i have formulas in a range L5:L15 which sometimes return some value and
sometimes zero. i want to give them auto numbers in column M in a way that it
should only count the cell which has some value.
suppose formula in L5 returns some value, L6 also then L7 & L8 have no
value(but formula persists), cell L9, L10, L11 has values then L12 has no
value L13, L14 has value and L15 has no value (but it has formula in it)
values in these cells changes and some goes to zero and some return values.
now i want to give them Auto Numbers in a way that cells with some value
should only be considered.
I would like to know if there is a way to Auto number a text. I have a column with text tags (lets say Column B). These cells look at a specific cell (ex. A1) and see what text is written in it then copy the text into their own cells B1, B2, B3 and so on. So if cell A1 reports AAA then Column B cells become AAA all the way down. Now what I like to do is for column B cells look at A1, copy the text and add _01 infront of their copied text. so for Column B, B1 reports AAA_01, B2 is AAA_02, B3 is AAA_03 and so on
Is there some feature that lets you auto number cells? IE (1-20) Instead of me having to manually type in 1-20 in each cell or making my own formula up to do it.
I have a form that I use often, but numbering is slow because I go in and number the form, print, go back and put in next number, print, etc. Is there a macro or formula that will automatically update the consecutive numbers when I enter or print?
I want to create a template in Excel for a change order system. Every time I have a new change order I want it to be numbered. I want Excel to automatically keep a log of all the changes orders to date with change order number, date, title, etc.
After applying subtotal function based on city, i have blocks of data with subtotals at different places. if i want separate numbering starting at 1 for each range , what i have to da. at present i am doing it manually ...
I have just successfully added a code to Visual Basic in order for it to insert a sequential number automatically upon opening the worksheet. It works great, but how do I restart the numbering now that I know it works?
I have created a bill of lading form that we use in shipping. Each time they need a new form, they copy the "blank" form. Is there any way to have these forms "auto-number"?
I have a requirement where, in one of the column i would like to have an auto numbering (similar to Microsoft access). I know this can be done using Macros, but is there any other better alternative.
Many people use Excel to generate forms that will be printed off and carried around on a sheet of paper, because the boxes and lines are nice and square, and straight, Word is not so co-operative
There have been lots of queries how to auto-number such forms, so that you can later file or issue them in a particular order, or use the numbers later as a reference doing other stuff.
Here's what I want to do:
I run a limousine service taking clients from places like hotels to various destinations
I have a little travel voucher form, to be filled by hand, 3 copies to a sheet, so we are gonna print them, and cut the page into 3 lil vouchers. Like printing lottery or competition tickets. The vouchers have artwork to suit the place requesting my service.
They are NOT invoices, to be opened, numbered, worked on, and THEN printed
Cell G2 will start autonumbering at 1001, Cell G18 would be 1002, Cell G34 would be 1003, then when the second page prints, we get 1004, 1005, and 1006 respectively. Each sheet has to be individually cut and stacked
Alternately, we decide a quantity to print (50) and start G18 at say 1050 and G34 at 1101. This would be better, because when cutting the paper up with a guillotine, the first 50 vouchers are already in number order, the 2nd 50 get stacked under them, and finally the 3rd 50 below that, so now my stack of vouchers runs from 1001 to 1150 nice and easy and neat
A drawback with this is that I have to do specific print runs and somewhere in the document, specify the starting number for G2
I have heard of a method to print, say 20 forms, starting say, 1001, ending 1020 and a text file saves the last number used, so the next print run picks up from there, at 1021, can that method be combined in? I'm working in a small office that needs these vouchers but we dont wanna have a commercial printshop tool up (big $) to do small print runs
I can also do the vouchers for other suppliers to use with different artwork
Looking for a way to print out a worksheet with auto number while printing. The worksheet does not have a header or a footer and contains needed information.
how to get a single cell (C2) and (D2) to make the numbering format go from (## ## ##) to (######).
The Excel spread sheet is a coordinate converter, designed to take Degree's minuets seconds and convert it to Decimal Degrees, the formula is set up and work Great, but every time I copy and paste the coordinate to the excel spread sheet, i have to manuelly erase the spaces between the numbers so the formula can work properly. How can i get the cell to automatically delete the space between the numbers to save me time.(I.e 29 35 42.34325 -to-> 293542.34325)
is possible to add a hyperlinked TOC (Table of contents) within a spead sheet (Excel 2003) like it is possible to do in Word. Also how do I go about sequential numbering of rows with sub numbering as shown below? Where if i add a row between 1.2.2 and 2 it would be 1.3.
I'm trying to create a bug reporting tool (with a bunch of text boxes and drop down lists) and have the following problems...
1. I would like to get a unique number inserted automatically in a textbox (it's supposed to be the bugs id (1001). How do I do this? And when I click OK after inserting all info I want this number to become +1 so the next defect can be added immediately.
2. Why are my drop down lists empty as default and their values only appear if I enter a value. Why aren't the lists displayed when i just click on them?
3. I have a multipel row text box. How do I get the text to jump to the next row automatically instead of using crtl + enter?
I've been given an excel file with 75 addresses (1 address entry per row) and I have to make 150 copies of each address while also numbering column D for each row 1-150.
So in the end it would go from: (sorry for the periods.. extra spacing didn't work!) A........B................C.......D AAA...123 Street...City...<blank> BBB...456 Street...City...<blank> CCC...789 Street...City...<blank>
I don't mean to be lazy and just ask for a macro code, but I'm a complete excel novice and just looking for a quick and easy fix rather than copy/pasting these entries manually.. edit: this file has a deadline for it, which is the reason for the quick fix not to just get out of learning how to do it
I've tried to make a macro consisting of inserting a row, copying a row then pasting it, but that only worked for the first row that I'm duplicating.
I'm trying to make a sequential resultlist starting with nr 1, 2, 3, etc under the column: Rank ? This should be part of a macro, so autofill is not an option... As you can see, the number of rows are different from each group, and starts with nr 1 for every group. (Some formatting became all wrong posting this.........
I have a spreadsheet, there is large number of items entered. Now I want to numbering of this Items. There is approximate 250 items that are start with A, there numbering will be 1-250 then start with B, there will be numbering 1- something like this, then start with C....
I have a list of names in Column A going from row 2 to 15. I want to randomly assign them a number ranging from 1-14, but that random number can not be assigned twice. I only need each number once.
why the Macro below works fine when the spreadsheet is not filtered, but once you filter the spreadsheet it does not work. and if possible a solution.
Sub Count() Dim MyInput As Integer MyInput = InputBox("Enter Start Number") MsgBox ("Start number is ") & MyInput mycount = Selection.Rows.Count MsgBox mycount ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = MyInput For Num = 1 To mycount ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = MyInput + 1 MyInput = MyInput + 1 Next Num End Sub
I have created a form to input parking ticket data to a spreadsheet, it all works exactly as i want it to, but i really need it to tell me the next available number or empty line, so i can use that for filing and audit purposes, ideally i would like it to do sequential numbering, but i've been looking for weeks and cant find a soloution, i have basic knowledge of VBA and i'm really struggling with this,
if I select form a list a certain name (i.e. "Plt") then I want it to populate a list of numbers (1-102) and the same with "SO" populating numbers 1-119.
I have a workbook with two worksheets. Worksheet #1 is a form that will be populated with data and saved as a new worksheet, then cleared and used repeatedly as a master form. Worksheet #2 is a log / register of the unique forms completed and saved from the master each time. I need to assign a unique sequential # to each form when it is saved and record this number in a column on Worksheet #2 (the Log). I am using some macros for the copy work but struggling with the auto-numbering of the forms when completed and saved.