Alternate Button Macro & Caption Between 2
Apr 23, 2008
I have a worksheet with 2 buttons labelled "Hide" and "Show". As the names imply, they allow the user to hide or show parts of the worksheet. I would like to combine them into one button and have the button label and the associated macro change with each press of the button. Here is what I have so far;
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = False
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button 20").Select
Selection.Characters.Text = "HIDE LEADS"
Range("A1").Select 'is there a better way to remove the focus from the button than selecting a cell off the button?
End Sub
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button 20").Select
Selection.Characters.Text = "SHOW LEADS"
End Sub
These macros change the label fine after hiding or unhding the rows but I can't find the proper terms to use to change the macro associated with the button (if there is one?)
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Jan 9, 2007
Is there a way to program a VBA button so that its cell location is known. For ex., I have a button that says "Fail". I'd like to program it in such a way that when the user clicks on it, the text "Fail" is inserted into the cell next to it. How do I avoid hard-coding the cell reference?
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Jan 24, 2008
I need a macro for button1. The name of button one is "on" when clicked I want it to put an "X" in A1 and then change the button name to "off" When clicked again I want it to delete the "X" in A1 and change the name back to "on". When clicked again it repeats the same process.
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Aug 31, 2007
I have used the Forms toolbar to create a command button on a chart.
However, the text for the command button is hidden. If I do an "Edit Text" on the button, it shows up, but otherwise the button appears blank, even when selected.
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Feb 14, 2008
How do you references the properties of a shape? I am having trouble with 2 different types. Firstly, I have a worksheet with a group of commandbuttons (all added using the Control toolbox) and I want to loop through them changing, for example, the enabled property of each to TRUE.
Secondly, I have some commandbuttons on a worksheet (added using the Forms toolbox). How would I loop through changing, say, the text on the buttons. I used the macro recorder to try to get an idea and got the following:
Sheet1.Shapes("button 15").Select
Selection.Characters.Text = "New Text"
Although this works, it is not very elegant, how can it be achieved without selecting the button each time, but rather by directly accessing the property.
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Nov 15, 2006
On creating a button to perform a macro, we are hiding columns.
Can the macro pick up that
If the columns E:J are hidden, then the text on the button to read 'Unhide'
If the columns E:J and unhidden, then text on the button to read 'Hide'
I am aware I can change what is written on the button via a macro, but can it see that the columns are hidden?
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Mar 23, 2007
I have a problem with the changing the caption property of the option buttons to bold, italic and regular.
Is it some vb code you need to put in for the option buttons?
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Jan 11, 2008
I'm a complete Excel and VBA newbie and would like to know if it's possible to change the output of OptionButtons from 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' to "1"/"2"/"3"/etc..
The name of each button is:
Rating 1
Rating 2
Rating 3
Rating 4
and so forth..
The idea is for each rating to output its assigned number such that if the user were to click "Rating 1", the result would be "1", "Rating 2" = 2 and so on. I'm trying to design a survey and these results will then be used to calculate an average rating. If this is possible, how would I need to write the code for it?
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Jun 3, 2008
There is a 'Home' page with a button for each employee - clicking the button takes the user to the appropriate employee's timesheet
There is also an 'Add New Employee' button on the home page which brings up a form and allows a new employee to be added.
Each employee has only 1 worksheet (Which is created based on a blank template page)
When the 'Add New Employee' button is clicked a form pops up which ask for name, D.O.B etc. The user fills out the form and clicks ok. The template sheet is then copied, renamed to the employees name, and all relevent fields are added to the template sheet (based on the users input). A button is also generated on the home page with the employees name as a caption and when it is clicked it goes to employees timesheet.
I have almost got this working.
The only problem is this only works once, So For Example say i Add 'John' then i add 'Mary' on the home page i now have 2 buttons with 'John' and 'Mary' on them. The problem is as soon as a second employee is added (Mary), the first employees button(John) is linked to the second employee's Sheet rather than its own(Mary). and after the spreadsheet is closed the buttons dont work at all.
The link below has the spreadsheet i have made so far, you can test it out if my description doesnt make sense or you can see the code behind the 'add new employee' form:
#### 'Add Employee' Button on Add New Employee Form ####
Private Sub cmdadd_Click()
'check for Name
If Trim(Me.EmpName.Value) = "" Then ..............................
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Sep 4, 2006
I have created a cover sheet with various command buttons linking into the available worksheets. I was wondering if it is possible to set the title of the command buttons by linking them to the text in a particular cell in each work sheet??
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Jul 1, 2008
I currently upgrading some add-in to Excel 2007. This one concern a toolbar or Ribbon as they call it now. I am creating a toggle button using XML
<customUI xmlns="">
<tab id="rxTrading" label=" Trading" >
<group id="rxDownloadStockData" label="Download Stock Data" >
<button id="rxDownloadData" label="Download" onAction="rxDataStock_Download" />
<toggleButton id="rxEnableDisableDowwnload" label="Enable Download" />
How can I change the name of toggle button to "Disbale Download" after clicking on the toggle button? I am trying to find the answer on WROX Excel 200 VBA but I am lost.
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Jan 22, 2009
After scouring the entire OzGrid, I have found the following two macros that partly satisfy what I want to achieve. BTW, following two macros are executed on Sheet2 and I want to achieve the following:
On Worksheet_Activate, show columns that match the criteria value in Sheet1.D4 (Sheet1.D4 contains a dropdown list with about 6 text values). In addition to that, if Sheet1.D4 value is blank then show all columns. Right now, it successfully shows columns that match the D4 value but does not work if that D4 value is left blank, instead it hides all columns in range (C:CV). So in short, to the first macro, I need to add the criteria if D4 is blank, then keep the sheet intact and don’t hide anything, just show all columns.Once on that sheet after the Worksheet_Activate event has occurred, with the second macro “ToggleColumnsVisibility” following things need to happen. BTW, currently this macro is assigned to a button (from Forms Toolbar).If cell D4 has a value, then the button’s caption should read “Show All” and when that button is pressed, it should show all columns in the range (C:CV), and the button's caption needs to change to “Show Selected”. In “Show Selected” mode, when that button is pressed, it needs to show all the columns that match the D4 value.If cell D4 is left blank, then the button's caption should read "No Action" and when the button is pressed, it should not do anything but just show all columns.
As you will notice in the header, my experience with Excel is very limited, so detailed instructions will be greatly appreciated. I am also hoping that proposed solution uses some of the efficient/effective ways of using loops such as described below (example taken from this website from this link
Sub TrueOrFalseFaster()
Dim bYesNo As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
bYesNo = (i = 5)
MsgBox bYesNo
End Sub
Sub ToggleTrueOrFalseFaster()
Dim bYesNo As Boolean
bYesNo = Not bYesNo
MsgBox bYesNo
End Sub .........
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Oct 16, 2009
I have a workbook with 31 sheets. Each sheet has 15 textbox button that call macros.
I would like to hide 1 textbox on all sheets until another macro is called. I know how to get the textbox names to be able to hide them, But because these text boxes were copied most of the are the same name, however on severl sheets they are different names "Textbox 4 on most sheets but it could be textbox 34 on others. The ones I want to hide all have the same text label. Is it possible to get VBA to return the label text.
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Mar 17, 2009
I have a spreadsheet for work rosters. Each person on the roster has a row with info on what they're doing for a given week. Split into the am and pm session of each day.
All I want to do is be able to fill the row with the same value if they're doing the same thing for the week - eg if they're on leave, I'd like to hit CTRL-L and have the row populated with 'LEAVE' in each alternate cell, rather than typing it manually. Note that it is each alternate cell, not each cell as the alternate cell has different info.
So a row would look like this:
Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |
For the am and pm session of the five working days. And just to complicate matters, each 'cell' on my spreadsheet is actually 4 merged cells, and the alternate 'cell' that I want left alone is two merged cells! This is the macro generated when I do a simple record - it does what I want, but obviously jumps to the original row that I recorded it in whenever I run it - I need it to fill the row that I start it from. I recorded starting in cell I133:L134
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Dec 22, 2005
Would like a script that will go to each sheet in the workbook, and fill in light grey background, each alternate row that contains data, EXCLUDING the 1st row (header row).
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Jul 18, 2014
I am trying to edit a textbox caption in an active chart with a macro and cannot figure out the correct way to reference the text property. I have been successful in editing other items within this chart via the complete code below (i currently have textbox edit commented out)
I know i can set it up with a helper cell to have the textbox reference a range (that updates with the text i want) but i'd to try and edit the text without the use of helper cells to try and make this a little more break resistant.
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Mar 2, 2014
I needed to put a Checkbox on a Worksheet. The standard Checkbox options in Excel FormControl and ActiveX Control were too small. I found a work-around using the following macro attached to an ActiveX Label that was formatted as Wingdings font. The macro basically changes the character from a empty box Wingdings Chr(168) to a checked box Wingdings Chr(254) when the user clicks on the label.
Private Sub Label1_Click()
If Label1.Caption = Chr(254) Then
Label1.Caption = Chr(168)
But I get this error on an ErrorHandler that I have included in the macro. "An error has occurred. Error number =438. Error Description=Object doesn't support this property or method."
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Jul 7, 2014
Currently I am using Excel 2007. I want to merge data of alternate row of a particular column in Excel.Also i want to remove merged row. E.g.
Name City Pincode
John Mumbai
John 400009
Carol Delhi
Carol 110001
Carol Pune
Carol 411079
I want output to be ----->
Name City
John Mumbai-400009
Carol Delhi-110001
Carol Pune-411079
macro/formula for the above requirement..?
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Jan 28, 2014
Context: I have a spreadsheet that contains a list of employee names and their certifications. I want to be able to assign a button to each employee in column B with a macro that is able to zip files from a folder that contains that employees name.
The following code assigns buttons to each employee in column B. At the moment the code I have is able to assign the macro "Zip" to each button.
[Code] .....
Now, this Zip macro is able to zip the file for the employee "Anthony Tran". However I need it to be able to recognise which employee's button I've clicked and search the same files as above except with that employees name instead of "Anthony Tran".
If it makes things easier, the code for creating buttons for each employee is able to name that button as the employees name that it represents.
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Oct 5, 2006
This is probably really straight forward but cant see why it happens, the following macro works fine when called by a button created by the form toolbar but doesnt when called by a command button, get the runtime error 1004, "select method of range class failed"
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Jan 29, 2014
Context: I have a spreadsheet that contains a list of employee names and their certifications. I want to be able to assign a button to each employee in column B with a macro that is able to zip files from a folder that contains that employees name.
The following code assigns buttons to each employee in column B. At the moment the code I have is able to assign the macro "Zip" to each button.
[COLOR=#333333]Dim Btn As Button[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim rng As Range[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]For I = 2 To RowCount + 1[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]With Worksheets("Sheet1")[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Set rng = .Range("B" & I)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Set Btn = .Buttons.Add(rng.Left, rng.Top, rng.Width, rng.Height)[/COLOR]
The following code is my Zip macro:
[COLOR=#333333]Sub Zip()[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim strDate As String, SavePath As String, sFName As String[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim oApp As Object, iCtr As Long, I As Integer[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim vArr, FileNameZip[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim FName() As Variant[/COLOR]
Now, this Zip macro is able to zip the file for the employee "Anthony Tran". However I need it to be able to recognise which employee's button I've clicked and search the same files as above except with that employees name instead of "Anthony Tran".
If it makes things easier, the code for creating buttons for each employee is able to name that button as the employees name that it represents.
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May 12, 2009
i have attached a copy of an excel file and if you look at the end i am trying to write an IF statement that reads if J = "2-0" then column M = 12-(K) or 12--4 so answer is 16 and then column N = -column M or -16 and then if J = "2-1" then M = 6-(K) or 6--0 = 6 and then N = -M .....
so if J was "2-1" and (K) -4 then the answer given for column M would be 6--4=10 and column N = -10
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Apr 24, 2008
I need to sum the contents of every fourth cell in row A .... ie sum(A1 + E1 + I1 ... BY1)
Can I do this via the formula bar, or do I need to use a VBA routine?
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May 6, 2008
I do an analysis that contains 100 or more rows with 1 of 2 row labels in column A; "existing" or "retrofit." There may be numerous successive rows labeled "existing" in a given place where there is no retrofit. Rows labeled "existing" contain existing equipment details such as area, equip description, operating cost. Rows labeled "retrofit" contain recommended efficient replacements with details such as area operating cost and savings. I have to display total cost and savings. Right now I use the awful method, F1+F3+F4+F5... for existing and F2+F6... for retrofit. This is a terrible method, time consuming, prone to error, etc. Is there a way to total rows with specific labels when the row labels are not consistently alternating? Would like to attach an example spreadsheet but... the permissions say I may not, for some strange reason.
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Dec 15, 2008
I've recorded a macro that copies an entire tab into a new spreadsheet then goes on the copy and paste information from one tab to another.
When I run the macro from the Tools>Macros menu it works perfectly.
But when I copy the code and add it to that of a button it fails and posts the following error: Run-time error '1001': Select method of Range class failed.
The first attachement shows the code for the macro as it is alone, and the second shows how I simply copied and pasted it into the 'view code' window of the button.
Needless to say I'm a beginner at macros and only every record them, I can usually make stuff work that way but this has me stumped!
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Apr 17, 2014
I have a userform with a command button which fires a macro.
everything works fine so far.
my problem is:
I would like to add a msgbox at the end of the macro which confirmes "successfully completed".
I cannnot simply add the msgbox at the end of the macro. don't know what I'm doing wrong.
(see below)
Private Sub CommandButtonOK_Click().
If Me.OptionButton1.Value = True Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PropertyWorksheet").Range("A1").Value = "Government Securities"
ElseIf Me.OptionButton2.Value = True Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PropertyWorksheet").Range("A1").Value = "Corporate Bonds"
Unload Me
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'run macro
MyMacro1 (adds, hides and deletes various sheets)
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Jun 13, 2014
I have data of about 3176 rows,
But after every record one row is blank,
I have to manually delete each blank row.
How to delete it in one Go.
Please Find the attachment....
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Jun 2, 2009
I want to reference to a range of tables depending on the value of a separate cell. Problem is that I don't know how to insert this into the range part of the lookup formula.
=vlookup(a12,NAMED RANGE AS PER CELL c9,2,false)
Cell a12 is the lookup reference which is fine.
Named range is set-up and working fine.
Cell c9 is the description of the named range - season_indices_Asda_Cream
I want that to be changeable by he user so they can change the name in cell c9 from a drop down list so that the lookup formula redirects to the alternate named range...
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Jul 27, 2003
Is there any way that i can copy a row of data, but paste each individual cell that has been copied into every other column, or every 3rd column, or every x number column.
I want to do this as i have 3 column headers repeated across spreadsheet representing each month. and would like to paste into the relevant column i.e budget actual difference budget actual difference budget actual difference.
So I can paste each value under the actual column.
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Mar 5, 2012
Im wondering if their is a formula to return the results in a Hlookup but adjusted for the cell 1 cell to the right?
For instance if Row 1 Column one contains "Tom Jones" that the forumula knows to return the value in row 2 column 2 instead of row 2 column 1.
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