Adding Multiple Rows Of Text In A Msgbox.!

Oct 7, 2009

I believe this would be a very simple query for some but I am a complete novice in VBa and am using a msgbox in one of my file but I need to split the message text into multiple lines but I do not know how to do the same.

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Display MsgBox Text On Multiple Lines

Sep 12, 2007

How can I break this onto 3 lines in Visual Basic Editior to make it more readable:

MsgBox "Only enter data in white cells." & vbNewLine & "Yellow cells contain formulas or dates entered automatically", &
vbNewLine & "Do not insert blank rows. Copy row(s) and Insert/Paste" , vbInformation, "Spreadsheet by GJF"

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Adding Msgbox To Stop Error

Jun 2, 2009

Adding msgbox to stop error
i have came up with its simple code

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Adding Option To Cancel Macro With MsgBox?

Feb 20, 2014

The below code works well. However I would like to give the users an option to opt out of running the code when the message box appears.

Sub delete_sheets()
MsgBox "This will delete All Sheets but the active sheet"

*****this is where I would like to use an additional message box or include it in the above message box an option for the user to cancel this code****

Range("XA1") = ActiveSheet.Name
ActiveSheet.Name = ("Delete_Sheets")
Dim ws As Worksheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For Each ws In Worksheets
If Not ws.Name = "Delete_Sheets" Then ws.Delete
Next ws


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Formula For Adding 12.5% Onto Multiple Rows?

Apr 25, 2014

I have a quotation that I am working on that I need to add 12.5% onto each seperate line price.

There are 300 individual lines on the quote all with different pricing but they all need 12.5% adding on so I am hoping there is a simple way to do a bulk sum for all of the rows rather than having to go through each row and creating a sum for each. - ie =(K28*1.125)

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Adding Multiple Rows With A Macro

Feb 23, 2010

I´ve made a simple macro in order to make easier to add new rows in a table, by filling the cells with the new data.

The problem is that according to one of the fields, I´d like that macro to add multiple rows, with exactly the same information but numbering all these rows on this specific field from 1to the number I filled on the respective cell.

For example, I have beyond another fields that I´ve already filled, the field "Parcel" and "Total of Parcels". I filled parcel with number 1 and total of parcels with 5. Then I´d like the macro to add 5 rows with the "total of parcels" cells containing 5 on every row and the field parcel filled with number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, for each row created.

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Adding And Deleting Multiple Rows

Jul 9, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with multiple similar entries I would like to add up. What would work well for me is to be able to input a column like a and a target column like e.

So in this case it would search throughout column a and wherever it finds a duplicate entry add column e and then delete one of the rows. I could then run it again under different column criteria if needed.

So if I had the below sheet:

I could search by column a and add up column h to read like this:

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Adding Text Box To Multiple Sheets

Jul 11, 2014

I have made a text box in one sheet where the user will enter the text that is to be added, and it works! How do I get the exact same text box to be entered into all of the sheets in my workbook?

[Code] .....

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Macro For Inserting Rows After Every Nth Row And Adding Text To Inserted Row?

May 26, 2014

I have the macro to insert rows every nth row, but need to be able to insert text into that nth row.

I have a list of addresses and every 10 addresses i need to insert a 'seed' which will be have the same details everytime. This is what i have so far...

Sub InsertRowsMod10()
Dim r As Long
r = 10
Do Until Len(Cells(r, 1)) = 0
Rows(r).Insert Shift:=xlDown
r = r + 10
End Sub

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Adding Up Rows Of Text/numbers That Are Exact Matchs

Jun 4, 2009

Need code for adding up rows of cells of text mixed with numbers, each row would look like

b1230 10 7/8 Gables 3/4 Pref Birch
b2230 10 7/8 Gables 3/4 Pref Birch
b3230 10 7/8 Gables 3/4 Pref Birch
b4230 10 7/8 Gables 3/4 Pref Birch
b1138 1/2 10 7/8 Base 3/4 Pref Birch
b2138 1/2 10 7/8 Base 3/4 Pref Birch
b3138 1/2 10 7/8 Base 3/4 Pref Birch
b4128 1/2 10 7/8 Base 3/4 Pref Birch

and i would like to make them add up to look like this

b1, b2, b3, b4 8 30 10 7/8 Gables 3/4 Pref Birch
b1, b2, b3 3 38 1/2 10 7/8 Base 3/4 Pref Birch
b4 1 38 1/2 10 7/8 Base 3/4 Pref Birch

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Adding Multiple Rows Using Insert Copied Cells Function?

Feb 26, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with 27 Columns and 439 rows of data. I need to copy each row of data that has a certain criteria and paste the same data 141 times below it and then manipulate the data. In the same spreadsheet I need to copy a row of data that has other criteria in it and past it 30 times below it, and then manipulate the data.

I have been using the copy and insert copied cells function, but I have to scroll down 141 or 30 rows each time to ensure I add in the correct amount of rows. Is there a more productive way to do this? I have about 10 workbooks with approximately 47 tabs/worksheets each that I will need to update in a similar fashion.

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Adding Multiple Cells Text With Special Character

Sep 3, 2013

This is my text:

Test Name1
Test Name2
Test Name3
Test Name4
Test Name5

Required result is:
Test Name1|Test Name2|Test Name3|Test Name4|Test Name5

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Format Msgbox Text: Centre/center Some Text

Nov 3, 2006

can you format msgbox? i want to centre/center some text

(also - mods...

....If are you new to the forum, or unsure,...

surely -
...If you are new to the forum, or unsure,........?


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Excel 2007 :: Conditional Formatting And Adding Text To Cell Based On Multiple Cells

May 31, 2013

I'm using Excel 2007. I would prefer to stay away from the scripting side of the house if possible. This is basically a 3 day forcast weather chart. The top is the actual weather data, the bottom portion is a color coded reflection of how the weather affects various things.

This product is created in excel, but will be embedded into a powerpoint. It will be updated daily. Here is what I would like. I want the color chart at the bottom to update automatically based on the data I enter above. I have a grasp that I can update the color through conditional formatting, although im not exactly sure what that will look like with all of those cells.

I also figured out that I can insert the letters in those lower cells with something similar to " =IF(C6>90, "T", "") " which would put in a 'T' for Temperature when the temperature got above a certain degree.

I run into a problem when I have multiple factors affecting a single cell. For instance on the example in day 2 of my image. Personnel are affected by Temperate AND UV Index. How would I set up that cell to pull that information from both of those cells and display it accordingly? I would prefer the letters to stay separated by the comma, but I could live without that. The default cell color will be green, with the potential to be yellow or red. I left a few examples of possible situations on day 2 and 3.

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MsgBox To Pop Up If Text In Cell

Feb 20, 2013

I have used conditional formatting, by which cells in a column (Column D) would either have "Text1" or "Text2" or "Text3". VB code so that macro runs a check on 'Column D' and if any cell contains "Text3", a pop-up appears with message "Text3 is there"

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Format MsgBox Text

Sep 6, 2009

I'm sure there must be a way to dimension a string and format it for use in a MsgBox, but I have no clue how to do the initial formatting; any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

FYI - something along the lines of...

Dim S as String
S = "This part of the string is bold and italicized, and this part is not"
MsgBox S, vbInformation, "My Title"

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Multiple Line Msgbox

Sep 21, 2007

Can a MsgBox have multiple lines?

I want a MsgBox to display the following information in the following format.

Newcastle - You haven't entered the following information

Sales data
4 Weekly Wage
Forecast Sales

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Msgbox, Showing Multiple Variables

Oct 2, 2007

I have a form that when you select from the drop down box and click submit it opens up a message box with the appropriate response however I want it to also return the information from a couple of Text Boxes as well on the same pop up box and some information that is always the same. I am making it display the correct information from the drop down box by a case statement.

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Making Msgbox Text Flash / Blink In VBA?

Jan 26, 2014

How would I make a msgbox text flash/ blinks in VBA? Is there a way to make the msgbox flash/blinks as well?

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Insert Multiple Rows After Each Row Of Text?

Dec 1, 2011

I have a spreadsheet with about 10,000 lines/rows of text and I want to insert 4 lines/rows under each of these. way to do this efficiently without having to insert under every line/row?

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Macro To Edit Multiple Rows Of Text

Oct 22, 2007

I used the macro editor to create a "simple" macro to edit 7 rows of text. The steps were basic and simple - F2 key, backspace about 25 times, and down arrow then repeat these 3 steps 6 more times. The macro I got gave me the result of the very first cell as I was recording the macro. I think I remember the old Lotus 1-2-3 macro text - {edit}{backspace}{down}. Wish it were still that simple.

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Testing For Multiple Text Conditions Within Rows

May 13, 2009

I have an excel template that is used for communicating in projects to teams their responsibilities and defining which stream/group has Accountability/Responsibility/Consulted/Informed (known as a RACI model) for the activity.

For any given project activity, there are rules:

One person is responsible for performing the activity (R)
Only one person can be accountable (A)
Many people can be consulted through the activity (C)
Many people can be informed of progress (I)

You must have an A and and an R for each activity
And one person can be accountable AND responsible A/R

Given that project activities can run to 100 + activities in some of our more complex programmes.... I'm looking to provide a flag in the spreadsheet for when an error has occurred and a gap in Responsibility or Accountability is created. (Less worried about testing for C's and I's)

See attached, I hope it is clear.

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Merging Multiple Rows In Column Without Losing Text?

Jul 3, 2013

sample merging file.xlsx

I have a data array of 7 col and 256 rows. I want to focus only on the first 2 columns though. Here is what is going on. In the first column I have numbers from 1-256, these numbers are merged to the appropriate size to accommodate the data in column 2. However, the data in column 2 is not merged, it consists of 1,2, or 3 lines of text. Excel deletes the text in the rows below 1 if I try to merge, excel does not allow multiple row merge selections. What I am looking for is a formula that looks at column 1, finds how many rows are being merged in column 1, then looks at column 2 and identifies the number of rows needed for merging and displays that text in only one row. Basically, it's a formula that merges multiple rows of text in col 2 depending on the number of merged rows in col 1.

1Fairbanks Morse /
Beloit, WI
2H+H Umwelttechnik /


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Sort Text Into Rows By Multiple Delimiters / Values?

Nov 19, 2013

I am trying to consolidate an .835 raw text file that is full of receipts and payments into rows by specific values/characters. Once opened within notepad/text format, I figured out that the ~CLP is the referencing value/character used to break up each individual payment.

I need to somehow use the ~CLP as the value(s) to sort the text into new rows, with each row pre-leading with the ~CLP.

For example:


New Row format needed:


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Using Lookup Function To Combine Text From Multiple Rows

Oct 4, 2012

At a high level, I have several thousand rows of data. For the sake of simplicity, assume there are two columns: 1) Name; and 2)A comment (optional, could be blank). See below for example..

Sheet 1
Row 1: Mike │ "Great to work with"
Row 2: Mike │ "Bad manager"
Row 3: Tom │ "Great guy"
Row 4: Mike │ (blank)
Row 5: John │ "Cool"
Row 6: Mike │ "Best boss"

On a separate sheet, I want to be able to somehow use a lookup function to combine all the comments for each name in a nicely formatted package (notice how I skipped the blank space so it wouldn't take up a line.

Sheet 2

="Comments for "&[ref to cell containing "Mike" in another sheet]
- Great to work with
- Bad manager
- Best boss

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Delete Rows With Specific Text (multiple Possibilities)

Nov 13, 2013

I need a VBA macro that deletes whole rows if the cell in one of the columns does not match one of three texts. For example, in column B, if the text in there isn't "Mary", "Joseph", or " " (empty space), the row must be deleted.

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Hide Multiple Rows When The Text Changes In A Cell On A Worksheet

Oct 28, 2009

The workbook has multiple sheets, and a cover sheet. Each project has a sheet and the status, costs, updates ect. are updated to the cover sheet.

What happens is there is a cell which has conditional formatting on it, e.g. If text is Green then colour cell green, if cell text is amber then colour amber and if cell text is Red then colour Red. This works fine.

If the cell text is green then I need a number of rows hidden, if it is amber or red then show the rows.

I have found the following
If Target.Value = 1 Then
End If
End Sub

Which I have changed to:

If F4.Value = Green Then
End If
End Sub

So this does not work, need to know why and how to make this work for each sheet I am on e.g. ActiveWorksheet?

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Show Rows That Contain Specific Text In New Sheet From Multiple Other Sheets

Jun 9, 2014

I have a workbook with 50 sheets. Within each sheet are rows of text that I need to search for specific text.

I'd like to search each row from each sheet for specific words (e.g. "7 days") then show the resulting rows data/text in a new sheet along with the name of the sheet and row number it came from.


Sheet 1 contains the text "7 Days" on line 40
Sheet 2 contains the text "7 Days" on line 1, 30, 50

In a new sheet, I would show the entire row in its own row that contains the text "7 Days" along with the name of the sheet and row number it was found in

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Convert Text Into Multiple Rows And Search Result In Next Sheet?

Apr 11, 2014

vba script to convert the text in a cell(split considering "Space" as delimiter) into multiple Rows and Single column & the resultant row's(A1:A7000) values need to be searched in Column(B) of another sheet,if the search result is false then the value in the row need to be highlighted in red.

I am able to split the values in one column into mutiple rows,but need to have all the resultant values in a single column.

I am able to split it as below:

Column A
Column B
Column C


for second situation - search I could search based on the values by using Vlookup() function,but unable to highlight when search result is false.


if the search string "ACB" in Sheet1 is not available in the sheet2, then value "ACB" should be changed into red.

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Import Multiple Text Files - Delete Rows Between Lines With File Name

Apr 10, 2014

I have around 50 text files with similar design per attached file. I need to import the text files with criteria below:-

1. include file name
2. let user choose the folder
3. exclude data from "work in process summary" to "work in process cost totals"
4. only have one title in the excel files which all text files is combined "Item, Line ....."
5. If the text files do not have title like "Item, Line, ..." do not import

Is it possible to have all criteria listed above by running a macro?


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