Adding Additional Goals And Objectives In Treatment Plan Using Form Control Button

Feb 25, 2014

Instead of having the goals and objectives already in the form I would like to have buttons that would allow my clinicians to add as many goals and objectives as they'd like to the attached treatment plan. I'd like them to be able to click a delete button as well when they review the plan and need to delete a goal that's been met. When my team clicks into the second worksheet they would see rows 10-16 (below). They would then type a STG 1 and an Obj A. They then would click the Add Obj button and add as many objectives that they needed. Then when they clicked the add goal button a blank copy of rows 10-16 (including the Add Obj button) would pasted one row down and would update to read STG 2. Neither of these buttons would appear when the document printed.

Here is a screen scrape of what I'd like the attached form to look like before goals and objectives are added.

add goal.jpg

The original form is saved in an .xltm format but I saved it in an .xlsm format so I could upload it here.

HCT ITP (2-25-14) Abbr.xlsm

I found a thread on this forum that came close to answering my question but my attempts to pull out the coding that I needed was unsuccessful. Here's a link to the thread: [URL] ........

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Form Control Button Changes Size

Nov 16, 2012

I have several files with form control buttons that automate functions but, on occasion, they get smaller relative to the worksheet they're in. At some point, they become unuasable unless they're manually resized.

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Search For A Form Control Button

Nov 28, 2012

I have a rather large sheet with lots of embedded form control buttons, each one with a document link. Is there a function (no VBA) to search for a specific form control button in excel? for example: i want to find the form control button which is linked to the "application" document.

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How To Protect Form Control Button With Password

Jul 21, 2014

I have made an excel sheet for multiple choice questions, in which person needs to click on submit button after completing with the test & pop up will say "Your score is__". Now, I want to want to add one more button named "Reset". I want below :


1. Person should not be able to make any changes after clicking on "Submit" button.

2. If one tries to click on "Reset" button, it should ask for password.

3. After keying password for "Reset" button, all questions should be reset so that next person can give test.

I have attached an example excel sheet for reference : DoM1.xlsm‎

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Send Form As Email From Control Button?

Apr 5, 2013

I am trying to get a form sent as an email by pressing he control button without having to cut and paste into an email sheet. I have tried with

[Code] .....

but the code I put in only opens a new email form, which requires cut and paste.

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View Data From Form Control Button

Aug 9, 2009

Is it possible to configure the workbook so the user can view the data in the worksheet from the form and I can hide the actual worksheet so that the data in the workshhet cannot be changed? Or maybe there is a better way all together??

I am attaching a copy of the worksheet.

Second, Is there a better way to input a code that would allow a search for duplicates in certain fields to be flagged (other than the color coding?)

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Inserting Browse Button In Form Control?

Nov 29, 2012

Is it possible to use a Form control which choose a folder/file in a specific location (Ie: Browse button)?

Currently I put the location details in a textbox.

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Adding Button From Control Toolbox

May 18, 2007

I have added a button to asign a macro to but for the life of me cant see how to "activate" the button. I am trying to click the button to make the macro run but it keeps selecting the button like it wont come out of design view.

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Unprotect Form Control Button With Assigned Macro?

Oct 9, 2012

So I have a sheet with a lot of formulas and form control buttons that have been assigned macros.

When I go to protect certain cells and lock them and the activate sheet protection, suddenly my form control buttons with the assigned macros don't work.

I still need to protect some cells with formulas and don't want to leave the whole worksheet unprotected, but in order to allow the form control button macros to run, it appears that's what I have to do....or, is there another way to do this?

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Excel 2010 :: Open Form From Worksheet Control Button?

Aug 5, 2013

Excel 2010. How/where to define userform object?

Button on worksheet has following code:

Sub Button1_Click()
Load UserForm1
End Sub

Execution of this code generates following error:

Run time error 424
Object required

How/where to define userform object?

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Macro For Form Control Button To Reset Scroll Bars To Static Column Of Numbers

May 8, 2014

I have never written or used a macro before and I have a simple macro task to complete:

I have Column L (L4:L10) of seven scroll bars that move according to number changes in column F (F4:F10). I want to create a form control command button that resets the changes on the scroll bars according to static column of numbers in Column E (E4:E10).

I don't know if it matters, but I'll add that I plan to add a second button that does the same thing with a different column of data. I assume I'll simply replicate whatever procedure I use in the first button - is this okay?

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Add Additional Textbox To A Form During Runtime?

Aug 3, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that records data on various sites with data entered on a userform.

Every so often a site may need to be added or deleted. Is there anyway to use VBA to add an additional field to a Userform, and then also delete the field if necessary?

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Adding Additional IF Condition?

Mar 28, 2014

I have a code that searches in a column for a certain value, if it finds it, it copies this value to a range adjacent to it.

[Code] ..........

However, if the cell where the code is supposed to find a new value is blank it makes the range blank. But in that case, I wan't it to leave the range cells with their original value.

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Adding Checkbox Without Additional Text?

Apr 1, 2013

I'm working on a spreadsheet that needs a lot of check-boxes and every time I add one I get the text "Check box" right next to it. I can't seem to get rid of it.

Format control - Alt Text didn't work.

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Adding Additional Conditions To IF Statement

Dec 29, 2011

I need to add a condition to a statement that adds a "If TRUE" reference to another cell.

The other cell can be either a TEXT value "RM1" OR "TE2". If neither condition is true than the value is blank or zero.

So right now I have in the destination cell =IF(AB7="CONT",V7,"") That works lovely, but really isn't countable unless cell "Z7" ALSO has Either "RM1" OR "TE2".

If cell "Z7" has the text "DEA" or "SP" then the value of "V7" will be placed in a different column. I will use a different destination column (for this modified "DEA" or "SP" condition)

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Adding Additional Characters For Substitution

Sep 20, 2008

i have a macro that copies info from cell in row A and uses that info to name the whole row, now if the name has a space between the words it uses _ (underscore) substition so i don't get an error (when row name is defined - you can't use any special characters or spaces) i was wondering if anyone can help me to add "-" besides the space

here is the macro
Sub Macro1()
Dim a As Long
For a = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Cells(a, 100) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(Cells(a, 1), " ", "_")
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=Cells(a, 100), RefersToR1C1:="=Sheet1!R" & a
Next a
End Sub

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Finding Matches And Adding Additional Data

Mar 17, 2014

Sheet 2 in the attached sample workbook (without all the pre-existing formula's from the original) contains data that I paste in (Cols A to D).

Sheet 1 then searches that data (minus Col D) from Sheet 2 and returns "Yes" to Col I if matching data is found.

What I would like to do now is if Sheet 1 returns "Yes" then the corresponding value from Sheet 2 would be returned to Sheet 1 Col J.

So in this example the value "5" would be returned to Sheet 1 Cell J1

I already have all the formulas in place to find the matches and return "Yes", this is just to return the additional information from Col D Sheet 2 to Sheet 1 Col J..

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Adding Some Additional Code To Prevent Someone From Saving Workbook?

Aug 14, 2014

Adding some additional code to prevent someone from saving the workbook under a different name. Currently if someone tried to enter data after the allotted time period, it would allow them to in any "unlocked" cells. When exiting or trying to save the file with this new data, they will get a message stating something to the effect that this is a read only file would you like to save as another name, which would allow the user to circumvent what I'm trying to accomplish. The end result would be they'd need a new spreadsheet.


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Timeline Adding Specific Time Frame In Each Additional Cell?

Jun 23, 2014

Rather than manually typing the time in 5 min increments across a range of cells, i want to have a start time, then the next cell add 5 mins. EG: 09:00 next cell 09:05 and so on.

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Extract Numbers From String (multiple Cells) And SUM Without Adding Additional Column

Apr 10, 2013

i have data stored like:


XXXX1244 50
XXXX1519 60
XXXX1244 50
xxxxx1111 10
xxxxx1519 65

the last 4 caracters are numbers. I need to test these numbers and sum the corresponding values them in a single cell without adding new column(SUMIF like).

so in the above example I need to sum all ending at 1244 or 1519, therefore the sum showed in the single cell equals 225

to extract from a single cell: =VALUE(RIGHT(D8;4))

I tried to use an array formula but it seems to crash if a blank cell is in the array

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Nested Forms (pull Up A Second Form From A Command Button Within A Form)

May 7, 2009

I'm trying to pull up a second form from a command button within a form. There's a command button in a sheet to open the first form (frmOrderInput.) Then there's another command button in that form to open the second form (frmPriceInput.)

The Module to open the first is this:

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Vlookup - Finding Additional Values From Duplicates Using Additional Column

Jan 29, 2014

I am using a spreadsheet as a score sheet for a competition. One of the columns is the student's GPA. After entering all the scores there are duplicate final scores. I need a way to have it look at the final score and then use the GPA so that it will not put a duplicate value in the final column.

al Column N is the Total Column, Column O has the Names that correspond to the Total Column. Currently I am taking this total and putting it into Column Q (High Scores) in high to low order. Column R should have the names that match the scores. But with duplicate scores, it is only putting the first name associated with the score. I would like to use the GPA as a final determining factor for the duplicate scores. The higher GPA would come before a lower GPA. I have tried to put an additional column to bring the GPA over to correspond with the High Scores Column, but could not get it to work.There are actually more names for the competition and the top 10 will be moved to a different sheet and further judged. I have attached a sample with the exact formulas that I am using.

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Macro Works With Form Button But Not Command Button

Oct 5, 2006

This is probably really straight forward but cant see why it happens, the following macro works fine when called by a button created by the form toolbar but doesnt when called by a command button, get the runtime error 1004, "select method of range class failed"


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Numerical Treatment Of Quotation Marks

Mar 15, 2007

To prevent the display of values in a worksheet, I have used an If statement in the format: =IF(I67=""",""",I67). This generally works well; however, I have discovered that if the input value for I67 is actually zero, there is no value displayed in the cell. I need the value to be displayed as a numerical zero so that it can be used in subsequent calculations.

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Form Button On Spreadsheet - Identifying Which Row The Button Is On

Jul 23, 2014

I am imagining a spreadsheet with the equivalent of an info button in each cell of column A. The idea is the user clicks the button to open a User Form containing additional info about the entitity represented by values on that row.

E.g., Row 1 is labels, row 2 is all about Bob, 3 is about Jane, 4 is about Freddy. If the user clicks the info button on row 3 then a user form opens up and displays additonal info about Jane.

I am wondering if there is a way for VB to identify which row the clicked button was on without having to write individual code for each button telling VB which row the button was on.

I am hoping there is some form button property I can reference or interrogate which will give me a cell address; a button.position property or similar. This will obviously save me a lot of coding if VB can dynamically determine which row is being interrogated as there will be a couple of hundred of these to start with, potentially thousands. (I realise Access is a better solution for database interrogation, but I have to work with excel at present).

Ultimately, the user form that the button calls up will have a list box on it and I want the list box to default to the entity on that row, and allow the user to browse the other entities if they want to.

If there isn't a solution for this I will just have a single info button for the users to click that opens the user form and then they can select the entity from a list box. But I would like to offer the "intelligent display" option but don't relish coding the equivalent of several hundred "You clicked button four hundred and seventy six, default to info card for bert".

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Form Control Listbox VBA

Oct 23, 2009

i have a form control listbox (list box 5), it is multi select, i need to create a for next statement that loops through the list in and tells me which "row numbers" as it were are selected. i.e if the 1st and 3rd ones are blue, it returns 1,3 in a cell? (lets say cell A1).

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Can Reverse Form Control

Dec 1, 2012

I have a control sheet that I am building and my sliderbar is making my data just disapear and not replacing it with any new data. Can this be fixed if I am able to reverse the sliderbar

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Use Of MS Chart Control In VBA Form

May 12, 2006

I am trying to use the Chartspace object on a VBA form in Excel 2002, but am unable to find out how to specify the speadsheet data to be used for each series. I have found out how to add series, and to add titles & legend etc.

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Run Macro When Form Control Checkbox Changes

May 30, 2013

I have many Form Control Check Boxes that all link to another sheet on row 3.

I have many changes to make but only want to implement the change related to the check box.

This code works perfect when you manualy type true or false on row 3 but not if the check box makes the change.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
ThisCol = Target.Column
If Target.Row = 3 Then
RESULT = MsgBox(Cells(1, ThisCol) & " = " & Cells(3, ThisCol), vbOKOnly, "CLICK RESULTS")
End If
End Sub

Why does this not work when a check box changes the value in row 3?

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Form Control Like The One Used In System Time

Jan 13, 2009

Does anyone know how to make a form control (ex combobox, textbox) have multiple columns so that it would behave like 4 controls in one. What im going for is a control that looks like the control used when setting windows system time "12:30:00 AM" So "12" is in col 1, ":" is in col 2, "30" is in col 3, ":" is in col 4, "00" is in col 5, and "AM" is in col 6.

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