and ends in 00/00/00 we will advance you future paid time off balance thru 00/00/00. Once those balances are exhausted the remainder of the leave will be unpaid. Per our policy, should you not return to work, you agree to pay back any time advanced to you within 30 days of your separation from the company.

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Making Formulas That Automatically Update When Adding Cells

Jun 9, 2014

I want to make an excel workbook for a client. What I want to do with it is make a set of instructions telling them to add or insert as many rows in specific categories I have made for them. These options differ depending on the different duties performed. There will be an associated number (value for that duty, ex. duty might be Janitor and the number would be like 5 dollars per hour, so on and so forth), I want to make it to where there is a code that notices more rows and adds more IF statements or whatever statements are needed to keep adding those extra options. These values are connected to a data validation list that drives the if statement.

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Adding And Deleting Rows In Worksheet While Maintaining Formulas?

Mar 26, 2014

I have a Productivity Report that contains very basic formulas that provide totals for 4 columns (B6:E6) and an average for one column (F). I have included two command buttons, one to add a new row and the other to delete a row.

I need to be able to add or delete rows depending on how many employees' productivity I will be tracking on any given week; each row represents a separate employee. I need the following functionality out of my form:

1) formula in column F needs to copy and paste with each new line
2) when a new line is copied and pasted I need the contents to be cleared
3) I need the user to be blocked from deleting the first row (3 on this form) in the table

The code I'm using for my "Add" button is:


The code I'm using for my "Delete" button is:

[Code] .....
The buttons add and delete rows as I'd like them to but content is not clearing, with each row added the contents provide a sub total. I've tried various lines of code (some more complicated and some less) before I recorded my own macro (see above).

Attached File : Productivity Report (HH).xlsm‎

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Copy Workbook Table To Another WB Without Adding Title In Formulas

Jan 4, 2012

I'm trying to copy a huge list of formulas and formats from one work book to another almost identical, each time it adds the old workbook name title into the formulas, this is easy to do in the formula bar for individual formulas but can this be done for many?

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Adding Constraints To Averaging Formulas Over Multiple Cells

Nov 20, 2009

I have data for 500 companies over 10 years, in three criterions: “EPS”, “DPS” & “PX” (i.e. earnings, dividends and price).

For each company I have four lines recording the data, and given a letter code indicating how the change in dividends and earnings have been according to the following

DD-ED = Dividends Decreased & Earnings Decreased
ND-EI = No Dividends & Earnings Increased
As can be seen below this code is present for each company

What I need help with is some sort of lookup function which takes the average of the price changes (which is given in numerical values) only for the companies which code is equal to the code in the reference field.

So something like: =AVERAGE(IF((MOD(ROW(D2:D2353)-ROW(D2)+1,5))=0,IF(D2:D2353"",D2:D2353))) (currently counting every 5th line, since there is 4 lines between respectively PX/DPS/EPS for each company) –But with a constraint indicating only to include the value in the calculation if the codes are the same (e.g. "DI-EI" = "DI-EI").

So that the value, which is currently 20.96% (which now includes ALL price values), would only include those for the respective group (in this case, companies in the DE-EI group).

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Complex Formulas Not Automatically Adjusting When Adding / Removing Rows?

Jul 11, 2014

I have this spreadsheet that I am creating schedules for my employees since our scheduling software at work is horrible to work with. It calculates total hours for each employee at the far right of the rows, and calculates total hours for each day in the columns. The formulas that calculate the hours for each day is set up to automatically deduct 30 minutes from a shift, for lunch, if they're scheduled for more than 5 hours (the gray shaded employee rows are for managers and that only deducts 30 mins if they're shift exceeds 8 hours).

I'm familiar enough to put somewhat complex formulas together, but I don't understand it enough to always make them work correctly. What I'm wanting to be able to do is add or subtract entire rows (add new employees or remove old), and have my formulas for calculating the total hours to still work. Right now if I delete a row the cell with the formula in it says #REF!. I can fix this by going through the formula and manually deleting everything in that contains those other cells, but the formula is huge, and it's pretty tedious going through the whole thing when it feels like there should be a simpler way of doing it.

TLDR: I want to be able to add/remove a row and have my cells currently on row 36 update the formula correctly.

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Adding Blank Row In Data Table Without Disturbing Protected Formulas

Mar 16, 2012

I have a table of data 300 rows long with protected formulas in adjacent columns and at the bottom of the column. Some of the data cells are blank but the non-blank cells are contiguous and start at the top of the range (see Before Example).

a macro that would allow users to insert a blank cell at any point in the data table without losing any of the other data or disrupting the formulas. In other words I want to move all the data from that point to the bottom of the range down by 1 row. A before and after example for a smaller 10 row data set is shown below.


AB1data aformula 12data bformula 23data cformula 34data dformula 45data eformula 56data fformula 67 formula 78 formula 89 formula 910 formula 1011formula Aformula B


AB14data aformula 115data bformula 216data cformula 317data dformula 418data eformula 519 formula 620data fformula 721 formula 822 formula 923 formula 1024formula Aformula B

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Adding Column Widths Of Merged Area To Match Single Column Width

Sep 19, 2012

I needed to match the width a merged area of seven columns to a single column width (for row autofitting). Adding the column unit values and setting the single column to that value produced a significantly narrower width.

The documentation mentions that the column width unit is scaled to the font type and size and the absolute width is given in points.

This is set by the normal style setting in Excel Options or by VBA application.standardfontsize = 8 (in this case).

For instance, ten columns of Arial font 8 at 8.5 units you would think to be equivalent to a single column of 85 units.
In points, the difference is 420 vs. 386.25, or 33.75 points.

Well, the standard character zero has a width at this setting of 4.5 points and 1 unit is 8.25 points, leaving 3.75 points for margins.

Then (10-1) margins allowances time 3.75 points resolves the difference.

Determining the margin allowances is straightforward, and reveals that the gradation with size is stepped by MS design.
For instance, sizes up to 11 use 3.75 points for margins and increasing points for characters (except between 9 & 10).
Sizes 12 through 18 use 5.25 points, 20 & 22 use 6.75, 24 & 26 use 8.25, etc.

I have created a table for this purpose, however I rarely use a "normal" other than 8, so I can probably use that set in programming.

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Adding Values (currency) From One Column Based On Value Of Another Column (Categories)

Nov 5, 2013

I have a worksheet (Sheet1) that is constantly growing with information. I have several categories under the "Category" column and then the various amounts under "Amount" column. I would like to have Sheet2 be able to keep a running total of the "Amount" column for each category as it increases in entries. I've attached an example sheet.


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How To Combine Text Values Of Formulas In Addition To Adding Text

Jun 15, 2013

I am trying to combine the text values of several formulas in addition to adding some text (punctuation) in between.

Here is the data that I am trying to combine

C14: 2013
C15: Period 6
C16: Week 1

In Cell C13, I would like to have this value returned: "2013 - Period 6, Week 1"

Is there such a way to do this?

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VLOOKUP And SUM Formulas: Pick Up Another Value In Column 9 And Should Add Value In Column 7 And 9 And Return It

Apr 6, 2007


In the first vlookup it picks up a value. I need to do the same vlookup function but it should also pick up another value in column 9 and should add value in column 7 and 9 and return it. Employee id numbers are in column E in the first page.My formula checks for the employee id in Su sheet and retrieves the value from the seventh column. I need to retrieve also from 9 th column and add them together.

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Adding Values From One Column Based On Criteria In Another Column?

Jan 30, 2013

If i have the following layout of data

Column 1 Column 2
January 1000
January 1234
February 1300
March 1600
January 15
March 123
April 234
January 3000

I would like a formula that adds all the January numbers together returning a result of 5249

To move this one step further i would eventually need to add these numbers based on quarters, for example if the value is January February or March in column 1 then add the numbers in column 2.

I'm sure i have done this before using a countifs maybe but my mind has drawn a blank

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Adding Column Minus Rows That Have Data In Another Column

Feb 15, 2007

I want a cell on one spreadsheet (SP-A) to add up a column (M) in another spreadsheet (SP-B) rows 11 through 10000.

Here's the thing, I want that cell to actually display not the sum that it gets but that sum minus all numbers (in M column again) which column E is filled out with any data for their given row...

i'm not even sure if this makes sense lol... let me use example

on SP-B there's a column M.
in row 11, value = 3
in row 12, value = 5, in this same row column E is filled with whatever
in row 13, value = 2, in this same row column E is filled with whatever
in row 14, value = 6

in my SP-A I need the cell to display 9, since rows 12 and 13 have values in E and I don't want to add those to the sum.

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Use Of Column Number Instead Of Column Letter In Formulas

Jun 16, 2013

In my spreadsheet the formula
gives 8 which is correct.

But I know ONLY that the column is 11 (that is 11 th column). Then how do I write the above count formula wilthout using column letter k.

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Adding ROW Using 1 Column As Reference And Another Column For Naming

Nov 19, 2013

I Basically need to use DATA in Column D of my file to add a ROW and then use Column C to name that new ROW added...

Example: [URL] ........

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Adding Formulas To Cell From Non Empty Cell?

Jun 14, 2014

So i was asked to do a spreadsheet for "counting" electrical items from a project. For instance, quantity of cables, cable trays, electrical equipment, etc.

One of the sheets is called "Cables" and is structured in a database form, i mean, the first row contains the name of the columns (fields) and from the second row will be the records (much like a table in Excel).

One of this columns has to be calculated, for example, Qty (B3) * Measured (C3) = Subtotal (D3). If i put the formula in the whole column filling D:D the size of the excel file grows up to 10 mbs. So to keep the size small, I want Excel to introduce this formula only if it can find a value in Qty (B3).

Is liking adding records in Access, the table should grow with each row completed. We cannot use access, it has to be something the team can handle (they know a bit of Word and Excel, nothing else).

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Copying Formulas From Column To Column

Jun 4, 2009

In the attached spreadsheet, I am trying to drag the formula from one column to the next but I need the same cells to be used in every column with the exception of one cell. For instance, the formula I want to use is in the cell highlighted yellow. In the next cell over (highlighted blue) I want the formula to use the same D and E cells with the only change being the first part of each (G). Both the blue and yellow cell represent what I want to do. For example, the next column (H) would have (H4+D4+E4) in the first part. Column I would have (I4+D4+E4), and so on.

The D and E columns will be in every equation for each column. The problem is that excel wants to use the next column over instead of keeping D and E in each. How do I drag these equations so that it just changes the first part and keeps the D and E columns the same?

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Adding Zero To A Column

Jun 26, 2014

I am having a column which has numbers. The length of a number should be 8 or should be 8 digit.I want to standardize the columns by adding leading zero. For example

Example Output
1245 00001245

12 00000012

5 00000005

1234567 01234567

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