Addresses In Different Format To Columns

Apr 10, 2014

I have tons of addresses that I need to separate into different columns. It should be easily done by using Text to Column but the format is different so it didn't work.

1198 W 1520 N
CLINTON, UT 84015-5301
1198 W 1520 N


BRIGHTON, CO 80603-8481

The addresses are copied from a website so it is formatted as 2 lines. Tried to copy and paste (values only) to another sheet and the format was like this:

1198 W 1520 NCLINTON, UT 84015-5301

No space between "N" and "CLINTON".

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Custom Number Format For Displaying MAC Addresses

Oct 18, 2005

I'm trying to create an Excel sheet to display MAC addresses in the following format -


However. the characters can be either letters or numbers. I've modified the "hh:mm:ss" template to accomodate the format I need, but it will not recognize letters for the obvious reason. Is there a wildcard character that I could use in this format or has anyone created a format that would meet my needs? If I can pull this off, it could mean a promotion.

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Moving Data (Addresses) From Rows To Columns

Dec 12, 2008

I have address data all in column A (each paret of the address is on a separate row) which I need to move to separate columns on one row for each address:


Mr Bloggs (row 1)
123 The Avenue (row2)
The town (row 3)
The postcode (row 4)

Mrs Smith (row 6)
456 The street (row7)
The postcode (row 8)

needs to be: (I have used || to indicate different columns)

Mr Bloggs || 123 The avenue || The town || The postcode
Mrs Smith || 456..... || .......

The problem you see from the above is that they are not always consistent ie. the postcode (zip) isn't always 3 rows below the name for example. Also although generally there is a blank row between each record (this may sometimes be 2) and equally there may also be times when there is a blank line in the address.

Any ideas on how to do this.... I have 1000's of records and really can't afford to go through each one making it consistent before moving it to columns?

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Convert One Column Of Addresses Into Three Columns When Text To Be Grouped Is Not Even

Jan 10, 2014

I have checked to see if this has been answered before and can not find an exact reply. My problem is that I have a combined column of address: Suburb, State, Postcode - which needs to be broken into three which not be done accurately using tet to column or fx - left mid or right. The issue is that the Suburb could be made up of one or two Words with a space between. So I can not separate using text to columns as in some cases the suburbs comprised of two words will put the second word in the "state" column. It can also not be done using Left, Right,Mid, as they number of characters differs in each line. example problem with columns to text.jpg


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Summarize Columns, Based On Unique Value, Into 1 Sheet With Cell Addresses

May 25, 2008

I have the following code always throwing this error message: "subscript out of range". When i run the macro with worksheets that only have 10 rows each, it's running fine. I suspect some issues on the line: a = Range("a1"). CurrentRegion.Resize(, 3) - the debug always throws the error before entering the loop. This macro is supposed to find the lowest price among 3 spreadsheets by matching the "Code" column and sending the final result into a new spreadsheet. But since im trying to run the macro on spreadsheets holding over 6000 lines each, this error is appearing.

Sub kTest_v2()
Dim a, w(), i As Long, z, dic As Object
Dim MySheets, ws As Worksheet, MinPrice
MySheets = Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3") 'change to suit
Set dic = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
dic.comparemode = vbTextCompare
For Each ws In Sheets(MySheets)
With ws
'assume Col A Country, Col B Code and Col C Price
a = Range("a1").CurrentRegion.Resize(, 3)
End With
For i = 2 To UBound(a, 1) 'assume column heading. if not replace 2 with 1
If Not IsEmpty(a(i, 1)) Then
If Not dic.exists(a(i, 2)) Then
Redim w(1 To 4): w(1) = a(i, 1) 'Country
w(2) = a(i, 2) 'Code
w(3) = a(i, 3) 'Price
w(4) = Cells(i, 1).Address(external:=True) 'cell address
dic.Add a(i, 2), w

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Excel 2010 :: Comparison For Similar Email Addresses Separate Columns

Jun 21, 2014

Have an Excel 2010 spreadsheet with 902 email addresses in one column, and 927 email addresses in other column, sorted in alphabetical order.

Overview: Organization database has 902 Members (some have 2 email addresses subscribed to listserv) and Organizational Listserv which has all 927 (Difference is numbers are some members have 2 email addresses subscribed) BUT 902 of emails should be the same

Objective to compare Listserv Members 927 with Database Members 902. I am trying to isolate the email addresses which do NOT exist in Listserv Column, or who do not exist in Database Column for Audit purposes. All Members from the Database column should be subscribed or entered into the Listserv column.

If it's a perfect world the 902 email addresses will all be exactly the same as 902 out of the 927 Listserv email addresses.
Trying to highlight or sort and put identical email addresses on same line or using Conditionally formatting? Highlight Cell Rules/Duplicate cell rules Even when same email addresses are on the same row conditional formatting does not recognize them.

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Finding Duplicate And Or Similar Info Across Columns And Highlight (names And Addresses)

Jan 29, 2014

Magazine subscription list. How to highlight the customers that are already in the sheet if enter them again (renewal). Our list is like so....

ColA ColB ColC ColD ColE ColF
First Last 123 Ave City State Zip

Is there a way to highlight the row if the info on ColA, ColB, ColE, and ColF all match? Sometimes the Street info is abbreviated or entered PO Box instread of P.O. Box and they wind up on the list a second time.

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Format Data Into Columns

Jun 15, 2007

with "Selecting equally spaced cells and putting the info into columns...". I work for a company that needs to get the info from this site here:


I'm trying to get it all organized into one nice and neat excel spreadsheet. I researched things myself and I found that you can just insert the source code into excel and excel will automatically put the tables into cells. My only problem is that, if you noticed, on the site each and every person has their own "First Name", or "Last name", "Email", or whatever. I just want one "First Name" in the column A, the "Last name" part in column B, and so on and so forth. Is this possible to do in an easy method because I'm seriously not going to copy and paste the info myself, all 36,000+ times.

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Format Table & Add Sum To End Of 2 Columns

Mar 1, 2008

I have a code to apply formatting to my selected cells (a border and background color) as well as sum in rows in columns C and D. I have data in A1:D1508. The first row is titles. Column A has item codes, B is item titles, C is 2007 sales and D is 2006 sales. All the items are grouped by categories. For example A1:D7 is category 1 with row 8 containing a total in column C and D, A9:D14 is category 2 with totals in row 8. Not all the categories have the same number of rows. This code is giving me a Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error. I have searched the forums and can't find what is wrong with my code.

Sub CustomFormating()
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Weight = xlThin
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = xlDouble
.Weight = xlThick
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With...............................

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Columns To Phone Numbers Format

Feb 1, 2010

Just got an answer to my phone number problem of converting two columns of numbers
to a single columns with the form XXX-XXXXXXX. Used =A1 & "-" & B1.

Works perfectly one one spread sheet and not at all in another.

When I enter the formula and hit return, instead of the correct result, all I get is the formula.

The format of the columns is the same on both spread sheets.

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Format Pivot Table Columns?

Oct 24, 2011

How can you visually format a column with multiple values in a pivot table? Say you have month in the column section, and three values in the value section: budget, actuals, variance; I want to visually seperate each month's set of data.

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Format Cell Based On Value Within Multiple Columns?

Feb 16, 2013

I want to color code cells within my workbook based on certain criteria. The workbook spans 17 columns and about 400 rows. Each cell contains a team name or is blank. I can't seem to find a good method to find a cell and change the cell color and then move on to the next cell. I have attached a workbook with actual data that I am working with. I am attempting to use case statements but perhaps they are limited to only one column or I am just missing something. I have spent many days searching the forum and have found no solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

All I am trying to do is make it easier for Team Managers to find their field and time slots based on the cell colors. Below is the code that I have started:

Sub TeamColorFilter()
Dim myCell As Range
'Set MyPlage = Range("A3:Q390")


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VBA Set Protect Sheet - Format Columns And Rows

Jun 11, 2009

I have VBA code to set a password on multiple worksheets in a workbook. I new need to force a check in the "Format Columns" and "Format Row" checkboxes. The current VBA code is:

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Conditional Formatting - Use Info From 2 Columns To Format 3rd Column

May 24, 2014

conditional formatting in Excel. I have two columns with pertinent information. I need to know the following and format accordingly:

1. Is the number in column A positive or negative?
2. Is the number in column B less than 0.05 or 0.10?

I would then like Column C to just be highlighted a certain color depending on the combination... there are 5 possible combinations and I would like the cells to be formatted so that:

1. Positive and less than 0.05 - Bright yellow
2. Positive and less than 0.10 - Pale yellow
3. Negative and less than 0.05 - Bright green
4. Negative and less than 0.10 - Pale green
5. This "combo" just means the criteria wasn't meant... which is possible b/c sometimes Column A may have text instead of a number of b/c the number in column B is not less than 0.10. If either of these is true, I want the cell to remain blank.

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Conditional Formatting: Format 3 Columns Depending On Certain Value From Another Column

Mar 26, 2009

I want to format 3 columns in excel depending on certain value from another column.
By example: I have the columns A B C completed with some text. On the column D it will be the numbers 0 or 1. If the number is 0 the background color from A,B,C columns shall be Green, if the number is 1 the color shall be red.

I have tried in conditional formatting with the formula =$D$1=0 but the color of the columns are changing only depending on the value from cell D1. I don't know what is the correct formula. For column A1 I want to check the value from D1, A2 - D2, A3 - D3,...,An - Dn.

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How To Format Text To Columns When There Is No Delimitation Or Fixed Widths?

Dec 21, 2007

I need the different categories to be separated into separate columns, but they do not appear to be separated by anything useful or a fixed width. Not only that, but the last few columns were moved onto a second line when I copied the data into Excel for some reason. The data originally came over in an Adobe Acrobat file. This is what the final product should look like: ....

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Converting 2 Columns With Repeating Info Into Another Worksheet In Horizontal Format

Jun 28, 2013

taking a spreadsheet that has vertical repeating info in Column A and results in Column B and converting that to another sheet in a horizontal list. The main problem is that the repeating info in Column A may or may not always be the same for every customer; therefore, when it is placed in a horizontal format some cells may or may not have results. I tried a arbitrary lookup. Here is the formula I used:

{=INDEX(INFO!$A$1:$B$300, SMALL(IF($A$1=INFO!$A$1:$A$300, ROW(INFO!$A$1:$A$300)-MIN(ROW(INFO!$A$1:$A$300))+1, ""), ROW(B1)),COLUMN(B1))}

That got me started. I am willing to use a macro. Here is some sample data:

Table 1 has a sample of the info:


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Conditional Format Cells In Jan - Dec Columns Based On Next Column Data?

Jan 29, 2014

Wondering if it is possible to conditional format cells in "Jan"-"Dec" columns based on "Next" column data?

What I need is (lets say fill colour to differ) in one cell per row, based on latest input and "next" data.

Month Avg


So for example:

row2: May is latest input so need fill in cell +2("next" column data) from may. In this case July

row3: Feb is latest imput and "next" also 2. Result should be Apr

row8:May is latest input, "next" is 6. Res should be Nov.

Finally, only one cell per row to be highlighted so need to overwrite colour fill when new data input in a cell already colour filled.

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Format A Range Of Cells, Columns And Rows Will Vary In Length

Jun 16, 2009

I created a macro on an Excel spreadsheet:

Sub Macro1()

Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00)"
Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00%"
Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00)"
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=24
Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00)"
ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=57

End Sub

When the macro is run, it works with the exact amount of data that I've entered.

However, because I have specified a specific range, if I add a row or column of data to the spreadsheet and run the macro again, it throws the whole thing off (certain cells get formatted when they shouldn't and others aren't formatted)

How do I tell the macro to look in the spreadsheet for varying ranges of data and format those cells?

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Text To Columns Function Picks Wrong Number Format After Conversion

Jun 16, 2014

Using the text to columns option on a comma separated file in csv format leads to the right preview in the text to columns wizard.

The column titled "ATTIC: Zone ..." shows the desired format in the preview window. Please look at the screenshot 1.jpg.

After pushing the finish button to obtain the result the number format gets suddenly changed and differs from the preview.

Again check for the "ATTIC: Zone ..." column as reference: 2.jpg

Is there a menu where one can look up, or specify how to format data to force the right comma placement? What settings might be wrong?

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Text To Columns Macro (fixed Width) With Predefined Format On Result

May 18, 2009

I need to fixed width-text to column macro and found a reply in the forum.

However, when I apply the macro, the result of zeros in front of figures disappear since the format of value in splitted column doesn't predefined as text

e.g. sample text to split to column:

Required result:

when running below macro; result shows:
(Beginning zeros figures of the first and last column disappear)

Applied Macro:

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Reformatting Addresses

Apr 21, 2007

I have a few hundred addresses in excel in the following format


Is it possible for me to change that into


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Getting Addresses From APN Number?

Jul 8, 2014

I have an excel sheet that has a lot of APN (parcel numbers) on it. I would like to run that through the assessors page [URL] to get the address and owners name. It seems like a very simple thing to do, but... How would I make it run each parcel through the assessors page to get the name and address information.

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Filtering Addresses

Feb 26, 2007

I have a list of addresses (including street numbers and names), but want to select out addresses that match another list of street names only. I have only used vlookup before, but because one list included street numbers as well, I can't find exact matches.

I am using excell 2007.

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VLOOKUP - Addresses

Jul 8, 2008

I have a form in which a user selects a Suburb, a State and a Post Code (each from a Data Validation List)

Suburb /Town StatePost Code

The 15,000 Suburbs with their associated Post Code and State are correctly sorted on a seperate worksheet in their 3 columns.

The Objective: To determine if the User has correctly chosen the correct matching Suburb, State and Postcode from the 3 Lists.

Problem: I know it is possible to concentate the 3 together and have one List but I do not want to do this I want to meet the objective.

When using VLOOKUP, because their are many Suburbs with the same name and different Postode.... or Same Postcode with different Suburbs etc I am finding it difficult to get an exact match because the VLOOKUP selects the first correct value it finds.

Question: Is it possible to write an IF statement with VLOOKUP to get an exact match across the 3 fields?

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To Separate Addresses

Mar 5, 2009

I'm working with a pre-existing list of vendors and currently the addresses for each are in one column. I would like to separate by city, state, zip. I was thinking of text to columns but since the addresses are not all aligned that won't work.

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Sorting IP Addresses - How To Convert Them

Jul 10, 2006

Any quick way to sort this list of IP addresses? comes after when Excel sorts the data. I understand the problem is that these are not numbers, they are text.

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Remove Duplicate Addresses

Jul 6, 2009

I have 2 issues i am trying to work through, i have a spreadsheet with 3 data sheet tabs, the first issue i have is in Data sheet 1 I have a lot of duplicate addresses, I was wondering if there is a way to filter out the duplicate addresses so that only one of each address is showing.

Issue 2 that i have is a lot more complicated, In data sheet 1 i have a list of medical providers that reimburst at 110% or more, each address on that list needs to get 1 letter mailed to them, but i have to keep track of how many are going to each region, i.e. Columbus, OH region, Cincinnati, OH Region, Toledo, OH Region, and Cleveland, OH region. So what i want to do is create a 3rd data sheet that keeps track of total letters sent by region, but was wondering if it was possible for this info to be automatically transfered from data sheet 1 to data sheet 3. I don't need all the information in data sheet 1 to tranfer to data sheet 3. All i need is for data sheet 3 to read off the City field in data sheet 1, and calculate 1 letter sent to that region.

I dont even know if this is possible, but it is way beyond my realm of excel knowledge which isn't much.

Any help would be appreciated. I am trying to attach the spreadsheet, however it isn't allowing me to attach it, i keep getting a database error, when i upload it. It is under the max size limit too. Not sure what's going on.

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How To Get Array Of Addresses From Range

Jun 19, 2014

I have a table that looks like this:

| A | B | C | D | ...
1 | fu | bar | lab |...
2 | rab| uf | luv |...
3 |...

All of my values are within the Range "A1:C2"

I would like to have a variant array which contains the addresses of this range.

Things I tried that didn't work:

If my variant is V and my range is R,

v = r returns an array which contains
rab|uf |luv

V = R.Address gives me

What I actually want:

i know this can easily be done with a loop, but the table I want to use this on is huge, and a loop takes hours to execute.

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Finding Distance Between Two Addresses?

Mar 14, 2014

I have two columns of from and to addresses in excel.These are complete addresses with apartment name and pincodes. how can I obtain the distance in km between the two addresses (Both are in the same city) I have used the code in the following [URL].However it seems to give me 0.

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