Auto Alphabetize List
Nov 25, 2009
I have a Master Data sheet for the input of personnel information. This information is then used in different Data Validation formats to be referenced by other sheets. Column P, I use the Concatenate formula to put together a needed grouping (Last Name, Shift/Kelly) taken from the Master Data sheet. I would like Column Q to then alphabetize Column P by the last name and also drop the blank cells. I would like this to be an automatic function, so as personnel are added or deleted, the alphabetical list will be updated as the information is changed.
I hope I've explained it well enough. I've attached a sample sheet to help make it easier to understand. I would prefer to do this via a forumla and not a macro, but if the only option is to use a macro, then so be it. Is this at all possible?
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Feb 13, 2007
This issue is really 2 problems in one.
Problem #1 - I would like to have several columns of alphabetized words one a page (no problem so far). I would like column "a" to automatically continue to column "b" and then to "c", etc... when the columns reach the bottom of the page. The resulting effect is that all columns on the entire page are filled before starting a new page.
Problem #2 - I would like to have a cell at the top of this page where, after I placed a word in it, excel would automatically place the word in it's proper alphabetical place in the above described list.
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Mar 27, 2014
Is there a way to modify the following macro (graciously provided by user Alkey) so that it simultaneously alphabetizes the list as well? Actually, I would prefer a second macro, because I don't always want to alphabetize my lists. So, I guess I would need a function called something like Concat_Range_Alphabetize.
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Jun 18, 2007
I'm trying to get this workbook to alphabetize I have worksheets name A, B, C etc... and would like to creat a button when click on it, it would alphabetize the whole workbook for me...
The codes below was able to alphabetize each worksheets for me, but is there a way I can loop this? just encase I need to add more worksheets...
Sub Macro4()
' Macro4 Macro
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Feb 15, 2014
I am currently using the following code to populate two list boxes (lbUnitList, and lbPOList) on a userform:
How can I get the items in the lbUnitList to show in alphabetical order based on the data in Column 1?
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Jan 19, 2010
I have a significant number of comboboxes on a multipage userform. Almost all of them are populated dynamically (it takes the user choice from one combobox, looks for that value on the spreadsheet and if it finds it, it takes whats in the next column and adds it to another combobox).
My problem is that all the items in these other comboboxes are not in alphabetical order. I'd like to find some code that will work for all my comboboxes so that I don't have to have the same code over and over again for each field.
I found the code below and that works to alphabetize the dropdown, but I still have to use it over and over again and change it for each fieldname (in red). I tried to use a variant and just make the value the same as each fieldname before it calls the sub and whats in red below was just my variable but that just crashes my excel.
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Feb 10, 2005
I've got a bunch of worksheets that I'd like to re-arrange in alphabetical order. Anyway to do this quickly? Or do I just have to drag and drop them myself? (WXP, Excel XP).
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Nov 30, 2009
I have a worksheet with 6,500 rows of data. In each row, there are up to 6 cells containing a name in "Last, First" format. I need to alphabetize the data from these 6 cells so they go across the row in order left to right, alpha by last name.
Example of my data layout:
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Row 1 Jackson, Bob / Anderson, Lisa / Cardinal, Mike
Row 2 Tomlinson, Steve / Dodge, Sarah / White, Brian
I need them to be in this order:
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Row 1 Anderson, Lisa / Cardinal, Mike / Jackson, Bob
Row 2 Dodge, Sarah / Tomlinson, Steve / White, Brian
Is there a formula I can apply that will pull from only the portion of the data before the comma in each cell? Or do I need to separate out all of the names so the first and last names are in separate columns for this to work?
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Oct 23, 2013
Why can't I alphabetize all of my defined name ranges in the Name box?
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Aug 31, 2009
****** http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">****** name="ProgId" content="Word.Document">****** name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 11">****** name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 11"> Hello good people.
I tried to search back through old threads and could not find the answer, so this is what I am trying to do.
I would like to eliminate the duplicate items within a particular cell and alphabetize the remaining items.
For example,
South Atlantic, East South Central, South Atlantic, Pacific, Mountain, New England, East South Central,
Wanted result:
East South Central, Mountain, New England, Pacific, South Atlantic,
I’d do it manually, but at current rate, it looks like it will take me about 86 hours
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Nov 3, 2008
I have Excel 2003 installed on the companies computers. Many people use an Excel file and I am trying to make their work easier. There is on command which has a dropdown list made by me. What I would like to find out is that is there any possibility to make Excel help the user to choose from the drop-down list (the list is quite big). Is it possible to select a cell in this column and type in the cell and then Excel help the user. I mean (this list contains country names in abc order) if the user types S and W then Excel auto-corrects it to SWEDEN. Can this be done with Excel 2003?
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Feb 26, 2008
I have an event that is one week long (7 days), with three functions happening each day (7 days - 3 columns per day).
There are 11 groups with various number of possible attendees listed in rows. Attendees of a given function is indicated by entry of a 1 or 2 (attending partner), Blank = not attending.
I would like to show a list of the attendees for a given function by clicking or moving my mouse pointer on the event function column header.
The list would need to be automatically updated when the attendees status changes (entry or deletion of 1 or 2)
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Jan 3, 2012
Let's say you have a list of names:
4 McDonald, Ronald
5 McCheese, Mayor
6 Burglar, Ham
7 King, Fakehead
8 Hut, Pizza
and you had "McCheese, Mayor" typed in AK23.
NOW, because you have that name in AK23, you want the next cell (AK31) to automatically select "Burglar, Ham". How?
So forth, and so on, for 2 more names....
When you get to the bottom of the list, and "Hut, Pizza" has been placed, how would you get it to start back at the top?
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May 6, 2014
I have a list (C5:C16) and I want people to be able to add more names to the bottom and it add to a dropdown list on another page.
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Feb 10, 2009
I am having difficulty with this formula. In the attached spreadsheet. I want to just input the item number in column A, manually. From there I want it to take the information from the hidden list and fill in the rest of the fields. Example. I input in A4-2664, I want it to search the list for 2664 and take the corrisponding information. It would take the information from M5, O5, and Q5 and place that in C4, E4, G4. I place spaces in the hidden list to make the format the same.
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Jun 14, 2009
Is it possible to autosort a drop-down list based on the number of times an item is selected? A drop-down might have 500 lines so it is user-friendly if the top lines are those selected by users the most often.
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Jan 9, 2007
I need to filter a list without the use of the Auto Filter or arrays. I'm importing the list into Xcelsius which doesn't support these functions. I will need to do the filtering with functions.
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Feb 27, 2007
when i use vlookup in a col and try to filter #n/a.the #n/a is not getting displayed in auto filter list but when i scroll down i can see some #n/a available.i alway do it after pasting it as values
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Jul 21, 2008
i have a list called "parts". i want this list to be updated everytime a new part # is entered into the list cell. i can get it to work in one cell. i have been able to get it to work in up to 6 rows, however i want it to work in up to 50 rows. here is the vba code i am using
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim lReply As Long
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Target.Address >= "$D$3" Then
If IsEmpty(Target) Then Exit Sub
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("parts"), Target) = 0 Then
lReply = MsgBox("Add " & Target & " to list", vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
If lReply = vbYes Then
Range("parts").Cells(Range("parts").Rows.Count + 1, 1) = Target
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
i am using insert>name>define for the list and this is what i used for that
like i said, it will work for d1-d6, then it stops working.
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Nov 8, 2009
is there a way to take a drop down list and pick 1 then have excel fill in the info i seven cell example if list box is 3 then cell 1-7 = 1 and is list box is 1 cell 1=1 cell 2-0 cell 3 = 0 cell 4-7 = 1
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Feb 5, 2010
I have a budget document that has a selection (Named Range with list items in a drop down) Approved, Rejected, Awaiting Approval or Blank. What I would like to do is set a process that could approve all Awaiting Approval. My thought was to create another choice box at the top that allowed the user to choose approve all awaiting and it would select every matching item that was Awaiting Approval and change it to Approved. At the same time I would like it to set the date and time, this could just copy what I put in an associated field or be real time.
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Jul 9, 2003
Is there a way in Excel to have a list of names with values automatically re-sort whenever any of the values change.
The default sort I have in mind is ascending by values.
Sydney 100
Boston 200
London 300
Moscow 400
Houston 500
The values change to:
Sydney 5000
Boston 250
London 8000
Moscow 300
Houston 50
I now want Houston 1st, Boston 2nd etc - automatically - without me having to do a sort again by Value.
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Apr 10, 2007
Some Background info:
This is my first post! I am a total novice when it comes to VBA in Excel (but I'm a fast learner!), so please bear with me if my question is either obvious or easy (or if this is a question that's been asked 14980213 times already). I have some programming experience, but all in C or C++, not in VBA--this makes the project challenging. I also have to hand this off in a few months and trust that it'll never break, ever--more challenging.
I'm trying to make a Participant Tracking System for some workshops we offer. The intent is to make a userform so that an administrator can input all the information for the participant in question. One important question on the form is which course the participant intends to take; the snag is that the current list may change over time.
The Spreadsheet is set up with Course headings starting at R8C8, and continuing across for all 16 courses we currently offer. The data for the participant is entered into Rows 1-7, and the date they completed the course in the appropriate column for that course. There are some formulas in Rows 1-7, the important one here counts up the number of classes currently offered.
So, below is the code i'm trying to use, at least to start. I am making a combobox that has all of the available classes.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ClassList() As String
'R5C6 contains a formula that calculates the number of classes offered. The value is currently 16
Redim ClassList(R5C6)
iCount = 0
y = 8
Do While iCount > R5C6
'R8C8 is where the class list begins.
'It continues horizontally along the rows for the 16 titles offered.
ClassList(iCount) = ActiveCell
y = y + 1
iCount = iCount + 1
With ClassListBox
.List = ClassList
.ListIndex = -1
End With
End Sub
I used to have a line that replaced the following chunk.
ClassList(iCount) = ActiveCell
It read
ClassList(iCount) = R8Cy
and did nothing for me at all.
When I initialize the userform, I get a blank combobox. It doesn't do what I want it to do, but that's probably because I'm telling it to do something weird.
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May 28, 2007
I need to create a large dynamic named range for all the people in my church. From this list I would like to enter their offerings to the church in a new column that has auto-complete. Ex. If I type a "P" all of the possible names are shown. Then if I type a "A" the list gets smaller with only a those members whose names start with "Pa"
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Feb 21, 2008
I have developed a spreadsheet that allows a user to "Autocomplete" a name by doubleclicking on a cell and typing in a few letters of the person's name.
I named the range that I want to appear in my list and I created the combobox in sheet 1, not in a userform. My problem is that when I doubleclick on a blue cell in Sheet 1 and type in a few letters of the person's name, the name doesn't fill into the cell. I have already specified a ListFillRange, so the Combobox knows what I am looking for. For some reason, the drop-down list is hard coded and won't populate the name that the combobox has already found. I don't receive any errors from the code that is already in place. If you could help me figure you how to get the names to populate in the blue cells, I would greatly appreciate it.
Attached is an example. If you try doubleclicking and typing in, say "Doe, John" in one of the blue cells in Sheet 1, you will see his name, but when you hit enter it won't populate. The cell stays blank!
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May 12, 2014
I am currently building a sheet that requires a drop down box that will auto-populate two separate fields. I have tried to the point of being suicidal to make this work but to no avail.
A detailed explanation:
The worksheet containing the drop down list and fields that need to auto-populate.
sheet example.png
The raw data, located on a separate tab in the same workbook. (Note: there are over 1500 rows of data)
sheet example 2.png
The drop down box will be in the "Description" column and will contain a list of services my company provides. Once selected it will auto-populate the "Rate" column and the "Item ID" column. The raw data that the list is pulling from is located on a separate tab.
I can make the list just fine, it's easy enough to just go to the Data Validation feature and point to where you want the list and where you want the data to come from, but getting the list to pull the data from different columns and go into the columns on the work sheet is apparently beyond my knowledge of excel. I figured it would just be a simple formula setup through the VLOOKUP formula wizard but I've tried it at least 20 different ways, all of which fail. I've tried HLOOKUP too but it also failed.
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Feb 19, 2013
I would like to auto-fill cells based on what I select from a drop down list.
For Example:
Drop Down List is located in A1(already created). Let's say it lists items like bathroom,front of building, dinning room etc.
I have created on sheet 2 a list of responsibilities for each item on the drop list. The list has a header for example bathroom and a below it list the responsibilities. I did this for every item on the drop list.
Now, is it possible to select bathroom from the drop down land when selected the list I created in sheet 2 show up in the cell next to bathroom? Also, is it possible to have this happen every time i select a different item from the drop down list?
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Apr 24, 2009
i'm looking for is that I have two lists via Data Validation, and when someone changes their selection in list A, i'd like for list B to auto-delete whatever value it had in it.
Also, on a different topic, i'd like to know how to hide certain sheets in a workbook from public view.
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Dec 12, 2009
i had a list based on dynamic formula.When ever i update(Add or Delete) New items to my List the drop down list should also be updated and sorted in Alphabetical order(Ascending :Words Starting with A - Z). How do i remove the blanks in the drop down list whenever i delete the data in the Source Data.
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May 9, 2013
I have two coworkers who input a list of times spent throughout the week into a basic 5x5 grid (daysof the week x 5 employees) into their own seperate workbooks. I then take those workbooks and copy and paste them on to my own master work book. Is there any way to get their data to auto populate on to my spreadsheet?
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