HLookup On Alternate Cell?

Mar 5, 2012

Im wondering if their is a formula to return the results in a Hlookup but adjusted for the cell 1 cell to the right?

For instance if Row 1 Column one contains "Tom Jones" that the forumula knows to return the value in row 2 column 2 instead of row 2 column 1.

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HLOOKUP; HLookup To Find An Adjusted Midterm Grade

Oct 30, 2007

i'm trying to use HLookup to find an adjusted midterm grade that's given. but i have some conditions:

If student missed exam and has a zero – keep zero.
If student has a grade of 1-119 points, increase their grade 40 points.
If student has a grade of 120-125 points, increase their grade 35 points.
If student has a grade of 126-131 points, increase their grade 31 points.
If student has a grade of 132-139 points, increase their grade 27 points.

with these conditions, if my midterms grade is 120, how would i calculate it using HLookup? i worked on it but i keep getting the #NA! error.

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HLOOKUP In HLOOKUP, Base Estimate Table In Excel

Jul 10, 2009

I am trying to import a BASE ESTIMATE table into EXCEL.

I have problems with most of the formulas, especially this one:

=VLOOKUP($E$2,$B$24:$P$604,HLOOKUP($E$3,$D$22:$L$604,1)+2)*HLOOKUP(HLOOKUP($E$3,$D$22:$L$604,1),$D$2 2:$L$23,2)

and this one


I am not sure if EXCEL allows a HLOOKUP within an HLOOKUP. If not, how can I get around this?

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If Row Contains Non Empty Cell Copy To Alternate Worksheet

Sep 11, 2013

When the worksheet is changed;

-For each row between A3 and A5000
-If cell in column L is empty
-Do Nothing and move on to next row
-Otherwise if cell in column L is not empty
-Copy entire row to alternate sheet, and delete row from original sheet.
-After all rows between A3 and A5000 have been checked, sort alternate sheet in ascending order based on the contents of column A.

The issue is that the code keeps skipping some rows that should be copied, possibly due to the 'for each' command not liking how I'm deleting rows (maybe?)

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rCell As Range
Dim lRow As Long
lRow = Range("A3:A5000").Rows.Count

[Code] .....

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Adjusting Code To Use Alternate Cell Ranges

Apr 5, 2009

Here's a nice easy one for anybody whose used excel for more thaan a week unlike me, I'm using the following code to access a popup calendar:

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Finding Min Cell Values Excluding Zero In Alternate Columns

Nov 4, 2005

I have an array that is 1 row high by 16 columns wide.

Each cell may contain a positive value, or a zero.

I need a formula to find the "Minimum value that is greater than zero" in
columns 1,3,5,7,9,11,13 and 15.

=MIN(A1,C1,E1,G1,I1,K1,M1,O1) will always return the zero value while I
need the minimum value that is greater than zero.

If I use nested IF functions to exclude zeroes I run foul of the max of 7

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Excel 2003 :: Copying Cells Based On Alternate Cell Value?

Sep 26, 2011

I am wondering if it possible to automate the copying of data from particular cells, based on a value in a different cell, into a different format.

So to go from this simplified table:

to something like this:



At the moment I do it all manually, and it takes forever. I am sure there must be a simple way of doing it. I am using Excel 2003, but could work in a newer version if required.

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How To Use Cell Value As Sheetname In HLOOKUP Formula

Mar 28, 2012

Trying to do the following and getting an error:


=HLOOKUP(Table4[[#This Row],[parent_product_line]],CONCATENATE(BE18,"!")$B$11:$DK$65,4,FALSE)

The CONCATENATE function casues the function to error and highlight the $B$11... array section

I have a table with each row representinginformation about a product a customer owns. I've added columns where I'm using the HLOOKUP function to go to another sheet in the workbook to find the products price. The issue is there are a dozen different pricebook worksheet's becasue of various parts of the work. I've added a column which displays the right pricebook sheet name now I'm just trying to get it that value into the HLOOKUP formula to be the shetname portion of the array value.

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Can't Get Cell Value To Be Sheet Name For Array Value In HLOOKUP

Mar 28, 2012

I have: =HLOOKUP(Table4[[#This Row],[parent_product_line]],UK_GBP!$B$11:$DK$65,4,FALSE)

What I want to do is have "UK_GBP!" be a valye which comes from another cell so I tried:


=HLOOKUP(Table4[[#This Row],[parent_product_line]],CONCATENATE(BE18,"!")$B$11:$DK$65,4,FALSE)

It errored out... how I can accomplish this?

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VLookup (or HLookup) Cell With Reference Rather Than Actual Number

Oct 13, 2011

I am doing a vlookup on a cell range where the value I'm trying to lookup (a date) exists, but it's not an actual number in the cell...it's a reference to another cell with that value (somewhere completely different).

So, I'm trying to vlookup(date(1/1/2011),A1:A12,2,false) to get the B column value.

1/1/2011 #
2/1/2011 #
12/1/2011 #

However, the A column is not the actual date. It is a reference to another cell somewhere completely different that has the actual date 1/1/2011.

When I do a vlookup trying to find 1/1/2011, it can't see it there unless I overwrite the reference in A1 (for instance) with the actual date.

Can I do a vlookup and keep my cell references?

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Alternate Is Statement

May 12, 2009

i have attached a copy of an excel file and if you look at the end i am trying to write an IF statement that reads if J = "2-0" then column M = 12-(K) or 12--4 so answer is 16 and then column N = -column M or -16 and then if J = "2-1" then M = 6-(K) or 6--0 = 6 and then N = -M .....

so if J was "2-1" and (K) -4 then the answer given for column M would be 6--4=10 and column N = -10

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Sum Alternate Cells

Apr 24, 2008

I need to sum the contents of every fourth cell in row A .... ie sum(A1 + E1 + I1 ... BY1)

Can I do this via the formula bar, or do I need to use a VBA routine?

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Sum Alternate Rows

May 6, 2008

I do an analysis that contains 100 or more rows with 1 of 2 row labels in column A; "existing" or "retrofit." There may be numerous successive rows labeled "existing" in a given place where there is no retrofit. Rows labeled "existing" contain existing equipment details such as area, equip description, operating cost. Rows labeled "retrofit" contain recommended efficient replacements with details such as area operating cost and savings. I have to display total cost and savings. Right now I use the awful method, F1+F3+F4+F5... for existing and F2+F6... for retrofit. This is a terrible method, time consuming, prone to error, etc. Is there a way to total rows with specific labels when the row labels are not consistently alternating? Would like to attach an example spreadsheet but... the permissions say I may not, for some strange reason.

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How To Delete Alternate Rows

Jun 13, 2014

I have data of about 3176 rows,

But after every record one row is blank,

I have to manually delete each blank row.

How to delete it in one Go.

Please Find the attachment....

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Reference To Alternate Tables

Jun 2, 2009

I want to reference to a range of tables depending on the value of a separate cell. Problem is that I don't know how to insert this into the range part of the lookup formula.


=vlookup(a12,NAMED RANGE AS PER CELL c9,2,false)

Cell a12 is the lookup reference which is fine.

Named range is set-up and working fine.

Cell c9 is the description of the named range - season_indices_Asda_Cream

I want that to be changeable by he user so they can change the name in cell c9 from a drop down list so that the lookup formula redirects to the alternate named range...

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How To Paste In Alternate Columns

Jul 27, 2003

Is there any way that i can copy a row of data, but paste each individual cell that has been copied into every other column, or every 3rd column, or every x number column.

I want to do this as i have 3 column headers repeated across spreadsheet representing each month. and would like to paste into the relevant column i.e budget actual difference budget actual difference budget actual difference.

So I can paste each value under the actual column.

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Row Range Sum Of Alternate Cells

Apr 18, 2013

I have a row range to sum only alternate cells.

How can i do this job by means of formula.

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One Column Into Two Using Alternate Rows?

Nov 29, 2013

I have a single column of data and need to convert it into 2 columns, by alternating each row:






want to convert to:




I've seen a previous post from 2007 where someone asked for a formula to do the reverse of this. 'Domenic' provided a formula =INDEX($A$2:$B$6,INT((ROWS(D$2:D2)-1)/2)+1,MOD(ROWS(D$2:D2)-1,2)+1) which converted






how to reverse this formula?

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How To Delete Alternate Rows

Nov 26, 2007

I have a huge excel file and every row is repeated, e.g.:

john smith 10 23
john smith 10 23
bob jones 11 22
bob jones 11 22

So I want to delete every second row.

Is there a command to do that?

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Alternate Way Of Displaying Data

Jan 25, 2009

I have been using a lot of sumproducting lately with multiple conditions to extract data. Lately I have noticed that though it is a good way to extract data there is a lot of calculation time involved in it. The Excel workbooks that i make are in a database like format where there is 1 sheet usually a data dump which has data from one column to the 200th column and rows being filled with data points till the 10000th row. Data headers in the columns are usually like Date(ColumnA), Tenure(ColumnB), Person, Type, etc and then from Column Z onwards there are columns which contain Data in the form of numbers like Number of cases, Number of this and number of that.

Now usually when creating a dashboard of this data for performance management I use the sumpoduct formula to retrieve data. It normally has conditions in it like for some given date ranges, Tenure ranges, People ranges extract x data for me. For Example something like this


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Select Every Other Row :: Alternate Rows

Apr 5, 2002

Im trying to find a way select several rows at the same time but starting at say row 3 and then alternate rows so rows 3,5,7,9 etc

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Formula To Add Alternate Cells

Jul 17, 2006

I can't remember any formula to do the task. I have a time series with quarterly sales. The dates are in format given below.

01/01/1990 - first quarter of 1990
02/01/1990 - second quarter of 1990
03/01/1990 - Third quarter of 1990
04/01/1990 - fourth quarter of 1990

I need to add the sales of all first quarters , all second quarters..and so on.
Is there any formula that an elegant way or I have to do it manually?

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Alternate Formula For Sum Indirect

Feb 14, 2007

I have tried to apply '= SUM(INDIRECT("A2:A10"))' formula to do the SUM at cell A11. But, if I add two more Rows, then my formula moves down to cell A13 but numbers in Cell A11 and A12 does not get added to the total. How can I avoid that? I have reserached this site extensively and could not find an archived solution.

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Countif In Alternate Cells

Jun 19, 2007

I have a table of data that is laid out in multiples of two columns. I have attached a simplified example. Essentially all I need to do is count the contents of every second cell when it equals a specific value. If you look at my attached example it will be clearer. how I can do this using formula? (I don't want to use VBA in this instance).

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How To Protect Alternate Cells Of Column

Apr 16, 2013

Is there any possibility to protect alternate cells of column see below for example. I want to lock cells B1, B6, B11 and B16 only so that no one is able to delete the average rate.

average rate0.0
average rate0.0
average rate0.0
average rate0.0

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Macro To Populate Alternate Cells In A Row With A Value...

Mar 17, 2009

I have a spreadsheet for work rosters. Each person on the roster has a row with info on what they're doing for a given week. Split into the am and pm session of each day.

All I want to do is be able to fill the row with the same value if they're doing the same thing for the week - eg if they're on leave, I'd like to hit CTRL-L and have the row populated with 'LEAVE' in each alternate cell, rather than typing it manually. Note that it is each alternate cell, not each cell as the alternate cell has different info.

So a row would look like this:

Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |Leave | blank |

For the am and pm session of the five working days. And just to complicate matters, each 'cell' on my spreadsheet is actually 4 merged cells, and the alternate 'cell' that I want left alone is two merged cells! This is the macro generated when I do a simple record - it does what I want, but obviously jumps to the original row that I recorded it in whenever I run it - I need it to fill the row that I start it from. I recorded starting in cell I133:L134

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Highlighting Alternate Weeks On Spreadsheet?

Dec 9, 2013

I would like to know how I could highlight Alternate Weeks on my Spreadsheet.

I am currently highlighting Weekends with Conditional Formatting. I need to change this to highlight alternating weeks Starting with the first Sunday to next Saturday, then skipping a Sunday-Sat and so on.

My Dates are in row C2:AH2 and days of the week C3:AH3.

I would like it to Highlight from row 2 to 52 on the appropriate days

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Delete Every Alternate Rows In Excel

Jun 25, 2014

How to delete every alternate rows in excel.

Eg. I need to delete even rows in my spreadsheet, (row 2, 4, 6 etc..)


How to delete rows that contain both text and number but start with text then number.

Eg. My data as below:


Result: what i want


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Limitation Of 7 Nested IF Statements - Alternate

Apr 27, 2007

I have a workbook with two worksheets, Sheet1 and Sheet2. Sheet2 contains a table of values that need to be input into a cell on Sheet1, pending the results of comparing two other cells on Sheet1. I have 8 possible variations resulting from that comparison and I cannot make this work as the IF statement limits you to 7 deep.


A1 (text string value) = LOWER
B1 (text string value) = L1
C1 (currency with no decimals) = Sheet2!Somecell (decision of which cell to use depends on combination of A1 and B1)

A1 can be either the string "LOWER" or "MIDDLE". B1 can be the strings "L1", "L2", "L3", or "L4". The strings in B1 are not cell references, but simple text. This leads to four variations for a row that has "LOWER" in it's A column, and the same for "MIDDLE" - totaling 8 possible combinations.

Depending on the combination, I need to input a number from Sheet2 and that number is different for each unique combination of the eight possibilities. There is no mathematical calculation taking place on Sheet2 - just an "if x and y then z" decision on Sheet1. I will use the value of Sheet1!C1 in other math functions on Sheet1.

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Copy & Paste In Alternate Columns

Jun 23, 2006

I'm trying to copy and paste range in alternate columns from one worksheet to another. I can record this macro, but I believe it'll be really long because I have 21 alternate columns to copy and paste. What I'm trying to do:

-copy range B9:B41 in workbook 'Channel OU template' then paste values only in range BI9:BI41 in workbook 'final'
-copy range D9:D41 to range BK9:BK41
-F9:F41 to BM9:BM41
..and so on until the last column AP9:AP41 to CW9:CW41

Basically it's just simple copying and pasting from alternate columns. This is the really basic code that I have just for one column:

Sub copy()
Windows("Channel OU template").Activate
Range("bi9").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End Sub

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